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Retirement Ready Income Investing: What's In Your Wallet?
What good is wealth without income? Your 401k program is NOT retirement ready... even the most popular 2017 Target Date Fund is heavy into the Stock Market. Steve Selengut has been a hands-on, income focused, portfolio manager since 1979. This is the information you need to get from your 401k balances to retirement income independence.
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Investment Grade Value Stocks - Quality Is Job One
How much financial bloodshed is necessary before we realize that there is no safe and easy shortcut to investment success? When do we learn that most of our mistakes involve our very own greed, fear, and unrealistic expectations? How do we create a confidence inspiring stock selection universe?
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Asset Allocation Based Performance Analysis - One
It matters not what lines, numbers, indices, or gurus you worship, you just can't know where the stock market is going or when it will change direction. Too much investor time and analytical effort is wasted trying to predict course corrections… even more is squandered comparing portfolio Market Values with a handful of unrelated indices and averages.
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Purpose Based Asset Allocation: The Working Capital Model
Asset Allocation is an Investment Planning Tool, not an Investment Strategy. WCM facilitates long term, retirement income, investment planning by focusing on selection quality, issue diversification, and annual growth of both base income and invested capital. Neither market value nor the calendar year are perceived as relevant decision making criteria.
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The Working Capital Model - Market Cycle Investment Management - Mentoring Program
Professional Investor/Manager Steve Selengut walks you through the Market Cycle Investment Management (MCIM) portfolio management process. He'll hold your hand, answer your questions, and do everything short of security selection as you learn how to run your portfolio.
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The Greatest Investment Story Never Told
An excellent strategy even in today's investing environment. The current buzz on the street is that investing is dead. How far from the truth can they be. Wall Street likes nothing more than to create fear. This book tells you how to put your emotions aside and look for good value on corrections in the market --- it also makes a strong case for profit taking, diversification, and base income generation.
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Stock Market Explodes After Trump Victory; Income CEFs Only Remaining Bargain
What happens in the future is unpredictable, but understanding the past and how it impacts your unique portfolio, is essential to your long-run investment comfort --- and sanity. The IGVS Expectation Analyzer has been developed for investors who want to view their monthly statements with reasonable expectations.
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New 52-Week Highs Swamp Lows Since Trump Victory; Eighteen Days and Counting
The New High and New Low issue stats can identify weaker and/or stronger sectors within the Investment Grade Value Stock selection universe --- very important in helping investors determine where the bargains are and where the profit taking opportunities should be.
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Stock Market Issue Breadth Strong Since Trump Victory
IGVSI breadth statistics signal changes in direction within Investment Grade Value Stocks only --- all CEFs, ETFs, REITs, and preferreds (and individual issues that are NOT investment grade) are excluded. Issue Breadth Statistics should allow investors to look inside an index to obtain a better feel for what has been going on.
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Market Rally Resumes; Trump Election Excites the Stock Market
The fewer IGVSI equities at bargain prices, the stronger the market and the more Smart Cash that should be accumulating in the equity bucket of your portfolio. As the list of bargain IGVSs grows (indicating market weakness), portfolio Smart Cash should be finding its way back into undervalued securities.
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IGVSI Up 16% thru November; Twice the Gain in the S & P 500
The IGVSI is a barometer of a small but elite sector of the stock market called Investment Grade Value Stocks. Some IGVSI companies are included in all averages and indices, but no other index follows only the very highest quality companies traded on the New York Stock Exchange. Approximately 330 stocks meet IGVSI quality standards.
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Retirement Income Avenues to becoming Retirement Income Ready.
After forty years of investing, a few things become crystal clear: you need to focus on quality, individual securities, diversify intelligently, and develop a lifetime supply of income. I call these principles The Big Three or the QDI. Just like the ice cream brick of my youth, it's just not right without all three flavors. The investment puzzle becomes easier to solve if you have a handle on all the pieces.
