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Net-Teams - Bookmark Tag fear

There are 100 articles associated with the tag fear!

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1. Bookmarks: 0 Investment Grade Value Stocks - Quality Is Job One How much financial bloodshed is necessary before we realize that there is no safe and easy shortcut to investment success? When do we learn that most of our mistakes involve our very own greed, fear, and unrealistic expectations? How do we create a confidence inspiring stock selection universe?
2. Bookmarks: 0 The Greatest Investment Story Never Told An excellent strategy even in today's investing environment. The current buzz on the street is that investing is dead. How far from the truth can they be. Wall Street likes nothing more than to create fear. This book tells you how to put your emotions aside and look for good value on corrections in the market --- it also makes a strong case for profit taking, diversification, and base income generation.
3. Bookmarks: 0 Predicting Stock Market Movements Wall Street institutions already spend billions predicting future price movements of the stock market, individual issues & indices, commodities, and hemlines. Really? Is that right also? Economists have been analyzing and charting world economies for decades, showing clearly the repetitive cyclical changes and their upward bias.
4. Bookmarks: 0 Your Income Portfolio There are several reasonable explanations for recent Municipal Bond price weakness: Higher interest rates expected; equity portfolio window dressing; weakness of state government treasuries; profit taking in municipal CEFs; speculation about proposed tax code changes; illiquidity of individual bonds; irrational investor fear. There are at least as many excellent reasons why investors should be viewing this weakness as a buying opportunity ---
5. Bookmarks: 0 Predicting Stock Market Movements The risk of loss cannot be eliminated. A simple change in a security's market value is not a loss of principal just as certainly as a change in the market value of your home is not evidence of termite damage. Markets are complicated; emotions about one's assets are even more so. Wall Street spins reality in whatever manner it can to make most investors unhappy, thus increasing new product sales.
6. Bookmarks: 3 Stock Market Perspective 2011 --- Some Things to Think About Always, every time and without exception, the general media has predicted the end of the financial world, financial experts have pointed out the remarkable differences from the last correction, and investors everywhere have been encouraged to take their losses and sit on cash or gold until the smoke clears. Every time, the short sighted fear mongers have been wrong. Not just most of the time mind you --- absolutely all of the time.
7. Bookmarks: 0 Wall Street Most Wanted: A New Blue Chip Market Indicator When investors start to question why their Municipal bond portfolios are trailing the gain in the Dow, or when retirees start to buy gold bullion instead of groceries, something is wrong. And it's the same ole stuff that produces the greed and fear that lead to investment-program-destroying mistakes every time. So let's look at the performance of the Dow, to gain some perspective.
8. Bookmarks: 82 4 1/2 Strategic Tips For Making Money Online More Quickly If it seems that everybody is making boatloads of money online and you're missing out, fear not. There's plenty of time left for you, and the greatest part about it that it's not very difficult.Strategic Tip #1: Plan to work hard.I know, this goes against everything you hear but deep down you know that nothing worthwhile is easy right?You also know that getting anything done quickly just takes more work. Even cleaning out the garage, yeah you could take yo...
9. Bookmarks: 0 What Kind Of Interview Question Will You Be Faced With Next. There is nothing like a good hard interview question to strike fear into the heart of even the most qualified applicant. This is a great chance for both parties—the applicant to strut their stuff, and the potential employer to see if the potential employee has the mettle that it will take to perform the job in question well.So it therefore behooves both parties to prepare well to both ask and answer these sorts of questions. But where do these “million dollar” questions c...
10. Bookmarks: 1 Overcoming Our Fear Helps Us Live Our Lives More Fully! Most of us are filled with fear of one kind or another: fear of change, fear of success, or fear of failure. We fear making mistakes, being alone, ending relationships or starting new ones. Many individuals fear aging, rejection, abandonment, and unemployment. Fear can keep us stuck in our lives! It can keep us from ending unhealthy relationships or from leaving a work situation that is no longer satisfying. In fact, it can keep us from reaching our goals and realizing our dr...
11. Bookmarks: 0 A short biography of some of Europe's most loved and hated Monarchs - Pt 1 Vlad Tepes (Dracula) During the last thousand years, European Monarchs have ruled Europe and the world with an iron fist and by fear, compassion and hatred. As their wealth grew from the riches of newly conquered continents and lands, they began building some of the worlds greatest castles as a sign of their status and wealth, leaving behind a legacy of beauty and splendor that has lasted well into the 21st century.These members of royalty have included tyrants, the mentally insane, drunks and the psychotic, wh...
12. Bookmarks: 0 Unearthing The Crazy World Of Futures Trading You see them every day with a new and costly cell phone, driving every day in latest sports car, you hear of their super bonuses and hence decide to join the world of futures trading. Along with enormous bonuses and costly mobiles, futures trade mainly share two other traits:1. High level of stress.2. Huge risk.It is true that many people are engaged in the Futures trading, many have become wealthy as well. If you are well known of the market, avoid greed and fear, ...
