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Net-Teams - Bookmark Tag hobbies

There are 69 articles associated with the tag hobbies!

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1. Bookmarks: 5 The Pleasure Of Transforming Your Hobby Into Your Profession If a hobby is a spare-time recreational pursuit, could you count the number of hobbies you have practiced over the past or you are still pursuing now and then that have given you some kind of return apart from the psychological one? In case you can identify even one, then you probably already know all there is to know about the pleasure of having a hobby as a profession. But if your hobby list is empty, or you are unsure if one of the things you are doing or have done during ...
2. Bookmarks: 0 Galileo Telescope One telescope maker that has been making a name for itself over the last few years is Galileo Telescope. This company, based in India, prides itself on offering excellent telescopes and one-on-one service with knowledgeable people who use the telescopes themselves. This allows Galileo Telescope to not only offer excellent optical equipment, but also excellent customer service.Begun in India in 1989, Galileo Telescope began its life by offering telescopes for Indian amateu...
3. Bookmarks: 0 Coin Collecting: When Hobby Turns Business Many people are driven by the desire to do something, anything, when presented with a block of time that has no activity to fill it. For all of written history men and women have used hobbies as a way to fill up these empty blocks with something both rewarding and satisfying to the drive to not stand stagnant.One of the most popular hobby types is collecting. Focusing upon the acquisition of a particular type of item, often those that appreciate with age, this hobby is e...
4. Bookmarks: 3 Building Confidence in Your Retirement Future In the next 10 years, the first wave of America's 76 million baby boomers will be retiring. Since today's retirees are generally healthier and more active than their parents, they are looking forward to living longer and spending more time playing with grandchildren, pursuing hobbies or even trying new careers.
5. Bookmarks: 3 Hobbies That Pay Many people have hobbies. Retirees and housewives often have hobbies to help keep them occupied during moments of relaxation or boredom. But not many people realize that you can make money from most hobbies. By taking your hobbies and turning them into cash at flea markets and swap meets, you can easily earn a modest income while having fun.Crocheting is one of the highest paying hobbies. Crochet thread is often inexpensive while still being durable, washable, and delicat...
6. Bookmarks: 4 Hobbies and Everyday Chores Can Become Exercise Sessions There are hobbies and household chores that involve physical activity. With a little imagination, you can have fun doing them and convert them into real body workouts.
7. Bookmarks: 2 Gardening – Is It A Hobby? Considering the hard work involved, I can still honestly state there is nothing quite as “relaxing” as spending the day working in my garden. Well okay, if not exactly “relaxing”, it certainly is rewarding and just gives you an overall feeling of well-being. An added benefit is if you are not physically fit before you start your first gardening project, chances are you soon will be simply thru the process of maintaining it. But is serious gardening actually a hobby? I do...
8. Bookmarks: 7 Do You Have Enough Hobbies To Ensure An Enjoyable Retirement? Even if you’ve been saving your money since you were in grade school, that may not be enough to have an enjoyable retirement. Of course having enough money put away is the number one factor as to whether or not you’ll maintain your desired lifestyle once you stop working. But don’t overlook the small stuff. Does sitting in front of the TV sound like a fulfilling way to live, day in and day out? You’ll need something engaging to do with your free time and remember you wil...
9. Bookmarks: 3 Christmas Gift Basket Ideas – Theme Your Holiday Gifts Giving Christmas gift baskets are a fantastic way to avoid the hard work of finding a suitable Christmas gift for even the most demanding of your friends and relatives. You can buy or make Christmas gift baskets that have particular themes to fit the lifestyle and hobbies of the intended recipient. One of the really fun things about giving themed Christmas gift baskets is using your imagination as you start to collect the various items needed to fill your surprise basket....
10. Bookmarks: 3 All About Gardening Gardening is perhaps one of the best hobbies that a more laborious nature lover can take up. The reason why I choose to call this hobby laborious is because it surely does involve a good deal of physical activity. This hobby is not meant for those nature lovers who simply want to bask in the natural beauty that already exists. Rather it is an ideal pass time for those who want to make their own contribution to the nature.In order to be successful in gardening one must hav...
11. Bookmarks: 3 5 Ways Moms Can Make Money With A Home Business Find out how you can use your interests, talents and hobbies to start a home business you will love.
12. Bookmarks: 3 3 Reasons Mom Should Have A Hobby Moms these days are so very busy, but we're more stressed than ever before and in need of lifestyle choices that help us be happier. Pursuing a hobby may be just the ticket.Here are a few reasons why a hobby is a great idea, even for a busy Mom.Having a hobby relieves stress and tensionSpending time with a hobby replaces negative thoughts and replaces them with positive thoughts and feelings. Having a hobby or creative outlet can lift your spirits and help with de...
