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Net-Teams - Bookmark Tag balance

There are 100 articles associated with the tag balance!

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1. Bookmarks: 2 Retirement Ready Income Investing: What's In Your Wallet? What good is wealth without income? Your 401k program is NOT retirement ready... even the most popular 2017 Target Date Fund is heavy into the Stock Market. Steve Selengut has been a hands-on, income focused, portfolio manager since 1979. This is the information you need to get from your 401k balances to retirement income independence.
2. Bookmarks: 0 Acupuncture Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) uses acupuncture as a technique for balancing the flow of energy or life force known as qi or chi (CHEE). It is believed to flow through channels, also called pathways or meridians, in your body. Inserting needles into specific points along these meridians will re-balance your energy flow and is used to control pain and help the body heal itself.
3. Bookmarks: 0 Why Do I Feel Spacey, Unfocused, and Have Such Trouble Making Decisions? Stress, poor diet (especially with simple sugars & refined carbs), toxicity, alcohol, heavy metal toxicity, extended use of antibiotics, and birth control pills can cause Candida (yeast) overgrowth. Many people are unaware that over 80% of our population has some degree of Candida imbalance. Symptoms are different for everyone. Mycotoxins from the yeast cause problems in various parts of the body. Did you know that sugar addiction can be one of the main causes of Candida overgrowth?
4. Bookmarks: 0 A Sugar Addict's Short Story with Related Issues Melissa English tells how possessed she was by her sugar addiction and how starting the day with a balanced protein drink can get you off to a great beginning nutritionally. Sometimes people who crave sugary foods are actually deprived of many vitamins and minerals. The following smoothie (or protein drink) recipes can satisfy the body in many ways.
5. Bookmarks: 18 The Cayce Diet Edgar Cayce frequently emphasized the importance of maintaining a proper acid-alkaline balance by eating the higher ratios of alkaline forming foods. His major dietary recommendations include the avoidance of red meat (especially pork), alcohol (except red wine), white bread, and fried foods, a preference for fruits and above-ground, leafy vegetables over starches, and a high ratio of alkaline foods over acidic.
6. Bookmarks: 0 Complete Well-being Begins With Building Positive Emotions Women come to me often wondering why they are having a hard time finding their own place of well-being or inner calm. So I’m always looking for the hard facts. Specifically, my curiosity has always been around complete well-being: not just physical health, or financial wealth, beauty or balanced weight, and not just a healthy mind, but all of them put together. The real questions have always been how do we create complete well-being for ourselves and how do we teach it to oth...
7. Bookmarks: 0 After School Activities That Make Dismissal Time Worth Waiting For School is all about stress, whether we’d like to admit it or not. It’s all about slaving over the latest math problem, sweating bullets just trying to balance the next chemical reaction, and getting headaches over explaining how Tolkien’s Middle Earth is not an allegory for the real world – in a hundred words or less. The work is stressful, but if you don’t let the stress get to you, then school can actually be something to look forward to.
8. Bookmarks: 0 WHY MAGNETS FOR IMPROVED MUSCLE AND JOINT RELIEF? Many of us are looking for ways to avoid pill popping for muscle and joint relief. We know long term use of pain klillers can cause all kinds of health problems, including addiction. Magnets have been used as medical devices for over 4000 years. Equestrians have long recognized that magnetic wraps, discs and bands greatly reduce the recovery time of their animals after races or events. Athletes use magnets for increased energy, balance, stamina, sprains and strains.
9. Bookmarks: 0 Starting Out With Credit Cards When you are first starting out with a credit card, it is important to pay attention to credit card interest rates. If possible, you might consider applying for a 0 apr credit card. This means that for a period of time, you would pay 0% interest on your purchases and any balance transfers. If you are a small business owner, a trial period with a 0 apr credit card is a great way to cut down on expenses. A Capital One credit card for small business owners is a great card to sta...
10. Bookmarks: 0 Fight Fees With Low Fee Credit Cards Do you have credit cards? Do you know exactly which fees you pay, and how much of your monthly payment is devoted to such fees? If not, you’re in good company; too many of us don’t know exactly what we’re paying for when we make our monthly payments. And card companies have been accused of making credit card terms and conditions too complicated for the average card holder to understand. What’s a consumer to do?First, know what’s out there. Fees come in the form of a...
11. Bookmarks: 0 Raise Your Progress with Secured Loans Secured Loans are differing from unsecured Loans in some extent. In unsecured Loans when you borrow money, you don’t need to show your property. And Secured Loans make your life and tension free. It describes a balanced analysis of both the worst case and good case aspects and other critical business finance terms is essential for comprehensive working capital financing.