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MCIM Methodology Retirement Income Portfolios -Check It Out
The MCIM methodology combines risk minimization, asset allocation, equity trading, investment grade value stock (IGVSI) investing, and base income generation in a methodology that embraces the cyclical nature of markets, interest rates, and economies. MCIM produces Retirement Income Readiness.
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The Investment Grade Value Stock Index - Continued
The IGVSI was developed in December of 2007 to provide a benchmark for the Equity portion of MCIM portfolios managed using Working Capital Model (WCM) disciplines. For more than ten years, Investment Grade Value Stock investors had been frustrated by the inadequacies of the DJIA and the NYSE indices. During that period. NYSE Issue Breadth and New High vs. New Low Statistics moved in different directions than the averages, nearly all of the time.
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MCIM Q & A and Contact Information
Market Cycle Investment Management (MCIM) reflects the unique strategies, procedures and disciplines documented in the books and articles of professional investor Steve Selengut, CEO/Consultant at Sanco Services Inc. and Senior Instructor at Kiawah Golf Investment Seminars.
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Sanco Services' Investment Management Fee Schedule
Sanco Services' Fee Schedule (below) includes Investment Management Fees Only. Clients may have some options with respect to how commissions are handled--- either by transaction or (if eligible) through a flat annual fee. Fees are deducted directly from the investment account.
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Investment Grade Value Stock Buy List Program Advanced Version
The Investment Grade Value Stock Buy List Program Advanced Version is just what you need to manage the Equity Side of your investment portfolio!
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IGVSI Out Performs DJIA & S & P 500 in Best Stock Market October Ever
The IGVSI is a barometer of a small buy elite sector of the stock market called Investment Grade Value Stocks. None of the popular averages or indices track investment grade companies exclusively and few market tracking websites offer expert comentary that can help you develop reasonable performance expectations for properly diversified portfolios
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IGVSI Numbers Confirm Equity Correction --- Income CEF Rally Continues
The valuestockindex.com web page has been updated through May 2012 ---here are the headlines and links to the web pages
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How To Make Short Term Trading Your Long Term Investment Strategy
But most programs are designed to reward the genius and hard work of their creators, not the passive involvement of add to cart speculators looking for assistance making investment decisions. Face it people, much as I still love the over-regulated markets that we call Wall Street, the Master's of the Universe are clearly more interested in enhancing their own wealth then ours.
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What's Going On In The Markets?!?!
If you were to buy almost any common stock or equity based security (mutual fund, ETF or Equity Closed End Fund), you would be paying a higher price than has ever been paid, by any person, at any time in the history of mankind.
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Investment Grade Value Stocks: August Market Statistics
The S & P 500 began to achieve new All Time Highs in March 2013 --- impressed? The IGVSI started a run of new ATHs in late 2010 and, thus far, has achieved 46 new ATHs just in 2013... impressive!
The IGVSI tracks an elite sector of the stock market, Investment Grade Value Stocks. Some IGVSI companies are included in all averages, but no other measure follows only the very highest quality companies traded on the New York Stock Exchange. Only 348 companies meet IGVSI quality standards.
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Your Investment Portfolio 2013: Market Cycle Investment Management Users
2013 was a great year for the stock market and a terrible year for the fixed income market... you have benefited from both, and are prepared for directional changes in either. When you invest conservatively, recognizing that you are in a long term program with specific goals, performance is measured in terms of profits taken, income produced, and preparations for changing scenarios.
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Investment Performance Expectations and Broker Account Statements
Whether you go the discount route through Schwab, Ameritrade, Fidelity, etc., or enjoy a higher level of service through an independent like LMK Wealth Management, you should never be surprised by the market values reflected on your monthly account statement.
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Market Lines and Numbers - - - Very Interesting
The S & P average has no quality safeguards, no profit-taking discipline, no income requirements or reinvestment protocol, and no asset allocation plan. It is a totally unmanaged entity except for equity content manipulation by S & P Corporation. It is widely accepted as the benchmark against which most equity portfolio managers are measured, and it typically outperforms most of them. But it really only outperforms those professional portfolio managers who are responsible for public participatio
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Value Stock Buy List Program - What's all the Excitement About?