13. Bookmarks: 0 Why Every Gardener Needs A Garden Shed One of my all-time favorite hobbies is having a garden each year. I think my love for gardening started when I was a little girl spending summers with my grandmother and helping her take care of her large vegetable and flower gardens. I love the feeling of getting dirt in my fingernails and of seeing healthy vegetables and beautiful flowers grow from the tinest seeds. My grandmother taught me a lot about life and about gardening during those summers. One of the main things I ...
14. Bookmarks: 2 Storage Sheds – The Un-Clutter Solution A storage shed is a light structure (generally made of wood) in a back garden used for storage of tools, vehicles, or useful items and is very often used to pursue hobbies like gardening and light engineering. Storage sheds are available in a variety of designs and materials in the market.Types of Storage Sheds Based on Material. The materials used for storage sheds are wood, plywood, vinyl, metal, steel and Rubbermaid. The materials have various advantages and disadvanta...
15. Bookmarks: 2 Some Top Hobbies Of Retirees Retiring is a point in life that a lot of people look forward to, although most find that they are not really prepared for it. It is not so much the financial or security aspects of retiring that people today struggle with; instead, it is realizing just how much time they have on their hands once work is no longer a part of the weekly equation! Of course, many retirees will fill this extra time with travel or with “work that isn’t really work” (volunteering, babysitting, even...
16. Bookmarks: 2 My Experiment With An Herb Garden I have been known to experiment with many things in my free time. I guess people assume that because I am a writer that I have tons of free time. While that is not entirely true, it is true that my hours are unusual and that I do manage to find time for a variety of hobbies that many of my friends laugh at me for. My latest venture is to start an herb garden in my backyard.I have been trying my hand at gardening on and off for the past few years without much success. In f...
17. Bookmarks: 0 Baseball Betting: 10 Simple Rules to Keep in Mind Here are ten easy directions to follow to help improve you place your bets on baseball.
18. Bookmarks: 48 Pursuing Your Post-Retirement Passions Online Ten years ago, computer literacy was an issue with older Americans. My father was insistent that one of those machines would never be seen near his desk. So we bought him one for Christmas and let the instruction manual drag him in. Now he paints with it.It seems that resistance to computers is largely a thing of the past among most of us these days. They are a part of everyone's life, and grandparents are no exception. The ease and simplicity of email has spread computer...
19. Bookmarks: 0 Casino Aquatique: Bienvenue Dans le Monde des Croisieres Vous souvenez vous de ce generique Love Boat ou si vous prefrez la serie La Croisiere s'amuse?
20. Bookmarks: 1 Why Are Golf Courses Designed The Way That They Are No matter where you go on this great big planet of ours you are bound to come across at least a few golf courses. These days golf courses are the must have for all countries and that is because now more than ever, golf is a major tourist attraction. People travel far and wide to visit the best and most talked about golf courses. That is why so much time and effort, not to mention money is poured into these projects each and every year.If you love to play golf then you kno...
21. Bookmarks: 0 How To Plan Your Own Golf Vacation Playing golf is one of the passionate hobbies of the upper echelons of the society. Sometimes these people take a few days off their busy schedule and visit Golf courses or villas elsewhere in the country to enjoy the pleasures of playing Golf over there. They hardly mind packing off and traveling hundreds of miles just to play Golf; because they love Golf Vacation.There are many places in US, which offer exotic Golf vacation, the list seems to be endless. From Palm Sprin...
22. Bookmarks: 0 Golf School Can Make Your Dream A Reality Turning something we love into a career can be a very satisfying goal to achieve in our lives. Using your natural talents and penchants for certain abilities, skills or hobbies is an excellent decision to find yourself a great employment opportunity that you'll surely love for years to come. Golf is one of the biggest sports industries today, pulling in about 62 billion dollars a year. If you enjoy the game and think you have the drive and determination to pull off a professi...
23. Bookmarks: 0 Do You Know All Of The Best Golf Tips? If you do not yet know all of the top golf tips that there are to be found then you had better get a move on. If you want to improve your game that is. There is no better way to brush up on your playing than to make use of some great golf tips. And the best thing about golf tips is that they are so darn easy to find.You can find hundreds of the best and most popular golf tips on the internet. In a matter of minutes you can have tons of amazing golf tips at your disposal a...