12. Bookmarks: 0 Get a Loans Boat in Empty Lake Secured Loans are differing from unsecured Loans in some extent. In unsecured Loans when you borrow money, you don’t need to show your property. And Secured Loans make your life and tension free. It describes a balanced analysis of both the worst case and good case aspects and other critical business finance terms is essential for comprehensive working capital financing.
13. Bookmarks: 0 Easing Credit Card Worries Credit cards getting you down at the moment, wish there was a way to ease the burden for a short while and save yourself some money in the process, well read on and find out how. Balance transfers could be the answer to your prayers, some of the introductory deals on balance transfers are really good, some are offering 0% interest rates for a free period of time anything from 6 months to a full year, some of the credit card companies also offer a low interest rate for the...
14. Bookmarks: 1 Should You Invest In Mutual Funds Or Stocks? With so many options out there for the individual investor, it is sometimes difficult to determine that investments are right for you. The key to having a long-term, stable and profitable portfolio is to diversify your investments. For many investors the process of diversification includes investing in both mutual funds and stocks. The best course is to learn all you can about both types of investments and find your ideal balance between the two.Mutual funds are open-end ...
15. Bookmarks: 0 What Is A Current Account Mortgage? Current account mortgages are a type of flexible mortgage and they have been around for well over 10 years in the UK. Current account mortgages work by combining your mortgage and current account into a single account. For example, if there is £3,000 in the current account and the mortgage is £100,000 the balance in the account will show £93,000 overdrawn. The balance is calculated daily and the homeowner only pays interest on the balance. Any saved income you have in your cu...
16. Bookmarks: 0 Interest Only Loan Interest Only Mortgages is a risky product and does have its disadvantages it a tricky form of mortgage because it can be misleading as the payment is very small for the first 1,2,5,7 or even 10 years. The Interest Only Mortgage will have a balloon payment for the entire principal balance at the end of the loan term. Interest only mortgages might be beneficial for people in markets where houses appreciate rapidly and the plan is to remain in the house for only a couple of yea...
17. Bookmarks: 0 Home Equity Loans – A Great Source To Explore Investing in a home of your own is a sound decision and can turn out to be your most valuable asset. It creates equity on your home, which gradually increases as payments are made against the mortgage. For example, if you have a loan of $200000 against your home, and in course of time the balance on the mortgage stands at $140000, the equity on the home is $60000.This will keep growing as continued payments are made against the mortgage. This equity can then be used as collat...
18. Bookmarks: 0 Alternatives To High Risk Mortgage Refinancing Most investors find themselves in a cash crunch at one time or another. Vacancies, renovations, changes in mortgage terms and interest rates, municipal fees and taxes, it can all add up.This leaves investors scrambling to balance their portfolios. Most refinance with an eye on mortgage products with lower monthly payments. The current product of choice is the interest only mortgage.This mortgage lets property owners pay the interest part of a loan monthly, while makin...
19. Bookmarks: 0 Nation Branding and Place Marketing - III. The Price A product's price reflects the shifting balance between supply and demand (scarcity) as well as the value of inputs, the product's quality, and its image as conveyed and fostered by marketing and advertising campaigns (positioning). Price is, therefore, a packet of compressed information exchanged between prospective buyers and interested sellers.
20. Bookmarks: 0 How to Overcome the High Prices of College Textbooks Every year students require various college textbooks for their classes, spending a small fortune to purchase them. High standards should be improved in the business deal of purchasing new and used books so that all students would benefit of improved methods of learning. In recent years, college bookstores have begun to lose their monopoly over the market, generating pronounced imbalances regarding the average costs of most study materials.
21. Bookmarks: 0 A Dream And A Promise The GoYin formula helps you achieve balance that translates into: * Healthy energy* * Enhanced mood* * Antioxidant power* . . . and much more!
22. Bookmarks: 0 Life In The “Land Of Lincoln”: Explore Illinois - Illinois Travel Information Illinois is a myriad of sites and sounds, history and multiculturalism, all blended harmoniously into what is considered a perfect microcosm of the United States. The exploding diversity of the north and Chicagoland balances perfectly with the wilderness and historic sites of the south.The major financial, cultural and commercial hub of Illinois, Chicago, is situated on the Great Lake Michigan. The rest of the state is largely bordered by major waterways, including the Mi...
23. Bookmarks: 0 What Is A Balance Sheet? A balance sheet is a quick picture of the financial condition of a business at a specific period in time.
24. Bookmarks: 0 Understanding Cash Flow Statement - How To Make And Read Cash Flow Statement The cash flow statement sometimes is another financial statement that investors should become familiar with. It is another tool for managers and investors that shows how changes in the balance sheet and income affect cash. The cash flows are broken down into three parts: operating activities, investing activities, financing activities and the cash flows from each source. These changes shown on the cash flow statement are useful in determining the immediate health of the firm ...
