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IGVSI Numbers Confirm Equity Correction --- Income CEF Rally Continues
The valuestockindex.com web page has been updated through May 2012 ---here are the headlines and links to the web pages
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An Overview of Austria for Travelers
Although Austria is rarely in the headlines these days, it was once part of a dominant European power. Following is an overview of this postcard country.
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Headline Rates Are Not Everything
There are various ways of working out the interest rate on your mortgage and an unbelievably wide choice of mortgages out there. All may not be what it seems, however. Dont make the mistake of thinking interest rates are the be all and end all of the mortgage search.If youre paying interest only on your loan, with no capital repayment, the date that interest is calculated makes no difference, but otherwise its not quite so simple.Some building societies offer loa...
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RV Resorts Remain Solid Investment Despite Economic Downturn
With news headlines sounding alarms like, 'Joblessness on the Rise,' 'Mortgage Crisis Unfolds,' 'Record-Breaking Oil Prices,' and 'Recession Looms,' one could easily assume that the U.S. economy is in for a dramatic downward spiral says Leon D. Meekcoms, President of Parkbridge Capital Group, Inc. (www.parkbridgecapital.com), a privately held real estate investment, acquisition, and brokerage firm.
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Saying A Lot With A Little: Powerful Classified Ads
Classified ads are perhaps the most popular form of small-business advertising available today. The reasons are many, ranging from cost, to simplicity, to effectiveness when seen by the right kind of audience. What you choose to advertise is up to you, but one fact remains: if your ad is going to get big results in a small space, every word has to count.First, make sure your ad grabs the attention of your readers with a good headline. Asking a question works well (HOW WOU...
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Avoid Credit Card Balance Transfers Pitfalls
Despite many card providers suffering falling profits and staggering rises in the level of bad debts, competition is still rife within the market and providers continue to launch headline best buy deals. Andrew Britchford, credit card analyst from Moneyfacts.co.uk explains how consumers can avoid some of the common pitfalls associated with credit card deals and make the best of the offers available. Choosing the right card can be more complicated than you may think.
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Tips for writing effective headlines
Headlines serve the purpose of getting the attention of the reader. With a good headline, the reader gets intrigued to read the article, brochure, newsletter or ad. There are many techniques employed to produce effective headlines.
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Write A Winning Business Plan-The Neatest Trick In The Book
Writing a business plan sounds really tough, and it can be. But there are a number of things the smart entrepreneur can do to make it easier.For instance, justwhatkindofstuffyouthinkgetsreadlikethis? Imagine pages full of that, with virtually no margins, no paragraph breaks, no breathing room. Lenders, investors and angel investors are confronted with piles of business plans like that every day.Take a breath. Then lure your reader into the plan with snappy headlines...
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A Simple 8 Step Formula For Testing Your Headlines
Without testing headlines is like firing a gun at a target blindfolded. This article was written for evey level of marketeer and will allow you to make the most of your marketing efforts
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Writing a good headline for your advertisement
There is no denying the fact that the success of an advertisement lies mostly in the headline. The headline should attract the reader and make him read the rest of the advertisement. The headline should be simply catchy and various key points should be embedded when deciding on the headline for the ad.
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Home Schooling As The Solution To School Violence
Home Schooling, also known as home education, is defined as the education of children at home, generally by parents or guardians instead of in a public or private school. It provides children with a different learning environment rather than that in public schools or private schools.Violence in schools has been dominating the headlines lately. More and more parents fear for the life, safety and health of their children. Home school seems to be a better alternative than se...
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Writing A Online Dating Profile Does Your Dating Profile Suck?
I might not be Fred Flintstone, but I can still make your bed rock!Come on. You can do better than that. Here are some tips to help you when putting together your dating profile that has more taste than the above headline.
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Kindness And Community: Beating The Snow
This week snow hit the UK and it was amazing to see how those little flakes of ice, caused so much trouble. Within hours the schools were shut and parents couldnt go to work as there was no one to look after their kids. The roads become like ice rinks and travel became difficult. The news channels did their usual sensational newsflashes with the snow being the headline as the UK just ground to a halt.All while this madness was going on, something incredible was beginning...