24. Bookmarks: 0 Deauville La Magnifique Pour le fun ou pour gagner gros, le casino en ligne est un lieu proposant des jeux de hasard ( roulette, machines à sous, Craps , Baccara et autres jeux de dés, etc.), de cartes (blackjack, poker), et des machines automatiques (machines à sous, video poker..) ayant pour enjeu l'argent
25. Bookmarks: 0 Deauville LaMagnifique Pour le fun ou pour gagner gros, le casino en ligne est un lieu proposant des jeux de hasard ( roulette, machines à sous, Craps , Baccara et autres jeux de dés, etc.), de cartes (blackjack, poker), et des machines automatiques (machines à sous, video poker..) ayant pour enjeu l'argent
26. Bookmarks: 0 Croisière Pour Lune de Miel Partir en croisière pour votre lune de miel est une opportunité à ne pas rater pour commencer votre vie de jeune mariés dans la lus grande plénitude. Relaxer vous en explorant tous les aspects qu'une croisière puisse vous offrir à travers ce package.
27. Bookmarks: 0 Self Improvement Can Start With A Daily Calendar Making the decision to improve yourself is like opening a savings account that will appreciate for the rest of your life. Have you ever imagined what you might do when you grow old? The talents and hobbies you develop now will be there for you forever and will shape the life you have in your retirement. Growing old can be the best part of your entire life if you have a lot of talents and experiences that you can fall back on that will make you a more interesting and active...
28. Bookmarks: 2 Who Else Wants To Easily Make New Friends? Getting into a new community might cause you a difficulty in finding new friends. You barely know anyone. You feel lonely.Should you just sit down and hope that someone to come to you, take your hand, ask you to be his/her friend?I don’t think so. You’ve got to make the move.How to?1. Look into YourselfDecide first what kind of persons you’d prefer to be your friends. Do you want to make friends with those who have the same hobbies and in...
29. Bookmarks: 0 How to Clean a Dirty Aquarium Before you invest your money in an Aquarium take the time to read about how to properly maintain the tank and the fish, before you decide if you are willing to put in the effort.
30. Bookmarks: 0 How to Keep Predator Fish Keeping fish can be lots of fun, but no one wants to buy a new fish just to have it eaten or have it eat your other fish, so here is a guide on things to do to ensure this does not happen.
31. Bookmarks: 0 Taxing Ebay Part Deux When my column on paying income tax on eBay profits ran it brought a wave of emails on whether you were required to report income earned from eBay sales to the IRS sparked a number of additional questions and comments from eBay sellers who were hoping that I could somehow validate that their eBay activities were mere hobbies instead of actual businesses and therefore not susceptible to IRS taxation.Several folks argued that just because their little eBay hobby generated a...
32. Bookmarks: 0 Items That Sell Well On The Internet EBay continues to be all the rage these days, as people from all over the world supplement their incomes by finding buyers for what they might consider junk. EBay should no longer be thought of as a place to unload unwanted clutter to suckers for a profit, however. It is fast becoming a site where legitimate traders and collectors are enhancing their hobbies, where businesses are being grown, and where people of like interest can build relationships. EBay is not the only play...
33. Bookmarks: 0 How To Guide On Selling On E-Bay Almost everyone that has access on the internet has heard about the greatness of E-Bay. Despite of the popularity of this internet portal, not many people understand what E-Bay really is. E-Bay is not your traditional website and online shopping/bidding store. In fact, it is way more than the traditional ones because there is no direct person in charge of the whole thing. It more or less resembles newsgroups wherein it links people that have the same interest and hobbies. It ...
34. Bookmarks: 13 Creating Online Communities Looking for somewhere online to meet new people, discuss hobbies, plan events, or just have fun chatting? Online forums have been around for some time on the internet and often free and easy to setup. Forums are basically online discussion web sites where people share information and chat grouped around a set of topics. One example might be a local photography club. You could setup topics around types of cameras, locations for shooting, local events and meetings, printing tip...
35. Bookmarks: 13 Building Web Communities With Free Forums Looking for somewhere online to meet new people, discuss hobbies, plan events, or just have fun chatting? Internet forums have been around for some time on the web and often are free and easy to setup. Forums are basically online discussion web sites where people share information and chat grouped around a set of topics. One example might be a local photography club. You could setup topics around types of cameras, locations for shooting, local events and meetings, printing ti...
36. Bookmarks: 6 Is Blogging worth a try?? Blogging is definitely worth a try. There are many people who enjoy Bloggingyou will come to know that Blogging can really be one of your hobbies and you can do it as part of fun when you are tired of other activities. Saying that, there are people in Blogging industry very serious about their sites and really work hard to make tons of money, but that takes a long time to establish a career in Blogging.