Investor's are discovering an Investment Grade Value Stock Selection and Trading Strategy that makes sense. Merritt Information Strategies has developed a multiple level spreadsheet program that allows you to implement the Market Cycle Investment Management methodology documented in The Brainwashing of the American Investor, inexpensively and productively, on your own PC, whenever...
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Managed Asset Allocation: The Art of Staying Focused
The key to successful Investment Management is Asset Allocation, the process of dividing the available investment dollars into two, and only two, purpose buckets: Growth and Income. All investment grade securities fit within one of these two classifications, based solely upon the primary purpose for their ownership. There are several key issues involved in successful Asset Allocation.
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Managed Asset Allocation - A Portfolio Mission Statement
The Asset Allocation formula is often abused in an effort to superimpose a valid investment planning tool on speculation strategies that have no real merits of their own. For example, annual portfolio repositioning, market timing adjustments, and shifting between Mutual Funds. To be effective, Asset Allocation must be implemented as an on-going process that is to be tended to with every investment decision.
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This spreadsheet summarizes the manual analysis of 55 individual portfolios managed using WCM based
Market Cycle Investment Management procedures and techniques.
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Money Magazine 401k Investment Article Directory
Market Cycle Investment Management is a unique, long-term trading approach that focuses on Investment Grade Value Stocks, the very highest quality NYSE, dividend paying companies. A wide variety of Income Closed End Funds is used to populate the Income Bucket of all portfolios. MCIM, the IGVSI, and income purpose investing is now available in 401k plans.
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401k Plans Are Retirement Programs - NOT
So long as we are in an environment where retirement plan income (and principal in the case of all private plans) is subject to income taxation, 401(k) participants would be wise to establish an after tax income portfolio invested in tax exempt securities--- or to vote more selfishly.
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Create a Pension Plan Within Your 401(k)
401(k) Savings Plans are great opportunities to build wealth, but they are not guaranteed pension programs and there are pitfalls. What if you are forced to retire at the bottom of a market cycle, or at a time of historically low interest rates? Qualified or not as an investor, you have to make your own 401(k) investment decisions. Eventually, you will have to create your own income portfolio.
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Lemmings At Financial Cliff: Ten Do's and Don'ts
A rally is a beautiful thing, particularly when the correction preceding it was embraced enthusiastically. This is the time to harvest your profits, pipe dreams of incredible wealth and ego aside --- jump on those profits before they erode before your disbelieving eyes. If you over think the environment or over cook the research, you'll absolutely lose the profits. Unlike many things in life, stock market realities need to be dealt with quickly, decisively, and with zero hindsight.
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Working Capital Model ~ Market Cycle Investment Management Performance
In the longer term scheme of things, a well defined, well organized, and quality based investment model will just naturally out-perform those that are not similarly constructed --- it's getting to that level of management expertise that is the issue.
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Income Investing Made Easy - Two
Base income includes the dividends and interest produced by your portfolio, without the realized capital gains that may actually be the larger number much of the time. No matter how you slice it, your long-range comfort demands regularly increasing income, and by using your total portfolio cost basis as the benchmark, it's easy to determine where to invest your accumulating cash.
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Income Investing Made Easy - One
You don't have to be a professional Investment Manager to professionally manage your investment portfolio, but you do need to have a long term plan and know something about Asset Allocation --- a portfolio organization tool that is often misunderstood and almost always improperly used within the financial community. Remember, your unhappiness is Wall Street's most coveted asset. Don't humor them.
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Investment Portfolio Update: What's In Your Wallet?
Market Cycle Investment Management (MCIM) portfolios are not equity only portfolios, so it makes little sense to compare their performance to stock market indices. MCIM portfolios are designed to grow income producing Working Capital in a higher quality, lower risk environment over the course of the investors life cycle. There are two distinctly different cycles at play here, all the time.