25. Bookmarks: 0 Selling Business Notes for Quicker Cash In about 85 percent of all business sales, sellers accept a cash down payment and a promissory note to pay the balance in installments.However, many sellers don’t want to be in the lending business and would prefer not to hold business notes. The good news is: they don’t have to. If you created a business note to unload your company, you can sell the note to someone else.Find out how easy it is to sell your your seller financed business note.
26. Bookmarks: 0 Payment With Business Credit Cards Helps Maintain Cash Flow One of the common reasons for business failures in today’s business environment is lack of cash flow. The small businessperson must learn how to properly manage his or her business’ cash flow. For one, cash flow management allows you to balance your income and expenditures, and work towards having cash reserves to help you meet emergencies or unanticipated cash requirements. The other benefit from good cash flow management is that it helps your maintain a surplus cash fund for you...
27. Bookmarks: 0 Balance Transfer Disasters There has been a rapid growth in the availability of zero per cent rates in the credit card industry. These have been caused by the combination of very low national interest rates, and the injection of fierce competition from American lenders such as Capital One
28. Bookmarks: 0 Avoid Credit Card Balance Transfers Pitfalls Despite many card providers suffering falling profits and staggering rises in the level of bad debts, competition is still rife within the market and providers continue to launch headline ‘best buy’ deals. Andrew Britchford, credit card analyst from explains how consumers can avoid some of the common pitfalls associated with credit card deals and make the best of the offers available. Choosing the right card can be more complicated than you may think.
29. Bookmarks: 0 Vermont Skiing Why skiing? Because it is not only enjoyable, but is a great way of fitness: skiing is a great form of exercise requiring a level of skill, balance, and flexibility. Skiing is also great way to strengthen and tone several muscle groups. What can be such a big fun like skiing? The mountains, the views, the blue sky and breathing clean mountain air…unless you are in an indoor sky slope in Dubai. But if you would like to have real adventure, go outside.Vermont is New Eng...
30. Bookmarks: 0 Find A Money Making Forex Trading System That Works And Suits You In Forex Trading, there are two main approaches – Fundamental Analysis and Technical Analysis. Fundamental analysts will concentrate on the underlying causes of price movements, whereas as technical chartist studies the actual price movement.Fundamental analyst focus on various macroeconomic indicators - Interest Rate, Trade Balances, Growth Rates, and Unemployment rates, Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Inflation and etc. For beginners, do take note that there is no single ...
31. Bookmarks: 0 Doctor's Scientific Study Results for Magnetic Insoles The following article shows how Nikken's highly patented technology for their magnetic insoles clearly proves that all magnetic insoles are NOT created equal. Nikken's design was the only design that created consistent results. I wear these every chance I get for increased energy and balance. My diabetic friend saved his almost to be surgically amputated toes by wearing these insoles, and using some other Nikken products. We also use pieces of these insoles in a variety of ways too.
32. Bookmarks: 3 Nation Branding and Place Marketing - I. The Marketing Plan In the decades since World War II, economics prowess replaced military power as the crucial geopolitical determinant. The resilience of a country is measured by its inflows of foreign investment and by the balance of its current account - not by the number of its tanks and brigades.
33. Bookmarks: 1 Entrepreneurs Don't Have Average Credit Scores Fair Isaac, the company that develops the formula to determine credit scores looks at the average statistics of consumers and factors that into your score, called a (FICO). According to Fair Isaac the average consumer will have: · One inquiry on their personal credit report in a given year· 54% of credit holders carry a balance of less then $5,000 on all debts other then a mortgage· Have access to $12,190 on all credit cards combined
34. Bookmarks: 0 Accounting Careers Accountants play a critical role in a company’s many financial facets. In general, they balance books, record costs and profits, execute payroll, pay taxes and bills, and issue financial statements to outside organizations. Although these may appear to be straightforward tasks, accountants are required to be well-versed in protocol and regulations to avoid scandal, which results in costly fines and marred reputations. However, the accounting industry is drawing a breath of fr...
35. Bookmarks: 0 Trapped On The Treadmill: Work-Life Balance Work-life balance is a subject with broad points of view but Corporate America is finally responding to this demand. Actually it’s been a matter of company survival. Corporations expecting employees to forego family time will not find the Ace Employee. Increased irritability means less production as more as more workers struggle to ‘keep it all together’.
36. Bookmarks: 0 Women Entrepreneurs Prove It’s Not Just A Man’s World I had the honor of speaking this week at a women's business association luncheon on the topic of entrepreneurship. When I mentioned to my wife the day before that I was speaking to group of women entrepreneurs she asked, Why on earth would they ask you to speak?In her defense, my dear wife has no idea what I do for a living. She's never read a single one of the several hundred columns I've written. She's never attended a function where I'm speaking or sat in the audienc...
