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Net-Teams - Bookmark Tag fiction

There are 75 articles associated with the tag fiction!

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1. Bookmarks: 0 The Reverse Mortgage-Fact & Fiction Planning for retirement can be a daunting task, long-term care, investments or annuities, lack of retirement income. These all lead to unnecessary frustration. A reverse mortgage could settle some of that headache.
2. Bookmarks: 0 The History Of The Venetian Mask The history of the Venetian Mask is one which sounds as though it stems from fairytale or legend but which goes to show that sometimes truth is stranger than fiction.Way back in the 13th Century, Venice was more than just a small city in Italy. It was a very important part of Italy and was known by the name of the Venetian Republic. This Republic was small, with a population in the region of 150,000 people. Nonetheless, the Republic had a very successful trade, which was ...
3. Bookmarks: 21 Acne: Fact And Fiction Myths about acne die hard. Old wives’ tales about its causes continue to persist, in spite of scientific condition to the contrary. This article aims to shed light on some common myths about acne and attempts to separate fact from fiction.Myth 1: People who have acne are unclean and maintain poor hygieneThere is absolutely no truth to this statement. Acne is caused by a hormonal imbalance in the body. When the oil glands responsible for keeping our skin waterproof and...
4. Bookmarks: 2 Hypnotherapy For Business Development – Leading By Example So you thought hypnotherapy and business development make a rather odd couple, right? One is all about strange utterings and exaggerated facial expressions, while the other is about being cool, calculated and professional. How odd that they could even be considered compatible. How absolutely bizarre! But truth is always stranger than fiction, and I would like to break the myth that business and hypnotherapy don’t go together. I would go on to say even as much that Hypnotherap...
5. Bookmarks: 0 Martin Connell Releases For The Best Martin Connell's official press release for his new book For The Best.
6. Bookmarks: 0 Get Published: New Guide Gives Advice From the Pros Have you ever wanted to write a book? Whether you have a great idea for a cookbook, a science-fiction novel or children's story, transforming it into reality requires a lot of discipline and some good insider advice.
7. Bookmarks: 0 Pratise Golf On Different Courses Movies about golfing are usually for entertainment purposes only and should not be taken seriously. While golfers and others will enjoy the storyline, characters, and outcomes, they should be careful not to critique the actual golf round being played as they are fictionalized through editing and camera tricks most of the time. While actors may play golf in their spare time, they are usually not able to perform most of the tricks they seem to perform during the movie. But ...
8. Bookmarks: 0 Techniques For Overcoming Panic Attacks By Communicating With The Unconscious Mind Monsters from the Id, John.Dr. C.X. Ostrow clutched the arm of Commander John J. Adams in the 1955 science fiction movie “Forbidden Planet” and stared at him feverishly.Morbius was too close to the problem. He didn't see that when the Krell machine gave the Conscious Mind a boost, it also boosted the Id that lies in the Unconscious. It is where the mass of formless, bestial impulses develop...Anyone who saw “Forbidden Planet” would never forget it as the first...
9. Bookmarks: 8 Male Role Models: Who You Need And Why You Need Them Whenever youre searching for advice and wisdom and your dad just wont do, you have to look for role models elsewhere. You need to define yourself as a man, and you need examples to lead the way. Being a real man means that there are certain traits you have to adopt and most of these are already latent in your personality. All you have to do is find the perfect role models to mold yourself after. Here are the best men, fictional and real, to help you take the steps you need in...
10. Bookmarks: 0 Understanding The Key Elements Of The Law Of Attraction Fiction or realityWhen it comes to the law of attraction people cannot just simply limit to only one explanation given to it. If some people consider it as their karma, there are people that connect it directly to the best rule ever. When we talk about the laws of attraction, we refer to the energy of our feelings. We say energy as it’s working like a magnetic pole: one is emanating energy and someone else receives it. It works like a continuous flow: whatever we transfer...
