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Net-Teams - Bookmark Tag Mutual

There are 85 articles associated with the tag Mutual!

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1. Bookmarks: 0 What Your Mother Never Told You About Income Investing: Twenty Questions (1 thru 6) Investors are a very dependent group of people, particularly now that most employed persons have been given the responsibility of directing their own savings and investment programs for retirement. Mother Wall Street has monopolized this huge market, and nursed its children first on Mutual Funds and now on derivative betting mechanisms they call index ETFs ---the unhealthy investment equivalent of a diet of fast food, limited protein, and high energy fusion products.
2. Bookmarks: 1 Risk Minimization, The Essence of Market Cycle Investment Management The MCIM methodology combines risk minimization, asset allocation, equity trading, investment grade value stock investing, and base income generation in a realistic environment whose time frame recognizes and embraces stock market, interest rate, and economic cycles. It does not exist in either Mutual Fund or ETF form.
3. Bookmarks: 0 The Real Scoop on Annuities - Part Two Unfortunately, the stock market never has been able to generate guaranteed levels of income, and sometimes fails to move higher just because we think it should. Serious problems occur when mutual funds are packaged with annuity contracts and the critical differences between them are either overlooked or undisclosed, perhaps innocently, perhaps not.
4. Bookmarks: 0 Investment Scam Alert 2009: Spread the Word (August 2009) An envelope arrived yesterday from a worried investor (not a client of mine) in Appleton, Wisconsin. He had been contacted with an investment partner opportunity touting a guaranteed investment program that would absolutely double and triple his money every sixty days with no worries, work, or risk involved.
5. Bookmarks: 0 Commissions are no Big Deal... Period - Part 2 For most stock purchases, the costs are up front and visible. For most Bond, and new issue purchases, the commissions are hidden from the investor, as they are with all Mutual Fund and Insurance/Annuity products.
6. Bookmarks: 0 What Do The Top 100 Newspaper Business Editors Have In Common, Besides Arrogance Should the country's biggest newspaper business editors be interested in a better way to manage investment portfolios than mutual funds or Modern Portfolio Theory speculations about the future? Should they care about an old approach to investing that actually takes advantage of the market cycle? Should they be tired of promulgating the same old and tired Wall Street advice that always seems to take investors in the wrong direction. Yeah, they should.
7. Bookmarks: 0 What's Going On In The Markets?!?! If you were to buy almost any common stock or equity based security (mutual fund, ETF or Equity Closed End Fund), you would be paying a higher price than has ever been paid, by any person, at any time in the history of mankind.
8. Bookmarks: 0 How's Your Investment Portfolio Doing? --- Seven Long-Term Analyzers Before Wall Street conned investors into thinking of calendar quarters as short-term and single years as long-term, market cycles were used to test investment strategies. Performance analysis was a test of management style and overall methodology, not a calendar year horse race with one of the popular averages. Bor-ing, yes--- but meaningful.
9. Bookmarks: 0 Trading The 401k Portfolio - Part II Retirement plan investment portfolios are managed to produce the promised income; 401k plans make no promises and do not seem to make much of an effort to offer income focused investment products. The income produced by the highest yielding (highest risk) mutual funds is generally lower than that which can be obtained from lower income tier Closed End Funds (CEFs).
10. Bookmarks: 0 MarketWatch Column Bashes ETFs (and By Extension)... Mutual Funds The ‘F’ in ETF stands for “funds,” and it’s only because ETMF is longer that they are not widely recognized as “exchange-traded mutual funds.” In some cases—with Vanguard’s ETFs, for example—ETFs are simply a different share class of the same underlying pool of assets and management style.
11. Bookmarks: 0 Managed Asset Allocation - A Portfolio Mission Statement The Asset Allocation formula is often abused in an effort to superimpose a valid investment planning tool on speculation strategies that have no real merits of their own. For example, annual portfolio repositioning, market timing adjustments, and shifting between Mutual Funds. To be effective, Asset Allocation must be implemented as an on-going process that is to be tended to with every investment decision.
12. Bookmarks: 0 Income CEF Price Volatility ROCKS! MCIM portfolios include 30% Income Purpose securities (based on Working Capital), and never own non Investment Grade Value Stock equities. This translates into portfolios of high quality securities, each contributing to higher realized base income than that contained in market averages or blended Mutual Funds.
