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Financial Website Warning Label
The purpose of the Sanco Services website is threefold: (1) to promote the somewhat unique (and non-mainstream Wall Street) Investment Strategies of Investment Manager Steve Selengut; (2) to promote the sale of his book entitled The Brainwashing of the American Investor; (3) to provide educational information to the investing public.
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A Must Read For Experienced And Novice Investors: 29 5-Star Reviews
A must read because you're in it! The book goes into depth on how to choose a diverse group of quality investments, both for growth and for income. The strategy is methodical and the first month I implemented it on my accounts I started to see results....my profits improved and I'm ensured a monthly income even if I don't trade
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What Investors Want & How To Get It:
What Investors Want and How To Get It... the between the lines content of The Brainwashing of the American Investor. Investment education that you can sink your teeth into, understand and appreciate quickly, and put into operation quickly and productively.
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Investors Review Their Favorite Investment Book
In the midst of financial crisis, market upheaval, and world-class uncertainty, at least one financial book provides an easily implemented strategy for safer investing. The Brainwashing of the American Investor is more than just the book that Wall Street does not want you to read.
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What's Inside the Brainwashing Book
The Brainwashing of the American Investor is direct, hard-hitting and brutally honest...The title implies a strong message, and the book does not let the reader down. Once Steve Selengut debunks the notion that Wall Street is on your side, he tells you how to take control of your own investments. His strategy is easy to understand and takes the guesswork and emotion out of investing.
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The Brainwashing of the American Investor - More Book Reviews Volume 1
The Brainwashing of the American Investor book reviews
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Market Cycle Investment Management Rocks Wall Street
The Market Cycle Investment Management Methodology (MCIM) is the sum of all the strategies, procedures, controls, and guidelines explained and illustrated within the pages of The Brainwashing of the American Investor --- considered by some Amazon.com readers the best investment book they have ever read.
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Value Stock Buy List Program - What's all the Excitement About?
Investor's are discovering an Investment Grade Value Stock Selection and Trading Strategy that makes sense. Merritt Information Strategies has developed a multiple level spreadsheet program that allows you to implement the Market Cycle Investment Management methodology documented in The Brainwashing of the American Investor, inexpensively and productively, on your own PC, whenever...
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The Brainwashing of the American Investor - More Book Reviews Volume 6
More reviews of the book The Brainwashing of the American Investor
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Manage Shock Market Corrections - Taking The Sting Away
The Brainwashing of The American Investor: The Book That Wall Street Does Not Want YOU To Read provides the investing education you didn't get in college, or anywhere else. It helps you figure out what to do right now (feeling like a kid in a candy store)!
A must re-read book with thirty four 5 and 4 star Amazon.com reviews.
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Wakan Cangleska: (Sacred Hoop) Part 1
This was originally a five page academic/ research essay I did a few months back for my Expository Writing class at Pacific University in Forest Grove, Oregon. The theme for the class was Native American issues. The topic is the circle, hoop, or wheel and it's role in Native American society, both as spiritual and physical manifestations.
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Market Cycle Investment Management - FREE Webinars September 17th & October 16th
The Market Cycle Investment Management Methodology (MCIM) is the sum of all the strategies, procedures, controls, and guidelines explained and illustrated within the pages of The Brainwashing of the American Investor --- considered by some Amazon.com readers the best investment book they have ever read.
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Grace Etsuko Lee's Book Signing Invitation
You are invited to my lecture and book signing of Little Caterpillar in Training: A Culture in Transition and Its Mixed Child in Post-War Japan at the Los Angeles Japanese-American National Museum on Saturday, November 13th, at 2 pm. The Museum in located in downtown Los Angeles and the lecture will be in the Tateuchi Democracy Forum.
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Japanese-Black author, Grace E. Lee introduces new book at Mixed Roots Film and Literary Festival
The book offers an intimate glimpse into Japanese culture through the innocent eyes of a mixed-blood child as she struggles for acceptance, guided by her wise father who meets prejudice with a disarming smile and passes profound life lessons on to his young daughter.
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Fiscal Cliff Impact White Paper
Under current law, the Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001, commonly known as the Bush Tax Cuts, will expire on December 31, 2012, potentially creating serious consequences for American taxpayers. This report is designed to answer questions surrounding this impending Fiscal Cliff.