11. Bookmarks: 0 Free Debt Consolidation: Fact Or Fiction? Do you have huge pile of debt, and desperate to get rid of it right away? Free debt consolidation can be very tempting to take as a fast solution.Do Free Debt Consolidation Really Reduce Your Debt?Some company will lead many to believe that they can literally reduce the amount of your debt. In most cases these companies only reducing your rates of interest.As a matter of fact there's nothing free in this life, everything has it own price. In many cases free debt c...
12. Bookmarks: 6 Why Write A Non-Fiction Book? Contrary to what you may think, publishing a non-fiction book won't make you any money. So why should you write one? Learn truths about the book industry and the purpose of non-fiction books that may surprise you. A must-read for all business owners considering writing a book.
13. Bookmarks: 6 Benefits Of E-books The internet has brought us many great things including streaming music, online shopping, electronic bill pay and many more beneficial applications. One thing that I feel is often overlooked but very valuable is ebooks. Especially ebooks in the non fiction/self improvement subject areas.Just as there are many great musicians that will never get signed - there are thousands of great authors who will never get the big book deal. Thanks to the internet and ebooks – we can ta...
14. Bookmarks: 5 Million Dollar Homepage; Fad Or Fiction Over the last month a new website created by 21 year old student (Alex Tew) has had a phenomenal impact on the internet advertising world. You may have heard of If not, it is a very simple concept for online advertising. Advertisers can buy pixels on the homepage for $1 a pixel. The minimum order is 100 pixels and with this the advertiser gets a small image that links from the Milliondollarhomepage to the advertiser’s site. Now this alone isn’t ...
15. Bookmarks: 1 The Truth About The Writing Life When you are a writer, you cannot separate your writing from your life. Writers cannot not write, so writing for you is like breathing. It is so natural you don't even think about it. I think it's a shame that so many writers treat their writing as anything from "special time" to the last thing on their to-do list. Writing is life. And so the principles of life, or the truth about life, are also the principles of, or the truth about, the writing life.I recently re-read a ...
16. Bookmarks: 4 The Simple 5 Step Secret To Great Fiction Stephen King says he starts his novels with a "What if?" question. What if a woman and child are trapped in a car by a rabid dog? What if a family pet buried in a Pet Semetary came back to life? What if a young girl could start fires with her mind?I have also heard many other bestselling novelist such as Jodi Picoult, Janet Evanovich and Nicolas Evans lay claim to the same thing.And I have heard others say they just saw an image in their mind, or had a persistent sent...
17. Bookmarks: 10 Pop Culture, Slang, And Day-Old Sushi: Things That Can Quickly Go Bad (And How To Keep Them From Fouling Up Your YA Fiction)In 10 years, will anybody understand you if you say "fo shizzle?" Will they stare blankly if you mention Britney Spears' buzz cut or Paris Hilton's jail time? They might, they might not, but the point is this: If you're a writer of young adult fiction, you can't afford to pepper your prose with slang and cultural references that reek like week-old sushi.More than in any other genre of writing, writers of young adul...
18. Bookmarks: 5 On The Planet Corporate: Survival Through Fiction I found myself sitting in the HR department of one of the most famous companies in America. My ice queen soon to be boss wanted me and I knew it. After all, I had graduated from a pseudo impressive university and I looked really good in my Ann Klein suit. Problem was, I'd never worked a day in Corporate America and I had just turned fifty. Hard to teach an old dog new tricks but the bills were piling up and the only place my freedom loving artistic spirit had gotten me was do...
19. Bookmarks: 6 'I Can Write A Book In A Weekend,' And Five Other Annoying Things Beginners Say Since every literate person can write, most people think they can be writers. Interestingly enough, we all can speak quite well, but few of us would deem ourselves ‘speakers.’ However, this prevalent belief encourages beginners to say the oddest things that make professional writers want to cringe (or preferably strangle them with a thin wire). If you find yourself saying the following, please stop:1. “I can write a book in a weekend.”I’m certain you can mutilate a ...
