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WCM Investing - The Process (December 2008)
Most people enter the investment process tip first. They hear something, grab an idea from a popular blog, accept a Cramerism or some motley foolishness, and think that they are making investment decisions. Rarely, will the right-now, instant-gratification, Internet-generation speculator think in terms that go beyond tomorrow's breaking news.
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The Art of Investing: Working Capital Model based Asset Allocation
This method of looking at things will get you where you want to be without the hype that Wall Street uses to create unproductive transactions, foolish speculations, and incurable dissatisfaction. It provides a valid use for portfolio Market Value, but far from the judgmental nature Wall Street would like. It's use in this model, as both an expectation clarifier and an action indicator for the portfolio manager on a personal level, should illuminate your light bulb.
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The CRIME of CREDIT REPORTING - Don't Be Fooled By The Advertising - You Are Being Misdirected!
When dealing with credit issues, consider what is really going on - most of the issues people have is based on businesses like Equifax, Transunion and Experian providing false written information to others that damages them, which is by definition LIBEL. LIBEL is a CRIMINAL act, and unlike civil offenses, if this happens to you, it is the JOB of the District Attorney (DA) in your area to prosecute the crime, not yours!
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What Is Dow Theory?
You may find yourself wondering what Dow theory has to do with trading on the Forex (Foreign Exchange marketwhere nations, corporations, and now retail traders go to exchange currencies). Well, before Charles Dow began writing his theory over a century ago, the idea of speculating on the markets was considered rather foolish. However, the Dow Theory is still considered to be one of the leading authorities on basic market philosophy and is relevant to traders on the Forex e...
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The Sign of Signs - Who is That Fool on the Corner with the Sign about the End of the World?
Americans are fast learning that it is the little things that count in life. Here is a little thing that if overlooked could cost your entire future!
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Sorry, But I'm Throwing Away Your Business Card
Hey, theres a business card on my desk
better follow up on it.Hmmm, should I address you as Sir or Maam?I see from the card that your name is Pat Smith. But is that Patricia or Patrick? Im afraid I dont know how to ask for you, and Id really hate to look foolish and ask for Ms. Pat Smith if its supposed to be Mr. Pat Smith
and I dont see any kind of photo on your business card, which would help.Bet you expected me to rememb...
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Article Marketing - Not Sexy, But Successful
Article marketing can seem a boring, tedious and underwhelming form of promotional marketing. But don't be fooled. It packs a powerful punch in terms of its effectiveness and ROI (Return On Investment).
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Dont Pull Up The Seeds When Youve Just Sown Them
All new ventures of goal-building follow a set pattern in which your initial euphoria is quickly replaced by lonely struggle. Dont let this phase fool you into giving up as it does for so many. This article will show you how to treat this phase as an essential part of your success.
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Affiliate Programs - Home Based Business Income Opportunities
Dont be fooled by all the affiliate program advertisements promoting them a easy home based business opportunities. Affiliate programs are effective home based business income opportunities, but they will not make you money all by themselves. You will need to work your affiliate programs to make them effective home based business income opportunities.
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World Cup Betting Update
For many years there has been an argument in sports circles regarding the partaking in sexual activity prior to and leading up to a game, match or prize fight. I mean even in the movie Rocky 1 the Italian Stallion had to say Yo Adrian no fooling around the night before he met Apollo Creed in the square circle.
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The Right Decoy Fools Those Ducks Every Time
The first use of decoys as a means of attracting ducks and geese is credited to the North American Aboriginal Indians who used crude decoys to help lure birds within net or spear range. The earliest confirmed decoys, found in a Nevada cave, date back to more than 2000 years ago. Speculation though among archeologists suggests that decoys may have been used as many as 8,000 years ago prior to that.While the materials and manufacturing methods have changed and evolved consi...
