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Net-Teams - Bookmark Tag Index

There are 79 articles associated with the tag Index!

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Article Title/Link and Description
1. Bookmarks: 0 What Your Mother Never Told You About Income Investing: Twenty Questions (1 thru 6) Investors are a very dependent group of people, particularly now that most employed persons have been given the responsibility of directing their own savings and investment programs for retirement. Mother Wall Street has monopolized this huge market, and nursed its children first on Mutual Funds and now on derivative betting mechanisms they call index ETFs ---the unhealthy investment equivalent of a diet of fast food, limited protein, and high energy fusion products.
2. Bookmarks: 0 Experienced (old?) Investors Love Higher Interest Rates... Say What! Rising Interest Rate Expectations, regardless of their impact on Closed End Fund pricing, have absolutely no impact whatsoever on the income generated by the securities you now own. In fact, higher interest rates will eventually lead to higher payout levels because managers will have access to higher yielding instruments.
3. Bookmarks: 0 Stock Market Explodes After Trump Victory; Income CEFs Only Remaining Bargain What happens in the future is unpredictable, but understanding the past and how it impacts your unique portfolio, is essential to your long-run investment comfort --- and sanity. The IGVS Expectation Analyzer has been developed for investors who want to view their monthly statements with reasonable expectations.
4. Bookmarks: 0 Stock Market Issue Breadth Strong Since Trump Victory IGVSI breadth statistics signal changes in direction within Investment Grade Value Stocks only --- all CEFs, ETFs, REITs, and preferreds (and individual issues that are NOT investment grade) are excluded. Issue Breadth Statistics should allow investors to look inside an index to obtain a better feel for what has been going on.
5. Bookmarks: 1 Market Rally Resumes; Trump Election Excites the Stock Market The fewer IGVSI equities at bargain prices, the stronger the market and the more Smart Cash that should be accumulating in the equity bucket of your portfolio. As the list of bargain IGVSs grows (indicating market weakness), portfolio Smart Cash should be finding its way back into undervalued securities.
6. Bookmarks: 2 IGVSI Up 16% thru November; Twice the Gain in the S & P 500 The IGVSI is a barometer of a small but elite sector of the stock market called Investment Grade Value Stocks. Some IGVSI companies are included in all averages and indices, but no other index follows only the very highest quality companies traded on the New York Stock Exchange. Approximately 330 stocks meet IGVSI quality standards.
7. Bookmarks: 0 The Investment Grade Value Stock Index - Continued The IGVSI was developed in December of 2007 to provide a benchmark for the Equity portion of MCIM portfolios managed using Working Capital Model (WCM) disciplines. For more than ten years, Investment Grade Value Stock investors had been frustrated by the inadequacies of the DJIA and the NYSE indices. During that period. NYSE Issue Breadth and New High vs. New Low Statistics moved in different directions than the averages, nearly all of the time.
8. Bookmarks: 0 IGVSI Out Performs DJIA & S & P 500 in Best Stock Market October Ever The IGVSI is a barometer of a small buy elite sector of the stock market called Investment Grade Value Stocks. None of the popular averages or indices track investment grade companies exclusively and few market tracking websites offer expert comentary that can help you develop reasonable performance expectations for properly diversified portfolios
9. Bookmarks: 0 Market Cycle Investment Management Rocks Wall Street The Market Cycle Investment Management Methodology (MCIM) is the sum of all the strategies, procedures, controls, and guidelines explained and illustrated within the pages of The Brainwashing of the American Investor --- considered by some readers the best investment book they have ever read.
10. Bookmarks: 0 IGVSI Numbers Confirm Equity Correction --- Income CEF Rally Continues The web page has been updated through May 2012 ---here are the headlines and links to the web pages
11. Bookmarks: 0 Investment Performance Expectations and Broker Account Statements Whether you go the discount route through Schwab, Ameritrade, Fidelity, etc., or enjoy a higher level of service through an independent like LMK Wealth Management, you should never be surprised by the market values reflected on your monthly account statement.