20. Bookmarks: 0 Don't Polish The Turd, And Other Oddball Writing Advice That Works Even with a dozen published books to my name, I sometimes need a dose of inspiration when I sit down to write. Above my desk, I've posted a paper with various pieces of fiction-writing wisdom I've collected over the years. Some of the advice may sound odd, but I've found it all helpful. Here it is:1. Write as if no one's reading. If you always imagine a reader perched on your shoulder, you'll be afraid to take chances. At least for the first draft, ignore that imaginary r...
21. Bookmarks: 6 Writing What You Want To Write: Personal Innovation Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all. - Dale CarnegieSome of the special skills discussed in writing may have you feeling as if there is really no room for expressing your own personality in your writing. However, there is always a misunderstood need for personal innovation in storytelling. There will always be intriguing stories that defy conventional wisdom.Children'...
22. Bookmarks: 0 Writing Naturally Have you ever found yourself stuck in your writing like a child on a rocking horse? Rocking back and forth, writing and editing, and wondering why your story doesn't take you anywhere?As a writer for a local weekly newspaper, I couldn't afford the luxury of writing and editing. I just had to write and worry about editing later; there's something about a deadline that moves you along. So how do you learn to move beyond the wooden horse, to the real horse, that story or...
23. Bookmarks: 0 Write Queen Writes From Her Little Piece Of Heaven Freda Brooks Phillips Douglas had an autobiographical-history book “Cherish the Past” published in 2002, has her second book of fiction “Winds of Change” ready for the printer and has her third book on the front burner. She also wrote a weekly personal essay column for 17 years.. Freda lives alone with her cat Jewely and loves to hear from her readers.Well, I am in my fourth month as a resident of Alabama, settled here like I was born here. Maybe that is because the terra...
24. Bookmarks: 0 Why Write A Non-Fiction Book The two central pillars in effective personal marketing are the establishment of credibility and the quest for exposure. You could have a large business or you could be an independent professional. You could be selling a product or a service. Regardless why you’re marketing yourself, writing a non-fiction book is one of the best ways to achieve those two pillars.Writing a non-fiction book is a daunting exercise. But most people don’t understand the extent to which it will...
25. Bookmarks: 0 Who's Telling The Story? The point of view in any story is important because it provides a guide to manage the execution of your story. Most works of fiction use one point of view although a second perspective can be brought into the story for a short period of time.Third Person Perspective is the most common method of conveying a work of fiction. This method allows the narrator to have at least limited omniscience. The narrator has limited access to the knowledge and feelings of the characters i...
26. Bookmarks: 0 What makes a good fiction book? Author and publisher Diana Ennen talks about three crucial elements to writing a good fiction book.
27. Bookmarks: 0 What A New Writer Has To Know About Creating A Character What is the soul of a story? Some people say the plot, some others say the characters. I say, it’s both.But now, I’d like to talk about characters.How do you create a character?Here are some ways used by writers out there in creating the characters in their story:• Go with the flowSome writers begin with the first few lines. As long as they can get something interesting for the first line, the rest will follow. The character’s personality grows at the same...
28. Bookmarks: 4 Time Management For Writers Most established writers have deadlines to follow. They are either pressed to complete an article by a certain time or they have a novel or non-fiction book that must be handed in by a deadline. In each case they have either a mandatory of self-imposed daily word count they need to complete in order to finish on time.The primary components to time management for writers should encompass several things.1. Writing - By actually identifying what your purpose is you take ...
29. Bookmarks: 0 The Start Of Belt Notching When the verdict was read my client smiled broadly and rapidly turned toward me and shook my hand vigorously and patted my shoulder at the same time. His quickness of movement surprised me and as I stared into his smiling eyes and I saw no relief, only gladness. He again reacted when he saw my look and darted his eyes upward as if to thank the ceiling. He brought his gaze back down as open eyed innocence.“Thank you much, counselor, thanks to you very much!” This time he s...