37. Bookmarks: 0 The journey to success in your home based business Success tips for operating your own home based business. Methods to help you balance family and work, better organize your business, and achieve the greatest success.
38. Bookmarks: 0 Balance your home based business I will show you how you can keep fit and care for yourself without neglecting your home based business
39. Bookmarks: 0 Getting The Most From Your Advertising Dollars Finding a balanced approach to your advertising dollars is critical for small business owners. This article identifies techniques to assist with that balance.
40. Bookmarks: 0 Correcting A Negative Cash Flow Your business might be heading towards bankruptcy if it has a negative balance on its 'Net Change' section of its cash flow statement. Immediate attention is required as failing to correct this negative trend will inevitably cause your business to run out of money.A Cash Flow Statement has five sections:1. Beginning Cash Balance2. Cash In3. Cash Out4. Net Change: (Cash In - Cash Out)5. Ending Cash Balance: (Net Change + Beginning Cash Balance)In order to c...
41. Bookmarks: 0 The Importance of Dental Care: How often do you Visit your Dentist? Dental health is an important aspect of general health care. Regular visit to the dentist is vital for maintaining a good oral health. Brushing your teeth twice daily, flossing, using mouthwash and eating a balanced diet are some of the essentials for having the perfect dental health.
42. Bookmarks: 0 Right Nutrition to keep a fit body Nutrition is the most primary essence of life. America is an example of many obese people and people who have neglected their diet. Nutrition enhances the balance of our body to be fit and healthy.
43. Bookmarks: 0 Great Abs With Balance Ball! Doing yoga on the ball can benefit anyone, including:1. Yoga beginners. Moving into poses with the ball's support builds confidence and can help your muscles gradually stretch and strengthen as you improve your yoga routine.2. People recovering from injuries. Some injuries create muscular weaknesses that make it difficult or painful to do yoga postures such as backbends or Warrior poses. A ball can ease you into a pose comfortably and with less risk for re-injury....
44. Bookmarks: 0 Fixed Rate Mortgages More Popular Than Ever The Council of Mortgage lenders recently reported that an amazing 71% of all mortages and remortgages in April 2006 were arranged on fixed rate terms, that’s 17% higher than the same period last year. The increasing attraction of fixed rate deals is a product of the attractive offers being made by lenders together with a desire by consumers to lock-in to the current low rates for as long as possible.The balance shifted slightly towards new mortgages and away from remortga...
45. Bookmarks: 1 Effective Solutions For Sufferers Of Hirsutism The condition known as hirsutism can occur for a number of reasons, and this is where women can suffer excessive hair growth on the face or body through causes such as medication side effects or hormonal imbalance. Although the effects of this condition are purely cosmetic, it can have a profound effect on the woman’s life in terms of confidence and stress levels. Anyone that suffers from this condition will know just how stressful it can be to deal with excessive unwanted ha...
46. Bookmarks: 0 Cosmetic Surgery – What You Must Consider When Selecting A Surgeon Or Clinic More and more people are opting to have cosmetic surgery. Choosing the right surgeon and clinic can be difficult unless choice is informed by balanced advice. The decision to undergo any type of cosmetic surgery is intensely personal. Although cosmetic surgery will not change your life, it may give you greater self-confidence and add to your sense of well-being. Do not make this decision lightly. It will not solve personal problems or make you look like someone else.Resea...
47. Bookmarks: 0 Baseball Hitting Tips Youth baseball players must learn balance is the key to hitting. Youth baseball coaches need to know how to teach balance with fun baseball drills.
48. Bookmarks: 0 Credit Card Balance Transfer Revisited Have you ever considered the dream ticket of always having an interest free credit card at all times, no matter what the circumstances? This is a trick you can pull of for years, in theory at least, by closely following the rules of credit card balance transfer. This article revisits those rules in a more competitive market.
49. Bookmarks: 0 Develop Your Flexibility, Strength, Balance, Health, And Further Your Tai Chi Training. My Dad got me into martial arts, back when I was twelve, as a way to get me away from the video game console and out doing some exercise. I'm grateful for that, in a lot of ways. Martial arts has made me a lot more fit, and giving me confidence and a career, actually. My Dad kept on with it as well, and it's started to take a toll on him. Where we used to do sparring matches, and throws and joint locks, he's just gotten to the point where he's enough older that he doesn't...
50. Bookmarks: 0 Imperfect Presidents More important than proving perfection on your parties side, is a willingness to seek out the mistakes and correct them; to improve; to monitor your integrity. In the face of the opposition bashing away and looking for any sign of weakness it is tempting to deny any fault at all, but it is still weak to ignore potential improvement. For a leader to inspire confidence, he must maintain a balance between claimed efficacy and a willingness to examine and adapt when changes will ...
51. Bookmarks: 0 Today’s WAHM and the Internet Tips to help the work-at-home mom achieve the ideal work and family balance.