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Life Cycle Portfolios Deliver Pension-Like Benefits: Free Webinar
Mutual Fund managers can't beat the averages because the managers must do what unit holders tell them to do. They can't buy low and sell high, and they must buy high and sell low --- not what you would call a winning (or index beating) combination. What do you think will happen to ETF prices when there is a correction? Are they any different, even without a manager?
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Investment IQ Test
The Investment IQ Test is designed to gauge your understanding of the concepts and strategies needed to productively manage your portfolio in today's much too complex market environment. Naturally, it is based on Market Cycle Investment Management Methodology and the Working Capital Model operating system.
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Ten Common Investment Errors: Stocks, Bonds, & Management
Losing money on an investment may not be the result of a mistake, and not all mistakes result in monetary losses. Compounding the problems that investors have managing their investment portfolios is the sideshowesque sensationalism that the media brings to the process. Avoid these ten common errors to improve your performance:
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Working Capital Model ~ Market Cycle Investment Management Performance
A well defined, well organized, and quality based investment model will just naturally out-perform those that are not similarly constructed --- it's getting to that level of management expertise that is the issue.
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Attention Investors: It's Time To Check Your Asset Allocation Formula
Wall Street is celebrating its meteoric five year and three month rise to approximately where it was toward the end of 2007 and, just a skosh above where it was way back in 1999. Why are they so excited about this fourteen year march to nowhere? How could Market Cycle Investment Management have improved on such dismal performance? Read'em and weep!
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Stock Market Rally vs. Fiscal Cliff --- Got It Covered?
There is no need for rocket science in investing --- no correlations, standard deviations, coefficients, Alphas, or Betas are required. There is no reason for anyone to have had zero growth in market values over the past dozen years. Wall Street wants you to accept mass produced mediocrity
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Value Stock Investing Articles
Key articles from the Value Stock Investing website.
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Portfolio Content Analysis
As more people choose to manage their own investments without professional advice, their buying/selling strategies can produce investment portfolios with asset allocations that are either inappropriate or dangerous. Similarly, the simplicity of investing the old fashioned way has been obscured by the seemingly limitless variety of packaged investment products with their one-size-fits-all investment and speculation ideas.
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Private Workshops: You and Steve Selengut
Private Workshops: You and Steve Selengut--- whatever you want to talk about. Your portfolio, your plans. How to increase your income. Getting ready for retirement. What Market Cycle Investment Management can do for you.
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Hang On A Minute - The Mighty Dow Is Still 10% Below 2007 Levels!
Do they think investors are stupid enough to get excited about this dismal performance? Particularly, when less than 20% of professionally managed equity funds did as well. And how about unmanaged ETFs? I haven't heard any claims of brilliance, have you?
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Press Release: IGVSI Outperforms S & P 500 and DJIA By Significant Margins in 2011
Because the MCIM operating system demands buying on weakness (and because all securities produce income), positions are increased and new positions are added while others panic. A true MCIM user would be taking profits during rallies, in preparation for the next inevitable downturn --- it's part of the methodology.
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Stock Market Perspective 2011 --- Some Things to Think About
Always, every time and without exception, the general media has predicted the end of the financial world, financial experts have pointed out the remarkable differences from the last correction, and investors everywhere have been encouraged to take their losses and sit on cash or gold until the smoke clears. Every time, the short sighted fear mongers have been wrong. Not just most of the time mind you --- absolutely all of the time.
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This Stock Market Correction Is Dead (September 2009)
Actually, hindsight and the Investment Grade Value Stock Index (IGVSI) Bargain Level Monitor tell us that it died early in March 2009. More realistically, however, corrections don't really die quite so abruptly. They are supplanted by rallies--- and vice versa.
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IGVS Bargain Stock Monitor At Ten Month High
The Bargain Stock Monitor is one of three market statistics used as performance expectation analyzers for portfolios that are designed and managed using the Market Cycle Investment Management (MCIM) methodology.