12. Bookmarks: 0 Trading The 401k Portfolio - Part II Retirement plan investment portfolios are managed to produce the promised income; 401k plans make no promises and do not seem to make much of an effort to offer income focused investment products. The income produced by the highest yielding (highest risk) mutual funds is generally lower than that which can be obtained from lower income tier Closed End Funds (CEFs).
13. Bookmarks: 0 iShares and ETFs: Speculation To The 3rd Power So, in addition to the normal risks associated with investing in general, we add: speculating in narrowly focused sectors, guessing on the prospects of unproven small cap companies, experimenting with securities in single countries, rolling the dice on commodities, and hoping for the eventual success of new technologies.
14. Bookmarks: 0 Successful Investing: Rules Of Engagement Crash! The 2007 thru 2008 financial crisis halved 401(k), IRA, and Mutual Fund values in a matter of months. For many, retirement dates had to be pushed back; for others, new jobs had to be found. The tragic flaw? No income allocation in the investment program. Market value builds egos; income pays the bills.
15. Bookmarks: 0 Trading The 401k Portfolio - Part I Most 401k investment menus encourage speculation by providing varieties of capitalization, sector, commodity, and growth varietals with little emphasis on internal selection quality, diversification, or income generation.
16. Bookmarks: 0 Income Investing: News, Information, Opportunity There are always reasonable explanations for price weakness --- there are always excellent reasons why investors should be viewing price weakness as a buying opportunity. Clearly, the financial press has not attended any of my income investing seminars. Lower prices and higher yields are always good news for income investors.
17. Bookmarks: 0 Life Cycle Portfolios Deliver Pension-Like Benefits: Free Webinar Mutual Fund managers can't beat the averages because the managers must do what unit holders tell them to do. They can't buy low and sell high, and they must buy high and sell low --- not what you would call a winning (or index beating) combination. What do you think will happen to ETF prices when there is a correction? Are they any different, even without a manager?
18. Bookmarks: 0 High Dividend ETFs - An Equity-Income Investment Fantasy Market Cycle Investment Portfolios are investment portfolios; ETFs in general are derivative gambling devices; High Dividend ETFs are quality-and-income equity derivative gambling devices that could be useful around the bottom of the next correction --- the next prolonged correction, that is. There is absolutely not one molecule of similarity between any MCIM portfolio and any Index ETF, period.
19. Bookmarks: 2 This Stock Market Correction Is Dead (September 2009) Actually, hindsight and the Investment Grade Value Stock Index (IGVSI) Bargain Level Monitor tell us that it died early in March 2009. More realistically, however, corrections don't really die quite so abruptly. They are supplanted by rallies--- and vice versa.
20. Bookmarks: 0 IGVS Bargain Stock Monitor At Ten Month High The Bargain Stock Monitor is one of three market statistics used as performance expectation analyzers for portfolios that are designed and managed using the Market Cycle Investment Management (MCIM) methodology.
21. Bookmarks: 0 Wall Street Most Wanted: A New Blue Chip Market Indicator When investors start to question why their Municipal bond portfolios are trailing the gain in the Dow, or when retirees start to buy gold bullion instead of groceries, something is wrong. And it's the same ole stuff that produces the greed and fear that lead to investment-program-destroying mistakes every time. So let's look at the performance of the Dow, to gain some perspective.
22. Bookmarks: 10 Investment Grade Value Stock Index Compared to the S & P - 2007 thru 2011 Investment Grade Value Stock Index Compared to the S & P - 2007 thru 2011
23. Bookmarks: 0 Investment Grade Value Stock Index (IGVSI) IGVSI performance comparisons
24. Bookmarks: 15 Investment Grade Value Stock Index Compared to the S & P - 2007 thru 2011 Investment Grade Value Stock Index Compared to the S & P - 2007 thru 2011
25. Bookmarks: 0 WCM 1/1/08 thru 9/18/09 Performance 2008 Index values are determined by subtracting the 2008 loss % from 100. The 2008 index number is multiplied by the 2009 per cent gain through September 18th to arrive at the total figure for 1/1/08 thru 9/18/09.
26. Bookmarks: 0 Calculating Your Investment IQ Stocks, bonds, index funds; averages, recessions, market rallies and corrections; mutual funds, technical analysis, financial statements; commissions, taxes, and discount brokers.
