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Net-Teams - Bookmark Tag hypnosis

There are 100 articles associated with the tag hypnosis!

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1. Bookmarks: 3 Hypnotism Help Hypnosis is a therapy that can be used to improve the concentration levels and thereby achieving your goals and ambitions in life. Hypnosis helps to increase the self confidence and self esteem.If you have got more good traits but you are shy to express anything then you certainly need hypnosis therapy. You need not be arrogant or selfish, but you should possess self confidence to achieve your goals. For improving self confidence you should first get ready mentally to rem...
2. Bookmarks: 0 Real Weight Loss Solutions Much of the weight loss industry likes to focus on overweight Americans. That's where the money is for them. But the truth is, much of the world is overweight, too.Studies showed that in 2000, 45% of adults all over the world were overweight. Overweight people are more likely to have chronic health problems such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and knee arthritis. Overweight people also die at younger ages than persons of normal weight.Many overweight people want to ...
3. Bookmarks: 2 How’s Your Luck? I was on the Oxford to Witney bus the other evening, on the way back from a really fun day trip to London. I was with my partner, Jackie and we where both exhausted after the long day of walking around the shops of our beautiful capital city. As we were sat there in the bus, I heard a young guy speaking to his friend about his cousin. He was saying how lucky his cousin was to be able to fly between England and Germany to work for a multinational clothing brand on the comp...
4. Bookmarks: 1 Learn Self Hypnosis Learn how to change your life in an instant through the power of hypnosis. Hypnotize yourself or anyone else with the information in this guide.
5. Bookmarks: 5 Recover From Divorce With Hypnosis It is estimated that one in three couples who were married in the past decade will go through a divorce. Divorce is a word that affects millions of people. We have all known someone who has gone through a divorce or been through a divorce ourselves. When an individual is experiencing divorce this can be a very sad and lonely time and some people have trouble recovering.If one does not recover from a divorce then that person is cutting their life short. There are so many a...
6. Bookmarks: 0 Never Act Predictably There exists an understanding among con men, comedians, stage magicians and mind control experts that comes down to a simple axiom. Now one can defend against what they can cannot predict.
7. Bookmarks: 3 Hypnosis - Where’s the Magic? The word hypnosis or hypnotherapy drums up all kinds of different ideas as to what hypnosis actually is. Is it where someone casts a spell on you so that you are totally under their control? Is it the joker on the stage making you do crazy things to amuse an audience? Or is it simply talking to your subconscious mind?
8. Bookmarks: 0 Feminization Hypnosis: Teaching Your Mind And Body To Be Feminine Have you ever wished that you were more lady-like that you really are? Are you desperate to come out the closet but something stops you from doing so? Or maybe you wish to be a woman but your outer appearance doesn’t exactly suggest that?Now there’s a solution to all of this. Feminization hypnosis, a very effective process of bringing out the woman in every person regardless of gender, race, and age, is crafted especially for the people who needed it the most. Yes, yo...
9. Bookmarks: 0 Control Blushing Through Hypnosis Being confident means not exhibiting that blushing redness when confronting people. It means that, when you are in front of a crowd all red and blushing, you do not wish that the floor would open and eat you up. You want to exude that confidence and bid goodbye to blushing. Make it a thing of the past and be more assertive when facing other people.Literally and traditionally, blushing means being modest or bashful. It also means displaying that marked redness on one’s fac...
10. Bookmarks: 0 What Feminization Hypnosis Can Do For You There is an amazing breakthrough in the process of feminization - feminization hypnosis. Commonly, some men would simply undergo male to female surgery and modify their facial features and body contours. Some also opt to have hormonal injections to enhance their look. Today, a number of transgender, transsexuals and transvestites are discovering for themselves the good benefits they can gain from feminization hypnosis. Feminization hypnosis is programming your subconsciou...
11. Bookmarks: 0 Successful Self Hypnosis It’s important to first acknowledge that hypnosis is a natural state of being, which we all achieve daily without being consciously aware of it or giving it a name. The bridge between being awake and being asleep is what we call hypnosis.That answers the question of who can achieve hypnosis. We all can, and we all do. But it’s the degree to which we can benefit from this altered state which varies tremendously, as well as the concept of being able to achieve that state at...
12. Bookmarks: 4 Enhancing Memory And Concentration With Hypnosis If you had a tool to help enhance memory and concentration, would you be interested in learning more? The good news is that you do have tool that can do just that and much more – hypnosis. People around the world complain of having poor memory and concentration for one reason or another. Forgetting dates, important facts, anniversaries, and so on is frustrating and sometimes, embarrassing. You can turn this around by working with a licensed hypnotherapist or learning self-hyp...
13. Bookmarks: 3 Relieve Stress With Hypnosis It is estimated that seventy-five percent of the general population experiences at least some form of stress every two weeks. In accordance with this statistic half of the seventy-five percent of people experience moderate to severe levels of stress each week. These numbers add up to millions of people who experience stress on a regular basis. Lets face the truth life is stressful. We have to contend with personal, financial, professional stressors each day. Most westerners s...