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Steve's Radio Appearances
There are thousands of talk radio stations and programs throughout the country; hundreds of them specialize in Business and Finance topics. Talk radio is the main source of financial and business information for millions of Americans, second only to CNBC as the media of choice for investors who feel that they need to know what's going on in the financial markets throughout the day.
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LMK Wealth Management - What We Read
The Brainwashing of the American Investor: The Book that Wall Street Does Not Want You to Read and A Millionaire’s Secret Investment Strategy. Steve Selengut has been a private investment manager since 1979. His life experiences as an investor started in 1970, at age 25, when he was given the responsibility to manage a $60,000 portfolio.
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An Investor's View of The Fair Tax: A 2012 Resolution
A Government that bemoans the population's low savings and investment rates has only itself to blame. The majority of Americans would agree that investing, retirement planning, and estate preservation would be easier to manage if the Internal Revenue Code was comprehensible. A landslide of American voters would elect any candidate championing IRC replacement surgery.
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Investor Political Priorities - What's On Your Mind?
90% of all Americans are investors and, as such, there are issues that we need to hear about from the men who would be king. None of our could-be leaders are addressing the issues that would allow us to achieve our financial goals. What we all want is to keep more of what we make, and then to spend it as we see fit. It's not clear how the candidates intend to help us.
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US Congress Passes 3 Free-Trade Pacts
The deal is expected to reduce prices for American consumers and increase foreign sales of American goods and services, providing a much-needed jolt to the sluggish economy.
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Investment Grade Value Stock Buy List Program - Endorsements ~ Endorsements ~ Endorsements
After spending $15k on systems, and blowing $60k trading them, I stumbled upon The Brainwashing of the American Investor. I started trading [the strategy] in November '05. In the first year I've had 50 winners and zero realized losers! This can change your life! It certainly changed my trading career.
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The Investment Grade Value Stock Watch List --- On Demand
A large number of high quality stocks on the Watch List is clear evidence of market weakness and a limited number of such opportunities signals a market that is overpriced and attractive only to Mutual Fund salesmen, the media, and the greedy. Understand The Investor's Creed and get in sync with the market!
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Grace's Book Signing at the Los Angeles Japanese American National Museum
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Health Care: Part 1 Where To Now?
This is the first article in a series of five about the future of health care, where the industry came from and where we go from here. Included in the series will be three options for Americans to consider and help us better understand how serious the subject of health care is.
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Investment Guru Interview - Money Matters Radio Network
My goal is to never leave a profit of 10% (net/net) on the table, and that's goes for income securities as well as for equities. I'm almost always buying and selling, every day --- there's no inconsistency in that. The Glossary in The Brainwashing of the American Investor defines terms like bargain and Investment Grade Value Stock.
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The Social Security Problem--- and Two Viable Solutions
Social Security is a cancer that’s killing the American economy --- it must be replaced by something more constructive. Here are two interesting monologue's that describe the multi trillion dollar problem, and offer one man's workable (if complex) solution. Combine his program and mine and you've got something.
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Wakan Cangleska: (Sacred Hoop) Sweat Lodge & The Ghost Dance Part 2
A continuation of my previous article on the role the circle plays in Native American society, only this time focusing more specifically on it's role in the sweat lodge and the now illegal Ghost Dance.
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The Perfect Storm In The American Economy--What The Dollar's Decline Really Means To Your Pocketbook
A single bad event, by itself, is rarely a cause for worry. But put that single bad event together with another seemingly unrelated bad event and, well, there could be serious trouble ahead.Take the steady, troublesome decline of the value of the American dollar. (See The Incredible Shrinking Dollar at www.collectivewizdom.com) That now well-established decline has turned into what appears eerily like a nosedive. The dollar has now lost about 46% of its value against th...
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Cruise Ship Gambling: Everything You Need And Want To Know
Gambling is a recognized interestedness of numberless American citizens. Despite the confidence of gambling, it is inequitable in sundry areas of the Untied States. Currently, casinos are unitary allowed on Indian reservations, in Las Vegas, and in Atlantic City. What does this mean for those that love to gamble? It often means long trips and large amounts of money spent. That is unless you want to incorporate gambling into your vacation.Aside from the casinos offered on ...