37. Bookmarks: 0 Newbies Guide To Online Marketing Jargon In all forms of business, and even hobbies, the people who have been involved in a particular activity will start to use jargon. When someone new comes along this jargon can be very offputting, making them feel like an outsider, and may result in somebody being put off completely. When your business depends on people as customers, then you need to be careful you don't leave them outside with jargon.It recently came to my attention that online marketing has more than its s...
38. Bookmarks: 1 Pourquoi Interesser Vos Enfants aux Jeux de Cartes Même dans les moments calmes, un enfant surtout encore assez jeune a besoin et d'attention et surtout d'occupation, alors que vous rechercheriez plutôt un moment de silence et de tranquillité.
39. Bookmarks: 1 Online Games: How to Play to Win Describes the features of the winning online player and how it is easy to become one too.
40. Bookmarks: 4 Lune de Miel en Mer Rien de mieux qu'une croisière pour votre lune de miel. Cela peut être une occasion unique pour vous retrouver vous et votre cher et tendre à ne pas rater. Je dirais même qu ce séjour est l'idéal pour commencer votre vie de jeunes mariés. Alors, venez vous détendre à bord de ces magnifiques navires.
41. Bookmarks: 0 Idees Pour Mariage et Lune de Miel Inoubliable Quelque soit le lieu, il est difficile de trouver un mariage dont le budget ne s'élève pas à moins de 10,000 ou 15,000 euros et la lune de miel pouvant atteindre près de 3000 euros par personne.
42. Bookmarks: 19 How to Win at Multiplayer First Shooter Games Many people of all ages enjoy the fun of running around saving the world from terrorists or alien invasion in Multiplayer first shooter games, and now I am going to give you my secrets on how to score more kills in the game.
43. Bookmarks: 0 Deauville La Magnifique Pour le fun ou pour gagner gros, le casino en ligne est un lieu proposant des jeux de hasard ( roulette, machines à sous, Craps , Baccara et autres jeux de dés, etc.), de cartes (blackjack, poker), et des machines automatiques (machines à sous, video poker..) ayant pour enjeu l'argent
44. Bookmarks: 0 Deauville LaMagnifique Pour le fun ou pour gagner gros, le casino en ligne est un lieu proposant des jeux de hasard ( roulette, machines à sous, Craps , Baccara et autres jeux de dés, etc.), de cartes (blackjack, poker), et des machines automatiques (machines à sous, video poker..) ayant pour enjeu l'argent
45. Bookmarks: 0 Croisière Pour Lune de Miel Partir en croisière pour votre lune de miel est une opportunité à ne pas rater pour commencer votre vie de jeune mariés dans la lus grande plénitude. Relaxer vous en explorant tous les aspects qu'une croisière puisse vous offrir à travers ce package.
46. Bookmarks: 0 Counting Cards: How to Escape Detection We show you how to count cards at your local casino without getting caught.
47. Bookmarks: 1 Casino En Ligne Non Stop: Quels Jeux Jouer Avec l'apparation d'Internet, les jeux de casino en ligne n'ont cessé de se multiplier à une vitesse phénoménale.. Mais quelle différence pour les novices?
48. Bookmarks: 0 Casino Aquatique: Bienvenue Dans le Monde des Croisieres Vous souvenez vous de ce generique "Love Boat" ou si vous prefrez la serie La Croisiere s'amuse?
49. Bookmarks: 0 Casino Amigo: Pourquoi Organiser une Soiree casino entre Amis A Domicile. Une fois en possession de tout votre matériel acheté sur Internet ou en magasin, quel prétexte pourriez vous bien trouver pour ne plus voir vos amis?
50. Bookmarks: 0 Casinos Most Guarded Secrets Many people think that the casinos have secrets that if they get out everyone would be winning fortunes in the casinos, and the truth is there are things the casinos do not want you to know. In this article we will spill the beans and tell you all their darkest secrets.
51. Bookmarks: 0 Votre Home Sweet Home Au Gout du Jour Décorer une maison moderne n'est pas chose toujours facile et peut devenir même très compliqué et très cher. Toutefois, il est possible d'équiper son cocon sans pour autant "casser la banque". Voici comment.
52. Bookmarks: 0 Video Poker: Why Do People Like It Describes why online gamblers and even offline ones are beginning to prefer playing video poker over the numerous slot machines.
