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The Greatest Investment Story Never Told
An excellent strategy even in today's investing environment. The current buzz on the street is that investing is dead. How far from the truth can they be. Wall Street likes nothing more than to create fear. This book tells you how to put your emotions aside and look for good value on corrections in the market --- it also makes a strong case for profit taking, diversification, and base income generation.
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Complete Well-being Begins With Building Positive Emotions
Women come to me often wondering why they are having a hard time finding their own place of well-being or inner calm. So I’m always looking for the hard facts. Specifically, my curiosity has always been around complete well-being: not just physical health, or financial wealth, beauty or balanced weight, and not just a healthy mind, but all of them put together. The real questions have always been how do we create complete well-being for ourselves and how do we teach it to oth...
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Predicting Stock Market Movements
The risk of loss cannot be eliminated. A simple change in a security's market value is not a loss of principal just as certainly as a change in the market value of your home is not evidence of termite damage. Markets are complicated; emotions about one's assets are even more so. Wall Street spins reality in whatever manner it can to make most investors unhappy, thus increasing new product sales.
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Developing A Trading Plan - Pt 2
3. Risk ManagementThe most common mistake made by futures traders is the lack of any systematic risk-management. The high leverage and high volatility of the futures markets usually have a strong influence on a traders emotions. This emotional volatility results in a lack of objectivity and poor decision making. Have RESPECT for leveraged markets. The MARKET IS ALWAYS RIGHT. The aim therefore, is to devise a systematic approach and define in detail, parameters of a risk-m...
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The Emotional Side of Business
Do your emotions get in the way of sound business decisions?Women, in particular, let their emotions get in the way of sound business judgment. In business it is very necessary to be analytical and logical. Each decision should boil down to one question: Will this be good or bad for my business?Read on to find how to handle difficult situations...
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Self-Improvement Growing Through Emotions
There seems to be one thing that consistently arises for the home business owner to thwart his or her dreams of successfully growing their home business. That one thing is emotions. It seems that when the home business owner is faced with the reality of achieving great success, then emotions can come up to delay or eliminate your opportunities. You can experience different emotions that can make you scared of failure as well as success.Some home business owners say that t...
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Focus On Your Mental And Emotional Side To Gain Self Improvement Starting Today.
Not everyone believes this but the emotional and mental aspects of a person, when combined, leads to better self improvement.Emotions love to dominate our actions and reactions, even though we do not want it to happen sometimes. The society often see emotions as a sign of weakness, so people are used to putting them aside and focusing on the rational aspects more and more.No matter how strict and logical you may be, you will always feel. One way or another, someone or...
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Desires in Healing the Hidden Self
The perceptive and the aware or cognizant self are referred as the whole self. The self is our personality that acts as a representative of our actions, emotions and feelings. It is our nature that makes up our character and becomes our identity once developed. Many people commonly react differently in atypical circumstances. The outcomes of our decisions are based on the way we react to these situations.
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God, our best friend
What is the definition of a friend? With one, we can relate. with one,we can be totally comforatble. With one, we can be ourselves. And with one, we can share our deepest emotions. All our fears, our aspirations, our problems, and our dreams. A friend is one, who can be counted for support at all the times. who is there for us, whenever we need him/her. Who will never laugh at us, but will laugh with us. How many of us have such a friend?
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Blaming Our Parents Is Easy
Its easy to blame our parents for how we are:How can I be successful and happy when my father always told me I wouldnt amount to much?My mother was never a role model for a happy, healthy woman.No one ever showed me love when I was a child, so how can you expect me to have good relationships now?I was sexually abused by my father so everythings wrong with my life now.No one ever expressed emotions in our family; they still dont, so dont expec...
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Used Equipment - Staying Off the Bleeding Edge.
A differnt logic set is needed to make a business purchase. Check your emotions at the door.
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Implication Of The Lunar Eclipse - March 3, 2007
We will have the first lunar eclipse of 2007 on March 3 at approximately 1120 GMT. This eclipse will not be visible in most of the United States. On the East Coast of the United States the penumbra will be visible.In this eclipse the sun will be in Aquarius and the moon in Leo. The sun (ego / Atman) is in place of self-doubt, leading to humility (Aquarius). The moon (Heart / emotions), is in place of self-confidence and projection (Leo). Yet both of these energies are eclipse...