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Why Learning The History Of Forex Can Help You Today
Back in the days when kings thought they had a divine right to rule, they often wanted more money than their parliaments granted them. But most parliamentary bodies didnt consist of fools; they certainly knew better than to leave the powerful tool of taxation solely in the kings hands.Without being able to tax to his hearts content, the kings other financial weapon was to devalue his countrys currency: recall all gold and silver coinage, melt it down, then reis...
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Cialis and Viagra: two pills necessary in our times
Two centuries ago, if anybody had proposed or stated that in the future the erectile disorder of men will be taken care of by Cialis and Viagra, probably that that somebody would have been taken for a fool.
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Sales Training - 'Confidence 101'
Be aware of the fools sense of confidence which plagues most salesmen, and that is the confidence which is based totally on bravado.
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Five Ways To Keep Participants Focused
What do you dread most about conducting training classes? Is it the preparation? Is it scheduling a time thats convenient? Is it wondering whether or not you look foolish or sound ignorant or both? For many people whose job duties include conducting effective training sessions, their biggest fear is wondering whether participants are more focused on the syllabus or on what they plan to do once the class is over! If participants are attentive and interested, youve go...
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Cosmetic Surgery UK: Do Not be Fooled by Marketing Gimmicks
Do you really believe on the marketing gimmicks that Tummy tucks, Weight loss surgery or any other plastic surgeries are as easy and acceptable as going to a holiday? Can you just have it done by any person and from anywhere? Let us take a look.
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Protect Your Stock Portfolio From False Signals
Most new investors have a fair idea when they should sell. The standard is 10% loss, and it is time to sell. There are dozens of gurus who offer all sorts of signals and red flags to help investors learn when to invest and when to buy or sell. Some gurus say Its time to sell when the points turn negative. All of this information is good, but the investor needs to learn how to identify false signals.There are some events that can fool investors into selling, but misread...
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3 Foolproof Ways To Soar Through A Recession
Winners are ALWAYS looking for ways to grow their business. They trust their company, trust their customers to come through for them, and realize that a financial crunch offers advantages that aren't available during better economic times.
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How to improve your golf swing - 7 Tips, 7 Strokes, 7 Days
Are you a high handicap golfer, or just an average weekend player, or maybe you like to entertain business clients on the course. Here is 7 tips that will help keep your swing in tact and not look like a fool on the golf course.
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3 Strategies To Improving Your Golf Game
Why should you work on improving your golf game? For one, the next time that you head out onto the green with your boss you wont feel like a complete fool when he starts talking about his skills. And, youll be able to brag to your buddies about how you came out under par. It can also help you to enjoy the game more so. Maybe you just need a little more practice (time to get away Saturday morning from the wife and kids) or maybe you just need someone to show you a few techni...
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They Fooled Him For The Seventh Time In A Row - Spirituality Information
What if the top ten billionaires in the world die today? Is the world going to change?No Way!What if the top ten sportspersons in the world die today? Is the world to changeNo Way!What if the top ten spiritual leaders pass away? Is the world going to change?No Way!What if ten ordinary people die today? Is the world going to change?Of Course, Yes!Ordinary people run this world. Extraordinary ones are not part of this world,they are seeking a dif...
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The Power of Positive Thinking.
Just imagine, look at yourself as a winner in every situation, you control your mind, you do not let any situation fool you...Do you know the real difference between the sleepers and the awakes? And who you are let's discover the shocking truth in our powerful case study...
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How To Rate Your Favorite Uranium Company
Many investors invested in the Great Uranium Bull Market with little rationale behind their speculation. Through the robust rallies of the past two years, it was easy to play the momentum of a newsletter writers recommendation. Quite a few did so, often employing the greater fool strategy and hoping the last and dumbest investor would provide an exit strategy for the early and nimble speculator.We have created a 7-point ratings system to help you in determining which c...
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Gold is Golden
You need to protect yourself NOW from the biggest one year loss of wealth in the history of the world. Does this statement get your attention? Many western economies have participated in this gigantic fraud of escalating house evaluations as evidence of economic growth, relying on greed and bogus money supply to stoke the fires of the greater fool theory and thus give the illusion of prosperity. As a result house sticker prices kept going up and up in most cities, while in reality the true ...