13. Bookmarks: 14 Fear of Failure: For a Marketer, It’s the Kiss of Death Are you receiving less than stellar results in your marketing? Well the first step in fixing it is identifying the cause. This article discusses one of the top causes why many businesses do not reach their full potential.
14. Bookmarks: 0 Simba Tours Safari Kenya; Budget Simba Safari Tours Kenya Simba tours safari Kenya offers incredible and enthralling experiences with the king of the African jungle-the African lion. No where else is this fearsome and yet graceful animal, is more prevalent in its natural settings than in Kenya lion safari land parks. The Maasai Mara Simba tours safari park of Kenya guarantees you many sightings of the African lion.
15. Bookmarks: 0 Lion information Safari Kenya; Parks Lion information Safari Kenya Lion information safari Kenya offers incredible and enthralling experiences with the king of the African jungle-the African lion. No where else is this fearsome and yet graceful animal, is more prevalent in its natural settings than in Kenya lion safari land parks. The Maasai Mara Lion information safari park of Kenya guarantees you many sightings of the African lion.
16. Bookmarks: 0 Afraid Of Losing? If You Are, Then You Already Did! Gambling is not the issue here. A person who thinks that gambling is his way out of a wretched life loses just the same. A person who always relies on luck and uses gambling as a source of income also loses big time. This type of person views gambling as a risk worth taking regardless of the effect it has on him. Gambling makes a person lazy and reinforces belief on easy money. Deep within that person, he is losing part of his self-respect every time he engages in gamblin...
17. Bookmarks: 0 The Black Death and how it changed Europe The Black Death is the most famous pandemic to have spread across Europe. It is also credited with having caused social and political reforms. It also arguably changed the course of European, and therefore global, history.
18. Bookmarks: 0 Viagra, making erectile dysfunction dysfunctional. Sex is the most enjoyed pleasure rated above all pleasures. But, some times because of some physical and health problems, this could be the most feared pleasure. The problem of not getting a proper erection is called Erectile Dysfunction or impotence. It is a state where you do not get a strong erection or you cannot sustain it long enough to make a successful penetration to reach orgasm.
19. Bookmarks: 0 Lions head: Tour Safaris Kenya; Lions head Tour Kenya Safaris Parks Lions head tour safari Kenya offers incredible and enthralling experiences with the king of the African jungle-the African lion. No where else is this fearsome and yet graceful animal, is more prevalent in its natural settings than in Kenya lion safari land parks. The Maasai Mara Lions head tour safari park of Kenya guarantees you many sightings of the African lion.
20. Bookmarks: 7 Folk Medicine - The Natural Solution Long before orthodox medicine took center stage in the health care practices around the world people who were sick used to visit different kind of doctors. These doctors were not the steth-wielding, tech-savvy, white-coated medical geniuses of today. Mostly, they were bearded, wizened and gnarled humans looking less like physicians and more like witches or wizards. But they were revered, loved and even feared because of one particular skill they possessed – the healing touch....
21. Bookmarks: 0 Everyone Has A Plan, Until They Get Punched In The Mouth. I heard Mike Tyson say this years ago, and it immediately stuck with me because of so many ties it has to trading your trading plan with focus, discipline, and repetition.Our main focus in training new and veteran traders is to build a belief in the system through repetition. After seeing the performance of a trade over 150 times within a 2 month period, it becomes evident that you begin to move away from a fear-based internal dialogue regarding your trade. You already kn...
22. Bookmarks: 0 Africa Lion Tours Safari Kenya; Top Africa Lion Tours Parks Kenya-African Lion Tour Series Africa lion tours safari Kenya offers incredible and enthralling experiences with the king of the African jungle-the African lion. No where else is this fearsome and yet graceful animal, is more prevalent in its natural settings than in Kenya lion safari land parks. The Maasai Mara Africa lion tours safari park of Kenya guarantees you many sightings of the African lion.
23. Bookmarks: 0 7 Steps To Overcome Your Fears Are you a person with fears? Hey you are not alone! Everybody is frightened of something. Some fears are good for you they stop you doing bad or dangerous things. But other fears are bad for you they stop you doing things you would really like to do, or stop you being the person you would really like to be.They say that fear is only a state of mind. Great, but how do you stop your fear when you are shivering in your shoes at the thought of something that frightens you....
24. Bookmarks: 3 Facing Your Fears As An Entrepreneur Everyone I have ever talked to that is an entrepreneur has had to come face to face with their fears. I have had to as well. I want to share with you some of the techniques that I have used to face them. The first step is not to be in denial. You have fears even if you don’t readily acknowledge them. They sometimes take the form of that chatter in the back of your head that says you can’t do it.Fear is such a huge issue preventing people from becoming entrepreneurs. I hav...