27. Bookmarks: 0 Weighted Average Cost Of Capital (WACC), Commodity Historic Prices, Index Prices, And Country Risk The Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) is a calculation of a company’s proportionately weighted capital according to specific categories. All sources of capital – common stock, preferred stock, bonds, and any other debt are included. It’s computed by multiplying the cost of each capital source by its proportional weight (% of total capital) and then working through this equation.WACC = (E/V) * Re + (D/V) * Rd * (1-Tc)Where:Re = cost of equityRd = cost of debt...
28. Bookmarks: 0 The Risks In The U.S. Stock Markets Nobody Wants To Discuss When it comes to investing, nothing kills good returns more than nationalism. And nationalism rules at large investment firms.As of March, 2007, the major U.S. stock market index, the S&P 500 stands, at a notch above 12,000 stands below the 1,250 level it stood at seven and a half years ago. So over seven and a half years if your portfolio has tracked the S&P 500’s index as most U.S. professional money managers aim to do, you have slightly less money, in absolute terms th...
29. Bookmarks: 0 Is An Index Mutual Fund The Best Choice For Long-Term Investing? Do you believe that the world economy will grow? Do you believe that US economy will grow? I do. The major stock indexes are indicators of economy grow. You can make money use this opportunity buying index funds. Investing into index mutual funds is easy, interesting, and profitable. It takes 5 minutes every month! If you are long-term investor, index funds is for you!It doesn’t matter what index you choose. This index will grow due to economy sector grow rate. There are ...
30. Bookmarks: 3 How To Invest Your Money Safely When it comes to making investments, most people know that there is always room for a possible loss. Stock market investments in particular are rather notorious for taking a rather well funded portfolio and emptying it rather quickly. Of course, that does not happen all the time, otherwise no one would do it. If, on the other hand, you do not want to take what many consider to be an unnecessary risk, there are a number of other investments that are reasonably safer, can still...
31. Bookmarks: 0 Buffett's Big Bet Over the past few days, there have been several stories written about Warren Buffett’s $14 billion bet on global stock markets. I believe these stories are all in reference to this excerpt form Berkshire Hathaway’s annual report:“Berkshire is also subject to equity price risk with respect to certain long duration equity index put contracts. Berkshire’s maximum exposure with respect to such contracts is approximately $14 billion at December 31, 2005. These contracts genera...
32. Bookmarks: 0 An Introduction To Day Trading Many people often get confused by the financial terms such as currency, forex exchange, trading etc. It’s a big complex financial world and one of the new trading concepts is day trading.Day trading in its simplest term means buying and selling securities, stock and other financial investment within a single trading day. It covers a wide variety of financial products such as stocks, currencies, forex, equity index, futures and commodities.The financial products that a...
33. Bookmarks: 0 ETFs Unplugged Is your financial advisor missing a critical piece to the ETF?Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are great investment tools but most have a flaw that investors and advisors usually miss. Let’s take a look under the hood and introduce some new and innovative ETF products. Essentially, ETFs are nothing more than an index fund that trades like a stock. Because of their simplicity, flexibility, low cost and tax efficiency they are growing fast. Last year the Barclays iShares fa...
34. Bookmarks: 0 Gearing Up - Spread Betting Spread betting is perhaps the simplest form of derivative trading around and is certainly the most tax-efficient. Spread bets allow you to bet that the price of an underlying asset (a share, commodity or index) will rise or fall. This means that you could hedge your existing holdings, perhaps betting on a fall in the FTSE 100 to offset the risk of a fall in your UK portfolio.You could also use spread betting to speculate on your view of an underlying asset (a share price ...
35. Bookmarks: 0 Emini Futures S&P 500 And NASDAQ 100 : Basic Trading Info What are Index Futures? Future contracts originate from commodity trading. A future contract is an obligation to buy/sell a certain quantity of commodity at a specific date for a specific price determined at the outset of the contract. Future contracts are frequently used for hedging risks and also for speculation. For example, with the recent hike in oil prices, an airline company which uses a lot of fuel might want to hedge it's exposure to oil prices through the purc...