52. Bookmarks: 0 Adult Add And Cloudy Communications If you're someone with adult ADD or ADHD, how often do you have circular conversations? You know the kind. You go 'round and 'round with someone, and you're both saying the exact same thing, but you can't make yourself understood? Isn't that frustrating? Is it possible for someone AD/HD to have less stress in their communications?The frustration you're feeling comes from a sense of imbalance because you're misunderstood. Feelings of Nobody Understands Me promote your se...
53. Bookmarks: 0 Finding An Interest Only Mortgage An interest only mortgage is a type of mortgage where you will pay only the interest and does not repay the principal amount for a period of time and during this period; the loan balance will remain the same.
54. Bookmarks: 21 Acne: Fact And Fiction Myths about acne die hard. Old wives’ tales about its causes continue to persist, in spite of scientific condition to the contrary. This article aims to shed light on some common myths about acne and attempts to separate fact from fiction.Myth 1: People who have acne are unclean and maintain poor hygieneThere is absolutely no truth to this statement. Acne is caused by a hormonal imbalance in the body. When the oil glands responsible for keeping our skin waterproof and...
55. Bookmarks: 0 Weight Loss Pills: More Harm Than Good This article talks about how society is shaping the ideal women of today. Being slim and sexy is considered beautiful, so women who think they are larger than life opt foe an easy way out, which is by the use of weight loss pills. These pills are available anywhere and is considered very convenient. But almost all these pills have more side effects than making the person lose weight. a healthier alternative to staying fit would be having a regular balanced diet and physical exercise.
56. Bookmarks: 0 Diet: How to really make your Diet work for you? First of all, you need to understand, that your body needs a proper Balanced Nutrition Diet, with a proper daily amount of: vitamins, proteins, minerals and carbohydrates...
57. Bookmarks: 0 Buying and Selling Home in a Balanced Market For the first time in a long time, the market is shifting toward a balanced market, where it favors neither buyers nor sellers. When the market is more balanced, you need to approach the buying and selling of real estate a bit differently.
58. Bookmarks: 0 Good Employers Want a Balance of Assertiveness and Agressiveness . How to Cultivate that Vital Balance Employers often avoid hiring overly aggressive employees as they drive business away. However employers want and hire assertive employees because assertive behavior projects capability and promotes a healthy productive working environment. What are these traits and how can you create a healthy balance?
59. Bookmarks: 21 Treat yourself and your windows. There are many styles of curtains, shades, valances and other window treatments that you can use to dress your windows. Dressed windows add to the charm of your house and make it look gorgeous. The key is to keep things in balance rather than overpower the space with too many contrasting colors.
60. Bookmarks: 18 Taking Full Advantage Of Cash Back Credit Cards Everyone has heard of cash back credit cards. For every purchase you make on your card, some percentage of that amount is returned to you at a predetermined date, usually on an annual basis. While this sounds like a situation where you can't lose, that may not be the case.Should you decide that you will be carrying a balance on your credit card on a regular basis; your highest priority should always be the APR that your credit card is associated with. Your interest rate w...
61. Bookmarks: 0 How Fatherhood Contributes To Fitness And Healthy Living When speaking about fitness and healthy living, most men usually think of the stereotyped image of a guy eating a balanced diet, going to the gym regularly, and engaging into sports activities. All right, if you want to be different, you'll probably choose yoga, ballroom dancing, carpentry, or even pottery as your means to exercise, relieve stress, and fight boredom. But you'll probably do a lot of sneaking when you want to do some unique stuff. Yet the truth is that male hea...
62. Bookmarks: 1 History Of The Early Gardens In the beginning there was a garden with natural water fountains. Creation's garden. And life was good. All plants were natives. Food was pure and abundant. Predators and prey were in balance (which is not to say they were equal).Then people got involved and introduced concrete fountains and many other things. They brought with them their urge for order and control, and a robust curiosity fed by experimentation. Soon, the earth was plowed into furrows and crops planted in...
63. Bookmarks: 1 Feng Shui in the Garden Creating balance and harmony in the garden using “The Ancient Art of Placement,” known as Feng Shui, is the topic of this article.
64. Bookmarks: 0 10 ways to protect your self from bankruptcy caused by prolonged illness. Accidents and prolonged sickness can be a drain both emotionally as well as financially. Sometimes money crunch is caused by the inability to hold a job, or when the medical bills escalate and it becomes increasingly difficult to balance expenses.
65. Bookmarks: 27 Skin Care Horror Stories There are researchers that have elaborated on the diseases caused by the chemical components of cosmetics and skin care products. Baillie- Hamilton an environmental health specialist at Sterling University in Scotland details how the toxins can cause problems as serious as immune system diseases, neurological disorders, hormonal imbalances, digestive disorders, hypersensitivity, cancer, obesity, child health problems and musculoskeletal disorders etc.Pesticides are specif...