25. Bookmarks: 3 Don't Let Your Fear Stand in the Way of Franchise Ownership Resist the negative words of people that will move you from business ownership. There's not been a more suitable world to end the debate and move toward owning a franchise. This is the place to learn more about the swell business franchises.
26. Bookmarks: 3 Thinking Like An Investor Most entrepreneurs do not think of investors as people. Instead, they think of investors as money - a fatal error.Private investing is not like picking a stock on NASDAQ. Private investing is personal. Investors have goals, preferences, fears, and problems, just like entrepreneurs. When cut, they bleed. When things go wrong, they worry. So, the relationship you build with investors is essential to obtaining money from them.In the most simple terms, investors can be pu...
27. Bookmarks: 1 Inventions, innovation and creativity. Creativity is what sets you apart from your competitors. Competition may kill your business, but if you are creative enough you won’t ever have to fear competition. Fortunes are often born in creative minds. A simple idea can turn into a never ending stream of cash. If you innovate, there are no limits or boundaries for you. The sky is the limit.
28. Bookmarks: 2 Corporate Travel Corporate travel is an integral part of a business expansion strategy. However, sometimes business owners tend to shelve their travel plans fearing undue hassle. But a corporate travel agency can make life easier for you. The agencies are dedicated to making your business trip smooth and hassle-free. The agencies will come up with customized travel plans, keeping your needs and requirements in mind. They need to offer service at an affordable rate. Otherwise people will look for other corpo...
29. Bookmarks: 0 Learning Ping Pong On A Budget Through Table Tennis Video Clips Nearly all sports have their instructional videos. Basketball videos can teach you how to shoot a ball into a hoop while evading oncoming opponents; soccer videos can instruct you how to kick a ball into a goal while skirting fearlessly and easily past coming defense, ala Diego Maradona; and table tennis videos can show you how to send a little hollow ball hurtling and spinning through the air, so that it can get into your opponent’s play but without your opponent hitting it....
30. Bookmarks: 0 Budget Is Not A Dirty Word Ever gotten that gut wrenching fear in the pit of your belly or that feeling of anger and despair when you thought of making a budget? Then chances are you’ve never looked up the word in a good dictionary and learned all about what this word means, and how you can use that to your financial advantage.Here’s the good news: living on a budget does not mean you have to cut back on the quality of the things you buy or deny yourself anything fun. What it does mean, is that you...
31. Bookmarks: 0 Making A Cheap Holiday To Tenerife Even Cheaper – A Guide To The Fine Art Of Haggling Tenerife is famous for its markets, and of course there is nothing quite as satisfying as haggling yourself to a bargain. The trouble is that many Brits abroad are too afraid to try their hand at bartering, fearing that bargaining their way to cheaper prices will make them seem cheap or break the traditional British reserve. In this guide, I shall explain the cut and thrust of the wonderfully addictive game of market bargaining, but first a few tips on where to find the best ...
32. Bookmarks: 0 FIXING HEALTH CARE: Defining Health Insurance #1 This is the first in a series of articles defining health insurance. Millions of people have the idea that health insurance is a necessity for better health and nothing could be further from the truth. Health insurance is a business and through these articles I want to help everyone understand this important fact. The insurance companies really do not care about your health they are interested in their bottom line and that is as it should be. There is a better way to deal with the fears and
33. Bookmarks: 0 The Social Killer Social anxiety disorder, also known as social phobia, is a kind of mental disorder where the sufferer experiences a severe or unreasonable fear of social gatherings where there is a possibility that one may get embarrassed or ridiculed. Most of the time, these anxieties arise from an intense fear of being closely watched or scrutinized. This kind of phobia gives sufferers a feeling of being trapped or shut away from the world.
34. Bookmarks: 0 The Fear Of Stuttering I am someone, who from what my parents have told me, started to stutter when I was four years of age. I have to say that I hated having a stuttering problem and was determined that I eventually would be able to have the confidence to say whichever words that I wanted to, in any situation. There were you see a number of words which I believed I just could not say and I also found it difficult to talk when I felt under pressure. After living with the stutter for eighteen years, I finally mana...
35. Bookmarks: 0 Learning Spanish: The Affective Factor The chief problem for most Americans who want to learn Spanish but who don't succeed is the Affective Factor. Plainly put, this means the emotional issues; that is, adults become freaked out at the thought. The fear of getting put on the spot and embarrassed is just too much to bear.I've talked to plenty monolingual American and Canadian expats in Mexico who do not learn Spanish. They are, therefore, forced to live in the various Gringolandias because they are too fearful...
36. Bookmarks: 0 Incontinence: A Treatable Disease Incontinence does not only affect the elderly. This is an annoying and irritating problem that can embarrass a person whether at home or out and about. Unwanted leaks can lead people to be isolated in their homes in fear of embarrassment. People with incontinence can lose their self-confidence and it can result in emotional disorders in children. Women who have had multiple pregnancies may experience incontinence easily. Athletes who are running may also develop signs of ...
