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Beliaghata is Reinventing itself with Modern Projects and Fast Connectivity
Lucrative opportunity for investors to encash by making a worthwhile investment that provides rich dividends in the long-term. Beliaghata is the perfect address to move into without delay.
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Risk Management: Income, 401k, and IRA Programs
Sooner or later, every investment program (particularly your IRA and 401k) becomes a Retirement Income Program. If Retirement Income Readiness is one of the initial investment plan objectives, income purpose securities will have a place in the portfolio from the very beginning.
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Retirement Ready Income Investing: What's In Your Wallet?
What good is wealth without income? Your 401k program is NOT retirement ready... even the most popular 2017 Target Date Fund is heavy into the Stock Market. Steve Selengut has been a hands-on, income focused, portfolio manager since 1979. This is the information you need to get from your 401k balances to retirement income independence.
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Financial Website Warning Label
The purpose of the Sanco Services website is threefold: (1) to promote the somewhat unique (and non-mainstream Wall Street) Investment Strategies of Investment Manager Steve Selengut; (2) to promote the sale of his book entitled The Brainwashing of the American Investor; (3) to provide educational information to the investing public.
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Investment Grade Value Stocks - Quality Is Job One
How much financial bloodshed is necessary before we realize that there is no safe and easy shortcut to investment success? When do we learn that most of our mistakes involve our very own greed, fear, and unrealistic expectations? How do we create a confidence inspiring stock selection universe?
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What Your Mother Never Told You About Income Investing: Twenty Questions (1 thru 6)
Investors are a very dependent group of people, particularly now that most employed persons have been given the responsibility of directing their own savings and investment programs for retirement. Mother Wall Street has monopolized this huge market, and nursed its children first on Mutual Funds and now on derivative betting mechanisms they call index ETFs ---the unhealthy investment equivalent of a diet of fast food, limited protein, and high energy fusion products.
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A Dark Future For IRAs and 401(k)s?
Dr. Ghilarducci has presented a socialist solution to a problem that could easily be dealt with using rudimentary controls that would limit the amount of risk allowed inside these tax deferred savings devices. She also ignores the fact that most self-directed money lies in voluntary, privately sponsored, employee benefit programs--- emphasis on voluntary and private.
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Who is Steve Selengut?
Investment portfolio manager. BA Business, Gettysburg College, MBA, Professional Management, Pace University, Paul Harris Fellow, Phi Gamma Delta, AAII member & speaker, Steve Selengut has been a private investment portfolio manager since 1979 and is the CEO of Sanco Services Inc.
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Managing the Income Portfolio 101
The reason people assume the risks of investing in the first place is the prospect of achieving a higher rate of return than is attainable in a risk free environment --- an FDIC insured bank account. Risk comes in various forms, but the average investor’s primary concerns are “credit” and “market” risk, particularly when it comes to investing for income.
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Crisis Investing: Are YOU Ready?
Why are investors afraid (shocked, confused, overwhelmed, angry) about stock market corrections? Here are links to five assessments of the correction phase of the market cycle that may just clear their heads about these periodic gifts from the Investment Gods. How so YOU spell correction?
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The Pure Logic of Income Investing
Income Investing is sane, necessary, logical, intellectually pure, purposeful, manageable, predictable, and incredibly easy to understand. Yet, more investment mistakes are made in this area than in stock market investing --- particularly in the area of performance evaluation. As a result, income investors seem much more susceptible to Wall Street manipulation than their equity focused brethren.
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...and Just What is an Investment Grade Value Stock?
Wall Street Institutions pay billions of dollars annually to convince the investing public that their Economists, Investment Managers, and Analysts can predict future price movements in specific company shares and trends in the overall Stock Market.
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Asset Allocation Based Performance Analysis - One
It matters not what lines, numbers, indices, or gurus you worship, you just can't know where the stock market is going or when it will change direction. Too much investor time and analytical effort is wasted trying to predict course corrections… even more is squandered comparing portfolio Market Values with a handful of unrelated indices and averages.
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A Must Read For Experienced And Novice Investors: 29 5-Star Reviews
A must read because you're in it! The book goes into depth on how to choose a diverse group of quality investments, both for growth and for income. The strategy is methodical and the first month I implemented it on my accounts I started to see results....my profits improved and I'm ensured a monthly income even if I don't trade
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The Economic Impact Of Politics On Investing
Just six short months from now we will be asked to elect a leader for the still most powerful economic entity on the planet clearly, we need to focus on broad long term strategies that will create jobs and make it possible for both businesses and individuals to prosper.