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Understand American Money
The American money system is logical and very easy to use. It is based on the dollar ($1.00), on which all cash and coins are dependent. There are 100 cents in a dollar. Coins are parts of one dollar, for example: a quarter ($0.25) is 1/4 of a dollar, a dime ($0.10) is 1/10th of a dollar, and so forth. Paper bills are multiples of a dollar: for example, a $5 bill. US Paper Currency The twenty, ten, five, and one are the most frequently used bills.
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Important Aspects Of Home Schooling
Some 26% of parents in each of the American states consider home schooling for their children over normal school classes. This is because of the benefits both the parents and the children get as a social being. Home schooling gives them the chance to be free of old school days with pressure and daily assignments. Due the old set up, many members of the family have become isolated from each other allowing them just a few precious times with their loved ones.There are four ...
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The History of Crossword Puzzles
The first book of crosswords was published in 1924. It became a best-seller and crosswords replaced mahjongg as the most popular American game. Crossword puzzle design and solving is an excellent way to sharpen focus.
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Learn German | Ten Fun Ways To Get Along At Oktoberfest
Germans love speed (Can you say BMW?) Speed is also deeply ingrained in American culture. Between commuting, emails, microwavable everything, its natural we want results and we want them now. How about learning German in just over a week? In the essence of these fast times, here are ten fun ways to learn to speak German uber fast. Was fällt dir denn eigentlich ein? (What's the big idea?)1. Go on VacationIf youve always wanted to visit your great-grandfathers hometo...
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Children Take Part In Animation And Game Design Courses
If you believe what the old timers have to say, video games and television sets are ruining the American family. In particular, those who grew up in a less technological time will tell you that today's children are negatively impacted because they play video games instead of exercising. While it is probably true that the truth lies somewhere in the middle of extreme theories, it looks like there is finally something definitely productive coming out of the video game buzz. The...
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FIXING HEALTH CARE: Beware Legal Drugs
Americans, in increasing numbers are taking too many medications and choosing to believe them to be safe is wishful thinking. All drugs are dangerous and this article uses the “recall of Darvon” a pain reliever to emphasize the point.
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Travel to Brazil, Go for the Thrill
Brazil is the largest and most dynamic South American country, bordering all but two of the continent's other nations. In Brazil, wild Amazon adventures can be coupled with stimulating city sights and leisurely beach escapades.
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Traveling In USA: The American Dream
It is very difficult to establish what to see first when traveling in America. The place is so vast that it would be practically impossible to visit everything that the magnificent country has to offer.In spite of the fact it's expensive to fly and lodge there, Hawaii ranks as no. 1 in honeymoon popularity. Stunning beaches and hidden inlets; world-class hotels; fresh, inventive cuisine; water sports in abundance; extraordinary natural beauty; and perfect weather make thi...
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More Than Monuments - Places To See In Richmond
Richmond, Virginia is a city surrounded by history working hard to achieve a good future. Not far from Richmond on the James River is Jamestown, the first settlement in the United States by the British and 30 miles north of Richmond is Williamsburg, start of the Virginia colony.The American Civil War raged through the heart of Richmond which was the capital of the old South and battlefields, houses, and memories from that time exist around the city still. Richmond has bec...
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Majestic Views In New Mexico
Despite the spare environment of New Mexico it is actually quite beautiful and offers a strong cultural heritage for visitors. No matter where you travel in New Mexico you will find attractions to meet any visitor need. In everything between the local food and art you will find an interwoven tapestry of the state American Indian and Mexican culture. As a result of the states excellent climate there is plenty of year round activities that you can take advantage of when visitin...
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Is The American Express Blue Card For You?
American Express may have been identified with high end credit card products that are more suited to the financial capability of the wealthy. In its bid to make the company cater to every consumer in the social strata, American Express has launched the American Express Blue Card for those who do not want to maintain expensive credit cards.With the American Express Blue Card, credit card users can now look forward to having more spending options but without the annual pay...