37. Bookmarks: 0 How To Win At Job Interviews Most applicants fail because they lack confidence in themselves. A job interview should never be treated or compared to an interrogation. This wrong notion of what an interview should be actually adds to the fear mounting inside. This fear usually hinders you from effectively expressing yourself during interviews and worst, too much fear may cause some applicants to blank out during the interview. A good way to prepare for a job interview is to research the company; pract...
38. Bookmarks: 3 How Do I Stay Looking Younger Than I Am, And How Do I Get More Vitality? In this FREE Report we discuss Men’s Top 5 Fears of growing older, and how you can have more youth & vitality. Even Men want to look younger and have more vitality. Where we fall short is, knowing what to do to get it and then to keep it.
39. Bookmarks: 0 High anxiety in real life Fear and anxiety are common symptoms of emotional and psychological distress. It affects ordinary people but some individuals are more predisposed to severe anxiety and fear. The article discusses the ways to manage fear and anxiety, including the use of medications.
40. Bookmarks: 0 Get All Of The Facts In Dealing With Your Fears And Phobias When dealing with our persistent fears and phobias, it is easy to let our imagination get the better of us. Our negative and scary thoughts can overcome the reality of the situation and can make things worse than what they really are. As a result, here are some techniques a person can use to help gain a better perspective of your fearful situation.The most important thing is to get all of the facts of the situation. Gathering the facts can prevent us from relying on exagg...
41. Bookmarks: 0 Getting Through The Day When Your Anxieties Are Out Of Control What do you do when your fears and anxieties overwhelms you as soon as you get up in the mornings? Well the first thing you need to do is to seek the services of a professional and/or counselor who can teach you how to manage your fears and give you the help that you need. Until you can meet with someone, what can you do in the meantime to cope with your fears?The first step is to take a deep breathe and try to find something to do to get your mind off of the problem. A p...
42. Bookmarks: 0 Fear Of Flying… Still Haunting? When a situation demands air travel in a more frequent way, fear of flying is certainly a worthy topic to be discussed. Should it be treated as an extremely intricate issue as it seems to be? No, its avoidable if dealt psychologically. The human mind is viewed as extremely complicated. The worries, anxieties and wanderings seem to fall into the category of unavoidable attributes of the mind. Undesirable behavioral pattern sin humans are related to unavoidable attributes. As...
43. Bookmarks: 0 Bad Breath, It Happens To The Best Of Us So why do we get bad breath and how the heck can we get rid of it? These are two very common and very important questions that we have all had to ask ourselves at some time or another. The reason it is such an important thing to figure out is that it is so much a part of who we are. It affects our confidence with people and our reputation around people. Talking is such a part of our daily life and if we have bad breath we are either not talking for fear that someone will find...
44. Bookmarks: 0 Action Speaks Louder This Article looks at how fear prevents us from making decisions when appropriate. It explains how you can give yourself power by taking action, rather than putting yourself at the mercy of your circumstances.
45. Bookmarks: 0 God, our best friend What is the definition of a friend? With one, we can relate. with one,we can be totally comforatble. With one, we can be ourselves. And with one, we can share our deepest emotions. All our fears, our aspirations, our problems, and our dreams. A friend is one, who can be counted for support at all the times. who is there for us, whenever we need him/her. Who will never laugh at us, but will laugh with us. How many of us have such a friend?
46. Bookmarks: 0 Managing The Fear Of Loneliness Sometime or another we will experience a time when we are alone. Some people fear of being alone for various reasons. The first step is to become comfortable with yourself and having the self-confidence that you will be able to manage being alone. There is nothing wrong with being alone. If being alone bothers you then seeing a counselor can help you with these issues.In the meantime, here is a short list of techniques that a person can use so that the fear of being alone...
47. Bookmarks: 0 A Piece Of The Puzzle Most people consider “achieving wealth” as a mystery. It is thought that the management of money requires a particular talent that most of us feel was left out of our genetic make-up! We believe that it takes a certain type of person; an expert in number-crunching, or someone who has some special gift of financial insight to understand how to tackle the money mission.This intrigue, or fear, does little to boost the confidence of one who really does want to understand, and...
48. Bookmarks: 0 When Your At The End Of Your Rope With Your Anxieties What do you do when you feel that your at the end of your rope with your anxieties, depression, and fears? During this time, the best thing to do is not to give up and not to lose hope. In the meantime, here is a list of brief techniques that a person can use to overcome your depression, fears, and anxiety.Sometimes we encounter a scary situation that gets us all upset. When encountering these events, always remember to get all of the facts of the given situation. Gatheri...