30. Bookmarks: 0 The Secrets To Marketing Fiction When my first book (The Cliffhanger) was published nearly seven years ago, I had high hopes of its success. I mean I am, after all, a PR person – so how hard could it be to market fiction? Granted, up till that point I hadn't taken on a lot of fiction — well, to be honest I hadn't taken any fiction. Fiction is tough and everyone knows it. But now I was going to get my chance, and what better way to start than on my own book? When The Cliffhanger hit the #1 spot on Amazon it w...
31. Bookmarks: 0 The One You Love To Hate Many of the best stories in fiction have both an antagonist and a protagonist.The protagonist is the main character or hero that we cheer on and hope conquers all.The antagonist is the story’s villain. The best bad guys are the ones we love to hate. We don’t need to know why they are bad, we don’t need a play by play of the choices they made early in life, we simply recognize they are bad and we don’t want them to win.A story can operate without an antagonist; how...
32. Bookmarks: 0 The Details Are In The Calendar Like many authors, writing a novel was always an aspiration. When I finally started the process, in Shades of Darkness, Shades of Grace I had a great story that had evolved from real-life events. Still, the majority of my experience was writing nonfiction, a style that generally called for straight facts with less emphasis on descriptive elements. Exceptional fiction requires authentic details that pull the reader into the world in which the story takes place. I discovered th...
33. Bookmarks: 6 The Banned Narrator-Are You An Epistolary Novelist? Do you like to write letters to those who have meant something to you? Do people like receiving your letters? Have others said they always look forward to your letters?If you answered yes to any of the above questions you could be an Epistolary Novelist.This novel approach to fiction writing is unique in that the entire novel is composed with letters written between main characters or a solitary writer.One of the classic Epistolary Novels in Christian fiction is t...
34. Bookmarks: 0 Stepping Stones, Ladders And Bridges. Start small work your way up. Take care of the little things and the big things will take care of themselves. Climb the ladder one rung at a time. Get your foot in the door and the rest will follow. Well worn platitudes all. But what does it have to do with writing?Many writers think that the secret to getting published by a major house is working their way up. Write a book, get it published by a vanity/utility publisher and that’s the first rung on the ladder to success....
35. Bookmarks: 3 Start Writing A Novel Today! What's Stopping You? When you start writing a novel you may find doing so somewhat more difficult than you expected. You are not alone when you make this discovery, as many novice writers and even published authors find themselves in the very same predicament. Perhaps one of the most difficult things may be trying to discover who, what, where, when, why and how you are going to develop the next "Pulitzer Prize Winning" fiction book. This article will provide you with a number of thoughts and idea...
36. Bookmarks: 8 Seven Ways To Connect Your Writing And Your Life An important question for any artist is: How can I built a career and simultaneously be true to myself? It’s an important question, and during the twenty years I’ve taught writing, hundreds of students have expressed the belief that success and personal integrity are mutually exclusive.The Lifewriting™ approach to fiction suggests that not only do these two qualities overlap, but that the safest, surest, most satisfying path to discovering your true voice, your deepest cr...
37. Bookmarks: 15 Scams, Schemes, And Shams: Who Can An Author Trust? Authors in their quest to get published can fall victim to scams. Here's a few tips to help you avoid the traps. Online Matching Services and Email Blast ProgramsThese services, for a fee, put your query letter, synopsis and first chapter online. Acquisition editors and literary agents then have the opportunity to peruse the offerings. You have to ask yourself if you truly believe that the average literary agent, who receives 1100 unsolicited queries a year, has th...
38. Bookmarks: 2 Save The Planet, Hug A Clam It has become obvious to all but the most unrelentingly stubborn apologists for the oil industry that we now stand at a pivotal moment in the history of our planet. As much fun as it would be to make fun of Al Gore's pretentious drawl and expanding bald spot, none of us can afford to ignore his clarion call for global change. With humankind's carbon footprint leaving a catastrophic impact upon Mother Earth, it is the sacred responsibility of every citizen to make a change for...