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Golf and Investing --- Four Important Lessons
Golfers will spend thousands on instruction, gadgets, machines, clinics, magazines, lessons, drivers, and putters. Investors love the gimmicks, shortcuts, and expert recommendations, but they seem allergic to anything really educational. They must see it as a sign of weakness. Golfers should be better investors. Investors need to introduce themselves to some basic education.
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Trading Your Way To A Secure Retirement Income
Attention traders! You can bring your well honed equity skills to the most conservative securities on the planet and absolutely grow a secure retirement income at the very same time. Managed Closed End Funds (CEFs) trade in the same way as common stocks, and on the same exchanges.
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Who's Afraid of Higher Interest Rates?
A rising interest rate environment is super good news for investors. When we loan money to someone, is it better to get the lowest possible rate for the shortest period of time? Stop looking at income investing with a grow the market value perspective. That's not what it's all about. Lower market values or growing discounts to NAV don't have to be problems... they can be benefits.
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WCM Investing - The Process (December 2008)
Most people enter the investment process tip first. They hear something, grab an idea from a popular blog, accept a Cramerism or some motley foolishness, and think that they are making investment decisions. Rarely, will the right-now, instant-gratification, Internet-generation speculator think in terms that go beyond tomorrow's breaking news.
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Purpose Based Asset Allocation: The Working Capital Model
Asset Allocation is an Investment Planning Tool, not an Investment Strategy. WCM facilitates long term, retirement income, investment planning by focusing on selection quality, issue diversification, and annual growth of both base income and invested capital. Neither market value nor the calendar year are perceived as relevant decision making criteria.
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The Working Capital Model - Market Cycle Investment Management - Mentoring Program
Professional Investor/Manager Steve Selengut walks you through the Market Cycle Investment Management (MCIM) portfolio management process. He'll hold your hand, answer your questions, and do everything short of security selection as you learn how to run your portfolio.
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Risk Minimization, The Essence of Market Cycle Investment Management
The MCIM methodology combines risk minimization, asset allocation, equity trading, investment grade value stock investing, and base income generation in a realistic environment whose time frame recognizes and embraces stock market, interest rate, and economic cycles. It does not exist in either Mutual Fund or ETF form.
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What Investors Want & How To Get It:
What Investors Want and How To Get It... the between the lines content of The Brainwashing of the American Investor. Investment education that you can sink your teeth into, understand and appreciate quickly, and put into operation quickly and productively.
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The Real Scoop on Annuities - Part One
Insurance companies have always been big time financial institutions, and they could probably have claimed possession of the largest and safest investment portfolios on the planet. At one time, their role vis-à-vis Wall Street was clearly that of a giant customer for the securities the investment banks brought to market and which the securities firms distributed.
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How To Minimize Risk: A Formula For More Productive Investing
Risk minimization requires the identification of what's inside a portfolio. Risk control requires decision-making by the owner of the investment assets. Risk management requires a selection process from a universe of securities that meet a known set of quality standards.
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Interest Rates Are Rising - The Sky Is NOT Falling
Income investing facts of life: When higher rates are expected, existing security prices fall. lower rate expectations produce higher income security prices. Both conditions can be good news for investors. It's all a matter of understanding... and focus. Wall Street snake oil sales organizations just don't get it. It being the (apparently) much too simple income investing truth that lower market values have pretty much of a zero impact on security disbursements.
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Experienced (old?) Investors Love Higher Interest Rates... Say What!
Rising Interest Rate Expectations, regardless of their impact on Closed End Fund pricing, have absolutely no impact whatsoever on the income generated by the securities you now own. In fact, higher interest rates will eventually lead to higher payout levels because managers will have access to higher yielding instruments.
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Seven Principles For Long Term Investment Success
Establish a profit-taking target for every security you purchase. Avoid Unrealized Gains, Embrace Volatility, Increase Annual Income, and remember that all key investment moments are only visible in rear view mirrors. Keep in mind that you need Income to pay the bills, and examine Market Value numbers at intelligent intervals.
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Investment Fruitcake
Portfolio design, in its simplest form, is a fruitcake of apples, oranges, and dough. The recipe (asset allocation) is about as straightforward as it can be, the ingredients (equity and income securities) can be well known and of unquestioned quality, and their reactions to time, and cyclical mood are well documented.