13. Bookmarks: 0 The Flip Side of Rising Interest Rates... Much Higher Yields Note that Wall Street (and the DOL) have (purposely?) kept the investing public uninformed about the totally reasonable yields currently (and historically, before, during, and since the financial crisis) available using Closed End Income Funds... CEF income investors have the ability to add to positions when prices fall (thus reducing cost basis and increasing yield),
14. Bookmarks: 0 Baby Boomer Alert: Prepare for the Dreaded RMD If you are within five years of retirement right now, at the top of a stock market cycle, what are you waiting for! Sell the Funds, sell the ETFs, and move into safer positions... if you can find them within the plan's product menu.
15. Bookmarks: 0 Caveat Employer: The DOL is Coming! The DOL is Coming! Generous employers give their employees money to invest along with their own, and the feds want them to guarantee that plan participants won't lose money... in the stock market! The regulators are missing the point, and a great opportunity to actually fix what is really wrong deep inside the 401k space. No one in the 401k business cares a lick about the retirement income benefits the plans could provide to employers and employees alike…
16. Bookmarks: 0 Successful Investing: Rules Of Engagement Crash! The 2007 thru 2008 financial crisis halved 401(k), IRA, and Mutual Fund values in a matter of months. For many, retirement dates had to be pushed back; for others, new jobs had to be found. The tragic flaw? No income allocation in the investment program. Market value builds egos; income pays the bills.
17. Bookmarks: 0 Modern Portfolio Theory --- The Root Of All Evil Clearly, the MPT creators were once Mutual Fund investors, looking for something better after years of disappointing investment returns. True, mutual fund managers rarely beat the markets --- but why? And also true, private, individual, portfolio managers rarely fail to beat the market averages over significant time periods.
18. Bookmarks: 0 Collective Investment Funds (CIFs) for Your Retirement Plans: Plan Sponsors, Principals, Advisors, Fiduciaries We all know that Mutual Funds, ETFs, and similar products don't prepare well for market downturns.... they are unable to take profits, build portfolio income, or hold equity smart cash that can be put back to work when the market falls. Collective Investment Trusts could be a solution to these problems... Active management and security transparency are the key differences.
19. Bookmarks: 0 Let's Make 401k Plans Behave More Like Retirement Plans Although it is true that you do not pay taxes on your contributions during the earning years, you will absolutely pay through both nostrils when you retire. If your karma is off, you may find yourself retiring at a time when the stock market is not in a party mood and your shrinking mutual funds don't seem quite as secure as they did a few months earlier. We can deal with the market cycle; a saner tax code is a much bigger problem
20. Bookmarks: 0 The Greatest Financial Story Never Told How would you have fared if you were cash rich in September 1987 and fully invested by the end of October? What if, in the time leading up to the dot-com bubble, your credo was: no NASDAQ, no Mutual Funds, no IPOs/ Investment Grade Value Stocks only?
21. Bookmarks: 11 Investment Management - Put More Smart Cash In Your Future It's smart cash because it is created by the operation of the portfolio and ready for reinvestment. If it remains uninvested while new investment opportunities exist, it loses IQ points rapidly. If you've ever turned an unrealized gain into a realized loss, if you've ever sold mutual fund shares to deal with monthly expenses, if you've ever been unable to take advantage of low prices for lack of income, this is an approach you need to consider.
22. Bookmarks: 1 Attention Wall Street Shoppers: Always, Yes Always, Sell Too Soon The market has never and will never be a one way ticket to ride (smile Beatles fans). None of the important aspects of the voyage (highs, lows, volatility, or duration) are predictable, by anyone, no matter how overpaid or well credentialed. Sooner or later, some gutsy financial gurus will declare the stock market overbought and fraught with danger.
23. Bookmarks: 5 Solid Income Investments in Liquid Form: Managed Closed End Funds Unlike conventional mutual funds, CEFs do not issue and redeem shares directly with investors at net asset value. CEFs are listed on national securities exchanges, where shares of the Investment Company are purchased and sold in transactions with other investors, just like individual company stocks, and most often not at net asset value.
24. Bookmarks: 0 Life Cycle Portfolios Deliver Pension-Like Benefits: Free Webinar Mutual Fund managers can't beat the averages because the managers must do what unit holders tell them to do. They can't buy low and sell high, and they must buy high and sell low --- not what you would call a winning (or index beating) combination. What do you think will happen to ETF prices when there is a correction? Are they any different, even without a manager?
