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Folk Medicine - The Natural Solution
Long before orthodox medicine took center stage in the health care practices around the world people who were sick used to visit different kind of doctors. These doctors were not the steth-wielding, tech-savvy, white-coated medical geniuses of today. Mostly, they were bearded, wizened and gnarled humans looking less like physicians and more like witches or wizards. But they were revered, loved and even feared because of one particular skill they possessed the healing touch....
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Light Your Fire
Have you ever listened to someone else speaking about themselves and had one of those 'If they can do that, so can I' thoughts?I often hear people say, 'I wish I could do so-and-so.' And for me this kind of statement is like the red rag and the bull.With all the 'stuff' that challenged me in the past (divorce, abuse, finances, self-esteem and lack of confidence) I know better than most that you can have nothing and create a worthwhile, dreamy and very holistic lifesty...
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Why Some People Are Hostile To Natural Medicine
My Top-Ten List of Why Some People are Hostile to Natural MedicineLazinessIn this quick-fix, instant-gratification society some people are too lazy and too spoiled to do the actual work required to be healthy. Its so much easier and so tempting to simply pop some pills hoping that that will somehow deliver health.Drug AddictionBetween Coffee, Chocolate, Green Tea, Black Tea, Cola Drinks, Yerba Mate, Cigarettes and Alcohol, some people dont go a day without s...
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What is a Body Massage?
A body massage is a wonderful way to unwind and relive tension at the end of the day. A body massage can also alleviate some physical ailments such as muscle stiffness.
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The Origins Of Alternative Medicine
The origins of alternative medicine, also known as holistic medicine, can be traced back thousands of years to the very roots of medicine. Many millennia ago, physicians or healers would assess the sick persons emotional condition in addition to their physical symptoms before beginning treatment. The roots of alternative medicine deal with the symptoms of the whole person, not merely the physical signs of illness. This is radically different from traditional medicine today...
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The Definition of Alternative Medicine
Have you ever suffered from a horrible headache when you thought the best remedy might be for someone to bash you over the head, or to pull your hair out? Then you might have some experience with alternative medicine!
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The Best Of All Worlds - Top Spas For March
If your idea of a trip to the spa is a pedicure and a facial
you arent going to the right spa. From bamboo lemongrass body scrubs to peppermint sea twists, spa treatments are more innovative than ever. Of course you can get straightforward treatments like Swedish massage but then youve got holistic treatments like Bio Energetic Transduction Aided Resonance (sound therapy) and Thalassotherapy (water therapy).In addition to searching for a wide range of standard, as wel...
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Sleep Aids
Sleep aids are required by millions of people on a regular basis. The most common way to deal with the less serious sleep problems is to go to the doctors, who invariable offers sleeping pills, which do work for many people. However there are many more sleep aids that will help you to tackle sleep problems in a more organic and holistic way.Sleep is a necessary and vital biological function. It is essential to a persons physical and emotional well being. Studies show tha...
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Shiatsu Massage Therapy
Shiatsu Massage Therapy is a finger-pressure technique that is developed in Japan. It is gaining much popularity in the holistic world. Shiatsu Massage Therapy makes use of the traditional acupuncture points (Meridian points) of Oriental healing.
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Rosemary Oil: Rosemary's Many Faces
The characteristics of rosemary essential oil can be described as a colorless or pale yellow mobile liquid with a strong, fresh, minty-herbaceous scent and a woody-balsamic undertone. It blends well with lavender, oregano, thyme, pine, basil, peppermint, elemi, cedarwood, petitgrain, cinnamon and other spice oils.The principal constituents of rosemary essential oil are: pinenes, camphene, limonene, cineol, borneal, camphor, linalol, terpineol, octanone, and bornyl acetate...
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Reiki as an Alternative Healing Process
Maybe you are not familiar with Reiki, don't worry, you are not alone.To start with, Reiki is associated with natural holistic healing or a healing where pharmaceutical drugs and medical surgeries are just an alternative in case the system of holistic healing fails.