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Hawaii Cruise Holiday Vacation
There are many ways you can get to Hawaii for your holiday vacation and one very common and popular way is to take a cruise to Hawaii. In this way, your holiday vacation starts when the cruise ship leaves the port of your embarkation.The Norwegian Cruise Line or the NCL for short calls very often at Hawaiian various ports. American citizens will need to bring along their passports for this cruise because besides calling on Oahu, Maui, the Big Island and Kauai, the cruise ...
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Canada: Travel's Understated Treasure
The second largest country in the world should by no means stand in the shadow of its more boisterous southern neighbor. Canada's 10 million square kilometers of land, lakes and life brings its own signature flavor to the North American continent. Travel through Canada is a truly mind-opening experience for even the most seasoned vacationer.
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Black American Express Credit Cards: Legends Come To Life
How would you like to own a credit card you can use to buy just about anything you want? Imagine a credit card so powerful you can use it to purchase anything, from a jet plane to a jar of sand from the Dead Sea. Such is the power of the Black American Express credit cards. The Centurion Card, most commonly known as Black American Express credit card, is American Express most exclusive plastic. It provides a range of exclusive privileges. There are supposedly fewer than ...
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Americas Heartland Is Beating In Ohio - Ohio Travel Information
The Midwestern state of Ohio is nothing short of the all-American experience for travel, business or pleasure. Ohio is the center of milestones in United States history, from space flight and presidents to rock and roll and football. Finding your ideal airfare to Ohio from anywhere in the world is always convenient by choosing among Ohios six international airports: Cincinnati, Dayton, Port Columbus, Akron-Fulton, Cleveland-Hopkins and Rickenbacker.Outdoors in OhioWi...
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What Is The Fair Tax And Why Should You Care?
The U.S. Federal Income Tax Code is a tax on the income of American companies and citizens enacted by the government. The U.S. Constitution gives Congress the power to impose taxes, duties, imposts, and excises.The purpose of the Tax Code is to provide income for the operation of the government. The Tax Code is found in Title 26 of the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations (CFR).Any U.S. citizen who has filled out a federal tax return knows how confusing the current U.S. T...
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Myths of the American Civil War
The Civil War (1861-5) has spawned numerous myths and falsities.
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Anarchy as an Organizing Principle
The recent spate of accounting fraud scandals signals the end of an era. Disillusionment and disenchantment with American capitalism may yet lead to a tectonic ideological shift from laissez faire and self regulation to state intervention and regulation. This would be the reversal of a trend dating back to Thatcher in Britain and Reagan in the USA. It would also cast some fundamental - and way more ancient - tenets of free-marketry in grave doubt.
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Vacationers Find Fun In Florida
Often called the Sunshine State, Floridas state identity could be more accurately called the Tourist State. Centered in tourism with big attractions like the Everglades National Park, chic South Beach, and family friendly Disney World, Florida has a created a name for itself within the travel sector. Florida offers so much more than meets the eye and offers one of the amazingly vast arrays of vacation choices in the entire world. American Express Vacations is one of the few ...
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Travel Brazil A Glimpse Of Beautiful South America
Brazil is the largest and most populated country in South America, and is fifth largest in the world in both area and population. Portuguese is the only official language of Brazil which is spoken by nearly the entire population. In fact, Brazil is the only country in the Americas in which Portuguese is their primary language.If you look at a map of Brazil, you can see that it borders almost every other South American country except Ecuador and Chile. Brazil is divided u...
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Retiring In Pattaya Thailand
Pattaya, in Chonburi province of Thailand, is about 150 kilometers southeast of Bangkok. It is probably the most well-known destination in Thailand for foreigner alike. The Pattaya city and its three beaches Pattaya, Jomtien, and Naklua grew rapidly during and after the Vietnam War, when the Americans built a naval base and American GIs invaded the town for Rest and RecreationToday Pattaya boasts dozens of Five-star hotels, luxurious resorts, and a vibrant nightlife...
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Magnificent Travel Destinations on the South American Continent
If you are interested in adding new intriguing and exciting destinations to your travel itinerary, dont miss the opportunity to spend your holiday in South America. By choosing to travel to this magnificent continent, you will have the chance to discover remarkable cultures and civilizations with a great history behind them, driven by the temperamental but also very welcoming Latin spirit. Some of the most prominent and important countries in South America, representing true symbols f...