25. Bookmarks: 60 Master Referral Marketer Everyone you meet in person is a potential lifetime referral partner for your project and business. Building relationships in your community is a powerful way to create long term friendships that yield valuable mutual benefits for all parties.
26. Bookmarks: 99 Referral Marketing Champions - Building Your Business Through In-Person Networking Everyone you meet is a potential lifetime referral partner for your project and business. If you think you could learn more about the value of referral networking, please read on. Building relationships in your community is a powerful way to create long term friendships that yield valuable mutual benefits for all parties.
27. Bookmarks: 0 High Dividend ETFs - An Equity-Income Investment Fantasy Market Cycle Investment Portfolios are investment portfolios; ETFs in general are derivative gambling devices; High Dividend ETFs are quality-and-income equity derivative gambling devices that could be useful around the bottom of the next correction --- the next prolonged correction, that is. There is absolutely not one molecule of similarity between any MCIM portfolio and any Index ETF, period.
28. Bookmarks: 0 A Conservative's Liberal Plan To Transform Social Security A Social Security Retirement Income Annuity, or SSRIA, invested 70% or more in government (all levels) guaranteed securities, could be phased in quickly as a mandatory replacement for the existing Social Security program. The personally owned SSRIA would also become a voluntary investment option for all self-directed programs and a guaranteed safe savings vehicle for after tax discretionary dollars.
29. Bookmarks: 7 Neighborhood Advocates for Sustainability Through Local Farming We provide support for community groups that want to build projects within their communities for the betterment of all. Different roles from growing to delivery in a local food system can be mutually complementary and we provide easily adaptable systems that allow anyone and everyone to participate and benefit. Creating a secure, healthy and stable food supply for community members, plus exportable products for markets outside the community raising the quality of life for everyone.
30. Bookmarks: 1 The Investment Grade Value Stock Watch List --- On Demand A large number of high quality stocks on the Watch List is clear evidence of market weakness and a limited number of such opportunities signals a market that is overpriced and attractive only to Mutual Fund salesmen, the media, and the greedy. Understand The Investor's Creed and get in sync with the market!
31. Bookmarks: 5 Retire Social Security Debt and Save The Economy --- What If? What if the US Government sold the Social Security system/employees/buildings/DEBT/etc. to Insurance/Annuity industry companies for the amount of the debt plus a few billion --- all in cash plus secured debt of the hundreds of companies involved in the purchase? Is this a guaranteed winner for a presidential candidate or what?
32. Bookmarks: 0 Calculating Your Investment IQ Stocks, bonds, index funds; averages, recessions, market rallies and corrections; mutual funds, technical analysis, financial statements; commissions, taxes, and discount brokers.
33. Bookmarks: 0 More Simplified NRI Banking! Opening up an NRI account is no big deal. If you choose the online route, you will soon realize how simple the whole process is. If you are a non resident Indian, you can open up your bank account sans any lengthy documentation. You are allowed to open multiple accounts in a single application. It takes the tension away from you, as you and your spouse can apply for it simultaneously.
34. Bookmarks: 0 What You Need To Know About Frequent Flyer Credit Card There are lots of people who travel everywhere in the world either for personal or official purposes. In this manner, both passengers and airline companies are mutually benefited. The passengers always see it as an advantage because their needs to travel could be turned out into something profitable.Some airline companies have originally put up facilities on frequent flyers which promotes good customer service to earn their loyalty and reward it with generous back up plan...
35. Bookmarks: 0 401k Retirement Plans Explained 401k retirement plans are special types of accounts, financed through pre-tax payroll deductions. The funds in your account are invested in various ways. Your funds can be invested through any number of stocks, mutual funds, and other ways, and it is not taxed on any capital gains or interest until the money is pulled out or withdrawn. Congress approved this retirement savings plan in 1981, and its name was rooted from the section of the Internal Revenue Code that contains it...
36. Bookmarks: 0 Is An Index Mutual Fund The Best Choice For Long-Term Investing? Do you believe that the world economy will grow? Do you believe that US economy will grow? I do. The major stock indexes are indicators of economy grow. You can make money use this opportunity buying index funds. Investing into index mutual funds is easy, interesting, and profitable. It takes 5 minutes every month! If you are long-term investor, index funds is for you!It doesn’t matter what index you choose. This index will grow due to economy sector grow rate. There are ...