14. Bookmarks: 3 Make Blushing A Thing Of The Past Excessive blushing is a problem suffered by many people throughout the world. When an event happens that leaves that person slightly flustered or embarrassed, their face can turn a beat red color and they become quite squeamish. This is a normal thing for a lot of folks who simply cannot cope with certain tenuous situations. Though blushing is not a huge issue that can alter your life, it could impact your ability to conduct business or have a negative impact on your interper...
15. Bookmarks: 0 Confidence Through Neuro-linguistic Programming And Self-hypnosis Self confidence is an emotional and mental state of mind which responds to our need for self-acceptance and recognition. It's among the oldest and most studied concepts in psychology. It is used to describe a good albeit adequate perception of oneself and one's abilities. Hence, self-confident persons generally have a better knowledge of what they are able to achieve and are more likely to be successful in what they attempt. They are also more likely to accept and learn from ...
16. Bookmarks: 2 Enhance Performnace Through Hypnosis When an individual enhances their performance, whether in business, in relationships or generally in life, they are taking control in a new more positive way. We all have aspirations and goals, but at times we feel as if they are unattainable, almost as though its like reaching for the stars. If you want a promotion at work or to have more energy or to be better at a sport you may want to consider focusing on enhancing your performance. Hypnosis is a natural and effective...
17. Bookmarks: 0 Create Wealth : How To Build Wealth Do you wish that you didn’t have to worry about your bills at the end of the month? Would you like more exotic holidays with the people that you love to be around? Would it be nice just to know that you financial future is secure and that you don’t have to worry about what is just around the corner? Well now you can… Wealth is widely accepted as not the amount of money you have (that’s just a symptom of wealth) but a state of mind. One of the greatest industrialists that...
18. Bookmarks: 2 Anger Management With Hypnosis Anger is an emotion that each one of us has experienced at some pint of our lives. Anger can be caused from worry, stress, fear, fatigue or bad thoughts. There are five dimensions of anger that are cognition, emotion, affect, communication and behavior. These five dimensions of anger can seem uncontrollable for many people. When someone is out of control their anger can actually become unstoppable.Uncontrollable anger is extremely dangerous. Some people lose their temper ...
19. Bookmarks: 5 When Jealousy Creeps In Jealousy is a kind of feeling, which develops when a person believes that his/her valued relationship is threatened by some kind of insecurity. It mainly comes because of the insecurity of the jealous person. The causes of jealousy are more mental than physical. The feeling of jealousy is also considered to be a negative emotion and there are mainly two causes, which lead to jealousy. The first cause of jealousy can be attributed to the insecurity problem, which is mostly see...
20. Bookmarks: 0 Quit Smoking With Hypnosis Famous American author Mark Twain once said, “To quit smoking is one of the easiest things in the world, I must have done it over a dozen times.” So many individuals who smoke struggle to quit time and time again. It is believed that the nicotine that is found in cigarettes is one of the most addictive drugs that exists today. Nicotine is addictive both physically and psychologically. A study once estimated that each time an individual lights up a cigarette that individual is...
21. Bookmarks: 0 Hypnosis, Delving Into The Subconscious. You have surely heard of hypnosis, and you have probably either seen a demonstration on television or have personally witnessed it. Frankly it probably scares you and it should. There is a lot of damage to be done when you give a person the authority to suggest things for you to either do or believe while you are very vulnerable and suggestive. Thankfully things are being regulated better now and the great news is that the power of this exercise is incredible.Hypnosis can...
22. Bookmarks: 0 Hypnosis Helps Cure Your Jealousy Jealousy doesn’t often seem unreasonable at first. Your partner or spouse stays late at work for the twelfth time this month. You decide to give them a call, just to see if they want something special when they return home, and there is no answer. You weren’t suspicious before, but the answering machine at the other end gives you a nagging doubt. That doubt begins to grow when your partner returns home late into the night complaining about all of the tough work they have ...
23. Bookmarks: 3 Exam Nerves And Hypnosis One of the biggest problems for today’s students is exam nerves. When it comes time to test what they have learned in their classes, exams simply present huge problems. It does not matter how well prepared the student is. After twenty hours of studying, the student could still be nervous about the exam. Exam nerves are a normal thing, though. They begin at an early age, as parents put pressure on students to perform well in school. From that performance pressure was born a wh...
24. Bookmarks: 0 Don't Quit Smoking! Immediately “How to stop smoking? Hey, it’s the easiest thing in the world, I have done it a hundred times”….. So goes the hoary old joke. It brings a smile from some, a frown from the others and hacking cough from the smokers.It is no joke for the smokers, however they may smile at it. At heart every smoker wants to stop. Many of them are knowledgeable enough to know how, but can’t quit the fags because the habit is too deeply ingrained.A) What won’t work?Gradually decrea...
25. Bookmarks: 4 Does Hypnosis Work? Working as a Hypnotherapist is very rewarding as you get the privilege of working with people that want to achieve amazing success in their lives. In fact there is never really a day that I get out of bed and think ‘oh no – another boring day at work’ as each and every day brings many more new clients and many more new challenges that always keeps me on my toes! Many people also find my job fascinating and I am never short of anything to say when I am with friends or meeting ...