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Cool Places
In Hot Malaysia
The pet monkey named Joyng bit through her leash and romped through the fronds of the palm trees, celebrating her freedom. She paused occasionally to heave a coconut down at the sweat-soaked baseball cap of her frantic owner, who was chasing wildly after her and, in the Terengganu dialect which Joyng knew, beseeching her to come down. Such is life in tropic Malaya's resorts--better known to Europeans (especially Germans) than Americans. Guests enjoy the sun, sandy beaches, sw...
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Cheap Airline Tickets To Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
When the need to travel surpasses the need to stay at home, you begin to think about the best place to be at this time of the year. When you need to unleash your wild side and explore new heights for adventure and have loads of fun, Rio comes to mind. A place full of culture, exotic wildlife and several parameters of fun packed into the gigantic South American city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.Rio de Janeiro is definitely the place to be with the most wonderful attraction of...
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Branson Group Travel Guide
Branson is known as the Live Entertainment Capital of the World and boasts 49 live performance theaters performing 120 shows a day. With a reputation built on love of God and Country, this all-American town of just over 6,000 dazzles tourists each year with its brand of music, humor and down home appeal.
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American Express Travel's Top Destination: Florida
Often called the Sunshine State, Floridas state identity could be more accurately called the Tourist State. Centered in tourism with big attractions like the Everglades National Park, chic South Beach, and family friendly Disney World, Florida has a created a name for itself within the travel sector. Florida offers so much more than meets the eye and offers one of the amazingly vast arrays of vacation choices in the entire world. American Express Vacations is one of the few ...
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Where Can Americans Get the Best Vacation Experience For Their Dollar?
Who doesn't want a great vacation experience at a low price? One of the top questions among travelers continues to be how to plan an enjoyable trip without going into the red.
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Panama is a popular Latin American tourist destination.
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Direct Flight To Beijing From US Capital
Following the recent United States federal approval United Airlines has launched the Beijing to Washington DC direct flight service. The first flight to Beijing from Washington DC flew in late March 2007.Seven airlines now provide direct flights to the Chinese mainland from US cities. Four American airlines and three Chinese airlines service the US-China routes.When the new slot opened up Northwest airlines tried to break into the lucrative US-China market however the...
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American Express Vacations Says Northern California Is Quite A Treat
With some much attention being given to Northern Californian, there are new American Express Travel deals that are now available for travelers interested in seeing the many wonders of Northern California. Northern California is quickly becoming one of the most popular destinations for travelers interested in seeing more of the United States. Northern California is perfect for any type of travel enthusiast and has something to offer travelers of all ages. But Northern Californ...
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American Express Travel Says Mexico Is A Dont Miss Destination For Southern Californians
When Southern Californians have a small budget and a desire to see the exotic sights and sounds of another country, travel agents suggest one of numerous destinations in beautiful Mexico. Mexico is a great vacation spot for several reasons. Mexico is in Americas backyard, making it reasonably safer for US citizens than other areas of the globe. This also means that depending on where you're departing from; the actual travel time is more appealing and manageable than some oth...
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American Express Blue Style And Status In One Affordable Package
Once upon a time a credit card was perceived to be nothing more than a piece of plastic used as a convenient form of payment, and it was quite common for a consumer to stick to the same credit card for many, many years.This has changed. The fierce competition between credit card issuers and the concomitant overabundance of credit card products have commoditized the plastic. Consumers are becoming increasingly discerning and decidedly less loyal. It is not uncommon for a c...
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Declining Detroit and Its Solution
Detroit has been on the decline for over four decades with little left to spur it back into shape. Detroit started as a trading and commerce area between French Europeans and Native Americans. A fort was built to protect the strong area and access restricted to traders. In 1760 Detroit ownership went to the British and in 1815 the city was incorporated. In 1896 Henry Ford, the farmer, built his first car and Detroit slowly moved towards industrial status.
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Concerned Citizen, Witness, Or Snitch?
The media play an integral role in the way the world perceives America, especially young black men. Its been said, if you say something enough times, it will become true. Therefore, it is important to put the media on notice when they start to propagate negative stereotypes.Case in point, Law & Order: CI. Im a big fan of the show, but I cant let a recent episode go by without registering my outrage and sounding an alarm before mainstream media jumps on the bandwagon of...