37. Bookmarks: 0 Mutual Funds - An Introduction and Brief History Each one of us does not have the expertise or the time to build and manage an investment portfolio. There is an excellent alternative available – mutual funds.
38. Bookmarks: 0 Investors Are Finding Opportunities Beyond Their U.S. Borders Experts say global and international mutual funds can represent a world of opportunity for investors.
39. Bookmarks: 0 Ways to earn good profit out of mutual fund. It is more of commonsense than an art or science. Mutual funds are created with pre-determined investment objectives, to suit different kind of investors. The mutual funds are made in such a way that they achieve a variety of risk/reward objectives, thus providing returns to investors on the level of risk which he wants to undertake in order to achieve the expected returns.
40. Bookmarks: 0 Uranium Mutual Funds-Are They A Wise Investment? If you are looking for new investment opportunities, uranium mutual funds may be the best place to put your money. Most of the new age energy mutual funds have a number of stocks into sectors such as oil, gas, nuclear energy, uranium and so on.The good investment potential in this sector has led to further upsurge in the demand for this sectoral funds and mutual funds industry is also bringing out new funds and investment opportunities. Today, uranium mutual funds are one...
41. Bookmarks: 1 Should You Invest In Mutual Funds Or Stocks? With so many options out there for the individual investor, it is sometimes difficult to determine that investments are right for you. The key to having a long-term, stable and profitable portfolio is to diversify your investments. For many investors the process of diversification includes investing in both mutual funds and stocks. The best course is to learn all you can about both types of investments and find your ideal balance between the two.Mutual funds are open-end ...
42. Bookmarks: 4 Retirement Income Planning: Mutual Funds Mutual funds are classified in three main categories that differ in regards to their risks, features and rewards. They are money market funds, bond funds, which also receive the name of “fixed income” and finally, stock funds, which are also called “equity funds”. Let’s take a deeper look at each one of them.
43. Bookmarks: 0 Mutual Fund Expenses An informed investor knows where his money is going. For an investor in mutual funds, it is essential to understand the expenses of mutual funds. These expenses directly influence the returns and cannot be neglected.
44. Bookmarks: 0 Mutual funds: protect yourself with segregated funds Segregated funds were initially developed by the insurance industry to compete against mutual funds. Today, many mutual fund companies are in partnership with insurance companies to offer segregated funds to investors. Segregated funds offer some unique benefits not available to mutual fund investors.
45. Bookmarks: 0 Maximize Your After-Tax Returns If you want to minimize receiving taxable distributions from mutual fund investments, tax-efficient funds should be considered for your investment portfolio.
46. Bookmarks: 0 Investing Advice: 5 Benefits Of Etfs When people ask for investing advice, ETFs usually come up pretty quickly, because they are so heavily marketed and trumped by the industry. Exchange-traded funds, or ETFs, are an easy way to diversify a small investment, but to get the most out of your investment, it is important to understand how they operate.ETFs are like mutual funds, in that they are a collection of investments, but they are traded on an exchange, such as the NYSE, instead of purchased directly from ...
47. Bookmarks: 11 Second Home Are a Great Investment The new millennium has not been good to stocks, bonds, mutual funds and other financial investments. Most investors have found that the best performing asset in their portfolio is their home. Real estate has been a safe haven for investors with appreciation far outpacing other investments. With the security and growing values of residential real estate, a growing number of home owners are now investing in a second home.
48. Bookmarks: 0 Property Rights And The EU The European Community (also referred to as the European Economic Community) has as its task the establishment of a common market and the progressive approximation of the economic policies of Member States. The term common market has been defined as an area, which consists of two or more Member States that abolish tariffs and other trade barriers in their mutual trade, set-up a Common External Tariff with third non-EU countries and apply the principle of the free movement of ...
49. Bookmarks: 0 Mutual Fund Investing Simplified What is a mutual fund anyways an average person may well ask?A mutual fund is simply a co-operative means by which means many people can pool their savings together and have it professionally managed and as well take advantage of institutional volume discount pricing of purchase and sales commissions.The concepts of pooling allow investors with relative small amounts of money to access investments that may require larger sums to achieve affordability.Government an...