66. Bookmarks: 0 Yoga Creates A Balance Between The Body, Mind And Soul. Yoga is an ancient science that aims to create a balance between the body, mind and soul, thereby curing physical mental and spiritual disorders that are caused by this imbalance. In common language, yoga means union; it’s a union of the individual consciousness with the super-consciousness. To be exact, yoga aims at reminding the individual of this union that already exists and has merely been forgotten. To put it simply, yoga is experiencing and knowing what already exists,...
67. Bookmarks: 0 The Path To Hair Restoration Normal hair loss is a common occurrence. At any given time, approximately 10% of your hair is dormant and susceptible to normal shedding. The problem is when the shedding is excessive. It is when thinning hair becomes obvious that most people become concerned with hair restoration options.Some of the reasons of abnormal hair loss may include:+ Health concerns such as major illness, fungal infections, hypo or hyper thyroidism, and hormone imbalances;+ Reaction to m...
68. Bookmarks: 0 No Time For Exercise? Try This! “Fitness” is an elusive term covering a vast array of attributes: flexibility, cardiovascular endurance, muscular endurance, strength, power, balance, coordination, body-fat percentage and more. While its generally accepted that multiple 30-60 minute sessions per week are optimal for producing results, the truth is that it’s possible to do a great amount in far less time.
69. Bookmarks: 0 Natural Acne Treatment - 5 Points You Have To Take Care Of Conventional treatments for acne are many times successful. These treatments include cleansing lotions made with benzoyl peroxide, creams or gels made with vitamin A, and antibiotic medications taken orally or applied to the skin. However, it is very important to consider the risk of scarring when choosing a certain treatment. Natural acne treatments are both efficient and cost effective and they reduce the risk of scarring. These treatments include a balanced diet, vitamins ...
70. Bookmarks: 0 Home Remedies For Backache Backache can be considered as one of the most common problems faced by people around the world. It is also a common symptom for different kinds of illnesses. The pain is mainly caused to the center of the back, along the spine or on both sides of the spine. The primary reasons for backaches are strain, fatigue and lack of balance. Backache can be caused due to an accident or injury to the spine or some other kinds of diseases. Other reasons for backache can be as simple as th...
71. Bookmarks: 8 Having A Relaxing Day At A Spa These days our bodies and minds are under increasing stress due to our hectic lifestyles. Trying to balance work and home life can lead to us feeling tired and irritable. Our muscles ache and many of us suffer with a bad back. What we long for is to take some time out for ourselves and be pampered at a spa health club. Afterwards we would be rejuvenated and ready to tackle what the world throws at us again.A spa is a wonderfully relaxing experience and involves treatmen...
72. Bookmarks: 1 Have A Cracker With Chiropractors Chiropractic healing is a kind of healing that taps the body’s ‘inner intelligence’ – that innate sense of balance the body has when a person is physically, emotionally and mentally healthy. A healing art that was developed in the United States , chiropractic healing operates on the belief that the body can heal itself if there is an uninterrupted flow of energy or nerve impulses from the brain to the rest of the body.It’s interesting to note that chiropractic heali...
73. Bookmarks: 0 Hair Loss and Menopause Menopause results in many physical changes in a woman’s body. There is a rapid hair loss menopause due to changes in the hormonal levels in the woman’s body. The female hormone estrogen balances out the effects of androgens like DHT. After menopause estrogen, production reduces. Testosterone in the woman’s body combines with an enzyme to produce DHT that causes hair loss menopause.One way to combat hair loss menopause is to eat food that is more nutritious. A woman must e...
74. Bookmarks: 0 Enjoy Summer And Vacation Good Health Summer can be a real health challenge. Our ambitious travel plans leave us vulnerable to new influences from the new environments we so eagerly embrace. Here are some practical tips on how to stay balanced, energetic and well.DehydrationYou needn’t cross the desert to suffer from dehydration. Many of us suffer chronic dehydration simply because we don’t drink as much water as we should. Our bodies are 65-80% of water, depending on our age. To keep them in balance, it’...
75. Bookmarks: 0 Energy Balance in the Body is a Key to Better Health Historical references to a universal energy field date back as far as 5000 B.C. Practitioners of alternative forms of health care often believe much of the illness we see in the human body is the result of either a blockage of the flow of energy in the body, or an imbalance of energy from one side of the body to the other. When the energy balance is restored, the body begins the healing process.
76. Bookmarks: 0 Benefits And Usefulness Of Dandayamana Bibhaktapada Paschimottanasana This asana is also known as the Standing Separate Leg Stretching Pose. This asana similar to its name stretching your legs and arms. It is one of those enduring asanas that helps your heart and other parts of your body. Stretching is always good for your body. It helps in creating the right balance for your body. Doing this asana is a step forward towards better health. It helps in creating unison between the mind and soul. By doing this pose your heart rate becomes normal. T...