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The Greatest Investment Story Never Told
An excellent strategy even in today's investing environment. The current buzz on the street is that investing is dead. How far from the truth can they be. Wall Street likes nothing more than to create fear. This book tells you how to put your emotions aside and look for good value on corrections in the market --- it also makes a strong case for profit taking, diversification, and base income generation.
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Ten Time-Tested Investment Portfolio Risk Minimizers
Most investment mistakes are caused by basic misunderstandings of the securities markets and by invalid performance expectations. Losing money on an investment may not be the result of an investment sandbar and not all mistakes in judgment result in broken propellers.
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Create Reliable Income: 6% Tax Free; 7% to 8% Taxable
This program explains the process within Market Cycle Investment Management retirement income portfolios. This unique approach to income generation boasts a 40 year+ track record of consistent income payments; it is a perfect 401k rollover vehicle... producing multiples of 401k Target Date Fund Income programs.
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Stock Market Explodes After Trump Victory; Income CEFs Only Remaining Bargain
What happens in the future is unpredictable, but understanding the past and how it impacts your unique portfolio, is essential to your long-run investment comfort --- and sanity. The IGVS Expectation Analyzer has been developed for investors who want to view their monthly statements with reasonable expectations.
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New 52-Week Highs Swamp Lows Since Trump Victory; Eighteen Days and Counting
The New High and New Low issue stats can identify weaker and/or stronger sectors within the Investment Grade Value Stock selection universe --- very important in helping investors determine where the bargains are and where the profit taking opportunities should be.
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Stock Market Issue Breadth Strong Since Trump Victory
IGVSI breadth statistics signal changes in direction within Investment Grade Value Stocks only --- all CEFs, ETFs, REITs, and preferreds (and individual issues that are NOT investment grade) are excluded. Issue Breadth Statistics should allow investors to look inside an index to obtain a better feel for what has been going on.
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Market Rally Resumes; Trump Election Excites the Stock Market
The fewer IGVSI equities at bargain prices, the stronger the market and the more Smart Cash that should be accumulating in the equity bucket of your portfolio. As the list of bargain IGVSs grows (indicating market weakness), portfolio Smart Cash should be finding its way back into undervalued securities.
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IGVSI Up 16% thru November; Twice the Gain in the S & P 500
The IGVSI is a barometer of a small but elite sector of the stock market called Investment Grade Value Stocks. Some IGVSI companies are included in all averages and indices, but no other index follows only the very highest quality companies traded on the New York Stock Exchange. Approximately 330 stocks meet IGVSI quality standards.
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Stock Market: Thirteen Months Down, And Now... Brexit
Neither a stock market downturn (not even Brexit) nor higher interest rates will have a significant negative impact on my retirement income; they could, in fact, allow me to grow that income even faster!
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Cruise Control Hedging: The Basics of Investing
Risk is compounded by ignorance, multiplied by gimmickry, and exacerbated by emotion. It is halved with education, ameliorated with cost-based asset allocation, and managed with disciplined: selection quality, diversification, and income rules--- The QDI.
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The Investment Gods Are Still Furious
Today's obsession with short-term blinks of the investment eye is Wall Street's attempt to take the market cycle out of the performance picture. Similarly, total return hocus-pocus places artificial significance on bond market values while it obscures the importance of the income produced. MCIM users will have none of it; the investment gods are angry.
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Income Investing --- Selecting ONLY The Good Stuff
The larger the portfolio, the more likely it is that you will be able to buy round lots of a diversified group of bonds, preferred stocks, etc. But regardless of size, individual securities of all kinds have liquidity problems, higher risk levels than are necessary, and lower yields spaced out over inconvenient time periods.
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Income Investing: Do YOU Have The Right Stuff?
When is 3 percent better than 6 percent? Yeah, we all know the answer, but only until the prices of the securities we already own begin to fall. Then, logic and mathematical acumen disappear and we become susceptible to all kinds of special cures for the periodic onset of higher interest rates. We’ll be told to sit in cash until rates stop rising, or to sell the securities we own now, before they lose even more of their precious market value.
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Retirement Income Investing Article Library
Retirement income planning starts with the first dollar you invest... IRA, 401k, 403b, savings plan, brokerage account, whatever. These articles explain both characteristics and performance expectations. Most importantly, they define purpose. The collection will help you do the job better... in some instances, by viewing the antics of the not so distant past.
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Retirement Ready Income Investing Programs
If your portfolio has less than 40% invested for income, it is far more speculative than you think.