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Pau D'arco Extract Vs. Cancer And HIV
Pau d'arco is a tree that grows in the Brazilian rainforest. In Brazil the tree is called Tahuari and has been used by the indigenous people in the rainforest as a cure-all. Pau d'arco has two constituents that have interest to medical science: Beta-lapachone and lapachol which are topoisomerases that have been proven in medical science to be anti-cancer agents. However, there is a dark side: They can have side-effects of severe nausea and anemia.These two constituents in...
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How Alternative Medicine Fits into Todays Society
Think you dont know what alternative medicine is? Its more common than you think, and now has a firm place in the world today. Certain therapies not formerly thought of as legitimate medical treatments are now being used on a more frequent basis to treat a variety of ailments, quite often with endorsement from the medical community.
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Holistic Holism
The root for the word Holism goes back to Early Greek, meaning that 'properties of a system cannot be determined or explained by the sum of its components alone'. First coined as a word by Jan Smuts in about 1922, and used to define The tendency in nature to form wholes that are greater than the sum of the parts through creative evolution. Often times described as the opposite of reductionism, holism may also be contrasted with atomism.
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Evening Primrose Oil And Health Benefits
Evening primrose is an indigenous plant to North America. The flowers have a strong, sweet scent, and only bloom at night during the months of June through October. Evening primrose has been used for hundreds of years to treat various ailments of the skin and muscular system. Several Native American tribes discovered that the entire plant is edible, and could be used as a painkiller in addition to everyday consumption. In Europe it is a proven treatment for PMS. The bark and ...
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Asian Massage Therapy
There are several forms of ancient Asian massage still being practiced in the world today. Asian massage techniques are ancient healing rituals developed over the centuries in India and the Far East. Thai massage, shiatsu and asian massage are becoming more and more popular in the west as more people become interested in pilates, yoga and other more holistic forms of exercise and relaxation.Thai massage actually started in India. It is a form of massage using guided stret...
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Arthritis Relief with Tea Tree Oil
You cannot expect to cure arthritis through dietary changes but, in conjunction with using tea tree oil, the right foods can alleviate many of the painful flareups.
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Are You Cut Out For Massage School?
Over the past few years a definite trend has emerged regarding holistic and alternative medicines and therapies. People are becoming less eager to rely on prescribed medication and are looking for ways to maintain health and wellbeing in more alternative ways. For that reason, massage schools are becoming more common and there are many more prospective students. If you are considering attending a massage school for yourself it is worth reading the following information to hel...
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Alternative Medicine is Holistic, Western Medicine is Reductionist
Alternative medicine is a label that seems to apply to many practices from acupuncture to yoga to vitamins to massage. How is alternative medicine, or holistic health, different from what we in the United States call modern medicine?
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Acupressure more effective than physical therapy
Those of us committed to the holistic approach have long been convinced of the benefits of alternative therapy. Recent studies suggest and confirm a bias towards this hands on approach.
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Increasing Inner Peace By Reducing Your Stress
Peace-making is a healing process and it begins with me, but it does not end there. - Gene Knudsen HoffmanThere is a great need for peace in the world today. Most people would recognize that on a global level as all over the world, wars are raging and every day more people are becoming caught up in the violent turn of events, but how about on a local or individual level? Do you need more peace in your life? I think many people would answer yes to that question. As the quo...
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Love In A Time Of Herpes
I was born in 1965- a year often considered the first year of “generation-x”. The previous generation- the baby-boomers like my parents, grew up in a time of free love. My mother didn’t take advantage of this but my father sure did, but that’s another story.Us gen-x’ers were the first generation to have to deal with AIDS and the fallout from it. Instead of the sexual revolution we had fear and loathing in our own pants. Now as a Holistic Herpes Treatment Specialist I ...
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Passion To Prosperity For The Holistic Practitioner and Service Provider
All too often, practitioners and service professionals who maintain a high degree of integrity with the work they do find it challenging to grow their business--- or to even think of the service they provide as a “business”. What general happens is they find themselves continually trading time for dollars with no room left to pursue other important activities such as marketing, follow-up, networking, operational duties, or developing other revenue streams of their business, etc.