53. Bookmarks: 0 Top 8 des Bonnes Raisons de Jouer au Casino Suite a une enquete recente aupres des joueurs de Casino 2000 et autres types de joueurs,nous avons decouvert quelles sont les 8 motifs poussant les gens au jeu d'argent.
54. Bookmarks: 0 Soiree Casino Comment Organiser votre Soiree a Domicile Envie de faire la fête mais pas envie de sortir de son cocon? Pas de problème, organisez votre propre soirée de Casino A
55. Bookmarks: 1 Quel Cadeau Offrir A Vos Employes A J-2 mois des fêtes de fin d'années traditionnelles inter-enpreprise vous voila a cours d'idées? Alors Regardez par ici, vous n'en reviendrez pas.
56. Bookmarks: 1 Pourquoi Interesser Vos Enfants aux Jeux de Cartes Même dans les moments calmes, un enfant surtout encore assez jeune a besoin et d'attention et surtout d'occupation, alors que vous rechercheriez plutôt un moment de silence et de tranquillité.
57. Bookmarks: 0 Online Games: How to Play to Win Describes the features of the winning online player and how it is easy to become one too.
58. Bookmarks: 4 Lune de Miel en Mer Rien de mieux qu'une croisière pour votre lune de miel. Cela peut être une occasion unique pour vous retrouver vous et votre cher et tendre à ne pas rater. Je dirais même qu ce séjour est l'idéal pour commencer votre vie de jeunes mariés. Alors, venez vous détendre à bord de ces magnifiques navires.
59. Bookmarks: 0 Idees Pour Mariage et Lune de Miel Inoubliable Quelque soit le lieu, il est difficile de trouver un mariage dont le budget ne s'élève pas à moins de 10,000 ou 15,000 euros et la lune de miel pouvant atteindre près de 3000 euros par personne.
60. Bookmarks: 17 How to Win at Multiplayer First Shooter Games Many people of all ages enjoy the fun of running around saving the world from terrorists or alien invasion in Multiplayer first shooter games, and now I am going to give you my secrets on how to score more kills in the game.
61. Bookmarks: 0 Deauville La Magnifique Pour le fun ou pour gagner gros, le casino en ligne est un lieu proposant des jeux de hasard ( roulette, machines à sous, Craps , Baccara et autres jeux de dés, etc.), de cartes (blackjack, poker), et des machines automatiques (machines à sous, video poker..) ayant pour enjeu l'argent
62. Bookmarks: 0 Deauville LaMagnifique Pour le fun ou pour gagner gros, le casino en ligne est un lieu proposant des jeux de hasard ( roulette, machines à sous, Craps , Baccara et autres jeux de dés, etc.), de cartes (blackjack, poker), et des machines automatiques (machines à sous, video poker..) ayant pour enjeu l'argent
63. Bookmarks: 0 Croisière Pour Lune de Miel Partir en croisière pour votre lune de miel est une opportunité à ne pas rater pour commencer votre vie de jeune mariés dans la lus grande plénitude. Relaxer vous en explorant tous les aspects qu'une croisière puisse vous offrir à travers ce package.
64. Bookmarks: 3 Counting Cards: How to Escape Detection We show you how to count cards at your local casino without getting caught.
65. Bookmarks: 2 Casino En Ligne Non Stop: Quels Jeux Jouer Avec l'apparation d'Internet, les jeux de casino en ligne n'ont cessé de se multiplier à une vitesse phénoménale.. Mais quelle différence pour les novices?
66. Bookmarks: 2 Casino Aquatique: Bienvenue Dans le Monde des Croisieres Vous souvenez vous de ce generique "Love Boat" ou si vous prefrez la serie La Croisiere s'amuse?
67. Bookmarks: 0 Casino Amigo: Pourquoi Organiser une Soiree casino entre Amis A Domicile. Une fois en possession de tout votre matériel acheté sur Internet ou en magasin, quel prétexte pourriez vous bien trouver pour ne plus voir vos amis?
68. Bookmarks: 2 Casinos Most Guarded Secrets Many people think that the casinos have secrets that if they get out everyone would be winning fortunes in the casinos, and the truth is there are things the casinos do not want you to know. In this article we will spill the beans and tell you all their darkest secrets.
69. Bookmarks: 0 Bring On The Love With Aromatherapy Candles When you are trying to incite a romantic mood you need to have some good quality aromatherapy candles to arm yourself with. These aromatherapy candles will be what makes or breaks your romantic evening. You need to take special care when choosing the aromatherapy candles that you want to use as well. There is nothing like a terrible smell to turn someone off and nothing like a great one to turn them on. The trick is to know which is which. Remember that what smells good to yo...

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