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Net-Teams - Bookmark Tag wellness

There are 36 articles associated with the tag wellness!

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1. Bookmarks: 1 Personal Alchemy: Three Steps To Positive Transformation Lately, I've become intrigued by the idea or process of alchemy. Funk & Wagnall tells me alchemy is a transformation, a change in nature, form or quality. So how to take charge of your own personal alchemy? For me, it's about changes and transformations of mind, body and spirit. Therefore, in this article I've outlined three of my favorite ways to approach personal alchemy on the path to wholeness and health.Step One: Dissect A Past Transformation:It's easy to fee...
2. Bookmarks: 0 Summary of the Beneficial Influence of Magnets Magnets have been used for over 2000 years for health benefits including muscle and joint discomforts. Magnetic technology today is quite advanced...and very effective in many situations concerning human and animal health complaints. Nikken, a 35 year old company based in California has been the leader of wellness solutions with their magnetic insoles and many other related products like RAM magnetic sleep systems, purified air, PiMag water and whole food organic nutrition.
3. Bookmarks: 0 Water - The 21st. Century Business! Prick up your ears because ‘The Wellness Revolution’ is here and, by all predictions, is set to become the next trillion dollar industry. You can see it everywhere, emerging as people wake from their state of slumber to regain their health and vitality after years of lethargy.
4. Bookmarks: 7 KimayaShoppe – The Brand that Celebrates Lifestyle and Wellness Kimaya is an introspection of good life, wellness and an inspirational endeavor for assimilating the best of the world under a single platform – KimayaShoppe.Com. An online endeavor from Kimaya Shoppe Ltd.
5. Bookmarks: 6 Overcoming Touch Deprivation From the time you were a newborn how well you thrived depended in large part by how much you were lovingly touched.I was born two months premature in Trinidad in 1965. I was only 4 pounds and had to be in an incubator for my first few weeks of life. The doctors told my mom not to get attached to me because I only had a ten percent chance of surviving. My mother didn’t believe them.And touched and loved me and willed me to live. And live I did. I grew into being a 6’3”...
6. Bookmarks: 2 Why Some People Are Hostile To Natural Medicine My Top-Ten List of Why Some People are Hostile to Natural MedicineLazinessIn this quick-fix, instant-gratification society some people are too lazy and too spoiled to do the actual work required to be healthy. It’s so much easier and so tempting to simply pop some pills hoping that that will somehow deliver health.Drug AddictionBetween Coffee, Chocolate, Green Tea, Black Tea, Cola Drinks, Yerba Mate, Cigarettes and Alcohol, some people don’t go a day without s...
7. Bookmarks: 1 How Modern Farming Methods Deplete Our Produce Of Vital Nutrients It’s an unfortunate fact of modern life. Even when we try to return to the wholesome goodness of whole – read, real – foods, something is lacking. Thanks to the various methods of modern farming and transport, even the whole foods we eat are lacking in vital nutrients.While nobody would suggest switching from a diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables to a diet of canned fruits and veggies – even with some modern farming methods depleting nutrients, fresh is best – ...
8. Bookmarks: 2 great food trends worth following If you want to know where American food traditions are headed, look back. Many of today's most healthful eating trends bear a strong resemblance to yesterday's: Nearby farms offering nutritious, peak-of-season produce; slow-cooked dinners that foster leisurely family meals; an emphasis on meatless dishes and minimally processed foods.
9. Bookmarks: 2 The Art Of Massage - Guide Stress is an every day fact for most of us. Having a relaxing massage helps us reduce some of this stress. Find out more about this in my most recent article.
10. Bookmarks: 0 Skincare Product Selection Important To Medspas A rapidly growing trend in checkup practices is the expansion into ancillary services. The rising costs of operating a medical checkup business rich person forced physicians to take a look at how they can expand and better serve their patients. The medical examination spa conception--also known as a medspa--is here to stay and has been implemented in many practices across the United States. The construct is not new. In Europe, many beautiful wellness spas wealthy person pract...
11. Bookmarks: 9 Practical Aromatherapy: Anti-Viral Properties Of Essential Oils Antiviral Activity of Essential OilsThe body of evidence regarding the effectiveness of natural botanicals against a great variety of viruses is growing. Over twenty years ago, German scientists found extracts of more than 100 species of the Lamiaceae family to have antiviral effects. This discovery lead to and increase in the examination of essential oils in Europe for the treatment of viral infections.Essential oils from many plant families have now been demonstrate...
12. Bookmarks: 0 Mobile Massage Schmerzen im Rückenbereich, besonders in den Schultern und in der Lendengegend, gehören heute schon fast bei jedem Menschen zum Alltag, denn langes Sitzen und schwere Arbeiten setzen dem Rücken zu und sorgen dafür, dass er kaum noch die Entlastung bekommt, die er so dringend bräuchte.