39. Bookmarks: 1 Rocking The Vote In 2008 The story arc of Shades of Darkness, Shades of Grace covers five years and three elections. Set in Minnesota, home to the nation's highest voter turn-out, the Pierson family understands that voting is not a right but a privilege, and one they exercise regularly. With 2008 a presidential election year, readers of the novel might view Minnesota as an example for the rest of the country to follow.Nationally between 1960 and 2004, voter participation in presidential election ...
40. Bookmarks: 0 Readers: Are They Involved? There are two specific, yet lofty goals writers strive for every time they commit words to paper. That goal is to write in such a way as to draw their readers into the written word.If this goal is in fictional writing the author wants the reader to become so absorbed in the story that they are both satisfied, yet sad to see the story end.If this goal is in non-fiction the writer accomplishes the objective by relating details in a way that leaves the reader interested ...
41. Bookmarks: 0 Plotting Secondary Versus Sub-Plots In Your Next Book. Here's the question – is it better to have a secondary plot or sub-plots? Here's another question, which as a reader, and then as a writer do you prefer?I think you have to have both.Subplot = A subordinate plot in fiction or drama. In our terms (A relating plot) Basically a hidden plot that some readers miss and writers don't know they have written, which helps bring the romance to the surface. Also known as twist and turns through out the romance.A secondary plo...
42. Bookmarks: 3 Pahl Receives Bronte Prize Nomination Writing on a small press, Nelson Pahl joined some of mainstream literature’s most famous names to become one of the five finalists for romantic fiction’s biggest award, the 2007 Bronte Prize. The accolade recognizes the best love story published in the U.S. and Canada annually.Pahl’s Bee Balms & Burgundy, published on independent imprint Café Reverie Press, goes head to head for the coveted accolade against Nora Roberts’ Angels Fall (Putnam), Richard Paul Evans’...
43. Bookmarks: 50 Pahl Overcomes Heartbreaking Winter To Capture Bronte Prize After a three-month span that included the sudden and early deaths of both the canine companion he called “daughter” and his beloved father, indie lit penmaster Nelson Pahl deserved a break.He finally got one—even if it pales in comparison to his heartbreaking winter.Pahl’s Bee Balms & Burgundy, published on independent imprint Café Reverie Press, won romantic fiction’s biggest award, the Bronte Prize. The accolade recognizes the best love story published in th...
44. Bookmarks: 0 Online Competitions Opportunity for Drawing, Fiction Writing Writing is a creative activity. Whether you are writing about your own life story or creating stories based upon the plots and characters that exist within your imaginations, creativity matters.Fiction is the purest form of storytelling that is told with written words. In Fiction writing there is a great deal of flexibility.
45. Bookmarks: 0 One Dimensional Writing-Using First Person Perspective When an author decides to write fiction one the primary methods of storytelling is through a first person perspective. For many writers this is the most comfortable manner of storytelling.In a first person narrative the reader is allowed to relate to the story one dimensionally. The story is presented to the reader from the viewpoint of a character in the story. The narrator might be the main character attempting to relate their own story. The story might also be told fro...
46. Bookmarks: 0 Notches When the verdict was read my client smiled broadly and rapidly turned toward me and shook my hand vigorously and patted my shoulder at the same time. His quickness of movement surprised me and as I stared into his smiling eyes and I saw no relief, only gladness. He again reacted when he saw my look and darted his eyes upward as if to thank the ceiling. He brought his gaze back down as open eyed innocence.“Thank you much, counselor, thanks to you very much!” This time he s...
47. Bookmarks: 8 Truth or Lie: Fiction vs. Memoir—How Memoir Writers Can Approach Truth and Healing As a memoir teacher, I find that people are very worried about the ethical issues involved in memoir writing. For example, the writers ask such questions as, “what if I don’t remember the exact conversation when my mother died,” or “I don’t know what clothes I was wearing the day my father went away forever.”