50. Bookmarks: 0 Save Online, Try The Online Savings Account Savings account is account deposited that is only intended to stay in the bank for a relatively shorter time span. This account usually offers much lower interest rates than most bank accounts. But still, like many other accounts, it accumulates interests. The rate of which is largely dependent on the conditions provided by the bank. Savings accounts are normally maintained by commercial banks, credit unions, loans and savings associations, and some mutual savings bank th...
51. Bookmarks: 0 Seven Steps To Self Discovery - Familyvision Column Paula is the most popular girl in high school. Only people who meet the criteria can join her social circle. The school seems to revolve around her. Her rival is Eva who is another snob. Eva hates Paula (and the feeling is mutual). One day Eva follows Paula home, hoping to find some dirt. Finally, Paula arrives at a homeless shelter. Eva becomes unhappy because she feels Paula is performing community service (just another medal on Paula’s chest). However, Eva is startled. Pau...
52. Bookmarks: 2 Principles Are The Key To A Congruent Life When you live a congruent life, different parts of your life are no longer split into separate compartments, instead they become part of one integrated whole where each part mutually supports and reinforces each other part.Many self growth thinkers regard congruency as THE success principle. “Why You Must Bring Congruency Into Your Life” ( talks more about this.For example, you are in a career that appears to ...
53. Bookmarks: 0 Seven Come Leverage-7 Reasons Why Forex Is a Superior Trading Arena for Individuals Why the small speculator should consider foreign currency trading over stocks, bonds, commodities and mutual funds.
54. Bookmarks: 0 Trading Stocks Online - What Works Imagine you are trying to do car repairs, and the only tool you have is a hammer. Sure, you’ll be able to get some jobs done, but they won’t be done properly and you’ll most likely break something else in the process. Trading stocks online is much like that. There are many ways to trade, but only some of them truly work.
55. Bookmarks: 0 Stock Indexes: The Inside Story A stock index is simply an average price for a large group of stocks, formed from stocks with something in common. One huge function of indexes is that they can function as investment instruments -- mutual funds based on an index duplicate the holdings of the underlying index.
56. Bookmarks: 0 Saving money through investing in mutual funds A good mutual fund company will know how to use the investor’s money to buy and sell large amounts of securities. The aim of mutual fund companies is to increase their profit margins.
57. Bookmarks: 0 Of Stocks, Stockholders And Stock Market A copper mining enterprise Stora Kopparberg first introduced the system of stock in the 13th century. The financial backers and owners felt the need to raise money for investment in the new projects of the same company so they started the method of stock and shares. It was also required in order to ward off the threat to the ownership rights if the company was sold, which would mean complete loss of control. The investors got the monetary support they were looking for and...
58. Bookmarks: 0 Tips to Build a Successful Portfolio Walking through the financial maze of stocks, bonds and mutual funds can be quite a challenge. American Century Investments offers the following tips to give you the know-how on building a profitable portfolio.
59. Bookmarks: 0 The Benefits Of An Investment Club An investment club consists of a small group of individual investors who come together and contribute to a mutual fund to learn and build confidence in order for them to make educated investment decisions. Investment clubs have been around for decades and have provided people with limited funds to take part in larger investments and to get first hand experience and education. The primary motive of an investment club is make the most money possible and for investors to sha...
60. Bookmarks: 0 Ten New Investment Concepts, the Time has come. There’s a rumor going around that the Mutual Funds are broken and just can’t work anymore, for a multitude of reasons. Here are some new and/or forgotten ideas that can get your investment program back on track:
61. Bookmarks: 0 Invest Now for Dividends Later It isn’t hard to get started. All you need is $100 to $500 to open an account, and anywhere from $25 to $50 monthly to continue building your stock or mutual fund portfolio. In fact, a young person aged 20 could deposit $2,000 and then not another dime. In forty years he or she might have tens of thousands of dollars.
62. Bookmarks: 0 International Investing: It Makes Sense Of the world's 40,000 publicly traded companies, 77 percent are located abroad, a pretty good sign that there are compelling investment opportunities outside the United States. Viewed another way, 51 percent of the world's $38 trillion total market capitalization belongs to the international arena. U.S. mutual funds hold $491 billion in overseas investments.
63. Bookmarks: 0 How To Invest Wisely And Make Your Money Grow Wise investments of your spare funds can be a great way to grow rich. These days, savings accounts offer very low interest and it is a waste to allow your money to lie in them. Based on your appetite for risk and your financial needs, you have various other investment schemes and options to choose from. It is always safer to have a diversified portfolio, that is, to spread you money around in various types of schemes, so that the risks and returns get balanced out. The co...