26. Bookmarks: 0 Bolster Your Willpower With Stop Smoking Hypnosis Therapy What is Stop Smoking Hypnosis Therapy?If you're a smoker, you've no doubt been alerted— by family members, doctors and even perfect strangers—to the dangers of smoking. Cancer, emphysema and heart disease are only some of the health issues associated with long term smoking habits. If you're ready to quit, but just can't find the willpower, you should strongly consider a stop smoking hypnosis program. The process of stop smoking hypnosis therapy includes manipulating your ...
27. Bookmarks: 6 A Quick Guide to Hypnotherapy Hypnosis and hypnotherapy can be very helpful if you suffer from stress and anxiety, obesity, anorexia, insomnia, or other related conditions. In this quick guide, you'll learn how helpful these can be in achieving your life goals....
28. Bookmarks: 3 Anger Management Technique Do you find yourself having to resort to shouting or anger to get your point across? Do you feel that others rub you up the wrong way and as a result you lose your temper and go ‘out or control’? Do you feel that sometimes you can go just a little too far? If so then you need to consider getting some help… and fast! In this hectic age that we live in, more and more people are finding it increasingly more difficult to manage their anger. This is due to many reasons; however th...
29. Bookmarks: 0 Weight Loss With Hypnosis? Now that the New Year has come in like a lion, it is time to finally, take charge of the excess weight, getting your body in the best shape ever. While eating right and hitting the gym are two options for losing weight and keeping in shape, you can also turn to the power of hypnosis. Many people have good intentions when it comes to weight loss but getting started is the hardest part. With hypnosis, you get that push in the right direction needed to reach and maintain your go...
30. Bookmarks: 0 Talk To Yourself To Create The Hypnosis Motivate To Success Formula Did you ever try to do away with a harmful behavior, only to fail? There is an extensive list of ordinary problem behaviors that people often try to alter or eliminate using self-hypnosis or NLP. The most common are: Overeating and weight loss; stop smoking; quit chewing tobacco; stop nail biting; increasing self-confidence; overcoming insomnia and sleeping better; improving memory; and managing stress.WHAT THE MIND CAUSES, THE MIND CAN CURE:The motivation for our behav...
31. Bookmarks: 0 Look at the Evidence of how Hypnosis can Help You Lose Weight! A lot of people remain skeptical about the solutions that hypnosis can offer. They know that hypnotherapists claim that their techniques can help you deal with issues like quitting smoking and losing weight but they still can’t quite accept that it could work for them.
32. Bookmarks: 2 Join the Thin crowd – Use Hypnosis to Help You Lose Weight! Losing weight can be hard. It doesn’t matter if you just need to lose a couple of pounds for a special occasion or if you need to lose a lot of weight to improve your general health. Sometimes, it can seem downright impossible to get on track.
33. Bookmarks: 0 Hypnosis Guide You can use the hypnosis guide to learn how to use self hypnosis effectively to attain your goals. The self hypnosis guide will help you to relax your subconscious mind. Once you have got relaxed mind status then you can control your mind by giving positive suggestions. Self hypnosis will make you clear in analyzing your expectations. After setting clear goals you can use your energy to attain goals. Only those who have a clear mind set up can succeed in self hypnosis and ach...
34. Bookmarks: 4 Get Into Shape With Hypnosis For Slimming – Relax To Lose Weight! Hypnosis for slimming sounds like a dichotomy to some people, because it subverses everything that everyone has propounded as the best way to shed weight. What if I were to tell you that you could lose those inches off your waist just by relaxing? Lose those extra kilos just by prompting your mind to increase the metabolism, and instructing it to curb binging and snacking? You might even be feeling exasperated at this suggestion; because you spent hundreds of pounds trying to...
35. Bookmarks: 2 Hypnotherapy For Business Development – Leading By Example So you thought hypnotherapy and business development make a rather odd couple, right? One is all about strange utterings and exaggerated facial expressions, while the other is about being cool, calculated and professional. How odd that they could even be considered compatible. How absolutely bizarre! But truth is always stranger than fiction, and I would like to break the myth that business and hypnotherapy don’t go together. I would go on to say even as much that Hypnotherap...
36. Bookmarks: 0 Subliminal Message Power Learn hor the power of the subliminal message can change your life!
37. Bookmarks: 1 Stop Blushing : Hypnosis For Blushing Do you wish that you could be confident and not blush in front of people? Do you sometimes wish that the floor would open and swallow you in when you blush? Well if you have a problem with blushing, you can now get the help and solution that you need and desire from hypnosis. So, how great would it be not to have to worry about your blushing as it was a thing of the past? How much would your life improve and your confidence increase knowing that you’re blushing is in the ...
38. Bookmarks: 2 Overcome Anxiety With Hypnosis Anxiety is a disorder that can negatively affect every aspect of a person’s life. A person who experiences anxiety may become panicked if a certain situation occurs. For example an individual who has anxiety about financial matters may experience a panic attack, stress and extreme worry if their car needs to be repaired or something breaks in the house. Someone who experiences anxiety at work may be looked over for promotions and raises. Anxiety is fear and worry that can...