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Depression and Food Binging in the Family
This article focuses on eating disorders of women and how they are closely related to family problems, negative emotions, and depression. A lot of young girls experience this and is more prone to such eating disorders. With self help and counseling, any girl can control their way of eating in to a much more healthier way.
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Self-Love = Positive Self-esteem!
Self-esteem issues seems to be one of the strongest emotions that challenge many women today. It has become a woman's first worry when she awakens, and her last worry before she sleeps.
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Personal Development & Happiness Tools: Anger Release
Personal Development and Happiness: Releasing Anger In personal development, one of the main goals is to achieve happiness. What often stands in the way are negative emotions that linger on. Most people have some of these emotions, either repressed or lasting with no outlet. Some are low level, some are strong.Recognising that you have this sadness or anger bottled up inside you, or dealing with lower level emotions are articles that can be found on the Urban Monk w...
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Overcoming All Types Of Jealousy
Time has flown by so fast and many things have changed. Lives of people have become so fast-paced that somehow things like love and happiness have taken a backseat to career, business or money. Communications are centered not on how to foster relationships but on how to make the money tree grow.Because of this, quite a lot of things have been taken for granted and people are slowly shying away from emotions that are the core of living. As a result, many feelings are harbo...
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5 Great Tips On How To Get Girls
Among the many emotions that man was destined to experience, it seems that love is the best emotions ever created. No wonder why many people are wishing to find their own true love to be happy and live a life that is full of contentment and satisfactions in spite of the many trials that life has to offer.According to some surveys, most of the people would want to marry some day, that is why each of them are willing to go out on dates. In the U.S. alone, nearly 53% sai...
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1st Time Meeting After Chatting Online
Technology has always been there to make lives of people easier. In fact, thanks to technology the world of emotions has also been conquered. Dont try to think dirty here folks. What Im talking about is the love connection that can happen through online dating sites and chatting rooms or software such as ICQ, MSN or MIRC.
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Raise Your Elevator Speech To The Top Floor With Powerful Emotions
If your elevator speech sparks a buyer's curiosity, it's only doing half the job. Your elevator speech should not only spark curiosity but also awaken powerful emotions. Small business owners can learn success from the Madison Avenue and branding experts about how to design advertisements and messages that drive consumers to feel and act upon their emotions.While networking with other business leaders, I'm often surprised at how few utilize these techniques to their advan...
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The Valencia Spain Fallas Nowadays
Spain and especially Valencia is filled with tradition, and Las Fallas is the most popular and outstanding tradition in this marvellous city. It is a festival where everyone can participate whether you are from the local land, a foreigner who has chosen to spend some time there or an intentional tourist who has planned to visit the city on purpose to find out what emotions can be lived. Satire and gaiety are two very important concepts that you must keep in mind along with go...
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Making Your Own Flower Arrangements
Flowers have long been used to symbolize lifes important events and emotions. Roses are symbols of love, lilies, the flowers of death and renewal, and carnations a sign of appreciation. We use flowers as wedding decorations, Valentines Day presents and Christmas ornaments. No matter what the occasion is, a beautiful flower arrangement is a wonderful way to celebrate life through vibrant colors and rich floral scents.Florists provide customers with a variety of arrangeme...
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Why I Hate An Ear Infection
Anyone who has experienced the privilege and the fear of bringing a new baby home from the hospital knows what a mixture of emotions you experience as a new parent with the responsibility and joys of having a new addition to your family. Only new parents know what it is truly like to have a lack of sleep and what it feels like to know that you were directly responsible for bringing a new life into the world. There is no greater joy in all of life than having a new baby, and y...
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Keeping Our Energy High And Harmonious
The quantity and quality of our energy flow deeply affect our emotions, thoughts and reactions. The quality of our relationships, productivity, creativity and health all depend upon creating a high level of harmoniously flowing energy.The following techniques and ways of life will aid us in building a freer and more positive energy flow.1. PROPER DIET: Few of us realize the powerful effect of a proper diet not only on our physical health, but also on our emotional, me...