77. Bookmarks: 0 Benefits And Importance Of Adho Mukha Vrksasana Vrksasana is a tree pose which means you are standing with your hand raised towards the sky. Adho Mukha Vrksasana can be termed as a tilted tree pose where in your hands are supporting the entire body weight. This asana when done by beginners has to be done very carefully as balancing yourself on your hand cannot be that easy.To make it easier it would be better for you to take support of a wall, helping you to overcome your fear of falling while doing this asana. There a...
78. Bookmarks: 0 Balance Your Life With Stress Relief Techniques Stress is a psychological and physiological response to any event that upsets our personal sense of balance and comfort. So, if your hectic lifestyle seems to take its toll in your physical, emotional and psychological well-being, stress relief techniques can bring you life back into balance.
79. Bookmarks: 0 Aromatherapy as an Relaxing Treatment Aromatherapy has been alive for centuries. It is known as a therapeutic natural practice that is commonly performed to energize, relax, and advance the beauty, health, as well as a sense of ease. It is highly considered as an energizing and relaxing treatment as it generally works to unite or balance the body, the mind, and the spirit of those who are taking it, leaving the person calm and active.
80. Bookmarks: 4 Apricot Kernel Oil World over people use massage therapy to help promote healthy skin, nourish and strengthen the body, relieve stress, reduce pain, and encourage balance and well being. Massage opens and increases the flow of energy, balancing the entire nervous system and helping to release physical and emotional disharmony. The many benefits of massage are enhanced by the use of high quality massage oil.Apricot tree is the member of the rose family originating from Central and East Asia....
81. Bookmarks: 0 Acne Program - Step 2: Using Acne Face Cream In this article, I show you how to enhance the power of any type of acne face cream that you are using. These additives are natural remedies that will keep your skin balanced to help you get rid of acne.
82. Bookmarks: 0 Virtual Golf Lesson Online golf lessons are convenient and easy for those who want to learn more about the game, but who don't have the time to take lessons from an instructor. With an online golf course, you will learn the basics including how to hold a club, how to balance your weight on both feet, how to swing, how to move your arms and legs, and how to follow-through on a swing. These courses can be viewed over and over until you learn how execute these moves yourself.For many beginning ...
83. Bookmarks: 0 Unemployment Blues: Talk To Yourself A most effective way to improve your mood and self-esteem is to create your own positive scripts for regular re-reading and study. On those days when you're really down on yourself and think that you're a failure, immersing yourself in a book crammed with notes about your qualities and accomplishments can restore your balance, brighten your spirits, and re-energize you for the rigors of the job hunt.
84. Bookmarks: 0 Three Golf Tips For Balance During Your Golf Swing Golf tips for balance. Balance is very essential in executing the right golf swing and in this article I point out three reasons why you may be having difficulties achieving the required balance and I also give three golf tips for balance to correct the situation.
85. Bookmarks: 0 The Perfect Golf Swing Through Improved Posture And Balance Every golfer is continually in search of that elusive feel of the perfect swing. Books are written on the topic. Instructional videos promising the “secrets of the perfect swing” sell like hotcakes by mail order and on the internet. Everyone everywhere wants to know what they need to do to swing like the pros.
86. Bookmarks: 0 Quick Golf Tips for Restoring Muscle Imbalances As a golf biomechanic, my focus is on looking for areas of poor flexibility and muscle imbalances which effect the mechanics of the golf swing and create opportunities for the body to break down in injury. Each of these situations presents possibilities for improvement in your swing as well as keeping the body in an injury free state.
87. Bookmarks: 0 Improve Your Golf Swing By Focusing On Your Finish Position Watch the pros on Tour and notice how in-control they look at the finish position of the their golf swing. Why? Because they are! They are in perfect balance. Even the pro who might look a little “crooked” at the end of the swing has a balanced swing. Vijay, who is slightly bent to the side at the finish position of his driver, is still in perfect balance. How often do you think an amateur practices or even thinks about his or her finish position? Probably never. I wo...
88. Bookmarks: 0 How To Maintain Body Balance When Playing Golf? There is a story about a golfer who can not walk normally just after lose the balance during gave a shot at sand bunker and got an ankle injury.After he had X-ray diagnostic, he was told that his ankle bone is broken, and this requires 6 weeks to recover. The situation like this can happen to many of amateur golfer, but the majority of them are not often the worse case.You may have seen many of golfers in your group losing their body balance after take a shot, some of...