39. Bookmarks: 0 Mind Control Tutorial Mind control is a process of making any individual loose their control over their own thinking and behavior. Many mind control experiments are done through physical force and violence. You should not confuse Hypnotism with mind control. The two are different terms.Mind control can be enforced by religion, politics, parents’ behavior etc. Mind control has been related to two syndromes. They are Battered person syndrome and Stockholm syndrome. Battered person syndrome is no...
40. Bookmarks: 5 Jealousy Can Often Be Caused By Insecurity Or An Over Active Imagination Or Possibly A Combination Of The Two. People who allow their jealousy to get out of control often become angry and agitated when the person that they link the jealousy to, does innocent things. This ultimately could lead to destruction of the relationship or create two very unhappy people who are forever questioning their love for each other. Helping clients with Hypnotherapy in High Wycombe and in many other towns its no surprise to learn that Jealousy is a hot subject.When negative things happens, even thou...
41. Bookmarks: 4 How To Stop Blushing If you find yourself blushing uncontrollably in situations that you want to appear confident and relaxed then this could be just the right article for you. When you follow the advice that is enclosed in the following paragraphs you will really be on the road to freedom from blushing. Don’t take my word for it though – try it and see the results for yourself. So, do you wish that the floor would open up and swallow you in when you blush in social situations or at work? Do ...
42. Bookmarks: 2 How Hypnosis Can Help You Hypnosis has long been recognised as an effective means of treatment for a number of psychological conditions. Hypnotherapy can help you to create more confidence for yourself and improve feelings of self worth. You can also learn to overcome problems like the fear of public speaking; phobias like being terrified of traveling on the tube; and become more at ease with yourself by building your confidence and self-esteem. Typical examples of area where hypnotherapy can help...
43. Bookmarks: 0 Get The Most Out Of Self Hypnosis There are many benefits to using self hypnosis. It can be used to overcome fears, fight addictions such as smoking, improve confidence and self esteem, and improve sports performance, to name just a few. In fact self hypnosis can be used to improve just about anything you want to in your life. For some people self hypnosis is extremely easy and requires very little effort. Some take to it like a duck to water, while other people may need to experiment a bit more to reap t...
44. Bookmarks: 4 Cure Phobias With Hypnosis A phobia is an irrational, persistent fear of a certain object or situation. There are several different forms of a phobia. A phobia can be a fear of something specific such as flying or a social phobia which causes an individual to feel anxiety about a social situation. Examples of a specific phobia may involve a fear of small animals, closed in spaces and snakes. Social phobias would be a fear of giving a speech, talking to the boss or meeting new people.It is estimated...
45. Bookmarks: 0 Conquer Addiction With Hypnosis An addiction can take control of a person’s life. For example a successful man who is an alcoholic can lose everything including his business, family and reputation because of the devastating affects of his alcohol addiction. Alcohol is just one of many debilitating addictions that can affect our lives. Others include tobacco, prescription medication, food, recreational drugs or even sex. When a person is under the power of an addiction, that addiction controls their work rel...
46. Bookmarks: 0 Confidence: Dealing With And Creating Self Confidence Our society is in some ways becoming increasingly isolated and individualised, leading to less worthwhile personal connectivity between us humans. In some cases this is not always a bad thing; however the decreased amount of human interaction could be a potential problem over time. It is my opinion that we are already seeing the effects of this in the west. With a decrease in interaction with other humans from many different back grounds we run the treat of losing some of our...
47. Bookmarks: 0 Confidence And Self Confidence Do you shy away when you wish that you could join in? Do you feel that sometimes you are just not good enough to achieve something? Are you always putting yourself down? Well if so then you may have an issue with your confidence. Low self esteem or a lack of self confidence is something that affects many people throughout their lives, so it is nothing to be ashamed of. In fact hundreds of leading personalities and even world leaders at one time suffered at the hands of a lack...
48. Bookmarks: 0 7 Quick and EASY Steps On HOW You Can Use Self-Hypnosis To Cure Your Anxieties This article explains in plain english 7 Quick and Easy steps to using Self-Hypnosis to overcome ANY obstacle or accomplish ANY goal that you want in life.
49. Bookmarks: 0 Top Ten Tips: Gaining Confidence Oozing with confidence is not something that comes naturally to everyone; however it is something that everyone can acquire. I have listed some tips below for all those of you that want to get a little more confidence when it is needed. Follow one, two or all of them and watch your confidence start to grow. 1. Think fitness and health… Healthy body, healthy mind! Keeping yourself fit and healthy will keep you feeling happy and confident. Eating the right things at the rig...
50. Bookmarks: 0 Is Social Anxiety Holding You Back? Another year, another New Years resolution ... if only this time it could be different? Do you feel overwhelmed by both your own and others expectations for the festive period? Does the forthcoming prospect of social gatherings make you feel uncomfortable?If you could wave a magic wand for a new years wish and change something about yourself what would it be? Deep down you may wish to go to parties and other social events. You may feel very lonely, but you probabl...
51. Bookmarks: 0 How Hypnosis can help you? Hypnosis is the next best thing in alternative treatment for different problems like lose weight, stop smoking and mind control. Learn how hypnosis can help you in physical and mental problems.