49. Bookmarks: 0 The Causes of Impotence Known under many nicknames over time and feared by any man who seeks to enjoy life, impotence is getting to be a more and more common dysfunction in these times. Higher levels of stress and pollution, lifestyles that are harmful to the body and exposure to beauty and sex standards that are not widely met within the society are the likely culprits for this situation.
50. Bookmarks: 0 There Is Hope In Managing Your Depression And Fears When your fears and depression have the best of you, it is easy to feel that things will not get any better. This is not true. There is hope in dealing with your fears and depression. For instance, there is much help available in today’s society and the best way to deal with your fears is to find effective ways to overcome them. As a result, here are some techniques a person can use to help manage their fears and anxieties.You never know when the answers your looking for ...
51. Bookmarks: 0 OCD : Beyond Unreasonable Doubt And Ritual Normal healthy people have fears and rituals, such as checking to see if the stove is off several times before leaving the house. The only difference is that people with OCD tend to overdo their rituals to the point that it obstructs with their daily life.
52. Bookmarks: 0 Never Lose Hope In Dealing With Your Fears And Depression When your fears and depression have the best of you, it is easy to feel that things will not get any better. This is not true. There is much help available in today’s society and the best way to deal with your fears is to find effective ways to overcome them. As a result, here are some techniques a person can use to help manage their fears and anxieties.You never know when the answers your looking for will come to your doorstep. Even if the thing that you feared does happ...
53. Bookmarks: 0 Help For Social Anxiety And Phobia Certainly social anxiety & phobia is indeed a complex isssue. People with social anxiety disorders have the following features: -Fear that everyones attention is on them and everybody is watching them; Fear that they will make a blunder and everybody will be aware of it.They are underestimated by thinking that everybody in this world is more capable than they are.People with social anxiety disorder will feel anxiety and this same anxiety may lead to nausea, a sink...
54. Bookmarks: 0 Frost-Fingered Fear: Things You Out To Know About Panic Disorders Panic disorders, despite being a widespread problem, is something that very few people have concrete information on. The untrained have a tendency to mistake panic disorders to be a different problem, only rarely realizing the true nature of the problem. As such, people have to be informed of the symptoms and possible treatments for panic disorders.
55. Bookmarks: 0 Debt With Dignity In all sorts of corners of life we now assume that it is wrong to not treat others well. For example, in the U.S. we no longer have separate entrances based on the color of your skin. Buildings make allowances for physical limitations and a recent news story said that more people have developed a tolerance for the religion of others.But we could make some advances in learning to treat people in debt, with dignity. I’d have to say that currently, society treats debtors as ...
56. Bookmarks: 0 Conquer Your Fears Social phobia or social anxiety is often a very misunderstood disorder. However, modern scientific research had brought deeper understanding about the nature and treatment options for people suffering from this disorder. The article cites some situations that cause social phobia and identifies some public personalities that suffer from this condition.
57. Bookmarks: 0 A Review Of Techniques In Managing Your Depression Some people have a difficult time in managing their depression. Sometimes, their depression and fears can get best of them. As a result, here is a short list of techniques that a person can use to help manage their depression.I was told by a counselor that one of the ways to manage depression is to challenge your negative thinking with positive statements and realistic thinking. When encountering thoughts that make your fearful or depressed, challenge those thoughts by as...
58. Bookmarks: 0 Terrorism via Plane, Train, Subway and Bus. Do you Feel Safe? History and our perception of the world changed dramatically with the 9-11 attacks. Today's travel is fraught with fear, delays, and racial profiling as the authorities try to prevent a reoccurrence. It is important to know about special safeguards meant to combat terrorism
59. Bookmarks: 9 How A Woman Can Manage Her Anxieties And Self-Confidence Some women may have a difficult time in managing their anxieties and fears. In addition, a woman’s self-esteem and self-confidence can also suffer. As a result, here is a list of techniques a woman can use to help manage their fears and improve their self-confidence.The first step a woman must do is to learn effective techniques that will manage their fears and anxieties. A person can seek help from a professional and they can read some books to get some ideas on how to m...
60. Bookmarks: 7 Home Schooling As The Solution To School Violence Home Schooling, also known as home education, is defined as the education of children at home, generally by parents or guardians instead of in a public or private school. It provides children with a different learning environment rather than that in public schools or private schools.Violence in schools has been dominating the headlines lately. More and more parents fear for the life, safety and health of their children. Home school seems to be a better alternative than se...
61. Bookmarks: 0 How Can I Teach My Child to Live Life to the Full? I have spent many years trying to develop my inner self. It has not been easy. Overcoming my fears, inhibitions and inertia was difficult, but the effort has been worth it and I believe I live my life to its full potential. But how can I teach my child to live life to the full?