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Aromatherapy and Back Pain
Today many people suffer from lower back pain. This may be a result of poor posture, standing too long at work, or from a previous injury. For those who deal with back pain, they know that the pain can become unbearable. Back pain can cause great discomfort and can hinder the enjoyment from a persons life. Living with chronic pain can take its toll on the emotions as well, and can lead to mood swings and a negative outlook of life. The best remedy is to avoid injuring the back to begi...
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An Easy Way To Soothe Stress
Getting into a deep state of relaxation induces calmness to soothe your body, your mind and your emotions.
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Watching Sports Live On Your Pc Including English Premier League
The world game football known, as soccer in America and football in England is a game that has so many emotions involved be it as a spectator or a player. It is comparable to baseball in the US, or hockey in Canada when it comes to the following of the game in Europe and South America. The popularity of the sport is growing in America. With the arrival of David Beckham playing for LA GALAXY the exposure of soccer in America can only be good for the country and the sport itsel...
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All For The Love Of Golf
Golf is supposed to be an enjoyable game. We golf over and over again, because we love the game. So why do we beat ourselves up, just before we get off the first tee box? Have you ever heard yourself with a bunch of negative emotions before the golf round? Another day out on the golf course and my back is killing me. Why would you even consider golfing, if it were painful? Why did those even consider golfing with a bad back? Ill tell you why. All for the love of golf!...
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Zen Steps For Calming Down Easily
Its easy to calm down quickly. No matter what is happening around us, we never have to become trapped in stress or anxiety. Its important to learn how to calm down quickly this as negative emotions can easily become addictive. The longer we hold onto them, the harder it can be to let go. Zen offers many pathways to becoming free of negativity. This article is based upon Zen principles and value-centered counseling. It offers enjoyable and effective steps to calming down, fe...
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Three Ways To Boost Your Self Esteem
Feeling good about yourself is one of the key ways to be successful at what you do. Remember that only you are in charge of your emotions and empowering yourself is a great way to get ahead in life.This article lists three ways to boost your self esteem which can help you feel better about yourself and become a more confident person.Get your mind relaxedA relaxed mind is the source of great power. Like the tai-chi masters of old, a calm mind can bring about great ...
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Discover your passion
The bottom line is; passion is motivating. Passion energises and transforms you.
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Quiz Your Anger
Anger is one of the most common emotions. Most of us get angry . some of us get angry at the smallest provocation, while for some others it takes more.
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Is Anger Management Too Intricate?
The uncontrolled anger in a person owes a lot to the scenario where he or she was born and brought up. A self-segregated mind, at times proves to be too reluctant to suppress the furious emotions even on the pins and needles of small stuff. In such people anger or fury is an outcome of depression. A revised thought has to be made when dealing with such cases, since anger management should not necessarily be the only tool to bring them back to normalcy. We often find another c...
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Hypnosis-Imitation is a Powerful Force for Hypnosis
We know that human social conduct is reinforced through emulation. Your senses feed your habits. The most encouraging characteristic of a habit pattern is that the repetitive activity can be interrupted when the min is turned to other interests. Learn more about human actions, reactions and emotions.
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How To Use Your Emotions
Probably a third of all miseries that trouble humankind are emotional. Psychiatrists mostly discover that their patients are emotionally troubled and mentally feeble. Troubled people have their minds weakened or overwhelmed by strong emotions.For instance, a paranoid may imagine that people dont like him. A diagnosis may show that the problem could be a very low self-esteem. I dont think Im a person worthy of anything, he may insist. Further diagnosis may show ...
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What Is Emotional Intelligence ?
Emotional Intelligence or commonly known as EQ is a relatively new field of psychology. Emotional intelligence means the ability for a person to access, influence and conclude our emotions and also the emotions of other people around us.The term emotional intelligence was first made popular by Daniel Goldman with his book Emotional Intelligence and since then many researchers have began studies in this new field of psychology. Since then, we have understood a lot more abo...
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How To Avoid A Nudge From The Judge
Being able to manage your anger is an important life skill. Everyone has anger, its a normal emotion, and, like all emotions its there to give us information. But how you respond to anger is the difference between living a good life and A nudge from the judge.There are all sorts of things that trigger our anger during a day snarled traffic, a boss in a bad mood, an assistant who doesnt do what theyre supposed to do, a difficult colleague, kids who ...