52. Bookmarks: 0 Hypnosis For Eating Disorders? Today, eating disorders such as Anorexia and Bulimia are running rapid. If a person intentionally starves him or herself yet believes they are overweight, they could very well be suffering from Anorexia Nervosa, which is a severe emotional disorder that needs serious intervention. With this, the diet is drastically restricted, coupled by excessive exercise. The result is dangerous weight loss that can cause serious damage to the body to include death.Bulimia is a form of ...
53. Bookmarks: 0 Notes From A Hypnotist, Part 2: Creating A New Year That’s Way Better Than Last Year This is part 2 of a two-part series, and to save time and effort, we’ll take a moment to review the highlights of part 1. If you’re like me, and you feel compelled to read both parts, check the archives for “Notes From A Hypnotist: How To Repair A Broken New Year’s Resolution” by Wendy Lapidus-Saltz.Here are the highlights of part 1: There are essentially five reasons that most New Year’s resolutions come undone quickly. All have to do with how and why you made...
54. Bookmarks: 1 Hypnotherapy - The Best Complimentary Therapy It is my belief that hypnotherapy is the best complimentary therapy because hypnosis affects people at every level including psychological, physiological, emotional, and even spiritual. And really, only hypnotherapy has the power to do that.It allows you to work on specific problems one by one, but at the same time, it can improve your overall health and well-being in several areas concurrently. Some people seek hypnotherapy to address a specific area while others seek th...
55. Bookmarks: 0 Hypnosis Gives You That Burst Of Mental Energy To Succeed On The Field From elite athletes to Sunday joggers, the ability to maintain energy levels and drive to succeed can wax and wane on a regular basis. Training schedules reflect goals and plans. A marathon schedule, for example, often contains several types of runs. During the week interval training takes precedence when time is limited. At the weekend, long runs are a key element of marathon training and can take from two to three hours at a time. In order to remain motivated, the mind and ...
56. Bookmarks: 1 How To Be A Winner All The Way - Hypnotherapy For Sports Performance Human beings have always been fascinated with sports, and over the years we have had sportsmen and women who have become legends in their own right. Consistent in their performance, with unmoving dedication and perseverance, these sports stars have become icons for future generations. What is it that makes these players so unbeatable? How is it that they can turn in one winning performance after the other in their preferred sport? And is it possible for you to get the winning...
57. Bookmarks: 1 Even Famous People Use Hypnosis Hypnosis is one of the mighty secrets used by star athletes and other famous people. To give you some ideas, Tiger Woods, one of the greatest pro golfers of all times uses hypnosis regularly. He not only uses it to enhance his performance but it keeps him focused and directed on and off of the golf course. Tiger is very spiritual and wholeheartedly believes in the power of hypnosis. Watch Tiger Woods the next time that he is golfing on TV. Pay close attention to what he does ...
58. Bookmarks: 0 Three Ways To Boost Your Self Esteem Feeling good about yourself is one of the key ways to be successful at what you do. Remember that only you are in charge of your emotions and empowering yourself is a great way to get ahead in life.This article lists three ways to boost your self esteem which can help you feel better about yourself and become a more confident person.Get your mind relaxedA relaxed mind is the source of great power. Like the tai-chi masters of old, a calm mind can bring about great ...
59. Bookmarks: 0 Hypnosis - Levels of Consciousness What are the different levels of Consciousness in Hypnosis? To learn Hypnosis one need to understand the nuances associated with it. The most important aspect of Hypnosis is the Levels of Consciousness. Explore it in this article.
60. Bookmarks: 5 Feel Fear In The Sky As human beings, it is normal for us to feel fear. Some are afraid of spiders, snakes or the dark, while others fear heights, being confined in small space or even flying. Just like any other fear, the fear of flying can be caused by an irrational belief that the person will die from a plane crash. Even when statistics showed that a person is at greater risk of dying from a car accident than a plane crash. You simply can not rationalize a person’s fear of flying.People wh...
61. Bookmarks: 0 Asthma Attack Treatment Thanks To Hypnosis Asthma is a chronic situation that affects the respiratory system. During the course of an asthma attack, airways, which carry oxygen to and out of the lungs, tend to tighten and hence decrease the flow of oxygen coming to the lungs. The airways also become swollen and lined up with mucus. Such symptoms can happen many times a day or week, or a lot less often. The gravity of the attacks also differs. Various triggers may cause asthma attacks and the breathlessness that ac...
62. Bookmarks: 0 Where Did My Old World Go? You’ve just bought a new car. It’s the latest model; it has the whiz-bang features that will definitely single you out from the merely mortal driving rank and file. You know you paid a bit (maybe a lot) too much, but with this car you make a unique and powerful statement to all others on the road. This car is as different from the herd as you are! Yet, as you drive this rare sparkling beauty home from the lot you suddenly notice the roadways dotted with several other nearly i...
63. Bookmarks: 5 Using Hypnosis To Cure Phobias The big question is Can hypnosis cure phobias?.When the hypnotist you are asking answers with a resounding yes, the next thought is usually along the lines of yeah, right.But you'd be amazed at the high success rate that hypnosis has with phobias.Top athletes regularly use hypnosis in all areas of their career. One of these areas that they may not be quite as public about is a fear of flying. After all, how can something as common place as flying be somethin...