62. Bookmarks: 0 Materials On A Limited Budget Since the London bomb attacks, I have been thinking a lot about the courageous people there who have to go about their daily business despite the threat. I worked in the capital during the years of the IRA bombings and my greatest fear was of just such an event, as I used the transport system daily. Will people ever learn that violence is not a solution?Recently I discussed this problem with a school director:“My school is quite small and we have to keep our student f...
63. Bookmarks: 0 Fear of Flying The plane was bouncing hard as we were starting our decent into Albuquerque. Living in Santa Fe, I’ve flown in and out of Albuquerque airport a lot due to my workshop schedule. It’s always bumpy.
64. Bookmarks: 0 The Nasty Ten: 10 Ways To Disrupt Your Success For some people who are failing to become successful, they are their own enemies.If you commit the following blunders, you will be undermining your own success.1. Forget your goals and visions, or not having them at all.2. Lose confidence in yourself.3. Lack of knowledge or stop learning.4. Think that you can become successful without any investment.5. Fear of failure.6. Procrastination.7. Lack of focus.8. Be easily discouraged.9. Dislike constant change.10. Lack of dedication.
65. Bookmarks: 0 Overcoming your Home Business Fears We all have fears and we need to learn how to overcome them. Find out how you can banish your fear of selling your services and products.
66. Bookmarks: 0 Challenge Yourself! It matters not what a person is born, but (whom) they choose to be.–J. K. RowlingOne of the most important reasons I am a better person today is because I choose to ‘step outside the box’ now instead of living my life in continuous fear. Not stepping through my fear used to make me very unhappy, limited, and controlled.Now, I am free of that! I am constantly and continually proving this to myself by ‘stepping outside the box’ when I am being challenged in life...
67. Bookmarks: 0 10 Smashing Tricks To Burn Yourself To A Gorgeous Body Most folks I know start off the New Year by making resolutions to lose weight and get in shape. often, this mission is often easier said than done. Some last a little longer than others, but for most, impetus starts to fizzle soon into the next buffet engagement.Have no fear: ten delightful tactics can empower you to motivate your self to a better body. Whether you are looking to lose a lot or just a few pounds or you want to exercise more to tone your body, you can creat...
68. Bookmarks: 0 The Vital Skills Every Leader Should Master The article deals with the important skill sets or traits that leaders must possess in order to succeed. Some of the skills identified in the article include
69. Bookmarks: 2 Anger Management With Hypnosis Anger is an emotion that each one of us has experienced at some pint of our lives. Anger can be caused from worry, stress, fear, fatigue or bad thoughts. There are five dimensions of anger that are cognition, emotion, affect, communication and behavior. These five dimensions of anger can seem uncontrollable for many people. When someone is out of control their anger can actually become unstoppable.Uncontrollable anger is extremely dangerous. Some people lose their temper ...
70. Bookmarks: 0 The Fear of Flying There are a few fears in life that defy logic. Fear of spiders may be one, fear of lifts is another, and perhaps a fear of flying is another. Everyday, thousands of planes take off around the world, carrying millions of passengers safely to their destination.
71. Bookmarks: 0 If You Have Loan Repayments To Make Then Payment Protection Insurance Could Ease Your Stress If you have monthly loan repayments to keep up with every month and fear that if you came out of work you wouldn’t have the money to carry on repaying them, then loan payment protection could ease your stress and bring peace of mind that if you should come out of work due to accident, sickness and unemployment you wouldn’t have to struggle.Loan payment protection can give peace of mind by providing you with a fixed monthly income each month which would be tax free and beg...
72. Bookmarks: 0 Make More Money: Clear Unconscious Self-sabotage With Hblusm Unless you were lucky enough to inherit a fortune, you probably work for a living. You might think that everyone feels they don’t make enough money, but in the case of many of my clients it was true. Why weren’t they being paid well enough for what they do, or why can’t they find a job that pays well enough for their skill set? Surprisingly, many of them were unconsciously sabotaging themselves. Many of these self-sabotage patterns created irrational shame or fear that caused...
73. Bookmarks: 0 The Fear of Sugars -- A Worthy Phobia The Bariatric Patient must be very careful about sugars and sugar alcohols. If not, they’re gearing for a “dumping” in the making! Sugar phobia is a very worthy fear after a weight-loss surgery.
74. Bookmarks: 0 Six Things You Can Do To Prepare For The Coming Pandemic A recent survey showed that 60% of American businesses were not ready for the coming Avian Influenza pandemic. However, 73% said they wanted to get ready, but weren't sure what to do. Here then, is a starter list of six things you should include in your business preparedness plan.1. Absenteeism will be high due to illness or refusal to come to the workplace out of fear. Gather your key employees in accounting, sales, marketing, manufacturing, and management and develop a ...
75. Bookmarks: 0 Five Ways To Keep Participants Focused What do you dread most about conducting training classes? Is it the preparation? Is it scheduling a time that’s convenient? Is it wondering whether or not you look foolish or sound ignorant or both? For many people whose job duties include conducting effective training sessions, their biggest fear is wondering whether participants are more focused on the syllabus or on what they plan to do once the class is over! If participants are attentive and interested, you’ve go...