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Your Worst Habits Just Need To Be Reprogrammed!
You have the power to train your mind to choose what you think, instead of allowing random thoughts to hold you hostage. Your goal is to become inner-directed and focused, so that you decide what you want to think, rather than have your thoughts and emotions determined by the world around you. The untrained mind has more emotional ups and downs because it is reacting to random thoughts. Focus on what you want with joy and enthusiasm.Remember, just like the Earth, your bra...
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Teen Self Help
Getting through the teenage years is often one of the hardest parts of a persons entire life. This is a time when emotions run high and changes are taking place at an astronomical rate. Oftentimes, a person doesnt have the time to catch up with what is happening to them and a lot of big mistakes are likely to happen.The early years of high school and college are also a time where things may not always be as they seem to be on the surface. Those who are largely successfu...
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Depression Chat Rooms: Will They Be Effective For You?
If you are a technology-savvy person, you will benefit greatly from depression chat rooms that serve as a haven for people who are seeking for a group to understand their feelings and emotions, and join them as they walk through a difficult phase in their lives.The people who started these chat rooms intend to help others who are suffering from anxiety, depression and other types of mood disorders. They provide information materials, stories and news that can widen a pers...
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Controlling Your Emotions Through Hypnosis
Does your entire life seems to be run by the way you feel? When you feel great doesnt it feel like you can achieve anything? When you feel down, depressed or negative dont you feel like nothing is worth the effort and even if it were you would probably fail anyway? But, what do you think you could accomplish if you could control your emotional state and evoke any emotion you wanted?
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Magical Pushbutton States
A decade ago, I used to compete in Okinawan Karate.Competitive karate is a roller coaster ride of glorious victories and bitter failure. There were days I found myself pummeled like a useless rag doll. And there were other days I scythed through opponents like an unstoppable juggernaut. Every punch broke through and every kick landed somewhere satisfyingly soft. (oooh how I loved that!) I would zip around the squared ring like Neo on steroids, launching a flurry of eye-bl...
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"Survivor To Thriver": Healing The Impact Of Childhood Abuse
Healing the impact of childhood abuse is a difficult yet hopeful process. If you were physically or sexually abused as a child, you may often feel fragmented, confused, vulnerable, and somewhat chaotic inside. You may have difficulty with trust and intimacy in your relationships, and your emotions may seem unpredictable and volatile to you. You may also have a generalized feeling that you are somehow bad or unworthy, and therefore, not like yourself very much. You may also ...
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Test Your Emotions And Outside Stimuli
How much are your emotions affected by outside stimuli? This will be a difficult question to answer for anyone - Are You Happy? If yes, how much?
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Life Trumps Death
We cant do a lot about death. We can very much impact life - our own and others.
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Faithful Emotions
Our emotions are powerful forces in our lives. Peak deeper into an idea that gives you more power over your emotions. It's not that they're to be denied, you will instead find the strength to be with them.
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Balance: Entreprenurial or Workaholic?
A well-balanced life is more powerful than the hard work that you put into a business. A well-balanced life feeds the brain, the spirit, the emotions, and the body.The experience of Life can be incredibly rich, just don't get so caught up in riches that you neglect your Whole Life.
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Alcoholism: Why Can't I Stop Drinking?
The underlying basis of all addictions - and alcohol is no exception - is the avoidance of pain. While there is evidence that some people have genetic and biological predispositions toward alcoholism, not all people with these predispositions abuse alcohol or become alcohol dependent. Many people who join AA learn to deal with their painful emotions without the use of alcohol, regardless of their genetic predisposition.What if you are a person who wants to stop drinking, ...
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Internal Peace: Finding Peace Of Mind
Finding inner peace is the focus of this article. Practical steps to releasing emotions provide techniques to assist you in achieving this peace of mind.
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How to change just about anything in your life the easy way
what goes into your mind on a regular basis has the most profound effect on how your life turns out. In the next next 12 months things that will effect your bank account, your health, your career, your relationships and YOU, will be what you put into or allow into your mind. We have far more control over our emotions, habits, reactions amd responses than most people believe is possible, we just need to stand guard at the entrance to our mind and amazing things can happen and incredible chan...