48. Bookmarks: 8 Love At A Higher Level Is it possible to achieve a higher romantic love than the resigned complacency we see all around us? If so, can it be sustained for long? Would many people really want it? Sure, nonfiction literature is replete with books, courses, and seminars on how to achieve romantic or marital bliss. But few of us seem to achieve it, and fewer still ever sustain it. Worse yet is that many people seem disinterested or, worse yet, disheartened.Far fewer are works of fiction that explor...
49. Bookmarks: 0 Journaling Your Book To Completion On any given day, how many people, events, problems, projects, family issues, things to remember and appointments are running through your mind? A LOT, right? If you're writing a book, you have to add on top of that a whole other world of characters, events, settings, plots, (if you're writing fiction) or stories, bullet points, theories and rhetoric (if you're writing non-fiction). How do you keep track of it all? Keeping a journal for your book can be a great tool. In i...
50. Bookmarks: 4 How To Write Your First Novel I began my writing career as a poet, and I’m still a poet. So my journey into fiction was never a planned career move. In fact, my first short story arrived as a complete shock. No kidding.Because I have written and published poetry in books and magazines for years, I’ve developed a writing schedule that provides time to write every day, always a half hour after breakfast each morning and again after dinner every evening. I also keep a notepad and pen next to the bed to c...
51. Bookmarks: 0 How To Find The Novel That Only You Can Write Most people think writing a novel is just writing. I have lost count of the number of people who say “I want to write a novel” and think that they will just sit down, put pen to paper or fingers to keyboard, and the whole thing will just unfold before them. I’ve read a few novels, they think, why can’t I write one?If only it were that easy!The process of writing any story is exactly that, a process. And whether you are tackling a novel, a short story, an essay or a no...
52. Bookmarks: 0 Get Your Hands Dirty! Historical Research For Novelists For over a decade, while I was developing my writing skills, I had the great good fortune to work at a large outdoor ethnic museum near Milwaukee called Old World Wisconsin. This historic site includes a crossroads village and ten working farmsteads, with restoration dates ranging from 1845 through 1915. Old World Wisconsin is a place where Interpreters get their hands dirty, so my knowledge of historical domestic and agricultural processes grew exponentially. I learned ho...
53. Bookmarks: 3 First Time Novelist Faux Pau Those who venture into fiction writing often fall prey to certain avoidable, yet highly normal faux pau's with their first book.Many of these novels are grand experiments. Often chapters unfold without advance direction or character notebook, sometimes there is a multitude of point of view shifts and there is often a desire to try to pack as much into the story as possible.One of the key difficulties for new novelists is to track down inconsistencies in their work. Fo...
54. Bookmarks: 0 Eleven Questions For Laura Preble, Author Ms. Preble is an award-winning teacher, a jazz singer and pianist, and the author of The Queen Geek Social Club and its just-published sequel Queen Geeks In Love (both available from Penguin Books). A self-admitted geek, Laura is a science fiction fan and currently lives in the San Diego area with her husband, jazz saxophonist Chris Klich and her sons Austin and Noel.T.E. Pouncey: I thoroughly enjoyed your novel. Are any of the elements in The Queen Geek Social Club autob...
55. Bookmarks: 5 Editorial Advice: To Listen Or Not To Listen? Whether you're an author publishing through traditional means or delving into self-publishing, you are going to want the feedback of a good editor or perhaps more than one. The difficulty for authors, especially those choosing self-publishing is when do you take an editor's advice and make changes and when do you determine you've gotten enough feedback? This can be a tough call, and it often comes down to the author finding a happy medium.The first thing writers need to c...
