
Leading Knowledge Workers: Avoid These 5 Leadership Sins |
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Submitted by Theodore Heisenberg
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According to the latest studies, the average employee is delivering only 50% of what they are capable of offering to your organization. As a leader, youre frustrated by this lack of performance. Youd like to clone your high performers so you can become more results oriented like the entrepreneurial companies you see in the marketplace.
To capture the talents and potential of todays knowledge workers, you must recognize the dramatic rise in numbers of these employees. Knowledge workers are the individuals who use their brains instead of their brawn to get work done. These are the information specialists, researchers, marketing and sales experts whose talents drive the success of your business. To ensure high performance you must manage these talented individuals differently than employees of the past. Their talents can help you take your business to the top. But like a spirited racehorse, they must be handled with care.
Avoid these five deadly sins and youll capture knowledge workers discretionary energy and build enthusiasm:
#1. Focus only on whats wrong.
The no news is good news approach to leading knowledge workers is a receipt for disaster. You might think that if employees arent screwing up, they dont need to hear from you. But knowledge workers want to be recognized. They need your attention. Recognize progress and give recognition to foster their talents and help them move in the right direction and fuels their enthusiasm. Avoid focusing only on whats wrong and acknowledge whats going right.
#2. Ignore poor performers.
High-performing knowledge workers want you to deal with poor performers otherwise the problem lands in their lap. You must address performance challenges by coaching the employee, reassigning the individual to an area where their talents are best suitedor remove them altogether. In either case, pay attention to problems and take corrective action. Dont let laggards linger, derail your progress and de-motivation other employees.
#3. Overlook boredom and talent misfit.
Job uncertainty and fear may prevent employees from speaking up about a change thats needed. Its your job to notice when individuals lost interest, struggle in their current position, or slack off for some unknown reason. Address these issues head on instead of allowing them to continue. Theres no joy in just getting by. You dont help employees by allowing a bad fit to continue. Tough love with self and others is part of moving into the new economy.
#4. Let them say YES to everything.
Help knowledge workers curb their appetite to work on interesting projects that are unrelated to business priorities. No matter how exciting a project is, you must help employees discern: Is this project contributing to the goals of the business? Can I justify the time and energy Im spending on it? Will this initiative help us achieve the outcomes we want? Many times, knowledge workers bite off more than they can chew. A wise leader helps employees set limits and say nofor their own sake as well as for the business.
#5. Fail to give feedback.
In corporate life, no one wants to hear: This isnt working. But individuals need to know when their attitudes and behaviors are causing others a problem. No matter how exceptional the person is, he or she can make a mistake sometimes without knowing it. A wise leader helps individuals recognize problems and learn from problems. Dont wait until there is a crisis to raise a touchy subject and give feedback. Regular feedback helps employees grow.
Your primary role as a leader is to help knowledge workers contribute their talents. Involve them in key decisions and welcome their input. Encourage collaboration with others who will stretch their minds and capabilities. Make sure employee talents are visible, seen and appreciated by others in the organization. Remember, knowledge workers want to use their talents to help your business grow. Put these ideas into action and watch teamwork and performance skyrocket!

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