
Give Me A Punctuation Change And Ill Give You Personal Development Success |
Submitted by Nori Peale
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Could the long-lost answers to achieving maximum personal development success be as simple as an exchange of grammatical habits?
In a word Yes!
The reasoning behind this simple but effective trick lies in the way that the human brain solves problems. Unlike your conscious mind, your brain does not think in the manner that you are accustomed to, and you can capitalize on that fact.
Whenever you try to resolve a problem, you call upon your own knowledge, experience, and belief system in order to help you come up with an answer. Whether the issue in front of you is as simple as how to change a light bulb, or as complex as finding a wait to become a millionaire, the process is exactly the same, and your conscious thought process calls upon the same resources in order to resolve the dilemma.
However, your brain does not work that way because it is not hindered by your conscious belief system. Your brain only looks at the raw details of the situation, and starts plugging in any number of variables until it comes up with a solution.
Once a possible solution has been discovered, your brain will deliver that information to you via what are commonly called flashes of inspiration or epiphanies. These moments of clarity are frequently pleasant for us, because we realize that there is indeed a viable solution to our problem, even though we were not consciously able to come up with one.
Now armed with the knowledge that your brain can solve problems that you could not solve consciously, the only task is to get your brain into that challenge solving mode, and that is where punctuation becomes part of this equation.
You see, even though everyone wants success in some form or other, most people actually ask their brain for something completely different than what they truly by the nature of the way they talk to themselves. Rather than asking the brain for a solution, the normal habit for most people is to instead reaffirm the lack of whatever it is that is desired:
I dont have enough education to work for that company.
Im not attractive enough to date someone like that.
I dont make enough money to afford that car.
Im too old to get started on a project like that.
I have too much to do already, and dont have time to exercise.
I am too busy with work and cant spend as much time with my family as I want to.
You can see from those examples that the message that is being sent to the brain is nowhere even close to being phrased in such a way that will deliver a solution. If you tell your brain that you are too old, too broke, too unattractive, to uneducated, etc., it will simply put its amazing ability to work in order to find you new ways to stay that way!
Lets switch each one of those statements around and rephrase them as questions:
How can I get the position that I want with that company?
How can I spend time with him/her?
How can I own that beautiful car?
How can I be involved in that project?
How can I find time to exercise?
How can I spend more time with my family?
Things that you probably noticed about each of those questions:
1) They each started with How can I
2) None of them mentioned the perceived limitation that you think is keeping you from having whatever it is that you want.
Now your brain is on the job so to speak, and it is actively looking for solutions to those issues, but it is not being slowed down by the self-limiting beliefs about what you think is possible.
All you have to do now is sit back and wait for that flash of inspiration or the epiphany that will be your brain handing you possible solutions. Sometimes this will happen very quickly, while other times it may take weeks or months. After all, each situation is different.
Asking your brain to find a way to change a light bulb without burning yourself is certainly an easier task that asking your brain how to take you from your minimum-wage job to the status of an independently wealthy person.
Here is the great part, though. It doesnt matter how big or how small your issue is. By asking your brain the right questions over and over again, you will be given a solution eventually!

LinkedIn Recommendation:
Demetrius Reardon - Search Engine Optimization Manager at Blue Galaxy Marketing - I just attended Teo's LinkedIn workshop and am getting more information on how to use it. Great stuff. He told us everything there was to know about LinkedIn in one sentence. Then went into details, then added some optional ways to use it, just so much information so quickly... I had a little trouble keeping up, but he kept coming back to that one sentence to show how it all fits. It really is easy! Love Teo's style! He's got a lot of energy and would love to meet him in person someday! - March 17, 2012, Demetrius was Teo's client |
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