
Revive The 8 Qualities Of Your Happiness |
Submitted by Sylvia Cori
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1. Unconditional Love. This is the font of happiness, renewable and eternal. We often think that being loved is the best feeling in the world, but its the second best. The best is loving someone else. Love is the polar opposite of fear, emotionally and neurologically. Thus, it is the antidote to fear and the first step toward real bliss.
2. Boundless Optimism. Genuine Optimism provides power over painful events. Optimism is understanding that the more painful the event, the more profound the lesson. Once you bring this knowledge into your heart, you can never again look at any event as all bad. Optimism gives you power over fear of the future and over regret for the long dead past.
3. Sizzling Courage. This is your fiercest weapon for overcoming the split-second power of fear. You cant rise above fear without courage, because fear is hardwired into your neural circuitry. If fear is eternally programmed into your brain, though, so is courage. It comes from the neocortex and is a product of the spirit, the intellect, and the higher emotions of love and generosity. It is natures natural balance for the fear that has helped us survive. Its the quality that allows us to overcome.
4. An unbridled sense of freedom. Nothing expands the soul like freedom.Liberty is choice, and choice is what makes us human. When we choose, we define who we are. Everyone has the power to make choices, but unhappy people dont know they have it. They think its only for the rich. Its not. Ive met a thousand rich people who didnt feel free. Choice is available to anyone who taps the strength to exercise it.
5. Powerful Proactivity.Blissful people participate in their own destinies and forge their own happiness. They dont wait for events or other people to make them happy. Theyre not yielding victims.
6. Solid Security. Blissful people know that nothing, over time, lasts - not money, not approval, not even life itself. So they dont measure security with a calendar or a calculator. They simply like who they are. Theyre not slaves to popularity, longevity, or financial status. They know that security is an inside job.
7. Powerful Health. Happiness and health are interdependent. Its hard to be happy if you dont feel healthy, and its hard to be healthy if youre not happy. Of special importance for happiness is healthy mood chemistry. You can have a happy life and not even know it if youre tortured by faulty mood chemistry. An imbalance of the neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine, for example, can mask the happiness that bubbles within.
8. Soaring Spirituality. Happy people arent afraid to go beyond the boundaries of their own lives. They let go, and welcome extraordinary experiences. They have markedly less fear of death. Theyre not concerned about dying - theyre concerned about failing to live.

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