36. Bookmarks: 3 Business Startups Starting a new business can be a very exciting time, you are going to be your own boss, decide what and when you do things, manage the purse strings, and in fact you are in control of everything. Are you really in control of the situation though, you have to deal with everything yourself so you have to stay focused on what you want to do and why. All business startups need advice; sometimes they need advice on where to get advice, so the budding entrepreneur has to be able to...
37. Bookmarks: 0 The Flip-Flop Asset Allocation Method Do you put all of your money into some safe CD’s to earn interest, or buy a biotech index fund to grab the next big move in genomic cancer drugs; or something in between? The world of investment options and strategies grows every year, so I’ll provide a simple tactic to boost your returns over the course of your investing career.The flip-flop method refers to taking the income from an income-producing investment and flipping that profit into a speculative investment. Then...
38. Bookmarks: 0 The Buying Excitement in Diesel Motor Homes A Bloomberg index made on shares of the five most bombastic suppliers of rv sales has risen up 7.9 percent this twelve month period, more than the 7.1 percent gain for the Standard & Poor's 500 Index of large USA manufacturers.
39. Bookmarks: 2 6 Easy Tips On How To Care For Your Plants Many people worry a lot when it comes to caring for their plants. When talking about house plants, there is no need to worry. There are just a few things you need to consider. 1. WateringA watering can is a must-have in every garden. It is recommended that you purchase the one with a narrow spout to ensure adequate watering. But that does not always apply, so the finger test may come in handy. Insert your index finger up to the first joint into the soil. If you feel tha...
40. Bookmarks: 4 Life Insurers Use The Body Mass Index To Tighten The Belt On Fat People Overweight people are in the firing line again. Life insurance companies are increasing premiums up to four fold for fat people. They've always charged more for those of us who over-eat, but during the last year the penalties have got worse. In moves to tighten the belts further, the life insurers are lowering the weight limits they use to categorise people. This tougher move means that those who are merely overweight and would have previously qualified for a standard pre...
41. Bookmarks: 0 America's Happiness Index At New Low The other day it occurred to me that during Ronald Reagan’s run for the Presidency he created a “Misery Index”. This index represented a total of the rate of inflation, plus the prime rate, as an indicator of how the American people felt about how they were doing. No one has suggested resurrecting this index in recent years. My thought was to create a “Happiness Index”. How happy are you with the leadership of the country. The problem is that other than taking an ou...
42. Bookmarks: 0 Reverse the Aging Process - ANABOLIC/CATABOLIC INDEX The Anabolic/Catabolic Index (ACI) was developed by Univera Pharmaceuticals, Inc. to clarify and quantify aspects of the metabolic method of aging..The use of chi machines has consistently proven to induce weight loss. Daily use can help you to break out of the tired and overweight mentality to healthy and happy and vital living . John William Johnson is a nationally certified massage therapist, psychotherapist, and health researcher.
43. Bookmarks: 0 What is a Student Loan The loan accrues interest from the day it is paid. The good part is that the interest rate is linked to the inflation in line with the Retail Prices Index, which means you only really repay the amount you borrow with no profit made on the loan itself
44. Bookmarks: 0 Investment Grade Value Stock Index Whups Dow and S & P with an 84% stick Kiawah Golf Investment Seminars proudly reports the phenomenal performance of the IGVSI--- a creation of Senior Investment Instructor and world-respected author Steven R Selengut. Market Cycle Investment Management portfolios are fueled by the IGVSI.
45. Bookmarks: 0 Stock Indexes: The Inside Story A stock index is simply an average price for a large group of stocks, formed from stocks with something in common. One huge function of indexes is that they can function as investment instruments -- mutual funds based on an index duplicate the holdings of the underlying index.
46. Bookmarks: 0 A Trading Strategy That Consistently Beats All Major Indexes Outperform the market everytime! A trading strategy that consistently beats all major indexes. Information is FREE. No subscription required.
