
Net-Teams - Bookmark Tag Addictions
There are 23 articles associated with the tag Addictions!
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Personal Creed: 11 Steps to Disconnect from Addictive Sugar and Synthetic Sweeteners
Do you need something to print and hold onto daily when you need help saying NO to sugar or diet sodas?
This Creed with 11 Steps will help you remember why you want to stay on the path and get off sugar
and synthetic sweeteners. Also read Suicide by Sugar, by Nancy Appleton PhD. Her facts scared the
living daylights out of me; this knowledge gave me the courage to quit white sugar and white flour about 12 years ago.
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Don't Hesitate To Get Addiction Treatment
In our day and age, it seems like you do not have to look far or long to find people that are struggling with addictions of all kinds. Sometimes you have to look no further than to yourself to find a tough addiction. When we hear the word, addiction, we immediately think of alcohol or substance abuse don't we? But let me assure you, there is a far wider range of things to be addicted to, and getting addiction treatment can be great no matter what a person is addicted to.A...
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Boundaries And Addictions
Many of us have experienced difficult relationships with someone or with several people who have been addicted to alcohol, drugs, gambling, or some other unhealthy pursuit. How might we deal with these difficult relationships, recognize them early, and prevent such relationships in the future?My own dear mother was unfortunately alcoholic. One day I realized something vitally important:Just because you love someone, doesn't mean it is healthy to be near them.It is...
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The Web Of Anxiety
Anxiety is something that many believe is an inherent part of being alive, and it is certainly a part of modern life in many ways. However, when a person is unable to handle anxiety properly, then it can lead to a wide range of problems that have to be dealt with. Among these problems are depression, panic disorders, addictions, and a variety of other mental health problems.
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Survival challenges us through many different issues such as: child abuse, sexual abuse, birth, death, job loss, health problems, low self-esteem, relationship ups and downs, parenting, deceptions, breakdowns, poverty, natural disasters, education, addictions and even our own desires to be strong.
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Get The Most Out Of Self Hypnosis
There are many benefits to using self hypnosis. It can be used to overcome fears, fight addictions such as smoking, improve confidence and self esteem, and improve sports performance, to name just a few. In fact self hypnosis can be used to improve just about anything you want to in your life. For some people self hypnosis is extremely easy and requires very little effort. Some take to it like a duck to water, while other people may need to experiment a bit more to reap t...
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Conquer Addiction With Hypnosis
An addiction can take control of a persons life. For example a successful man who is an alcoholic can lose everything including his business, family and reputation because of the devastating affects of his alcohol addiction. Alcohol is just one of many debilitating addictions that can affect our lives. Others include tobacco, prescription medication, food, recreational drugs or even sex. When a person is under the power of an addiction, that addiction controls their work rel...
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Stopping The Drug And Alcohol Temptations
The addiciton to drugs and painkillers has received more publicity after Rush Limbaugh spent a month in rehab for an addiction to painkillers. Celebrities such as Whitney Houston and Faith Evans also were in the news for drug rehabilitation treatment.Studies at the University of Buffalo have shown that those who fall into addictions often suffer from a tendency for self-blame and shame and this may lead someone towards drugs and alcohol as a way to cope.Look at your o...
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Recovery From Addictions: Part 1
This is the first of a 5-part series on recovery from addictions. This first part defines substance and process addictions and describes the four major false beliefs that underlie most addictions.
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Overcoming Addictions
There are many myths and misconceptions surrounding the reasons why addictions occur. Some believe that substances in themselves are not addictive, that it is the bodies chemical reaction to the substance to which the individual is addicted. This claim could certainly seem plausible when considering gambling or shopping addictions. There is no foreign chemical entering the body, rather that the body is creating its own chemical reaction (excitement/ adrenalin) in response to ...
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Unsatisfied Basic Needs And Addictive Behavior
Throughout our lives we have various requirements that must be met. These are our needs and desires, which range from basic physical needs to selfless desire. When any of these are not met, negative physical, mental, and emotional complications and addictions can result, sometimes with distressful consequences. This discussion is about needs.A need is an explicit requirement, like feeling hungry and demanding to eat or seeking assurance when you feel unloved and insecure....