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How to Create a Better News Release
You can get a better response from reporters and editors, if you follow a few simple guidelines in writing your news release. Appropriate content, an interesting headline, a packed first paragraph, polished wording, using a standard format, and by being prepared for questions.
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FBI Raids: Pertinent or Paranoid?
FBI raids are certain to grab headlines. That can raise an ethical question, though, if the possibility exists that the purpose of the raid is for its intimidating effect as much as it is to grab wrongdoers. Could this be the case in raids involving two e-currency companies?
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What Exactly is an Insurance Credit Score?
Insurance credit scores are used by insurance companies to determine how risky a person is and how much that person will have to pay for insurance. The use of these insurance scores has made headlines in recent years because many people consider it to be controversial. As a result of this publicity most people now know that insurance companies are using credit information but there are a lot of misconceptions about this practice.
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Anxiety And Stress Relief - Facing Life's Giants!
Life and all its inordinate problems can often appear as a giant bearing down on you. It's enormous footsteps shake and shudder the very foundations of your life bringing stress and anxiety. Relief from these problems can seem like a lifetime away. When bills pile up, family demands overwhelm, tasks in hand get out of hand and calamity and tragedy fill in the news headlines.What do you do anxiety and stress giant comes a calling? Who do you turn to for help? The fact...
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Are You Asking For Things And Then Telling The Universe No Thanks!? Part 1
Do you ask for things and then tell the Universe no thanks!?Recently on the front page of yahoo! was this headline: NYC cabbie returns bag of diamond rings and instantly I thought Did he just tell the Universe No thanks!?The story read like this:NEW YORK - Never mind diamonds - a New York cabbie was a Texas girls best friend. The driver returned 31 diamond rings he found in his cab after dropping off the passenger, who had left him with ...
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Is Your PPC Or Adwords Campaign Crashing On The Landing Page?
What is a good landing page? The crucial half of a PPC campaign most people don't know about. Google Adwords, Yahoo (formerly called Overture Sponsored listings) and other Pay Per Click (PPC) companies give you the chance to get your ad or search listing at the top of the pack, right up front and perfectly matched to the searcher's query. With a clever and catchy, attention grabbing ad or headline you can win the viewer in that critical split second he has to decide to cl...
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The truth about paid autosurfs
The Truth About Paid Autosurfs - first episode from the "My Truth Revealed. The truth about easy money" seriesHeadline that shocks:Yeah, Im a scammer! I know that people like to be lied, cheated and told that they can earn fortunes by doing nothing. And they do help ME make fortunes, to fulfil my dreams. Could you say that Im doing something wrong? No! I just take advantage off greedy people and sell them dreams. Thats what I am, Im not a bad person; Im j...
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Dear Diary, Dear World All About Blogging
Blogging is definitely here to stay, and it can influence cultures and headlines through the widely popular medium of the Internet. Have you tried blogging yet?
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The Killer Squeeze Page Strategies
The best way to get people on to subscribe to your list in the first place is to build a squeeze page (also called a landing page). A squeeze page is a simple page that had a headline, some text and allows visitors to register their name and email address in the field provided. Squeeze page also could be used as a tool to ease consumer concerns, experienced online businesses create "Squeeze Pages" that detail what the subscriber will be receiving and the businesses privacy standards.
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Snakes on a Plane: The Ultimate Headline
When it comes to article marketing, were all searching for that perfect headline. It has to be something catchy. You want it to be unique. You want it to leave people wanting to read your article. After all, what good does your article do if people dont pass it on with that almighty link attached at the bottom?
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Press Release Primer
Create a media buzz using press releases. If you come up with a great story targeting the media with hook headlines and a quick hitting style; the results can be amazing.
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Internet Marketing Things You Don't Need To Know
What I did find most interesting and very amusing was some of the Headlines of the many automated emails I received and I thought I would share some of these with you.
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Image Search
Just because weve so readily accepted search doesnt mean anyone thinks its fully developed. I offer only your typical financial headlines: Google does this, Yahoo does that, Exxon searches for oil everybody searches!
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10 Simple Tips To Help You Write Better Headlines And Make More Sales
Headlines are the most important part of your sales letter. They account for ~ 90% of your success. In other words, if you dont get your headlines right, your site wont sell.