47. Bookmarks: 0 Better Trades Momentum Part 1 I love to trade options on stocks with a lot of momentum. What this means is that I want to trade those stocks, Exchange Traded Funds or Indexes, that are moving fast and far. The way I see it, if I am going to put my money in the market, I want to place it where it will work as hard as possible for me.
48. Bookmarks: 0 What You Need To Know When Trading Derivatives And Futures Hello Fellow-Investor.The Derivatives and Futures Market is the most potentially profitable market in the world. But it can be the most distructive one too!DerivativesA derivative is a financial term for a specific type of investment from which the price over a certain time is derived from the performance of the underlying asset such as commodities, shares or bonds, interest rates, exchange rates or indices like stock market index or consumer price index.This ...
49. Bookmarks: 0 The Road Block To Your Investing Success Investors today face a barrage of conflicting information and exaggerated return claims from what most people consider the "market" -; the S&P 500 or the Dow Jones Industrial Average. But these indexes only comprise about 12 percent of all U.S. stocks. The reality is that these stocks can't be predicted with any consistency, especially long-term.
50. Bookmarks: 0 Investment Grade Value Stock Index (IGVSI) Soars 24% thru July 2009 The Investment Grade Value Stock Index is a barometer of a small but elite sector of the stock market. Some Investment Grade Value Stocks are included in all averages and indices, but even the Dow Jones Industrial Average includes several issues that are below Investment Grade and very few boast an A+ S & P rating.
51. Bookmarks: 0 Calculating Your Investment IQ The keys to successful investing are Asset Allocation using only two investment buckets: Equity and Income, and the development of realistic expectations about their market value performance.
52. Bookmarks: 0 IGVSI Performance Expectations – WCM Portfolios (February 2009) All investors need to become intimate with both the content of their portfolios and the workings of the various cycles that impact on security market values. They need to expect, even anticipate cyclical changes in the market values of their securities by taking reasonable profits in either classification willingly, gleefully, and without hindsight.
53. Bookmarks: 5 How To Make A Profitable Adsense Campaign A campaing Adsense only is profitable if it´s done on pages that have rich content and it´s interestingsting for the surfer. A siple copy-paste of another webpage don´t work.The technology of the search engines detects when the content is overexposed on internet or if is duplicated and this will get our pages penalized on the bottom of the index of the search engine or banned. This penalization affects our way of get traffic to our website and without traffic our page is ...
54. Bookmarks: 4 Harnessing the Power of Robots.txt Once we have a website up and running, we need to make sure that all visiting search engines can access all the pages we want them to look at.Sometimes, we may want search engines to not index certain parts of the site, or even ban other SE from the site all together.This is where a simple, little 2 line text file called robots.txt comes in.
55. Bookmarks: 1 Tag and Ping – Get Your Blogs Indexed Fast Tags are keywords that you use in your blog post. If you have a blog about dogs and you just write a post about dog food, your possible tags would be, say: dog, dogs, dog food, natural dog food, dog food recipe, and any other keywords that you used in your post.
56. Bookmarks: 6 How To Optimize Your Blog For Search Engines Many clients ask me how to drive more traffic to their blogs. By now you have probably heard that blogs are an excellent resource to get leads as well as clients for your business. The best way to do that is by creating search engine friendly blog posts that get indexed in search engines. When people search for information on topics you discuss in your blog it appears on the search engine result pages. Potential customers then are able to read what you have to say and get on your mailing list.
57. Bookmarks: 0 How to Get Your Blog Indexed on MSN in less than 72 Hours for Free There is a simple method to get your newly created or existing blog indexed into the MSN search engine for free. I have tried this method to get my blogs, even websites get indexed within 3 days!
58. Bookmarks: 0 Get Ranked With Your Blog! In brief, implement these small changes to your Blog and you'll achieve indexing, ranking, link popularity, opt-in email list and more........
59. Bookmarks: 0 Getting Your Blog Indexed And More Exposure A blog is defined as a website that contains information, comments, thoughts and links by a writer. A blog can be a very personal site for writers looking to express their innermost personal thoughts or can be very general. Blog indexing means that blogs are listing on cross Internet searches and search engine sites. There are special sites that lists blogs that makes them easy to find for readersWhen you first start writing a blog, it is usually because you have somethin...
