
Why Some People Are Hostile To Natural Medicine |
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Submitted by Maude Gates
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My Top-Ten List of Why Some People are Hostile to Natural Medicine
In this quick-fix, instant-gratification society some people are too lazy and too spoiled to do the actual work required to be healthy. Its so much easier and so tempting to simply pop some pills hoping that that will somehow deliver health.
Drug Addiction
Between Coffee, Chocolate, Green Tea, Black Tea, Cola Drinks, Yerba Mate, Cigarettes and Alcohol, some people dont go a day without some sort of stimulant drug or alcohol. For the people already addicted to these legal drugs embracing prescription or over-the-counter drugs is the natural choice.
Herbal Medicine and most of the holistic health modalities whether it is yoga, acupuncture, tai-chi, qi-gong, meditation, etc. were developed by the non-White, Non-European peoples of this world. Some people hostile to natural medicine are simply hiding a racist attitude that if something isnt validated by a white man in a white labcoat then somehow its isnt valid. I would much rather trust in the integrity of a Akan, Ibo, Mayan, Aborigine, Cree or Tibetian Bush Doctor/Traditional Healer than I would any scientist or drug company. Ironically the same scientists and drug companies that discredit the knowledge of the indigenous peoples of the world are the same ones dispatching ethnobotanists to every remote corner of the world to learn the secrets of Bush Doctors so they can patent them.
Some people are sheep and usually will only follow and seldom lead. They are not independent thinkers, and havent spent the time and energy needed to challenge the information being spoon-fed to them by the corporate media and the scientific community. This society is very affluent and if you dont ask too many questions or make any trouble there are vast rewards available to you.
Unfortunately holistic health isnt one of them. For holistic health you need to listen to you body instead of authority figures. You need to connect to nature and to some sort of spiritual core. You need to be the leader of your own life.
Snake-Oil Salesmen
As written in my article The Natural Health Products Hustle, there are too many snake oil salesmen in the natural health products market making false claims and dubious products. For anyone with a natural tendency to be skeptical of natural healing this provides all the excuse they need to be hostile.
Some people just dont believe. Some people dont believe in respecting nature, in respecting their bodies, in experiencing the connectedness between all things. For unbelievers such as these they will have a challenging time suspending their negativity and disbelief towards holistic healing and thus may never benefit from it fully.
The Anti-Christ Factor
Some people do believe. What they choose to believe in are the Gods of Science and Industry. They believe in the rape and pillaging of the environment, in factory farming, in genetically modifying food, in pesticides and chemical fertilizers. Their belief system compels them to see all things natural as heresy.
Like George Bush with his Iraq War and Napoleon in his Russian Campaign, some people are too stubborn to admit when theyve made a mistake or are on the wrong side of an issue. Forsaking Natural Medicine for synthetic factory medicine was a mistake and is a mistake. There is a place in healing for high tech equipment and synthetic drugs. In my opinion those options are for emergency situations or in situations where natural therapy has failed. They just have everything ass-backwards. Natural medicine is the real medicine and Allopathic Medicine should be used as Alternative Medicine and treated with the degree of skepticism currently reserved for Natural Medicine by the mainstream.
Some people are afraid of nature. They are afraid of anything untamed by man. If it isnt slickly packaged, sterile, and dead, they are afraid. If it doesnt come with the seal of approval of the government or the scientific community they are also afraid. Their fear keeps them dis-empowered.
Factory People Need Factory Medicine?
If you have lost your individuality and become a mass-produced factory person, eating mass-produced factory food, having mass-produced factory thoughts, then perhaps only mass-produced factory medicine will resonate with you. Perhaps its wrong to even try to convince you to eat organically or to heal yourself holistically. Maybe you have evolved into some kind of Darwinian nightmare that can only live on synthetic pleasures.
Christopher Scipio

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