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The Four Elements Of A Nifty Marketing Article
You may think that the key to article marketing success is writing a good article. While this is true, there is much more to it than this. You will also need to consider your headline, your article description and your resource box. In many ways, these can be more important than the article itself.
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The Best Ways For Writing A Great How-To Articles
There is no end to the subjects you can write about and you can use any style you wish. However, it has to be something that people will want to read. "How to" articles are very popular with both website owners and readers and can be a great way to get your article marketing campaign underway. Basically, the purpose of a 'how to' article is to explain to a reader how to do something.
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Pitfalls To Avoid As A Newbie What Do You Want For A Buck?
A strange headline? Not really, think about why you started on a specific affiliate program or Internet marketing site
. Unless you are one of the old-timers who have seen it all before, most likely you were attracted by the hype and the promise of an easy road to Internet fortunes. A lot offer free signup or minimal input OK great, but then what? Consider how much more effort and time you would be prepared to put into your start-up if you had a fairly la...
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How I Made A Million Online In Three Months
Theres a headline that gets anyones attention.There is actually a post on webmasterworld.net from a forum user who calls himself markus007 that makes that claim. I think the few initial suggestions he makes bear repeating:1. Get a database of IPs so you know where your traffic is coming from. Then create channels for each country. Its not uncommon to see US traffic with a CPM of $5.00 and a CDN traffic at 20 cents and vice versa. If you have access to the hints opt...
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Creating A Website That Sells - How To Keep And Convert Viewers
Designing a good sales website can be the difference between losing a visitor and making a sale. Youve got ten seconds to capture a viewers attention and convince them to staythats how long it takes people to decide to keep reading, or move on.Make Your Site User-FriendlyYou need to plan your website carefully to make it really sell your product: Have an attention-grabbing headline that tells viewers what theyll gain by staying. It should list some clear,...
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What Kind Of Things Do Successful Headlines Offer?
making similar claims, find a unique, underused advantage and base your headline on this particular point. Doing so gives you an authentic and original position in the minds of your consumers. Simplify life by offering a solution thats both quick and easy to apply. With time being the most precious current resource, anytime you can offer a time saving bonus feature in your headline, you should do so. Your prospects and customers work long and hard. Theyre pulled this w...
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Top 10 Copywriting Tips
1. Be Emotionally CompellingYour words must have power so people take action and buy. Dont be dry, stuffy or boring. Rock their world. What you think is a little over the top is probably just right. Show them empathy, caring and concern that makes them feel connected and helps them quickly suspend their rational disbelief.2. Learn to Write Great HeadlinesThis valuable skill is not to be taken lightly. You need to use numerous headlines in a sales letter. They need ...
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Knockout Content-Rich Article Techniques For Writing Must-Read Lead Paragraphs
In article anatomy I like to teach that there are several key components. Of course these can be stretched varied and thrown out altogether, but not until you're an expert at writing content-rich articles. One key component of a clear article is, of course, the lead paragraph. Second in importance only to the headline itself, the lead graf (paragraph for short) has to be engaging, informative and lead the reader to believe you're the one with all of the great advice they've b...
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How To Write Attention-Grabbing Headlines: 10 Foolproof Methods
It's no surprise that your headline is crucial to the success of your article. It's the first thing your reader will see, and it has to do many things, including getting your reader's attention, drawing them into your article and encouraging them to read more, and summarizing what the article is about - and you've only got about 15 words in which to do it. This article will explain how you can avoid leaving it to chance.There are some basic considerations when writing you...
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How To Create A Winning Title For Your Book
There is very little difference between a headline for an ad and a book title. A standard cliché is, You cant judge a book by its cover. While this may be true, almost everyone does. An original and creative title for your book speaks volumes about you as an author.
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How To Create A Winning Headline In Just Minutes
Keywords that cut to the heart of your prospects pleasure or pain zone are certain to capture the attention and interest of that specific group. Dynamite benefits, extra advantages and unique solutions all naturally draw attention and interest. To the prospect suffering from a seemingly incurable case of Hay Fever, a headline such as Stop Hay Fever In Seconds With This Secret Ingredient Found In Every Refrigerator! is guaranteed to interrupt his online travels and the ...