60. Bookmarks: 1 15 Tips To Drive Traffic To Your Blog There are many factors that make blogs much better than normal WebPages including the speed at which blogs are indexed, ability to submit to blog directories & normal directories, pings and track backs. All these little things can help drive more traffic to blogs. Here are 15 popular techniques you can use: 1.) Create at least four keyword posts per day. Most of the top blogs such as Boing Boing, Daily Kos, and Instapundit (with literally tens of thousands of visitors per...
61. Bookmarks: 0 10 Ways To Increase Your Blog’s Pageviews With Google Adsense or Yahoo Publisher, having people click onto more pages helps your revenue immensely, but how do you get them to read more than one page when they visit your website? Here are a few tips.1. Create pages within the blog that contain reference material you refer to often in your posts. These static pages will also get crawled and indexed by the search engines and as you write posts about your topics you can refer people to these static pages as reference...
62. Bookmarks: 0 The Secret To Getting Indexed In Yahoo Getting indexed in Yahoo has become very difficult in the last few months. The indexing robot, Yahoo!Slurp, has become erratic. For some sites, the robot will view all pages, but only add a few to the Yahoo database. For other sites, sub-domain listings actually start disappearing! So, what’s the secret to getting indexed?
63. Bookmarks: 0 The Myth Of 101 Ways To Market Your Website "101 Ways To Market Your Website" is the title of a book found at a cheap publisher's outlet in town for about three quid and purchased out of interest.So, we sat down with a cup of coffee and worked our way through the index, see what these people thought was useful, and if there was something new there.Extraordinarily enough, in my past 10 years on the net, I've done EVERY SINGLE ONE of those!EVERY single one. And some of them, I could have added another 12 chap...
64. Bookmarks: 0 Niche Web Directories Niche web directories are a great way for small online business owners to list their information in a place where others in the industry and potential customers can easily find them. Directories group sites that are all related to one theme or subject. What niche web directories would best suit your business?Niche Web Directories Versus Search EnginesNiche web directories are different from search engines in that they are highly specialized. Go to a craft directory, f...
65. Bookmarks: 4 Internet Marketing Tips On Getting Your Web Site Spidered Quickly The world of internet marketing is a highly competitive place. As a beginning internet marketer there are some basic things you should know about how search engines spider and index your web site. Unless the search engines find your web site and index it, there is no way the general public will know that it is there.
66. Bookmarks: 2 How To Get Your Website Indexed Almost Immediately Everyone on the internet who owns a website wants to know the answer to the question, “How do I get my site indexed?” Well, let me enlighten you. The fastest way to get your website indexed is by writing articles and press releases. Surprised? Oh, you were expecting me to put you through some long b
67. Bookmarks: 7 Article Marketing Part 1 - Content Is Still King Since the beginning, you've been told that "Content Is King" but there are so many website owners - who have been trying to win the search engine battles - ignore the rules and try to be 'smart'. They used software and tools to trick the search engines to get their websites indexed highly but only to find out that their websites were banned a month later. Don't get me wrong! There are actually some legitimate tools that can help you get your websites ranked higher. People...
68. Bookmarks: 1 Off-Page Factors Affecting Your Position On Google Searches Different search engines use different algorithms to calculate where you appear on their search results. This article will focus on the factors that we believe affect your results on Google searches. One word of warning, Google does not publish its algorithms and is constantly changing and updating the way it views sites - so these are the guidelines for you to follow, rather than a definitive statement of the processes involved.We will divide the major factors into two m...
69. Bookmarks: 0 Outsource Data Entry Services eDataIndia is Delhi based offshore outsourcing and IT/BPO company in India. We provide best quality of data entry, catalog processing, image processing, online product entry, data capturing, data conversion, website designing and accounting services at affordable pricing. We can handle small as well as large volumes of work with accuracy and efficiency. We also do data capturing, data mining, image indexing, proof-reading and OCR/Scanning work
70. Bookmarks: 6 How To Beat The Google Sandbox And Make Some Cash At The Same Time I stumbled across this quite by accident. I knew it was there because I'd seen it before but I forgot about it until today.So I did some checking to see if it still does work and based on my limited test it appears that it does.What I'm about to explain to you may not only help get sandboxed sites indexed and ranking quicker, it can even make the site owner a little money.I've been blogging for a few years now. I started it as a hobby and the blog I had was actual...