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Forgiveness: A Path to Healing
This article discusses the role of forgiveness in the journey toward healing. Shame, guilt, and forgiveness of self and others are discussed with practical steps towards achieving self-forgiveness.
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Depression │ How Depression Hurts Your Heart
As if feeling bad werent enough, negative emotions could be harming your heart. Over time, persistent blues, anxiety or anger can increase the risk of heart diseaseor make an existing condition worse. Psychosocial factors are increasingly recognized as important predictors of heart disease, says Richard Stein, M.D., director of preventive cardiology at the Beth Israel Medical Center in New York and author of Outliving Heart Disease. Depression is right up the...
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Stress And Anger Management Is Not A Difficult Proposition To Achieve
Stress and Anger...Is there anything more required to destroy an individual? In an effort to destroy the opponent, you will destroy yourself! Anger is a mighty weapon of destruction! All your positive faculties are destroyed in an instant- that is the potentiality of the trait called anger. It ebbs within you along with stress and erupts out like a volcano! It is the tsunami of negative human emotions. Even the mighty dam cannot control it.The human history, full of blood...
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How To Identify Stress And Anxiety?
Every human being is an emotional being. The levels of emotions may be high or low. But when that level is disturbed, you have stress and anxiety. The dividing line between these two negative tendencies is very thin. Your anxiety may be due to stress or your stress may be due to anxiety. Every stress and anxiety has a root cause to it. And the symptoms are the by products of such causes.The first symptom of stress is that you are not a normal person, when you are seized w...
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Emotions As Information
When you were a small child, your painful emotions may have felt too overwhelming to feel. If you experienced physical, emotional, or sexual abuse, your little body was not big enough to manage the painful feelings. If you were neglected, unseen, misunderstood, invaded, smothered, shamed or ridiculed, it may have felt too painful to manage. If you were a highly sensitive child with parents who did not understand high sensitivity, you may have felt too much emotion to handle. ...
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What Every Self Improvement Junkie Should Know About Emotion
Most people are familiar with the phrase thoughts become things, and in a manner of speaking that is true. However, the more accurate way to explain that concept would be to say that thoughts become emotions.Emotions in turn drive the machine of your life that creates the things that you think about. The fact that emotions need to be part of the equation is easily verified by thinking back to any time in your life whenever you thought long and hard about having or doing...
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Lying To Yourself... And Loving It
Thinking positive can be a lot like lying to yourself. You tell yourself things that are not true in order to change your state of mind. Friends who tell you to think positive are sabotaging you without even knowing it.Negative and limiting emotions are the playground for imbalance, unsure ness, worry and anxiety.When you are caught up in your emotions, you are making decisions based on what you see through those emotional glasses. What we want to be able to do is to ta...
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Help Is On The Way: Call In The Thought Police
Were all grownups here, right? How hard can it be to be a functional adult? Then why do we struggle so? Depression and anxiety disorders are epidemic in our society. Stress-related health problems threaten the quality and span of our lives. Alcoholism and drug addiction touch many of our lives and to me reflect our attempts to find release or escape from pressure and our failure to thrive. Are we even built to withstand the strain of our increasingly mechanized world? We...
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5 Important Tips To Managing Your Stress
At one point or another, we all have to deal with some type of stress. The important thing is to prevent it from taking over our daily life, and this can often be done by observing a few simple ways to keep emotions high and the blues at bay.Pet your pet. For years, experts have agreed that pet owners may lead happier, healthier lives thanks to their four-legged friends. Gently stroking a cat or dog is believed to lower stress and increase happiness.Take a hike. Studi...
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You Make Me Feel
Do you spend your life feeling things because of what the people around you say and do? Discover how you can take charge of your life and your emotions and life a powerful life.
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Secrets To Control Your Path To Success: Top 5 Ways To Maintain Complete Control Over Your Life
Maintaining control over your time and mind is crucial to your success in all areas of life. There is, however, one more major aspect that you must maintain complete control of before you can ultimately cruise on your path to success.That said aspect is your life and maintaining complete control over your life is much simpler than you think if you observe the following:1) Take proper and adequate care of your body and health. Always ensure you have a balanced diet of ...