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How To Become A More Persuasive Writer
If you want to learn how to write so that people will not only read what you write...but also be compelled to take action based on your words, then take these steps.You need to identify persuasive writings and examine the writing style. Think of the last time you read something which made you take action. It can be a simple headline for an ad which caught your attention or an inspiring story in the local paper.When you identify the persuasive writings, you can can the...
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Fire Your Dud Titles for Sizzlers That Get Your Articles Read, P1
Do you share the problem hundreds of article writers shareDud Titles. You must develop a sizzling title to pull your audience in by the collar. You know like the newspapers and magazine headlines. They cant afford to publish dud titles that dont capture the interest of their readers.
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Tag, You're It! (Or, How To Write Slogans)
Some call them "tag lines"; others refer to them as"catch lines" or "tie-in-slogans." Whatever the words used to refer to them, they are perhaps the most important part of your promotional writing.
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Writing Sales Copy That Sells
When writing a sales copy, all internet marketers know that a long copy will sell more than a short copy. This does not mean that the more words the better; the quantity and the quality of detail is what will improve its performance. Having the correct sales structure will keep the reader interested from start to finish. These are the steps to follow to create a successful sales letter: 1. USE A POWERFUL HEADLINE. Express the main benefit of your product in a short se...
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Simple Steps to a Killer Headline
Writing a killer headline is the key ingredient in your sales copy.It forces the prospect to read on abe further influenced.Learn the key points to writing a killer headline.
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Make Or Break Headlines
"Learn one FREE technique that INCREASES PROFITS by $1,000s or more in under two minutes!'Did that headline grab your attention? Are you anxious to learn what this amazing free technique is?Why, it's the headline itself!You have one chance and one chance only to grab your audience's attention like our headline grabbed yours. If your heading doesn't draw readers in, odds are that they will never even get to the second sentence. Instead, they'll move onright to you...
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How To Get More People To Read Your Ad Til The End
Discover some fantastic tips on getting your reader to get past your headline and read your entire business offer, giving you much more chance of turning it into business profits!
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How To Get More People To Notice Your Advertising
Discover some great tips on how to get people noticing your advertising using effective captivating headlines!
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Basic Web Copywriting Checklist
Copywriting is one of the most important parts of internet marketing. Once you get visitors to your site, you must depend largely on your sales copy to convert the visitors into customers.Sadly, many webmasters neglect the art of web copywriting. Copywriting truly is an art, but have a checklist of important points is also helpful. Here are some of the major components of good web copywriting.1 Your HeadlineDoes your headline grab the readers' attention and compel...
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A Strategy For Coming Up With A Great Book Title
Book publishing companies hire high-priced people to come up with a title or headline, because book publishing is a big business; therefore a lot of contemplation goes into making their titles as commercially-viable as possible.
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Reprint article headlines the reader is secondary
A great headline can be the difference between having your free reprint article published once (on your own website
) and having it published hundreds, if not thousands, of times all over the Internet.
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Get More Sales With These 5 Proven Headlines
In the world of marketing, your first impression -- your headline -- can lead to either sales success ... or failure.
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A Publishers Rant Why I Hate Your First Paragraph
Im a publisher for numerous sites. I HATE many of your articles. Heres why I hate your first paragraph and what you can do about it.
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A Publishers Rant Why I Hate Your Article Headlines
Im a publisher for numerous sites. I HATE many of your articles. Heres why I hate your headline and what you can do about it.
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A Publishers Rant Why I Hate The Body of Your Article
Im a publisher for numerous sites. I HATE many of your articles. Heres why I hate the body of your article and what you can do about it.
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3 Steps To Quickly Writing Ezine Articles
Come on, admit it: Whether you're a professional writer or not we all draw a blank when we want to write an ezine article.I've found an answer to that dilemma that will get you writing in no time so that you can publish your ezine article and begin to receive that new wave of subscribers you've been hoping for. Here's how to get the lead out if you draw a blank:1. Write your action steps first.Forget about the catchy headline and attractive lead paragraph for now. T...
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How To Display RSS Feeds on Your Website
This article is intended as a guide for webmasters who want to display automatically updated content on their website in the form of RSS feeds. In this article I will cover the easiest method to implement using javascript for displaying RSS on websites to create additional dynamic content. This will allow you to display headlines from syndicated content around the web on your website.