71. Bookmarks: 2 How Search Engine Spiders Work There are hundreds of search engines available today, but some are far more complex than others. This article will give you an overview of how some of the most popular ones work.Let’s start with a smaller engine: InfoSeek. They only index about 200 words of your web page, so it’s important to make sure that you have meta tags on your site, and that the most important things are listed first. The information you put in your meta tags will be used to display a description o...
72. Bookmarks: 1 Getting Your Site Indexed Before You Launch I've noticed that most SEO articles focus on what to do after you launch your site. Those that do deal with preparing your site for launch usually discuss on-site SEO like keyword research and meta tags. What tends to be neglected is the advantage that you can gain by getting your site indexed before you launch. With a little planning and a few hours of work it's easy to be indexed by Google, Yahoo, and MSN before your site goes live.The key to getting your site indexed i...
73. Bookmarks: 2 Do Search Engines Care About Valid HTML? Like most web developers, I’ve heard a lot about the importance of valid html recently. I’ve read about how it makes it easier for people with disabilities to access your site, how it’s more stable for browsers, and how it will make your site easier to be indexed by the search engines.So when I set out to design my most recent site, I made sure that I validated each and every page of the site. But then I got to thinking – while it may make my site easier to index, does th...
74. Bookmarks: 3 Data Entry India eDataIndia is Delhi based offshore outsourcing and IT/BPO company in India. We provide best quality of data entry, catalog processing, image processing, online product entry, data capturing, data conversion, website designing and accounting services at affordable pricing. We can handle small as well as large volumes of work with accuracy and efficiency. We also do data capturing, data mining, image indexing, proof-reading and OCR/Scanning work
75. Bookmarks: 2 Could The New Google Spider Be Causing Issues With Websites? Around the time Google announced "Big Daddy," there was a new Googlebot roaming the web. Since then I've heard stories from clients of websites and servers going down and previously unindexed content getting indexed.I started digging into this and you'd be surprised at what I found out.First, let's look at the timeline of events:In Late September some astute spider watchers over at Webmasterworld spotted unique Googlebot activity. In fact, it was in this thread: h...
76. Bookmarks: 0 Write Better And Faster Using The Index Card Method In this article I'm going to discuss the "index card method" of writing. If you haven't ever tried it, you should know that using index cards to write is a very good and useful way to get the job done. It's easy once you get the basic idea, and if you practice it regularly you'll be able to produce better results and faster results on a consistent basis.For the purpose of this article, an "index card" is the little 3x5 or 4x6 lined paper card that you can purchase at your...
77. Bookmarks: 8 How to Create Effective Web Publishing Content I frequently tell my coaching clients about the importance of regularly updating web site content. Fresh content keeps customers coming back and gets indexed more frequently by search engines. Novelty spurs attention, whether human or technological. A few months ago, I received a question from a student who really wanted to update his web site on a regular basis, but was struggling with finding new material. Here are a few ideas for generating fresh content:
78. Bookmarks: 0 Great Technical Writing: Improve Your Readers' Access With A Visual Index OVERVIEWPeople are visual creatures. They look at your product, and see, for example, a button or display. They want to find out about that control or indicator. A Visual Index is a simple but powerful document access tool that enables your Readers to find the information that they want.This article describes the Visual Index concept and tells how to create one for your document.A VISUAL INDEXA Visual Index is a picture of your product or process with links to...
79. Bookmarks: 4 Writing Ain't for Everyone, But Article Writing Is! Ready...Set...Go! If you are not submitting articles to article directory web sites, which pertain to your site's content and theme, you are missing the proverbial boat on gaining additional popularity for your web site and valuable, one-way links back to your site which are critical for good placement within the search engines. Many formerly well-ranked, front-page sites have found themselves re indexed and tucked away on page 15 of google. Sound familiar? Who's going to find you on page 15?

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