64. Bookmarks: 8 Shot In The Butt With Fear: Public Speaking Anxiety Like a taser gun shot to the butt a fear of public speaking can send shockwaves through your body that will make you feel disorientated and out of control! It can affect you even months in advance if you know that you have to speak publicly and nothing seems to help or shift it. You have tried braving it but got nowhere. You have got out of situations of speaking publicly however feel guilty as you have let someone else or yourself down. You have missed many an opportunity to...
65. Bookmarks: 3 Public Speaking Anxiety: Getting Success With Public Speaking With the pressures of climbing the corporate ladder and just keeping up with the Jones’s, there are many things that are pushing us in life to succeed and achieve greater goals year on year. While really wanting to succeed and attain our goals we can stumble on some obstacles that may be barriers that keep up from making a success in life and reaching our goals. One example of this is a fear of public speaking; also known as public speaking anxiety. In a recent survey this ph...
66. Bookmarks: 0 Hypnosis For Confidence – Find Your Best Ally Within If you have no confidence in self, you are twice defeated in the race of life. With confidence, you have won even before you have started. – Marcus GarveyAll of us have been told the story about the tortoise and the hare in our childhood. We all know what the end of the story was; the tortoise won the race due to perseverance and a never-say-die spirit. Would the tortoise have won if he had no confidence in his abilities? I think not. Confidence lies at the core of every ...
67. Bookmarks: 0 The Origin And History Of Hypnosis Hypnosis or hypnotism is a psychological phenomenon of exceeding interest to both layman and scientist. Its history is as old as that of the human race, and it has been utilized by the most primitive of peoples, ancient and modern, in the practice of religious and medical rites to intensify belief in mysticism and magic. The striking character of this psychological manifestation, its inexplicable and bewildering phenomenology, and the seemingly miraculous results it produces....
68. Bookmarks: 0 The Basics Of Feminization Hypnosis There are a lot of things that can be achieved through the power of hypnosis. Over the years, hypnosis helped a number of people to stop smoking, lose weight and even fight off certain kinds of health conditions. Today, the technique of hypnosis is helping transgender, transvestite and transsexuals in tapping their feminine side. Feminization hypnosis is a voluntary process where an individual goes through a relaxed trance stage through hypnosis. For transvestite, transge...
69. Bookmarks: 2 Therapy For Therapists Have you ever had a problem that seemed so stuck and so complicated that you just couldn’t get it straight in your mind? And the more you tried to make sense of it, the more complicated it seemed to get. We’ve all had a problem like that before, and it’s good to know that there are people in the world who make it their business to help others solve problems.But what happens when the person who is supposed to solve the problems is also confused by the problem? Who helps th...
70. Bookmarks: 0 Star Wars And Psychology: Embracing The Dark Side A few evenings ago, some friends and I decided to watch the latest Star Wars film, Return of the Sith. This film got me thinking about a concept that is key to much of the hypnotherapy that I do, and is an excellent example of how not to lead one’s life.Much of what makes the Star Wars story so alluring is the puzzling change that occurs in Anakin Skywalker. How is it that a man can turn from supremely good to the embodiment of evil? We’re led to love Anakin the Jedi and ...
71. Bookmarks: 5 Self Hypnosis – Power of the Subconscious Mind Self Hypnosis is a subject which evokes a million responses from a million different people. Some feel overawed by it, yet others are plain scared of it; some others seem skeptical about it, and yet others are what we know as believers?
72. Bookmarks: 0 Overcoming Addictions There are many myths and misconceptions surrounding the reasons why addictions occur. Some believe that substances in themselves are not addictive, that it is the bodies chemical reaction to the substance to which the individual is addicted. This claim could certainly seem plausible when considering gambling or shopping addictions. There is no foreign chemical entering the body, rather that the body is creating its own chemical reaction (excitement/ adrenalin) in response to ...
73. Bookmarks: 1 Is Anger Management Too Intricate? The uncontrolled anger in a person owes a lot to the scenario where he or she was born and brought up. A self-segregated mind, at times proves to be too reluctant to suppress the furious emotions even on the pins and needles of small stuff. In such people anger or fury is an outcome of depression. A revised thought has to be made when dealing with such cases, since anger management should not necessarily be the only tool to bring them back to normalcy. We often find another c...
74. Bookmarks: 2 Hypnotherapy: Be Your Own Master and Commander Hypnotherapy, as a word has been associated with a lot of mumbo-jumbo over the years.
75. Bookmarks: 0 Hypnosis – 12 Steps to Acquire Mind-Power The 12 steps to acquire mind-power is intended to build positive visuals, acquire mind power and help you achieve your dreams and desires that may be as varied as improving your personality, increasing your wealth, attracting love and making yourself attractiveFollow these steps I have specifically found to help anyone who is new to Power of Creative Visualization.
76. Bookmarks: 0 Hypnosis-Imitation is a Powerful Force for Hypnosis We know that human social conduct is reinforced through emulation. Your senses feed your habits. The most encouraging characteristic of a habit pattern is that the repetitive activity can be interrupted when the min is turned to other interests. Learn more about human actions, reactions and emotions.