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Dealing With Addiction In The Family
Dealing with addicted family members is always a big challenge. There are some important issues to explore when someone you love is harming themselves. ARE YOU CONTRIBUTING TO THE PROBLEM?People use various addictions to avoid their painful feelings, especially their feelings of anxiety, stress, aloneness, emptiness and loneliness. Is there some way that you are contributing to their pain? While you are not responsible for how someone deals with pain, you are responsi...
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Recovery From Addictions, Part 5
In this final part of a 5-part series on recovery from addictions, I address the way out of addictions. Learn the powerful 6-Step Inner Bonding process that, when practiced, will heal addictions.
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Recovery From Addictions, Part 2
(This is Part 2 of a 5-part series on addiction).In Part 1 of this series of articles, I defined substance and process addictions, and described the four major false beliefs that underlie most addictions:1. I cant handle my pain.2. I am unworthy and unlovable.3. Others are my source of love.4. I can have control over how others feel about me and treat me.This article addresses the first of these beliefs, and goes into the process of learning to manage your ...
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Honesty: The First Step To Happiness
Honesty is the first and most basic step to being happiy and healthy. It is not a surprise that it is teh first step in the 12-steps as well. The 12-steps are not just for addicts or people who believe in God. As a clinician I have developed an appreciation for how simply enacting the spiritual principles of the 12-Steps can drastically improve anxiety, depression, anger and addiction. Spirituality is more than just religion, it is a way of life. These principles are present ...
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Giving Love, Getting Love, Giving To Get
Love. We need it from the moment we are born to thrive. We might survive but we do not thrive without abundant love. No wonder we work so hard to get it. No wonder we try to be perfect and do everything right to have control over getting love. No wonder we get anxious, angry or depressed when we do not get the love we need. No wonder we use numerous substance and process addictions to numb the pain when we feel alone and unloved.When we were little, our parents or other c...
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Alcoholism: Why Can't I Stop Drinking?
The underlying basis of all addictions - and alcohol is no exception - is the avoidance of pain. While there is evidence that some people have genetic and biological predispositions toward alcoholism, not all people with these predispositions abuse alcohol or become alcohol dependent. Many people who join AA learn to deal with their painful emotions without the use of alcohol, regardless of their genetic predisposition.What if you are a person who wants to stop drinking, ...
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Love Addiction, Approval Addiction
In my experience as a counselor for 40 years, I have found that love addiction and approval addiction are far more prevalent than any other substance or process addictions. We live in a love-addicted, approval-addicted society.What does it mean to be love/approval addicted? Below is a checklist for you to see if you are addicted to love and/or approval. Believing any of these may indicate love or approval addiction.I believe that:* My happiness and wellbeing are d...
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Are You Addicted To Your Activities?
Activities - such as sports, creative projects, reading, work, TV, meditation - can be a wonderful way to relax, express yourself, or connect to yourself. Or they can be an addiction. How can you know the difference?
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Healing From Childhood Abuse
In the 37 years that I have been counseling individuals, I have worked with many people who have suffered from severe physical, emotional, and/or sexual abuse in childhood. Many who have sought my help were suffering from fear and anxiety, depression, various addictions, relationship problems and sexual problems. Many of these people had no memory of their childhood and had no idea why there were so unhappy. Many had spent years in therapy yet had never remembered their abuse...
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The Power Of The Subconscious Mind Can Be Yours
The power of the subconscious mind is undebatable. You may live as if youre in control of your life. But youre not. Your life is run by the power of the subconscious mind.The power of your subconscious mind can be helpful. Or it can be harmful.Unfortunately, for most people, the subconscious is more harmful than helpful. The subconscious mind is responsible for most of the habits and behaviors you wish you didnt have. Its the reason for addictions and de...
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Como Controlar Adiccion a las Apuestas
Aquí te presento una serie de consejos para tratar a un ser querido que es adicto a las apuestas de una forma efectiva.
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Como Controlar Adiccion a las Apuestas
Aquí te presento una serie de consejos para tratar a un ser querido que es adicto a las apuestas de una forma efectiva.

LinkedIn Recommendation:
Maggie Steck - Associate Broker at Georgia Elite Realty - Teo is a highly reputable, very ingenious information architect and marketing expert. We are currently working together to help bring the latest technology for creating leads, prospects and customers to small, medium and large businesses. I highly recommend Teo for anyone that may need advertising, website design or custom web applications. - January 15, 2011, Maggie was with another company when working with Teo at Net-Teams, Inc. |
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