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Investment Grade Value Stocks At Highest Levels Ever!
IGVSI Eclipses 2007 All Time High --- above 2007 levels since mid-February 2011 --- now up 6.9%; ahead of DOW and S & P by roughly 19%. Market Cycle Investment Management Model Portfolios build upon 18% gain in 2010. S & P 500 and mighty DOW lag the IGVSI, need average of 14% more just to equal 2007 levels.
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Wall Street Most Wanted: A New Blue Chip Market Indicator
When investors start to question why their Municipal bond portfolios are trailing the gain in the Dow, or when retirees start to buy gold bullion instead of groceries, something is wrong. And it's the same ole stuff that produces the greed and fear that lead to investment-program-destroying mistakes every time. So let's look at the performance of the Dow, to gain some perspective.
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Investment Grade Value Stock Index Compared to the S & P - 2007 thru 2011
Investment Grade Value Stock Index Compared to the S & P - 2007 thru 2011
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Investment Grade Value Stock Bargains - The Last Ten Standing
The IGVSI Bargain Stock Monitor is one of three market statistics used as performance expectation analyzers for Market Cycle Investment Management portfolios. The value stock watchlist screening program identifies stocks that are trading at bargain price levels. At September's close, only ten bargains remain.
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Investment Grade Value Stock Index (IGVSI)
IGVSI performance comparisons
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Investment Grade Value Stock Index Compared to the S & P - 2007 thru 2011
Investment Grade Value Stock Index Compared to the S & P - 2007 thru 2011
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Wall Street Wisdom... Value Stocks vs. Growth Stocks
S & P Corporation publishes a standardized earnings and dividends ranking system which separates stocks with average and better fundamental qualities from those with lesser economic strength and viability. It is particularly useful because it excludes market analysis and projections of the future, thus eliminating any form of hype whatever.
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Understanding Fixed Income Investing: Expectations - Part 2
More recently, the combination of higher rates and a weaker Stock Market has been a Double Whammy for portfolio Market Values, and a double bonanza for investment opportunities. Just like at the Mall, lower securities prices are a good thing for buyers... and higher prices are a good thing for sellers. You need to act on these things with each cyclical change.
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Understanding Fixed Income Investing: Expectations - Part 1
I've come to the conclusion that the Stock Market is an easier medium for investors to understand (i.e., to form behavioral expectations about) than the Fixed Income Market. As unlikely as this sounds, experience proves it, irrefutably. Few investors grow to love volatility as I do, but most expect it in the Market Value of their equity positions.
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MCIM Process Arrows
MCIM Process Arrows - Reports
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Market Cycle Investing Curves
Market Cycle Investing Curves
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Investment Strategy: The Investor's Creed
A cocktail of credit market laxatives is working its way into a constipated world economy. Relief is on the way. Today's prices may well be looked at as the lowest of the next ten years! Here's a list of things to think about or to do while Investment Grade value Stock prices are at ten-year lows
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Beating the Dow Jones and The S & P 500 Bunkie?!?
Unlike most investment strategies, the Market Cycle Investment Management methodology includes a selling-for-profit discipline that (incredulously) seems to be a unique investment model. Over the past 40+ years, MCIM users have taken profits during every market upswing and repurchased Investment Grade Value Stocks during every down bubble. Any feel for what the results must have been?
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A GPS For Your Investment Portfolio
Hey 'Deep Pockets', what were you doing on October 19th, 1987, the Wall Street Jungle reporter asked? I was gritting my teeth, shaking more than just a little, palms sweaty but placing dozens of individual orders for the best NYSE, dividend-paying, companies --- at prices that nearly everyone thought would drop even further.
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Press Release: MCIM Portfolios Rally To Three Year High Levels, Powered By IGVSI Stocks and Income CEFs - S & P Down 19%
The Market Cycle Investment Management methodology combines risk minimization, asset allocation, equity trading, investment grade value stock investing, and base income generation in a time frame that recognizes and embraces the reality of cycles. What's in your portfolio?