77. Bookmarks: 0 Approaches To Feminization Feminization has become quite a popular practice especially among transsexuals. It is the deliberate effort to adapt the traits of the female - their appearance, behavior as well as actuations. This is done as an ultimate expression of one’s personality as well as desires.This allows the male to attain the transformation that they normally would like to achieve. Though society is yet to understand and accept this, feminization continues to be prevalent especially in the w...
78. Bookmarks: 0 Deflate Objections In 15 Seconds Does this symphony sound familiar?You are too!Am not!!You are TOO!AM NOT!YOU ARE ALSO!!AM NOT!!Familiar? It's how kids argue. I'm sure you've tried this mode of arguing decades back.Children, when pointed out that they are xxx, tend to retaliate that their accuser is also xxx The accuser then balks, because people hate having their arguments thrown back at them. It's human nature and this demonstrates the Reflexivity Principle of Argumentat...
79. Bookmarks: 0 5 Seconds To Smashing More Arguments With NLP Last time the used car salesman pitched a lemon at you, he called the high price tag an investment. Didn't sound so bad did it? He gift wrapped his words.When you were fired, they called it a strategic downsizing. Now that didn't make you any better off... but it sure sounded nicer than being firedEuphemisms are efficient linguistic tactics to counter objections. The key is to redefine certain words in an antagonist's statement such that his objection no longer se...
80. Bookmarks: 0 Hypnosis Power And Inevitable Success Are you hypnotizable? Is it possible for you to enter a deep state of trance? If you are an average person you will most likely think that you can't be hypnotized. This is normal. The majority of people feel that if it were possible for them to be hypnotized then this, in some way, indicates that they lack any real will-power are naive or of below average intelligence. This could not be further from the truth.
81. Bookmarks: 0 Stop Seeing Red Through Hypnotherapy For Anger Management Let’s begin by counting how many times you got angry today. Did you honk a tad bit extra to get people out of your way as you were late to work? Did you throw a fit because your kid wouldn’t have his glass of milk, and you wondered “Why God, why me?” Were you upset because your spouse spent the evening at work, and missed your dinner date? Little things seem to irk you beyond belief, you feel like the universe is conspiring against you. You think Murphy’s laws were ...
82. Bookmarks: 0 Hypnotherapy For Negativity Sometimes it may seem that you just live to go from one worry to the next. Does this sound familiar?If it is, then you are about to discover a way of getting your life back and creating the future of your dreams!So what is negativity and how is Hypnosis going to help you?Imagine that you are wearing a pair of blue tinted sunglasses, everything that you see has a blue tint. Now imagine wearing a pear of rubber gloves and everything that you touch will feel 'rubbery...
83. Bookmarks: 3 Hypnotherapy For Motivation – Getting The Drive Back! Motivation is the key to positivity in our lives. If we were not motivated enough, we would just not have the will in us to go about our daily lives. Its motivation that helps us get through the most mundane things – motivation for working harder, motivation to have a healthy relationship, motivation to earn more, motivation to have a happy family. And yet sometimes we find ourselves lacking in motivation; I think we have all had days when getting out of bed to get ready to g...
84. Bookmarks: 3 Hypnotherapy For Exam Nerves – Goodbye Sleepless Nights, Hello Excellence! Do you remember how you felt a day before you took your final exams? Sleepless, sweaty, anxious and troubled seem to be perfectly good words to describe your state then. And then there are those times when you think you have studied all you could, made your revisions meticulously…and yet, one look at the exam paper, and all is blank. This is an accurate representation of many students on the eve of a major test. So much depends on you performing well in your exams, but you ju...
85. Bookmarks: 3 Hypnotherapy For Confidence – Discover The Great Orator… You! Not many of us give ourselves the credit of being great speakers; neither do we find ourselves comfortable and confident when encountering new people and situations. How often have you found yourself rehearsing the lines which you are supposed to speak at tomorrow’s meeting? Even though some of us might feel more confident than the rest, it would not be untrue to say that they too have their fair share of cold feet. Sudden bouts of nervousness and palpitations do not indicate...
86. Bookmarks: 0 Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy, Hypnotism, And The Truth About The Funky Chicken! Over two hundred years after this momentous event the world is still saying WOW in amazement to this gracious art. Hypnotherapy has come so far and I believe that we are now in an age where we now know so much of how the mind works and what makes us tick, that it is possible to successfully change our lives into the dreams that we wish them to be! During my time as aHypnotherapist I have enjoyed tremendous results from my clients, I put this down to my main work ethic, wh...
87. Bookmarks: 0 Hypnosis For Stopping Smoking – Kick The Habit, Get A Life! I have often been asked if hypnosis for stopping smoking is indeed an effective means to kick the butt, and my reply has always been affirmative. Hypnosis, recent research has proven, affects smokers very noticeably. I recently read an article on the website, which talks about a research conducted by two researchers from the University of Iowa; a cross section of over 72,000 people across the globe who were in the process of quitting smoking. The results show...
88. Bookmarks: 1 Hypnosis For Designing The Perfect Life –Interior Designing For Your Inner Self There is no better designer for your inner self than you, and here’s where hypnosis for designing the perfect life comes in. Hypnosis is a process which not only makes you self-motivated, but also helps you address any issue that might be staring you in the face. You might be considering how to lose weight and become shapelier. You might be wondering how to kick the butt, and have a smoke free life. You might even be wondering how to make that presentation at office without s...