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American Civil War
The American Civil War took place in 1861 to 1865 in the southern United States; also in eastern, central and southwestern regions. The outcome of this bloody civil battle was the defeat of the seceding CSA. The primary leaders in the War were the well known Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis. Both of these men were corageous leaders, and huge names of their time, as well as ours. Casualties of the war include: Killed in Action: 110,100Total dead Toll: 359,500Wounded: 275,200
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The Mystery Of Making Money
One of the great mysteries of life concerns making money. How can you produce that sufficient capital in order to live well, pay all the bills, and have funds left over for retirement? Well, there is no simple answer to this question. The fact is, there are a number of them. For example, I make money dealing with stocks. Many Americans dabble in the stock market these days in order to invest for the future. I make money via the Internet with a variety of jobs that involve wor...
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Social Security system is inefficient
See how the government cheats the average American out of $2 million dollars when compared to the S&P average yearly return. Also learn how the system is immoral, as it forces you to invest your money with the government bureaucrats.
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Great Profits Can Be Made From Forex And Stocks And Shares
Forex is more risky than the stock market but nearly 12,500,000 people in the United States today own common stock.This fact, so briefly stated, is of first-rank importance. For it summarizes one of the profound and far-reaching shifts in American social and economic life in the twentieth century. Never before in our history have so many of us owned so much of the nation's industrial wealth, so much of its productive capacity, so much of its profit potential.In the mi...
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Forex Can Be Amazingly Profitable Over The Short Term
Forex can be amazingly profitable in the short term and if profits are reinvested over The long term as well.Shares can be a great long term investment there is the case of the Long Beach, California, couple, who received $1,000 each as a gift at their wedding in 1896. Some of it was invested in 10 shares of William Seward Burroughs' American Arithmometer Company, starting point of the Burroughs Corporation, now one of the leading manufacturers of business machines. Over ...
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Visiting The US Capital
Washington, D.C. is one of the most interesting cities one could visit. The capital city of the United States of America was named after George Washington, military leader of the American Revolution and the first US President. District of Columbia, which is the name of the federal district containing Washington, is governed by a single municipal government and for practical purposes it is administrated by a mayor. But although Washington, D.C. does not have a representative i...
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Travel The Keystone State - Pennsylvania Travel Information
Pennsylvania is widely known as the birthplace of modern United States and the cradle of blooming democracy in the face of British persecution, as well as numerous revolution-era battlefields. However, Pennsylvania also boasts a booming economy on two shores, some interesting cuisine contributions to the American diet, and the well known Amish community in its countryside. Explore the nations foundations this season!As the center of the independence movement, Pennsylvani...
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The Pearl Of The Pacific Northwest: Seattle Travel Information
The keystone of Puget Sounds commerce and the origin of many alternative American trends is none other than the bustling Emerald City of Seattle. Secure your airfare to Seattle with cFares and discover why Bill Gates, Starbucks, Nirvana and the Space Needle made this metropolis their home. Travel in Seattle is as dynamic and diverse as its inhabitants. Enjoy the theater, mountain biking and the fish market all in one day with time left over to indulge in some excellent seafo...
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Take A Virgin Island Cruise
Sometimes called American Paradise the US Virgin Islands are not only full of white sandy beaches and blue water but green mountains and hills. This makes the islands a popular destination for vacationers. There are plenty of tourists during its peak season during November through May.To get to the Virgin Islands one must fly or travel on boat. A number of Virgin Island cruises make their way to St Thomas or St. Croix. There are fewer ships reaching St Johns docks as it...
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Home Loans and Negative Amortization
Owning a home is undoubtedly the American Dream and the bedrock of middle class. Negative amortization, however, can turn the dream into a nightmare if you are not careful.
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Home Appreciation and Capital Gains
The last seven years has seen tremendous appreciation in home prices. This brings up the issue of home capital gains tax issues for people when they sell.
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Learn From The Rich: Having An Offshore Bank Account
Suggest to the average American that he or she might benefit by owning a foreign bank account and you'll more than likely get a questioning look and a response such as, Why on Earth would I want to do that?Americans, you see, tend to have an extremely parochial attitude when it comes to their money and they also tend to have an almost unnatural suspicion of foreign banking activities. After all, the media have exposed them to an unending series of foreign banking tale...