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Why do 90% of Online Businesses in South Africa Fail?
It is estimated that over 90% of new online businesses fail within the first year of existence. Interestingly enough, the same can be said for the restaurant industry, as only 10% of new restaurants experience success. With such negative odds it seems that many are taking a foolish gamble for a shot at success. Yet, there are certain individuals who are able to launch successful restaurants and online businesses time and time again with amazing success rates.
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The Hazards Of Shopping On Ebay
Buying online at auction websites such as ebay is becoming ever more popular and there are some great bargains out there to take advantage of. There are however risks involved and in this article I am going to write about a bad experience a friend of mine went through, an experience which would cost him a lot of money.
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Reasons To Be Careful When Buying Goods On Ebay
I decided to write this article to warn everyone using ebay what can go wrong for the buyer when the goods do not turn up. Recently i won an auction on ebay which was luckily for me at at a low price which is a relief after what happened next.
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Chain of Fools
Credible endorsements are a very effective marketing tool, especially in cyberspace. However, the principle of 'caveat emptor (let the buyer beware)' should still be the main criteria for making the decision to purchase. The simple reason for this is that some alleged endorsements may not be what they seem.
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What is the Top Online Business Strategy?
Since when does wasting time and money qualify someone as a business authority? If you ask me, anyone who would conduct business like that is just plain Stupid! Im supposed to trust these guys with my money after they foolishly wasted all of theirs. Im smart enough to know better and I bet you are too!
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Online Scams: How To Avoid Getting Fooled
Learn how to avoid the three most popular scams you will run into online without damaging the thrill of surfing the internet.
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Avoiding Online Paid Surveys Scams
The bottom line is, if the hype for online paid surveys sounds too good to be true, it likely is. That's the safest way to screen out "offers" that hype big rewards for small investments of time or money. Don't be fooled by:Testimonials - Ropers and shills typically write these for scams, not satisfied customers.Documented Proof - Some questionable paid survey sites provide checks and other documental replications as "proof." But just because someone made money at lea...
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How To Write Attention-Grabbing Headlines: 10 Foolproof Methods
It's no surprise that your headline is crucial to the success of your article. It's the first thing your reader will see, and it has to do many things, including getting your reader's attention, drawing them into your article and encouraging them to read more, and summarizing what the article is about - and you've only got about 15 words in which to do it. This article will explain how you can avoid leaving it to chance.There are some basic considerations when writing you...
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Great Technical Writing: Tell Your Users What To Expect
OVERVIEWIn your User Documentation, you direct your Reader to perform tasks with your product. If you don't tell your Reader what to expect when performing those tasks, you will have a baffled Reader, resulting in dissatisfaction and expensive calls to technical support.EXAMPLE: REVERSE OSMOSIS WATER FILTERI bought and installed a Reverse Osmosis water filter. The instructions told me to fill, and then empty (the instructions foolishly used the term "dump," which ...
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Giving The Power To The People
Building an online community to create collaborative publications - essentially books written page by page by different people from around the world - may sound like an ambitious project but its happening today thanks to the power of the Internet, and more importantly, the power of people.It may sound foolhardy and unlikely to work in practice, but the concept of scores of unconnected people, perhaps even hundreds or thousands, working together to create group produced p...
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Online Scams: How To Avoid Getting Fooled
Learn how to avoid the three most popular scams you will run into online without damaging the thrill of surfing the internet.
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How To Be A Good Boyfriend
A man can easily learn how to be a good boyfriend. All it takes is a little bit of practice and determination to do it. Willingness is the key for any man to learn how to be a good boyfriend. Unfortunately not all men are willing to study and do what it takes to be a good boyfriend. Most men foolishly adopt a love me or leave me attitude wherein they are too stubborn to admit their shortcomings. These are usually the type of men that bank on the frailty of most women, t...