
9 Steps To Living Abundantly |
Submitted by Kevin Green
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Many of us are bowed down by life stressed, short of time, tired, on a treadmill, knowing that this isnt the way to live, but not knowing how to free ourselves up to live more fully, more abundantly. There are simple things we can do they dont take time or money they take a change of attitude. Here are 9 of them:
1. Being totally financially honest if you are not, this implies that there is not enough for you to have everything you need without dishonesty.
2. Creating a vacuum so that more good things can flow into it dont fill your life up with things you dont really want. Ask yourself if you want each thing before you buy it. Dont have abundant rubbish, live abundantly by seeking out the things and experiences that work for you in your core being.
3. Tithing is often associated with religion, but it is also possible to tithe in a non-religious context. This seems a really important aspect of living abundantly every time you freely give money away, you are implying that you are confident that more will come this is a BIG positive affirmation with a lot of power behind it. The traditional amount is 10% of your income. Ive recommended this to lots of people, and theyve told me that when they do this magically - they seem to have more. I started with 10% but now Ive increased it, because Ive seen that the more I give away the more I get back, and the happier and more abundantly I live.
4. Being grateful for what you already have focussing on the good that is already in your life. Its easy to think about what you dont have, but spend some time each day thinking about what you do have. Start each day by thinking of 5 things that you are grateful for and express this out loud.
5. Resentment, jealousy, envy and self-pity interfere with the free-flow of abundance. If you are jealous or envious of someone, it implies that what they have is not available for you to have also. If you find it difficult to let go of these feelings, Bach flower remedies may help. Try the emedy willow to counteract resentment and self-pity, or try holly for envy, jealousy and greed.
6. Forgiving those that have wronged you is part of living abundantly. Holding on to your anger, however justifiable it may seem, keeps you stuck in the past, rather than going forward into a better future. If its difficult to let go of your negative feelings, try writing a letter expressing all your anger, hurt or envy. Write until you can write no more, and then burn it.
7. Being able to receive from other people. Being able to receive is healthy, but many people find it difficult. You may need to practice receiving. Think of the pleasure you get in giving. By not receiving generously you are denying other people the pleasure of giving.
8. Realise that in general good luck plays a very small part in peoples life. (If you put your faith in good luck, then you have to accept the possibility of bad luck too.) People who put their faith in good luck often spend their lives waiting for things to happen. People who dont believe in luck go out and make things happen.
9. Believing that there is enough money, food, love, etc. in the world to meet everyones needs to live abundantly. I left this one till the last, because it can be very hard to believe when faced with war and starvation in the newspapers and on the TV, but a lot of this anger and need is caused because people who have do not believe they have enough, because they substitute money and food for all the other abundance of life. Do your bit to correct that imbalance and start living a life that recognises there are inequalities and shortages, but recognises that we can correct that so we all have what we need.

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