56. Bookmarks: 0 Book Review: If I Did It - Confessions Of The Killer By The Goldman Family Yes folks, it's the long awaited OJ Simpson confession book! Except that in OJ's mind it was anything but, he claims it is a fictional account of how we would have done it, if he had done it! I have lots of problems with this book, not least of which is what was going through his sick and twisted mind to want to write the book in the first place. If you are innocent this book makes no sense. And if you are guilty, it makes even less sense, unless you are trying to confess and...
57. Bookmarks: 0 Confessions Of An Erotic Romance Writer: Getting My Groove Few people understand the importance of a ROUTINE when making a, I meant a a writer. Where do you work? How do you work? When do you work? These are all questions a selling writer fields with every interview.Here is the usual answer: I work wherever I am, as diligently as possible, as often as possible. This is my job and I must treat it as such or I will end up eating Oreos while watching Gilmore Girls.Here is the real answer: Whenever I ca...
58. Bookmarks: 12 Book Review: Stolen Boy By Michael Mehas Stolen Boy is billed as a work of fiction, however it actually explores a real event, and that event is still unfolding in the Southern California court system. Jessie James Hollywood faces the potential of the trip to lethal injection for his actions. So real is Michael Mehas' book that he actually was subpoenaed twice as a witness in the trial, and forced to hand over his notes and tapes of interviews he had conducted.With a background of Los Angeles, Stolen boy is abou...
59. Bookmarks: 6 Book Review: A Broad Abroad In Thailand By Dodie Cross This is to say the least an interesting and entertaining read that covers far more ground than the title implies. Told with a huge amount of humor we follow Dodie on her sojourn to Thailand, where things do not work out as planned. As she ruefully reflects on in the final chapters, what seems like a great opportunity at the time, had enough flashing warning lights that she should have spotted early on.The story opens with our heroine working a mundane office job during th...
60. Bookmarks: 3 Book Review: Alex Webster And The Gods By David Dent What’s a major deity to do when he finds himself washed up on Mt Olympus? Jupiter, once mighty Roman God has spent two millennia sulking about his defeat at the hands of Yahweh and the loss of the great Roman Empire. Jupiter and his motley assortment of gods have become complacent, even the eternal fountains have mildew on them and are in need of a good clean.Shedding his robes in favor of an expensive Brooks Bros pin stripe three piece suit and Harvard Business School MB...
61. Bookmarks: 7 A Conversation With Helen Barer Author Of Fitness Kills Today, Norm Goldman, Publisher & Editor of is pleased to have as our guest, Helen Barer author of Fitness Kills.Helen is a native New Yorker and has spent many years as a writer of non-fiction ranging from cookbooks to television documentaries.Norm:Good day Helen and thanks for participating in our interview.Helen:I'm delighted to have been invited.Norm:How did you happen to write a book about a fitness ranch in Baja and co...
62. Bookmarks: 3 A Bad Literary Agent Can Be Worse Than No Agent At All. Types of things to watch out for with agents:* Charging the author a fee up front, to be accepted as a client. Can be called a reading fee, or a monthly "office expenses" charge. The best agents, and most successful ones, only charge a percentage fee of royalties the author earns, typically 15%. Suppose a realtor charged you a fee to come over and tour your house before getting the listing? How quickly would you show that realtor the door. . .* Charging back unusually...
63. Bookmarks: 0 America's Next Great Writer Every once in a while a writer comes along that demands we take notice; one that avails just the right meter, tempo, and rhythm; one that can engulf us in a story and keep us glued throughout 200 pages; one that offers a style sure to be emulated by his aspiring peers, both of his generation and generations to come.Nelson Pahl is just that writer.With simultaneous debut releases, entitled Bee Balms & Burgundy and Two for Tuesday, Pahl flexes a literary muscle short in...
64. Bookmarks: 9 Writing For Children: Turn Your Ideas Into A Book Turn Your Idea Into a BookMaybe you're one of those lucky writers whose head is bursting with ideas. Or perhaps you have one idea that's been nagging you for weeks, always at the edge of your thoughts. Either way, you're itching to begin writing. That's good. But before you rush headlong into your story, stop and ask yourself one question: Is this just an idea, or is it a book?Ideas, of course, are the seeds of any work of fiction or nonfiction. But until an idea is f...