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Investment Q & A Workshop - Brain Picking Only - No Product Sales
The first Q & A meeting will be held the week of January 10th --- your questions discussed by a panel of experts with nearly 100 years of investment experience. Send your questions (maximum of two) and date preference (Tuesday thru Thursday) with your PayPal payment of $14.95 to sanserve@aol.com. Agenda, contact, and GoToMeeting information will be sent to you prior to the meeting date.
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Investment Market Numbers: S & P 500 +8%; IGVSI +13%; MCIMs +20%
Yet since mid-1970, portfolios investing exclusively in IGVSs (MCIM portfolios) have probably outperformed all other equity investment models --- So why haven't you heard about this? Because Wall Street would have almost nothing to sell if everyone adopted this model.
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The Investment Education You Slept Through In College --- and it's free!
Kiawah Golf Investment Seminars (KGIS) presents a monthly investment workshop program that will help you out-perform the markets ---rally after rally, correction after correction
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March IGVSI Bargain Stock Monitor the Strongest in Recorded History --- MCIM Portfolios at Record Highs
Press Release: Kiawah Golf Investment Seminars trains all levels of investors in the use of the IGVSI Bargain Stock Monitor--- a creation of Senior Investment Instructor Steve Selengut, manager of the proprietary Market Cycle Investment Management portfolios.
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Investment Grade Value Stock Index Whups Dow and S & P with an 84% stick
Kiawah Golf Investment Seminars proudly reports the phenomenal performance of the IGVSI--- a creation of Senior Investment Instructor and world-respected author Steven R Selengut. Market Cycle Investment Management portfolios are fueled by the IGVSI.
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IGVSI Bargain Stock Monitor – February 2010
Consider this: Over the past 40 years, if you had purchased Investment Grade Value Stocks during every market downturn and sold every one of them when they had achieved a 10% profit --- just how much better off would you be today?
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IGVSI Bargain Stocks - Are There Any Left?
The Bargain Stock Monitor is reporting that a 52-week high has been achieved in Investment Grade Value Stock market values, but it is predicting nothing. What matters now is what you do with the paper profits that the past ten months' rally should certainly have provided for you.
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Investment Performance and The Working Capital Model (March, 2008)
The Working Capital Model (WCM) approach to portfolio performance evaluation eliminates the tears and fears because it is based on more than the current market value illusion of wealth--- a number that won't sit still long enough to ever be meaningful. Market value, within the WCM, is used only to determine what to buy and/or when to take profits.
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Investment Grade Value Stock Index (IGVSI) Soars 24% thru July 2009
The Investment Grade Value Stock Index is a barometer of a small but elite sector of the stock market. Some Investment Grade Value Stocks are included in all averages and indices, but even the Dow Jones Industrial Average includes several issues that are below Investment Grade and very few boast an A+ S & P rating.
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Your 401(k) Investments and the IGVSI (May, 2008)
Typically, 401(k) participants buy the higher priced, last-year-best-performing, and hot sector offerings while they sell or avoid the various products they feel have "under performed" the market. Nowhere else in their lives do they adopt such a perverse strategy. And nowhere else in their thinking would they blindly accept the premise that any one number represents what is, or should be, going on in their personal investment portfolios.
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IGVSI Performance Expectations – WCM Portfolios (February 2009)
All investors need to become intimate with both the content of their portfolios and the workings of the various cycles that impact on security market values. They need to expect, even anticipate cyclical changes in the market values of their securities by taking reasonable profits in either classification willingly, gleefully, and without hindsight.
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Your 401(k) Investments and the IGVSI
Smack, right up alongside the head. Your 401(k) investment program deteriorated rapidly as the stock market and the economy weakened. Who would have thought that there was so much risk of loss in those mutual funds, and ETFs? Fortunately, the pain is most often temporary, but the timing of the recovery could alter some participant retirement schedules and benefits--- not to mention the hefty confiscation level retirees can count on from Uncle Sam.