13. Bookmarks: 7 Massage Therapy Basics Whether you have healing hands or sore muscles, find out more about massage therapy!
14. Bookmarks: 0 Love Your Body, Forgive Your Self This may sound a bit odd coming from me, but I believe that regardless of what you eat - how many times each week you exercise or what particular diet you decide to try - if you do not have your inner life in order, it will be difficult to be at peace with yourself and your body.In discussing ways to love your body, therefore, it is important to look at ways we can have peace with ourselves. Moreover, in this article, we will discuss an idea you may not have considered: f...
15. Bookmarks: 0 Keep yourself fit and healthy using natural methods with Inside and Out Naturally Alberta’s one of a kind wellness center featuring 7 therapeutic studios, an infrared sauna, healthy coffee and smoothie bar, storefront, classes, workshops and a beautiful, fully appointed seminar room.
16. Bookmarks: 8 Having A Relaxing Day At A Spa These days our bodies and minds are under increasing stress due to our hectic lifestyles. Trying to balance work and home life can lead to us feeling tired and irritable. Our muscles ache and many of us suffer with a bad back. What we long for is to take some time out for ourselves and be pampered at a spa health club. Afterwards we would be rejuvenated and ready to tackle what the world throws at us again.A spa is a wonderfully relaxing experience and involves treatmen...
17. Bookmarks: 0 Exercise And Proper Diet: Indispensable Ingredients Of Fitness And Healthy Living For the past several years, there is hullabaloo on the need to be slim and sexy. Grocery shelves are filled with several food supplements and other products that promise certain health and wellness benefits. Home TV shopping channels also offer everything from slimming tea to herbal soap to 'instant abs' exercise gadgets. Gyms across the country are fast gaining members who are willing to sweat it out just to burn excess calories from mindless munching and eating. There is al...
18. Bookmarks: 0 Connect with Your Body When we're in the creative flow, we can sometimes forget we even have a body, because our minds are exploding with color, sounds, words and images. But when unhealthy habits sap your body of its vitality and strength, your creativity and productivity will be sapped as well.
19. Bookmarks: 1 Cold Laser Technology: How a Low Level Laser Promotes Healing You might not know that cold laser technology has produced a powerful yet benign instrument that can promote healing and wellness.
20. Bookmarks: 0 Best Hawaii Vacation with Hawaii Spas Since, Hawaii offers a safe and tropical atmosphere, it is very ideal for visitors to enjoy spa treatments. The Hawaii spas offer different types of massages and therapies like the hydrotherapy, neuromuscular therapy, normal spa treatments, reflexology and therapeutic massage to provide health and wellness, sports massage, clinical massage and deep tissue massage integrating the body and the mind.
21. Bookmarks: 1 Aromatherapy - More Than Just Hot Air Many people have found aromatherapy very helpful in terms of their general feelings of psychological and physical wellness. Aromatherapy uses volatile plant oils in a natural form in massage, candles and other delivery methods.Aromatherapy uses Essential Oils. The vapors from these oils benefit many people when they are absorbed through the lungs into the bloodstream, giving physical benefit. The aroma of the inhaled oils stimulates certain receptors in the brain, givin...
22. Bookmarks: 0 Attention Golfers Golfing is a sport that is particularly hard on the back, especially your spine. You are out on the course for several hours a day swinging your golf clubs. This form of exercise is hard on your spine and back. This is why people who are heavily involved in this sport sometimes take advantage of a chiropractor. Chiropractors specifically work on the back and spinal region with adjustments and manipulation.Chiropractic is based on manipulation or adjustments. They believe ...
23. Bookmarks: 0 Work/Life Balance: Making Every Day Sacred So many of us rush blindly through our days, fall into bed exhausted, and wake up the next morning to do it all over again. For many of us, our lives are composed of millions of meaningless moments, all strung together - perhaps with a sprinkling of sacred moments mixed in. I'm sure you can think of a few sacred moments in your own life. Maybe your marriage, the birth of your child(ren), or perhaps a heartfelt moment of connection with a good friend. These are the moments whe...
24. Bookmarks: 0 Meditation For Memory Meditation helps the body relax. Through concentration and breathing, stress can be released and this allows a person to be more receptive and open. Meditation can be beneficial to memory too. If a person is relaxed their memory will improve.If there have been times when you forgot something like a birthday, you will recall the guilt that followed. Most likely you were already in stress. This guilt in turn feed the cycle of forgetfulness by turning into anxiety which made...
25. Bookmarks: 0 Journaling For Happiness And Spiritual Well-Being Could a journal actually lead one to health and well-being? As both a writer and health enthusiast, this is a question I've given lots of thought to. As it turns out, I'm not the only one. Upon further research, there's been a considerable amount of press given to the idea that your journal could be a path to health and wellness. In fact, Southern Methodist University and Ohio State University College of Medicine studied the effects of creative journaling and found it conclus...