76. Bookmarks: 0 7 Pitfalls of Using Email to Sell Fear of rejection. Getting blocked by gatekeepers and voicemail. I'll just e-mail instead. We all know how much everyone hates e-mail spam, but even so, many salespeople are still sending introductory e-mails to decisionmakers.
77. Bookmarks: 0 Ways To Deal With Social Anxiety Social Anxiety Disorder is a Psychiatric disorder that attacks one out of every eight Americans. Those who have the disorder can become physically sick in social situations. This disorder can devastate more than your self esteem, it can destroy your marriage, finances and many other aspects of your life. The disorder is characterized by fear of social situations.There is help for people suffering with this disorder. If you seek treatment, you will be able to obtain medica...
78. Bookmarks: 0 The Skinny on Anorexia This article is about anorexia nervosa. This article presents a brief statistical figure of girls and women who have anorexia. Like bulimia, anorexia is characterized by a stern fear of becoming fat or being thought of as fat. They just differ in their means of cutting back weight. While bulimic people purge after overeating, anorexic people don’t eat at all. Eating disorders may be brought about by a lot of different factors: society, refusing to grow out of puberty, and having differ...
79. Bookmarks: 2 Overcome Anxiety With Hypnosis Anxiety is a disorder that can negatively affect every aspect of a person’s life. A person who experiences anxiety may become panicked if a certain situation occurs. For example an individual who has anxiety about financial matters may experience a panic attack, stress and extreme worry if their car needs to be repaired or something breaks in the house. Someone who experiences anxiety at work may be looked over for promotions and raises. Anxiety is fear and worry that can...
80. Bookmarks: 0 Managing Your Anxieties, Self Esteem, And Self Confidence Some people have a difficult time in managing their anxieties and fears. In addition, a person’s self esteem and self-confidence can also suffer. As a result, here is a list of techniques a person can use to help manage their anxieties, fears, and self esteem. Remember that practice makes perfect. Whenever it comes to dealing with your anxieties or any other task; practice, patience, and persistence is the name of the game. If you don’t get the desired results the first t...
81. Bookmarks: 0 Knowing Why Depression Happens Having a person you know and love have the depressions is a depressing situation as well. Watching the wallow in their loneliness and sadness can cause a great rift between the two of you. This comes from fear as well as the misunderstanding of the needs and symptoms of the depressed person
82. Bookmarks: 2 How Hypnosis Can Help You Hypnosis has long been recognised as an effective means of treatment for a number of psychological conditions. Hypnotherapy can help you to create more confidence for yourself and improve feelings of self worth. You can also learn to overcome problems like the fear of public speaking; phobias like being terrified of traveling on the tube; and become more at ease with yourself by building your confidence and self-esteem. Typical examples of area where hypnotherapy can help...
83. Bookmarks: 0 Get The Most Out Of Self Hypnosis There are many benefits to using self hypnosis. It can be used to overcome fears, fight addictions such as smoking, improve confidence and self esteem, and improve sports performance, to name just a few. In fact self hypnosis can be used to improve just about anything you want to in your life. For some people self hypnosis is extremely easy and requires very little effort. Some take to it like a duck to water, while other people may need to experiment a bit more to reap t...
84. Bookmarks: 0 Do Not Let Your Anxieties Overcome Your Self-Confidence Some people who struggle with anxiety may sometimes lose their self esteem and self-confidence during the process. As a result, here is a list of techniques a person can use to help manage their anxieties, fears, and self esteem.Remember that practice makes perfect. Whenever it comes to dealing with your anxieties or any other task; practice, patience, and persistence is the name of the game. If you don’t get the desired results the first time around, then keep trying unt...
85. Bookmarks: 4 Cure Phobias With Hypnosis A phobia is an irrational, persistent fear of a certain object or situation. There are several different forms of a phobia. A phobia can be a fear of something specific such as flying or a social phobia which causes an individual to feel anxiety about a social situation. Examples of a specific phobia may involve a fear of small animals, closed in spaces and snakes. Social phobias would be a fear of giving a speech, talking to the boss or meeting new people.It is estimated...
86. Bookmarks: 0 Finally Free Yourself From Worry And Fear. Would you like to move your life ahead in spite of worry and fear? Everyone has fears and worries, what sets us apart is our ability to deal with them and move on. This article will show you how to manage your worries and fears, so you free yourself from them. This is the place to obtain quick, action-oriented advice on steps you can take right now to reduce your fears and worries.