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The Popularity Of American Football
The term American football refers to a type of game, not a regional sport. American football is enjoyed world-wide. Professional American-style football leagues exist in Canada, Europe, South America and Japan. NFL Europa is a organization operated by the US based National Football League. NFL Europa has teams in six German and Dutch cities. In Canada, there are 2 organizations, the Canadian Footbal Leage, a professional league, and Canadian University Spot, which is a netw...
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Who Created the First US Flag of 50 Stars?
How did a 17 year old, high school sophomore, from Lancaster Ohio turn a 1958 high school project into the American Flag that we have known and loved since 1960?
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Chavez's Inspiration - Simon Bolivar
Simon Bolivar (1783-1830) is a Latin American folk hero, revered for having been a revolutionary freedom fighter, a compassionate egalitarian and a successful politician.
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US Casino History
The casino in the United States has a long and often illustrious history. Gambling plays a part in American history from the beginning of the colonies, in the lore of the Wild West, in the history of the underground bars during prohibition, and more. Laws concerning gambling have changed over time, with growing prohibitions against gambling followed by a relaxing of laws.Attitudes toward gambling varied in the early American colonies. Puritan-founded colonies, not surpris...
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Uruguay Casinos
Uruguay, the second smallest country in South America, allows three forms of legalized gambling: casinos, pari-mutuel, and horse racing. Tourists are the main visitors to the Uruguay casinos, where most of the well-known international games such as blackjack, roulette, baccarat, craps, punto-bunco, and poker, as well as the ever popular slot machines, are played. Poker is extremely popular, as it is in most South American countries, and a number of different types are played ...
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New Mexico Casinos
New Mexico joined the union in 1912 as the forty-seventh state. The capital of this southwestern state is Santa Fe. Located near Arizona, Colorado and Texas, New Mexico features a population of over 1,800,000 and is best known for its vast outdoor resources, rich Western heritage and Native American culture. New Mexico has everything from volcanoes; the Anasazi ruins, and for conspiracy buffs and fans of the X Files television show there is the International UFO Museum in Ros...
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Honduras Casinos
The Republic of Honduras is situated in Central America and shares borders with Guatemala, El Salvador, and Nicaragua, with a shoreline to the Pacific Ocean to the south, the Gulf of Honduras and the Caribbean Sea to the north. This beautiful, exotic country shares the unmistakable charm and mystique that all Central and South American countries carry with rich culture, history, and traditions.One such tradition in Honduras is gambling, which is legal and practiced in thr...
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Arizona Casinos
Arizona casinos are located in the valley of the sun, in the Southwestern part of the United States. Arizona is known for its climate and magnificent scenery; from the desert to the mountains, the landscape is as varied as it is beautiful. The population of Arizona is over 5,000,000, and the capital and largest city is Phoenix, with a population of over 1,400,000.Arizona casinos were legalized on Indian or Native American reservations in the 1990's, and tribes are given...
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The Crash Of The Gaming Industry In Reno, Nevada
Although Reno, Nevada was the gambling capital of the United States before the 1960s, the rapid expansion and growth of Las Vegas has caused a severe downturn in the Reno gaming industry. Added to Renos troubles are also the high rate of growth in Californias Indian gaming sector, while American Airlines buyout of Reno Air caused the area to become downgraded to an airport spoke rather than a central hub meaning that fewer and fewer people would be direc...
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Travel Off the Beaten Path for a Great American Adventure
There are many American vacation destinations that are often overlooked - cities that offer wonderful sights and sounds, and even better value.
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Lifes A Peach, And So Is Georgian Travel - Georgia Travel Information
Georgia is deeply entrenched in United States history, big business corporations, and welcoming hometown hospitality. The Peach State is overflowing with American heritage, monuments, battlefields and museums as well as sandy beaches and forested hiking trails. Travel down south this season to Georgia for a truly revolutionary experience.Gone With the Wind
Not QuiteGeorgia is probably most famous in history for its Civil War participation in the Confederacy. Union Ge...