65. Bookmarks: 9 Writing Exercise 3: This Could Get Dangerous Defining your fictional characters' voices is important. What is equally vital, though, is grasping your characters' humanity, the core of their fictional soul.A good way to learn how to do this is by observing an incident through another living person's eyes. For this exercise, choose your spouse, a relative, or your best friend to play the fictional character in a 500-word dramatic scene. Write using either third person or first person point of view.Traumatic si...
66. Bookmarks: 0 What You Can Learn From Dr. Phil About Writing Non-Fiction Books Even if your career doesn't involve being a full-time writer, being the author of a book can be a huge boon for you. Our society holds authors in such high regard that anyone who has written one is seen as knowledgeable, self-disciplined and special. A book can help your business or career by making you more visible and sought-after for your expertise. All very good things. But if your natural talents don't involve writing regularly, it may be difficult for you to figure out ...
67. Bookmarks: 4 What Should Be Included In A Nonfiction Book Proposal A great nonfiction book proposal is the key to convincing an acquisition editor you deserve a substantial advance and getting your book published.What should be included in a book proposal?Concept:A brief, no more than one page description about why your book is unique.Market:Who will buy your book and why. Include the demographics of your potential readers and how many of them there are. If you can, quote statistics, such as baseball is the most often viewe...
68. Bookmarks: 8 Top Secret! The One-Year Path To Publication There is a way to virtually guarantee your publication within a single year. No, it has nothing to do with self-publication. This path is not for dilettantes, and will push you to the limit, but it has worked for dozens of my students, and it will work for you.It is based on writing principles first proposed by two giants in the publishing field, science-fiction writers Ray Bradbury, and Robert Heinlein, over thirty years ago. And no, you don’t have to be a science fictio...
69. Bookmarks: 8 The Three Questions Of Science Fiction There is a great deal of misunderstanding about what that particular branch of literature called “Science Fiction” actually consists of. Is it space-ships and monsters? Time machines? Galactic empires? Well, its all of those things, and often none of them.Science Fiction, broadly speaking, is story-telling that deals with the impact of organized knowledge on human beings. Usually, this means technology, and the way it changes us—and reveals about us. After all, most techn...
70. Bookmarks: 4 The Lazy Man's Guide To Great Characterization One subject arising whenever writers gather to discuss their craft is the mining of life itself for story material. While a vital and important technique, it is important to remember that real human beings are impossibly complex, far too complicated to serve as story characters without major modification. The most complex character in all of western fiction (arguably), Hamlet, is still only 1% as complex as a real human being. One must remember that there is a unity betwe...
71. Bookmarks: 9 Book Proposals 101.: What Publishers Want Lots of writers like to talk about writing books. You hear very few talking about writing book proposals. Maybe that's why it's easy to forget that a strong book proposal is the first step to getting a great deal for your non-fiction book. It's where you make the big pitch and tell the editor everything that's going to make him or her want to buy.A book proposal is also a great time saver for you because you'll find in the course of researching your book proposal whether ...
72. Bookmarks: 5 The Best Place to Put SEO Copy on Your Web Page Does your copy have to be at the top of the page? Do you have to keep all your text together on the page? Find out if these are fact or fiction.
73. Bookmarks: 19 The Business of Publishing The truth about publishing is really stranger than fiction and the truth is: getting published is only half the battle. The other half is to keep your reality check in balance so it doesn't bounce.
74. Bookmarks: 9 Consider Self Publishing in Ebook Format learn how to self publish your book online in ebook format.
75. Bookmarks: 11 Kickstart Your Sex Life Today! If you want to get your sex life out of hibernation then you will love these quick and easy tips to revitalise your love life.

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