64. Bookmarks: 4 Have You Made A Bad Investment? If you are concerned about saving money or making money for the future, or both, then you definitely need to consider making an investment in different stocks, mutual funds, and the like to create a well rounded portfolio that will provide you with returns that benefit you and your investment. There are so many benefits of making an investment in a mutual fund or funds and just a few of them are full time management, access to money, diverse investments, and services.When...
65. Bookmarks: 0 Getting Started With Online Investing As with everything else these days, the stock market has gone online. If you can shop, pay bills, and do your banking online, why not invest too? Investing online is not as big of an ordeal as some people make it out to be. The key is to know what you want before you start.When opening a new account, investors need to answer the regular questions, such as the type of account they want and how it will be funded. When selecting an account type the kind you choose will depen...
66. Bookmarks: 0 Gear up your tax planning with mutual funds. Smart tax saving tips and recommendations - 2008 Investment through Equity linked Saving Schemes not just provide you benefits of tax exemptions but also provide you the high returns of mutual funds. Tax plans like ELSS need to be understood by investors in order to benefit from them while filling their annual tax returns.
67. Bookmarks: 0 Be Cautious When Studying Mutual Fund Ratings Wherever you look, you will find various rating systems on mutual funds, each of which uses a different approach. All of them are designed to weed through the thousands of funds to get to the best ones. But is there really such a thing? Does a high rating really mean a fund will do better in the future? Many people seem to think so. A recent study showed that Morningstar, North America's most recognized rating system for funds, has a tremendous influence on fund sales. If Morningstar gives a fi
68. Bookmarks: 0 4 Tips to Build a Successful Portfolio Walking through the financial maze of stocks, bonds and mutual funds can be quite a challenge. American Century Investments offers the following tips to give you the know-how on building a profitable portfolio.
69. Bookmarks: 0 Calculating Your Investment IQ The keys to successful investing are Asset Allocation using only two investment buckets: Equity and Income, and the development of realistic expectations about their market value performance.
70. Bookmarks: 0 Wall Street Foxes in the 401(k) Hen House If you fall for the scam of having an Annuity or Mutual Fund company pick the investments in your 401(k) or retirement account for a "WRAP Fee", you will get the disaster that you deserve.
71. Bookmarks: 0 Solving Social Security is No Big Deal - The Solution (August, 2006) Are you surprised that there is no Social Security Trust Fund... no investments and no Investment Managers. This is a gigantic Government designed and controlled Ponzi scheme that has worked incredibly well in spite of congressional tinkering and prohibitively high cost. There was always a tax plan for funding the benefits, but never an Investment Plan.
72. Bookmarks: 0 Solving Social Security is No Big Deal - Details (August, 2006) Are you surprised that there is no Social Security Trust Fund... no investments and no Investment Managers. This is a gigantic Government designed and controlled Ponzi scheme that has worked incredibly well in spite of congressional tinkering and prohibitively high cost. There was always a tax plan for funding the benefits, but never an Investment Plan.
73. Bookmarks: 1 Your 401(k) Investments and the IGVSI (May, 2008) Typically, 401(k) participants buy the higher priced, last-year-best-performing, and hot sector offerings while they sell or avoid the various products they feel have "under performed" the market. Nowhere else in their lives do they adopt such a perverse strategy. And nowhere else in their thinking would they blindly accept the premise that any one number represents what is, or should be, going on in their personal investment portfolios.
74. Bookmarks: 0 Volatility Rocks The Investment Markets (June 2008) Investor perceptions of volatility need to be rearranged. When you allow more than an up-only smiley face into your understanding of the markets, you will be able to position yourself to actually take advantage of the volatility while it is happening. Much of the current skittishness in the financial markets is caused by multiple economic concerns and the incredibly naïve resolution ideas being spouted by the presidential candidates.
75. Bookmarks: 5 Stock Market Meltdown – Watching Rome Burn (September 2008) Both presidential candidates want to crucify SEC Chairman Cox for failing to control our creative financial institutions. But rumor has it that Congress specifically excluded the devilish derivatives from SEC purview. Let's fire the right bunch of "poips" for a change!