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Small Business Credit Cards
Small businesses are the driving engine of the U.S. economy. Yet every year, many of them fail due to lack of funds. If youre a small business owner, you know the importance of having resources available to you. Business credit cards offer the capital you need with conditions you can afford. Heres how business credit cards can improve your financial situation as a small business owner.Extend Your Cash FlowMost business credit cards allow you to extend your cash flow...
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Budgeting Expenses and Income Through Business Credit Cards
There comes a time in the life of any small-business owner when he or she poses the question: Can I apply credit in a smarter way without getting my business into too much debt? The basic answer to that is: Yes, by protecting your credit.
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Beat the Credit Blues With American Express Blue for Business
Plastic rules. 90% of all small business owners have realized this and make use of credit card convenience on a day-to-day basis. According to a survey of small business credit card holders, which was released by SurePayroll in April 2007, small business owners are far more circumspect than the average personal credit card consumer in managing their credit card accounts. However, there is more to managing credit cards than simply paying on time. Optimizing your business' cash flow and minim...
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Tips To Apply For A Business Credit Card Online
Your business entails certain responsibilities and tasks. It is very crucial that you find a way to gather the right resources to get the business going. As such, it is very important to know what is available for you to make use of. One good thing to keep at hand is the business credit card.Business credit cards are perfect for smaller businesses. Even if you do not have that much money to fund a big operation, your business credit card can provide you enough support for...
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Study Shows Americans Need to Get Financially Fit
Most Americans lack basic understanding when it comes to their credit score and personal finance, according to the results of a survey by consumer advocacy group Consumer Action and financial services provider Capital One.
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Credit Cards for People with Very Bad Credit
Credit Cards for people with very bad credit are no longer a myth. Mostly fueled by over spending, bad credit is rising across the nation. A recent survey showed that nearly 1 out of every 7 Americans has a below 600 credit score.
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Balance Transfer Disasters
There has been a rapid growth in the availability of zero per cent rates in the credit card industry. These have been caused by the combination of very low national interest rates, and the injection of fierce competition from American lenders such as Capital One
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Long Term Saving Versus The Forex
Long term savings plans will often be a very sound investment as we will see in this article.Although Forex can make you much more in a smaller amount of time but there is more risk attached.Our American economy is a free economy, and it operates on the principle that if we leave the factors of production alone, without government interference (and by factors of production we mean land, labor and capital) so long as the game is played fairly and honestly, those fact...
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Will High School Rankings Affect Your Future?
With all the emphasis on mandatory testing and national standards its no big surprise that high school rankings have been getting a lot of attention. American high school students face a global economy, high technology demands, and the reality of living in a capitalistic society without the benefit of a solid financial education. Parents, teachers, and students look to high school rankings to help them evaluate their schools progress and to consider moves to new areas....
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The Sign of Signs - Who is That Fool on the Corner with the Sign about the End of the World?
Americans are fast learning that it is the little things that count in life. Here is a little thing that if overlooked could cost your entire future!
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Real Weight Loss Solutions
Much of the weight loss industry likes to focus on overweight Americans. That's where the money is for them. But the truth is, much of the world is overweight, too.Studies showed that in 2000, 45% of adults all over the world were overweight. Overweight people are more likely to have chronic health problems such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and knee arthritis. Overweight people also die at younger ages than persons of normal weight.Many overweight people want to ...
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Living In Mexico: San Miguel De Allende
Americans living in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico either do not understand, do not want to understand, or are in simple denial regarding the effect they've had on this Central Mexican Colonial Town. I find their constant shock and surprise at the observations made by the rest of the world about the effect they have on the city too incredible to believe. They walk around with blinders on, do not want to see it, or do not want to admit it.My wife and I were in San Miguel th...
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Stretching almost the entire length of the South American continent and wedged between the intimidating Andes Mountains and the Pacific Ocean, lies Chile, a country rich in natural beauty, culture and heritage.
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Are Illegal Mexicans Really Bad For America?
Ive been thinking again. I know some of my readers regard that as a dangerous thing. For instance, the guy who ended his last letter to me with a your hypocrisy knows no bounds. I get these sorts of letters all the time.But, I have been thinking and, of course, I have been thinking about Americas obsession with shutting down the Mexican-American border. You would wonder why I dont tire of this rhetoric and the reason is simple. America needs the likes of your h...