87. Bookmarks: 0 Dealing With Emotional Pain (Hurt - Bitterness - Injustice - Abused – Pain)We feel emotional pain when we do not get what we want, need, or expect. We might feel hurt, rejection, bitterness, abuse, injustice or simply emotional pain.In such cases, we have not received the behavior or outcomes we expected or believed we deserved.We feel this kind of feel pain in cases when * people * do not behave to us in the ways that we had expected as well as in situations where * life * does not give us ...
88. Bookmarks: 0 What Causes Social Anxiety? Social Anxiety Disorder is a fear of social situations that involve interaction with other people. People who have social anxiety often fear that they are being watched, judged, and evaluated by other people. It is often mistaken for shyness or low self-esteem. There are many different causes of social anxiety, however, the cause of social anxiety in some people simply cannot be explained.A common cause of social anxiety is a traumatic social experience. If a person is 'p...
89. Bookmarks: 0 This husband is stalking his wife! Jealousy is a fail-safe way to lose your dignity, dismantle your self-esteem and frankly, ruin your life! Nothing will ruin a relationship or marriage faster than jealously. It creates anxiety, anger, loneliness, hate and fear.The fastest way to kill the monster has nothing to do with your partner, and everything to do with you.
90. Bookmarks: 0 Shyness And Self-Esteem While not all shy people have low self-esteem, shyness is usually seen as a symptom of fear or lack of self-confidence. When you're shy, it usually means that you're self-conscious and maybe even worried about what other people think about you. Occasional shyness is normal, but when it becomes a habit, it can be detrimental to your progress in life, work, and love.Because of the connection between shyness and self-esteem, building your self-esteem step by step can help yo...
91. Bookmarks: 0 Online Dating advice: Making the first move Online Dating is often cited as a great way for shy people to extend their social circle and find love, but lack of confidence can be just as bad on the Internet as it is offline. For many people, making contact online can be quite a daunting task and the fear of rejection can be just as strong. There are a few important things to keep in mind for when you’ve found someone you want to make contact with.
92. Bookmarks: 0 Interviewing Skills: A Key To Anyone's Future. So when was the last time you interviewed? How did it go for you? My guess is that it went poorly for you and that is no slam on you personally its just that most people fear interviews and lose a lot of jobs as a result. I read something like 85% of people in the work force right now had to go through 5-6 interviews before they landed the job that they are in right now. Now there may be multiple reasons for this figure but let me tell you the overwhelming majority of people,...
93. Bookmarks: 0 How To Overcome Your Shyness With Women Don’t worry about. Many men are shy with women. Some don’t really get over it, but the good news is, most men do. Its just about self-confidence. Most men are shy because they fear rejection. Being rejected or turn away can be quite an embarrassing situation, but if you handle it right there’s nothing to it. This is a very normal reaction, but if you never take the risk, you risk losing the woman who might very well be the right one for you. Shyness shouldn’t hold you ba...
94. Bookmarks: 0 Approach Women Without Fear Of Rejection If you're interested in increasing your overall success with women, then you should learn ONE important thing. It's being able to approach women WITHOUT any fear of rejection! Read this article for more info
95. Bookmarks: 14 Be Courageous Let’s get one thing straight from the very beginning. No company ever dominated its industry by operating with a philosophy of fear. And, ultimately, no company can survive if it doesn’t learn to conquer its fear and take chances, make changes.
96. Bookmarks: 2 Strategies To Conquer Your Fitness Anxiety Paying for a gym pass you don’t use? Running shoes gathering dust? Do you have a fear of fitness? Don’t worry- you are not alone!Fear is one of the biggest reasons people give up on exercise, according to a growing number of sports-psychology and fitness authorities. Here are some simple strategies straight from the professionals aimed at helping you get over your fear and get on with your workout.
97. Bookmarks: 2 Sports Maintained By Lawn Mowers Have you ever thought about which sports are maintained by lawn mowers? We can start with the steady growth in popularity of lawn tennis as well as the splendid exercise that results from playing this game has given it a sure place in the field of athletic sports. It is a game that requires a great deal of skill, and as no one realizes this fact more than those who are experts, a beginner should not be deterred from playing tennis simply because he may fear the criticism of t...
98. Bookmarks: 0 This Is Not Your Dad’s Republican Party Anymore Stock markets are strange because they reflect the sum total of all our hopes, fears and prejudices at the end of each day. Every so often something big comes along that can have very strong influence on the stock market, and the direction the market is going to take. Bear markets when they do come, come out of nowhere. Everybody is surprised by them, but once they happen, the pundits have what seem to be perfectly reasonable explanations for why they happen.I submit to y...
99. Bookmarks: 0 Types of Interview Questions Interview is a vital part of recruitment procedure. Some interviews are followed by the written test and others are taken directly. Job interview always brings stress, anxiety and fear for the interviewer especially if he/she is going to appear for the first time.
100. Bookmarks: 0 Do You Have Financial Phobia? More and more people are suffering from a fear of personal finance, which can have a devastating effect on their lives. What is financial phobia, and what causes it?

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