
More Really Stupid Stuff |
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Submitted by Fritz Scheffel
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My first article about “stupid stuff” talked about the folly of socialism and how tree hugging environmentalist have duped our politicians into virtually shutting down drilling for oil in this country, so we could send our money somewhere else to buy the oil we need. These same pea-brained, “wizards of smart”, politicians have just passed a “health care” bill which will result in government run health care for everyone. Now, if you think that government run health care will be efficient, and everything you have always wanted health care to be, you are as misguided as our politicians.
In the news today is a good example of how arrogant and ignorant politicians can be. The less than honest news media talked about a new GM (short for Government Motors) car that runs on a battery. I cannot wait to drive one of these small cars that can go all of forty miles before needing another four hour charge, because if I need to go further than forty miles it will switch to gasoline for power. Gee, I thought the idea was to eliminate dependence on oil. Where I live, it is forty miles to the airport, which makes me wonder if they will provide charge boxes so I can get back home without polluting the air with evil gasoline fumes.
It gets even more stupid. The car will cost over $40,000, and I have never paid that much for a car in my life. If you are able to get a car loan, and banks are not lending at this time because of our bad economy, the monthly payment would be over $700 per month for five years. The big problem is many people are out of work, so how can they afford this wonderful government made vehicle. I am sitting here laughing because I am imagining a movie with a Russian built car that emits putt-putt sounds and is belching smoke. And this is the same government that wants us to believe it can run health care efficiently?
If we are ever going to have quality health care, the American people will have to assume the responsibility personally and not rely on government, hospitals, insurance companies, medications, or anything else. We know government isn’t capable of running anything efficiently. You could live in a hospital and you would not be guaranteed good health. I know from experience you cannot get healing from a pill bottle. Society has been brain washed to the point they think “health insurance” is the key to good health, but I promise you it is not. “Health insurance” defined is nothing more than “a financial plan to pre-pay for health care needs”. In fact, because of health insurance people go to the doctor too much and in many cases unnecessarily resulting in grossly overpriced, distorted, and by design confusing health service costs.
To make things worse there are these “vultures” out there calling themselves lawyers, who contribute nothing to the health of anyone, just waiting for opportunities to scam the system and add unnecessary costs to Health Care services. These litigious people owe their existence to Democrat, liberal politicians who rely on their “political contributions”.
My passion is to write the truths about health care and after spending over forty years in the industry I have some definite ideas to share. I have two books available to help people understand that whatever your health condition, it is a result of your DNA and lifestyle. My first book will help anyone understand what health care really is and my second book gives ten tenets for better health. Both are available through my websites or Amazon Kindle.
The topic of Health Care is very much discussed and the White House strong-armed a health care bill through both houses of Congress against the will of a majority of citizens with the considerable help of a totally irresponsible news media. Their plan is to tax us now for health care services although they will not provide any services for 2 or 3 years. Some of the tactics they employed would be funny if not so serious, like “deeming” a bill passed so there would not be a record of how a politician voted, and my favorite, passing a bill that has not even been finished. To quote the leadership, “you will like it when it is finished”.
We have a lot of work to do to get these socialist, communists, progressives, liberals, etc. out of office as soon as possible. Be educated about health care so we cannot be taken advantage of ever again, and vote intelligently. Have a great and blessed day.
Fritz Scheffel

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