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Good Self, Bad Self
Do you walk your talk? Most of us like to think that we mean what we say and say what we mean.Then why do we keep saying we will quit doing this, or start doing that, and we find we keep on doing the same old things? Most New Year's resolutions end up abandoned shortly after they were made.We are not liars. We are sincere at the time. But soon or later, we find ourselves faced with conflicting emotions, convictions and our real actions.Most of the time we kid ours...
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Anger And Rejections
Rejections are normal and we all are told no on many occasions. Some persons have difficulty handling rejections and may react hastily to the other person involved. If you walk in a bank and apply for a loan and are rejected you might stomp out the door shouting obscene talk to the lenders. This is not an appropriate way to handle the situation.This in fact can get you in trouble and it is obvious that rejections are triggers to your emotions that enforce your anger. Now ...
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Your Vibrational Meter
You have within you a vibrational meter that tells you what is good and what is not good for you. That meter is your emotions.
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Universal Law Series - Law Of Attraction
Our thoughts, emotions and feelings act as a powerful magnet, attracting circimstances into our lives. Whether these circimstances are positive or negative, is completely dependent on how we think!This is the sixth of seven articles in our continuing series covering the core seven Universal Laws. The focus of this article is the sixth Law the Law of Attraction.Law of AttractionSimply stated, the Law of Attraction says that we attract into our lives, that upon wh...
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Invite A Flood Of Prosperity With Visualization
Visualization is one great way to activate the Law of Attraction in our lives, but we often go about it in such a serious way. We meditate, we create our vision boards, we painstakingly create a picture in our minds of what we want our outer circumstances to reflect. This is a good practice overall, but one important component we often forget (or don't know how to generate) is infusing our vision with powerful emotions. Feelings like joy, love, excitement, and gratitude can e...
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How You Can Tell If This Is Your Ideal Partner:
All about the Law of Attraction how it works and how it can be appliedIn order to be able to apply the Law of Attraction you first need to know all about the process of attraction. It can be applied on everyone. When we deal with strong emotions such as love you first need to have a constant visualization and to be able to make a special space designed for the loved one. It is highly important to have a well-defined idea as far as this special person is concerned and wh...
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Relax, A Volatile Stock Market Is Your Dearest Friend
Everyone is in the stock market these days whether they like it or not, and when the media fans the emotions of the masses, the masses create volatility that rarely under-reacts to market conditions! A volatile equity market creates opportunities with every gyration in either direction.
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When To Sell Penny Stocks
Penny Stocks can be a very effective way to provide you with a secondary income. They can be used to create passive income because they do not require you to be constantly watching over them. The problem that most people have when it comes to stocks is - not knowing the right time to sell. Penny Stocks can rise very quickly but they can also fall quickly too. The reason that most investors hold onto a stock is because the fail to separate their emotions from their actions...
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Trading Psychology -vs- Trading Method
It is said that trading is 90% psychological and 10% methodological. Does this then imply that regardless of trading method, a trader that has control over their emotional issues will thus be a profitable trader, or will it be impossible to ever control emotions without the proficient implementation of method?
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UK Domain Names Alternatives
If you've tried to register a domain name recently, you've noticed; all the really good .com names are gone. Try it. Choose any animal, any generic medication, any sport, any mode of transportation, even emotions or silly names. You have very little chance of finding any of them free in the .com listings.Fortunately, for businesses that do business primarily within the United Kingdom, Central Nic offers the alternative of the uk.com domain extension. You might think that ...
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Blogs: Free Promotion For Your Online Business.
It's been a few years since blogging first emerged. But it's only recently that it's been considered as more than just a fad.Many teenagers have resorted to blogging as an outlet for their emotions, a little online nook where they can sound off about whatever bugs them or makes them happy.Now savvy marketers have discovered that blogging is one of the best Internet marketing methods that doesn't cost a cent.So, what exactly is a blog? Blog is the shortened form of...