89. Bookmarks: 0 Golf Shoes And How They Can Improve Your Golf Game Buying the right golf shoes is just as important for your golf game as buying the right set of clubs or golf balls. Actually, if you think about it, they are more important. If your feet are not secure when you go to swing, you can and will loose your balance. Most golf courses do not require a certain type of shoes, but there are a few that do. If you play at one of the courses that require a certain type of shoe, you need to know what they are before you go shopping.The...
90. Bookmarks: 0 Golf Nutrition for Better Scores Many golfers don’t give much thought to the fact that nutrition can play a major role in their golf performance both on and off the course. Good nutritional habits can help you on the golf course both physically and mentally. Meal timing and proper balance of food groups can give you great performance results. Poor food choices can create fatigue, frustration, and depression with your game, and yourself. Recreational golfer or pro, positive changes in your diet will help give your body...
91. Bookmarks: 0 Golf Balance Exercises To Create A Rock-Solid Golf Swing Golf balance exercises should be a must for every amateur golfer. One of the biggest issues with most amateurs is balance, stability and body control in their golf swing.
92. Bookmarks: 0 Fitness Components For Golf The fitness components for golf are a select few, but they are critical to a golfers success. The golf swing is a physically demanding movement on the human body. It involves coordination, balance, stability, muscular strength and endurance, and dynamic sequence of motion just to name a few.
93. Bookmarks: 0 Balance and Your Golf Game Maintaining your balance throughout your swing can make a tremendous improvement in your golf game.
94. Bookmarks: 0 Work/Life Balance: Making Every Day Sacred So many of us rush blindly through our days, fall into bed exhausted, and wake up the next morning to do it all over again. For many of us, our lives are composed of millions of meaningless moments, all strung together - perhaps with a sprinkling of sacred moments mixed in. I'm sure you can think of a few sacred moments in your own life. Maybe your marriage, the birth of your child(ren), or perhaps a heartfelt moment of connection with a good friend. These are the moments whe...
95. Bookmarks: 0 The River Grasses Have you ever sat by a river and watched the mesmerizingly graceful movement of the river grasses, which surrender themselves completely to the flow of the river?At their base they are firmly attached to a rock on the riverbed. If they were not securely attached in this way, they would be carried away by the current and would perish.The upper part of these grasses has absolutely no resistance and is thus free to flow in an infinite variety of movements caused by ...
96. Bookmarks: 0 How To Handle Stress? A friend popped this question to me- I'm tired of being sensitive and freaking out now and again with stress. I'd like to be able to work and sleep and do the other things i need to do with steady progress. It gets all messed up when I’m not steady. i get upset easily... then i lose my focus and balance... can't concentrate though i try to get back to my focus... i lose my sleeping routine and schedule. i hate it. The question is not clear but I am sure you get the meaning. ...
97. Bookmarks: 4 Four Facets Of Work/Life Balance I recently came through a week of very hard work, chaotic energy and long hours. As I reviewed my goals and progress for the week, I realized that I couldn't remember much of anything that happened during that week. It was all a muddled blur in my mind, one day blending into the next. I do believe that hard work is good for us. However, if we don't also include periods of rest, quiet contemplation and recreation, what are we working so hard for? We must also make time to enjo...
98. Bookmarks: 0 Finding Stress Relievers To Improve Your Life Long term and consistent stress can bring even the strongest person to their knees. While a small amount of stress can help motivate us in our daily schedule, large doses of stress can greatly impact our physical and emotional health. In order to reduce the effects of stress brought on by the pressures of daily life, it’s essential to find appropriate stress relievers to bring balance to your mind and body.Stress takes many forms in our life – work, home, family, relation...
99. Bookmarks: 0 3 Simple Strategies For Never Losing Out Again Life is full of ups and downs and sometimes has a few sideways thrown in too. When things go wrong or don’t go as planned, or when something happens to throw us off balance and doubt ourselves it can be tough to deal with. After all, we all want things to go well and to end up as ‘winners’. But life will always throw challenges at us, and we can’t control everything. Nor should we try. It’s not what happens to you but what you do with what happens to you that makes ...
100. Bookmarks: 0 Why Hurry – Worry? Living Life By Intuition Learning to trust and live by our intuitive inner guidance systems is not about developing fancy party tricks to impress our friends. It is about learning to return to a life of balance that is guided from a deeper source of wisdom than our current culture has to offer. The more masculine thought processes (I’m not bashing individual men here—we all have masculine and feminine attributes) dominate every aspect of our culture, honoring only the linear and rational ways...

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LinkedIn Recommendation: Doug Smart - Author, speaker, exec coach. 20+ yrs expertise worldwide teaching how to identify personal strengths for success. - Teo Graca is a modern Renaissance Man with a deep intellect and a gift for bringing people together to make things happen. - May 9, 2013, Doug was with another company when working with Teo at Net-Teams, Inc.


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