26. Bookmarks: 2 Useful Self Help Resources For establishing a guide to health and wellness, a person has many resources at their disposal that will provide help them in many areas. Most illnesses occur from exposure to outside sources but people are more susceptible to the illnesses because they lack the proper diet and nutrition to fight off the diseases naturally. The self-help efforts of medical professionals, healthcare administrators, and family can have a dramatic effect on the life of an individual.Some med...
27. Bookmarks: 1 The Often Overlooked Resource For Healing - The Internet Having a health crisis can be a frightening experience. Whether you battle with cancer, depression, diabetes, pain, or another long-term condition at home or in a hospital facility, a feeling of isolation often accompanies these conditions. The result is decreased energy and, often, a lack of hope. Friends and family members who enjoy good health may not understand the particular emotional stresses you experience. The doctor pays keen attention to your medical care, but shari...
28. Bookmarks: 3 Change Your Life In 21 Days Another New Year is upon us. You’ve probably got lots of grand plans for change. We all know that every year we start out with good intentions and within a few weeks the drive and motivation diminishes. If you are ready to make a lasting change that positively impacts your life, get the ball rolling with a well thought out plan for change. The first thing I recommend is look at what you want in your life right now. The second is to pick one habit that you could change or crea...
29. Bookmarks: 0 What Is Wellness Of The Mind? The level of spirituality we hold with ourselves is one way in which we establish some wellness of mind. Spirituality, on any level, is a way to cleanse the mind and refresh the soul. Wellness is not only about the mind, though. It is a state of our whole being. Wellness is a state of mind, body, and soul.Meditation is a good way to achieve wellness for your mind. It provides you with the opportunity to reflect on the inside, to relax, to regroup. It gives you a chance to...
30. Bookmarks: 0 Simplicity, Patience And Compassion: The Three Treasures According to Eastern tradition there are three treasures on the pathway to enlightenment: simplicity, patience and compassion. At first glance, such simple ideas. Yet after contemplation one easily recognizes: it’s these basic thoughts, when woven into our day, that can lead each of us to a contemplative, peaceful and more fulfilling life.In this short article then, I invite you to take a page from Eastern religion: explore the three treasures and become aware of your rel...
31. Bookmarks: 0 Success Success has come to mean many things to people in today's changing society, but certain aspects of it remain fundamentally the same. Success whether it be financial, emotional, physical, emotional, or spiritual, involves achievement and a sense of accomplishment and the positive happy feelings associated with creating. Success that is based upon emotional and spiritual wellness, has a center and focus that allows a person to feel in control of their own choices and attitudes ...
32. Bookmarks: 0 How Stress Increases Productivity? Stress is an unavoidable consequence of life. As Hans Selye (who coined the term as it is currently used) noted, Without stress, there would be no life. However, just as distress can cause disease, it seems plausible that there are good stresses that promote wellness. Stress is not always necessarily harmful. Winning a race or election can be just stressful as losing, or more so, but may trigger very different biological responses.Stress Increases ProductivityIncrea...
33. Bookmarks: 0 Five Things You Don't (And Should!) Know About Stress Whether it’s called stress management, relaxation training, or its newest incarnation, “Resiliancy,” it seems that the question of healthy response to the stress of daily life is on everyone’s mind. But it’s important to remember a few things about stress that are rarely discussed—if known at all! 1) Stress won’t hurt you. Hans Selye, the “father of stress” was a polylinguist, whose first language was not English. Before he died, he said that, ha...
34. Bookmarks: 5 Self-improvement at Success University Almost everyone is striving to improve some facet of our lives, whether it is our image, spirituality, financial status ...
35. Bookmarks: 0 Top 5 Things Wellness Seekers Know More and more people are regaining control of their lives and changing their futures. They're setting goals and reaching them, they’re feeling better, being happier, getting healthier and spending more time and energy on what matters to them.
36. Bookmarks: 6 Love In A Time Of Herpes I was born in 1965- a year often considered the first year of “generation-x”. The previous generation- the baby-boomers like my parents, grew up in a time of free love. My mother didn’t take advantage of this but my father sure did, but that’s another story.Us gen-x’ers were the first generation to have to deal with AIDS and the fallout from it. Instead of the sexual revolution we had fear and loathing in our own pants. Now as a Holistic Herpes Treatment Specialist I ...

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LinkedIn Recommendation: Reita Scheidel - Social Media Analyst at General Products - I had Teo create a broadcast page for my site that integrated with YouTube videos. I really like how it works and am working with him on another project called - I think this will be a real winner because I have Teo on my team. We're hoping to launch at the end of this month and I know it will be fun for everyone! Teo is easy to work with and I have a great time every time we plan a new phase for our projects! - March 17, 2012, Reita was Teo's client


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