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Blogging: Free Internet Marketing Method
It's been years since blogging has been practiced. But it's just recently that it has been considered as one of the addicting fads. Many teenagers have resorted to blogging as an outlet for their emotions, a little online nook where they can blurt out whatever just bugs them or whatever makes them feel elated. Savvy marketers have discovered that blogging is one of the best Internet marketing methods that won't cost you a cent.What exactly is blogging? Blog is the widely ...
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Some Words To Remember
Weve all heard this before and every time I feel that Im being manipulated to believe that this mantra is true. But even with so many times you use it, words can do a lot of things to your emotions and feelings especially when used at the right time and moment.
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A Simple Procedure In Leaflet Designing
Leaflet is a way of showing your ideas as well as emotions in terms of words, pictures and then graphics. The way you present your ideas in the leaflet will determine or will influence the perception of your readers in terms of the messages conveyed in your leaflet.
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Addressing Emotions: Live Chat And Customers
When people buy things, the decision to actually purchase is a combination of logic and desire. That latter half of the buying process is clinched and what the web seems to lacking some heart.If you leave a visitor on his own to buy from your site, what would encourage him to make the actual purchase? How do you nudge the ones who have doubts?Searches are not enough.If there is someone to answer questions, rather than referring to a list of FAQs, a prospect is m...
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Public Speaking: The Power Of Words
Words hurt, heal, motivate, and aggravate. They are powerful. They control emotions and can even control a person physically.A word is worth a thousand pictures.Come here. Two words that move a person from there to here.Write this down. Three words that cause people to put words on a page.Remember a time when you felt angry. Seven words that can create an overload of emotions. Your words are power. Think of the number of people you have made smile by...
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The Sweet Taste Of Success
Writers are an interesting breed of humanity they can make us feel joy, sadness, anger and empathy. Sometimes they can cause us to feel all these emotions simultaneously.There are certainly more lucrative methods of gaining an income, yet everyday thousands of individuals will sit down at their keyboard pounding out a story that may never actually be published.There is a creative energy required to create a meaningful story. It is hard to invest that energy into a s...
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The Five Phases Of Feedback
You may have heard about the five phases of grief. Psychological professionals have outlined the pattern of emotions that humans cycle through during the grieving process. As a writing professional, Ive discovered the five phases of receiving feedback. Any writer who is advancing in their career has been through the sometimes shocking experience of having her work critiqued. Cycling through these five feedback phases is normal. Getting stuck in any of them, however, could br...
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Breathe Life Into Your Writing
Have you ever read a passage and felt the breath of life, then was too speechless to describe it? Thats writing at its best. The method for creating such a moment comes from the use of emotions. Emotions are one of the single most important, touching, impressive and non-intrusive writing tools. It is often not recognized as a concrete tool, but as a feeling, a stirring, a capturing that catches the reader up in the fictive state.My aim is to take the mystery out of it. B...
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Book Review Of No Matter What
No Matter WhatJordana RyanAmira Press (2007)ISBN 9781934475041Reviewed by Paige Lovitt for Reader Views (5/07)"No Matter What is a very deep book. The characters have to deal with overcoming some very painful situations and emotions. This is the type of novel that you will want to read with your friends so that you can talk about it. It leads to a great deal of introspection and really makes you think about what it would be like to have faced everything that Cas...
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How To Survive A Good Review
When the first reviews for my most recent novel (Great Sky Woman, Random House 2006) started coming in, my emotions went through the usual roller coaster. The first, from Publishers Weekly, was 90% positive, but mentioned that, in their opinion, it was slow in spots. My stomach sank. Slow? In spots? Oh my Godall is lost!The second review came in two weeks later. This one, from Booklist, used words like magnificent and engaging and advent...
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Rebuilding Trust
The loss of trust is a very painful experience. It often involves a lot of hurt, confusion, anger, and sadness.Dealing with these emotions is critical when trying to rebuild trust. When upset, we want our partners to understand our point of view - to understand our feelings and emotions.Understanding how we feel is important because it helps us deal with our negative feelings and move beyond them. If a partner does not take the time to make us feel understood - we...
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Love - Balance Emotions And Intelligence
Love is euphoric. Love is enchanting. Love is heavenly. Love is captivating. And Love is something no one can describe. Love has to be felt, it cannot be explained.