76. Bookmarks: 0 Wall Street Garage Sale Produces Closed End Fund Bargains (October 2008) Buffet, Bogle, Gross, Schwab, and Deep Pockets offer sound advice--- don't run and hide, it's time to hit the Wall Street Mall and go shopping! They've seen the indicators; they've been there before. So have many of you. Clearly, it's time for action.
77. Bookmarks: 0 Your 401(k) Investments and the IGVSI Smack, right up alongside the head. Your 401(k) investment program deteriorated rapidly as the stock market and the economy weakened. Who would have thought that there was so much risk of loss in those mutual funds, and ETFs? Fortunately, the pain is most often temporary, but the timing of the recovery could alter some participant retirement schedules and benefits--- not to mention the hefty confiscation level retirees can count on from Uncle Sam.
78. Bookmarks: 1 Good Clicks, Bad Clicks: Recognizing The Signs Of Click Fraud Search engine marketing is a billion dollar industry—but click fraud poses a threat to search engine advertising companies and online marketers alike. Pay-Per-Click ad campaigns are a fairly simple concept; advertisers bid on popular search keywords and pay the search engine ad companies every time someone clicks on their ad. This is a mutually beneficial relationship for the advertiser and the search engine company. The problem comes when the advertisers’ numbers—and their b...
79. Bookmarks: 0 What are Timeshares? Modern timesharing started in Europe many years ago and was simply an arrangement whereby a number of parties joined together to buy and run a holiday resort for their mutual benefit.
80. Bookmarks: 0 Hooking Up On The Internet No, I’m not talking about THAT kind of hooking up…this is a business article, for goodness sakes! I’m talking about building mutually beneficial relationships with other online business owners. That’s the kind of hooking up that will propel your business to long-term success.Many people get online and think that the more people they meet online, the bigger customer base they can get. To some degree that is true, but in this marketing mama’s humble opinion, it’s...
81. Bookmarks: 8 Seven Ways To Connect Your Writing And Your Life An important question for any artist is: How can I built a career and simultaneously be true to myself? It’s an important question, and during the twenty years I’ve taught writing, hundreds of students have expressed the belief that success and personal integrity are mutually exclusive.The Lifewriting™ approach to fiction suggests that not only do these two qualities overlap, but that the safest, surest, most satisfying path to discovering your true voice, your deepest cr...
82. Bookmarks: 0 The Secret Power of Words If the best way of communicating with prospects and existing customers was through sign language, we’d all have to learn to sign. Or if the best method of communication proved to be some kind of mutually understandable code, we’d all have to learn that code in order to say anything. Thankfully, our communication process is much more simple…or is it?
83. Bookmarks: 0 The Right Time To Say I Love You Saying “I love you” for the first time is one of the sweetest things a person can do in his life and hearing it for the first time is one of the best experiences one can have, especially if the feeling is mutual. However, there are risks that are involved in saying “I love you” and if it is not done properly, all will be going down the drain from there.Timing is one of the most essential elements in expressing one’s love towards another person. Knowing when to expre...
84. Bookmarks: 8 Tips On How To Handle Abusive Relationships A Relationship is a very valuable aspect in our life. It must be unique and something to be enjoyed by everyone. We all dream of having a very healthy relationship especially with our friends, family members and loved ones. It is a relationship wherein we enjoy each others company. We do things together like watching a basketball game or sometimes with the company of some friends. We are honest about our feelings with each other. There is mutual respect and sincerity betw...
85. Bookmarks: 58 Difficult Conversations – Getting Started Is there a conversation you've been putting off? Is there a coworker or family member with whom you need to talk - but don't? Maybe you've tried and it didn't turn out as you had hoped. Or maybe you fear that talking will only make things worse. Whatever the reason, you feel stuck and you'd like to free up that energy for more useful purposes.

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LinkedIn Recommendation: AH'NAY SATORI - Owner, SATORI ENTERPRISES, INC. - My experience with Teo was initiated at a professional social event. During this event, I discovered instantly that Teo was very personable with an excellent sense of humor. This foundation set the tone to conduct future business. Having a new subsidiary business, Herbal Enlightenment, I desired to employ Teo's company to administer SEO services. During the duration of this relationship, I found Teo, along with his assistant, to be very innovative and attentive to my business needs.

Teo is recommended for his ability to make one feel comfortable in conducting business, along with his creative energy and attention to detail. - January 15, 2011, AH'NAY was Teo's client


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