89. Bookmarks: 0 Hypnosis Downloads – Internet Comes To The Rescue Hypnotherapy now comes to you in the form of friendly, non-hassle hypnosis downloads! The Internet has become our savior in yet another aspect of life, and has superceded its role of being a communication channel, to become the most vital source of information for any subject under the sun. From cooking to embroidery patterns, everything is available is online, so why should downloads for hypnosis be left behind?These hypnosis downloads are on the MP3 format, and are easi...
90. Bookmarks: 0 Hypnosis Hello my name is Richard MacKenzie and I am the author of Self-Change Hypnosis, which is a book that aims to teach in a simple yet comprehensive way, the benefits of Hypnosis and Self Hypnosis. It was very important for me to get this information out there, but one of the toughest objectives that I had to achieve what to create something that could be enjoyed and used by everyone.One of the largest misconceptions that I have encountered in the general publics perception o...
91. Bookmarks: 0 How To Use Self Hypnosis For Ultimate Success With just a simple intention and the ability to create a trance state you can achieve your hearts your desires through the power of self hypnosis. Let me show you how!
92. Bookmarks: 0 Get Results From Self Hypnosis Self Hypnosis is a powerful tool that can be used to help you achieve your dreams. Let me show you how!
93. Bookmarks: 6 From Aaaaah To Ahaa! – Treating Phobias Through Hypnotherapy For Phobias Are you one of those who mortally fears flying in airplane or getting into an elevator; are you one of those people who would rather live on take out food for days if you found a rat in your cupboard while cleaning? Then it seems to me you have a phobia. But before you start hassling yourself with it, let me make it clear that a phobia is very different from fear. Fear is a rational feeling, which is driven by the instinct of survival; let’s say fear of falling or fear of tou...
94. Bookmarks: 0 First Discredited by Science Then Banned By Governments - The Power Of Subliminal Messages They were scoffed at by mainstream scientists. We were told that they didn’t work! So why have millions been spent on research and development within the advertising industry? Why have Rock Stars been taken to court over their alleged use and why were they banned from television and radio by the UK, Australian & United States Governments?
95. Bookmarks: 0 Finding Free Hypnosis Online There that FREE word goes again. You hear it so much that when you see Free Hypnosis you just wonder. But what will it bring? Your favorite search engine brings many results on free hypnosis. A better question may be what do you want free hypnosis to bring?Hypnosis has long been a topic of interest and a little controversy. Once upon a time traveling gypsies would come in wagons with many claims of telling the past, present, future and coming fortune; via hypnotism and ot...
96. Bookmarks: 0 Eliminating Your Addiction With Self-Help Tapes Asap! Self improvement tapes help you to achieve your goal of quitting by detailed instructions. Full audio support can make a difference when you don’t have the time for lengthy therapy sessions and just don’t have the privilege of affording them. I have included some of the data’s which the tapes features and what it could do to help you along the way.Hypnosis is an amazing tool for self-help. There is nothing as pleasant as allowing yourself to sink into a nice and easy tran...
97. Bookmarks: 0 Controlling Your Emotions Through Hypnosis Does your entire life seems to be run by the way you feel? When you feel great doesn’t it feel like you can achieve anything? When you feel down, depressed or negative don’t you feel like nothing is worth the effort and even if it were you would probably fail anyway? But, what do you think you could accomplish if you could control your emotional state and evoke any emotion you wanted?
98. Bookmarks: 1 Alcohol Addiction — What Were You Up To Last Night? Do you remember what you did last night? And the night before, and the night before that?If you have mornings where you forget what you did the night before, it is time to take a serious look at your drinking habits.Alcohol addiction could mean that you drink every day; or that you drink to excess every week; or that you feel you can't cope without alcohol. You don't have to be permanently drunk to be addicted.Consider the effects that your drinking has at the mom...
99. Bookmarks: 0 6 Steps To Goal Success With Hypnosis Follow these six steps and use them with the power of hypnosis and you will be catapulted towards your goal faster than you can imagine.
100. Bookmarks: 1 Using Hypnosis To Resolve Jealousy Jealousy is a natural human feeling brought on by simply wanting something someone else has. Though it may be perfectly natural to feel this emotion, what many people choose to do fueled by jealousy is where its harm lies. Crimes of passion are almost always jealousy driven, as well as those of theft and vandalism. There is a reason jealousy is one of the seven deadly sins that leads to the more criminal offenses than any other. If you have issues with jealousy, part of y...

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LinkedIn Recommendation: Demetrius Reardon - Search Engine Optimization Manager at Blue Galaxy Marketing - I just attended Teo's LinkedIn workshop and am getting more information on how to use it. Great stuff. He told us everything there was to know about LinkedIn in one sentence. Then went into details, then added some optional ways to use it, just so much information so quickly... I had a little trouble keeping up, but he kept coming back to that one sentence to show how it all fits. It really is easy! Love Teo's style! He's got a lot of energy and would love to meet him in person someday! - March 17, 2012, Demetrius was Teo's client


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