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What Your Mother Never Told You About Income Investing: Twenty Questions (16 thru 20)
But, and this is about the biggest news in the history of the financial markets, news that was totally ignored by the financial media: the income generated by taxable income CEFs (other than REITs and mortgage heavy investment funds) actually increased during the financial crisis. The same result was experienced in the Tax Free arena, but with no exceptions at all.
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Understanding Fixed Income Investing: Expectations - Part One
I’ve come to the conclusion that the Stock Market is an easier medium for investors to understand (i.e., to form behavioral expectations about) than the Fixed Income Market. As unlikely as this sounds, experience proves it, irrefutably.
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Stock Market Correction: Month Nine And Counting
Repetition is good for the brain's CPU, so forgive me for reinforcing what I've said in the face of every correction since 1979... if you don't love corrections, you really don't understand the financial markets. Don't be insulted, it seems as though very few financial professionals want you to see it this way and, in fact, Institutional Wall Street loves it when individual investors panic in the face of uncertainty.
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More Brainwashing Book Reviews
My partner and I love this book. We are enrolled agents, do around 800 business, personal, and trust income tax returns per year. The way it has been in the past, when folks ask who they should seek for investment advice, I have said that I don't really trust anybody, and then I tell them to educate themselves before they trust their money to an advisor. That way they will know enough to keep from being taken.
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The Working Capital Model - Part 3
I know of no other Investment Manager anywhere (other than those who have contacted me and obtained my consent), private or public, that uses the Working Capital Model to direct individual investor portfolios... certainly none of the major operators, who are dependent for their survival upon the whim of large others.
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Retirement Income Avenues to becoming Retirement Income Ready.
After forty years of investing, a few things become crystal clear: you need to focus on quality, individual securities, diversify intelligently, and develop a lifetime supply of income. I call these principles The Big Three or the QDI. Just like the ice cream brick of my youth, it's just not right without all three flavors. The investment puzzle becomes easier to solve if you have a handle on all the pieces.
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The Working Capital Model - Part 2
Cost Basis is the total amount paid for a security, any security, in the portfolio. The cost basis of a dollar of cash is $1. Cost Basis includes commissions and exchange fees, and will be reduced on occasion when returns of capital are distributed. Cost Basis is the very foundation of The Working Capital Model.
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Preventing Investment Mistakes: Ten Risk Minimizers
Losing money on an investment may not be the result of a mistake, and not all mistakes result in monetary losses. Your own misconceptions about how securities react to varying economic, political, and hysterical circumstances are your most vicious enemy. Step away from calendar year, market value thinking. Avoid these ten common errors to improve your performance:
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Income Closed End Funds & Total Return Analysis
If interest rates rise, the market values of these investments will go down BUT the income from the securities (and their safety vis-a-vis equities) will not change; if interest rates fall forcing prices up, I may feel richer, BUT MY INCOME WILL NOT CHANGE. My Total Return may move in either direction but THE INCOME WILL NOT CHANGE.
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Sanco Services
Sanco Services is an investment portfolio consulting firm specializing in asset allocation, portfolio design, and trading techniques.
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MCIM Methodology Retirement Income Portfolios -Check It Out
The MCIM methodology combines risk minimization, asset allocation, equity trading, investment grade value stock (IGVSI) investing, and base income generation in a methodology that embraces the cyclical nature of markets, interest rates, and economies. MCIM produces Retirement Income Readiness.
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The Investment Grade Value Stock Index - Continued
The IGVSI was developed in December of 2007 to provide a benchmark for the Equity portion of MCIM portfolios managed using Working Capital Model (WCM) disciplines. For more than ten years, Investment Grade Value Stock investors had been frustrated by the inadequacies of the DJIA and the NYSE indices. During that period. NYSE Issue Breadth and New High vs. New Low Statistics moved in different directions than the averages, nearly all of the time.
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MCIM Q & A and Contact Information
Market Cycle Investment Management (MCIM) reflects the unique strategies, procedures and disciplines documented in the books and articles of professional investor Steve Selengut, CEO/Consultant at Sanco Services Inc. and Senior Instructor at Kiawah Golf Investment Seminars.
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Wall Street Wisdom vs. Market Cycle Investment Management
Corrections are as much a part of the normal Market Cycle as rallies, and they can be brought about by either bad news or good news. Investors always over-analyze when prices become weak and over-indulge when prices are high, thus perpetuating the buy high, sell low Wall Street lunacy.
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The Art of Investing: Working Capital Model based Asset Allocation
This method of looking at things will get you where you want to be without the hype that Wall Street uses to create unproductive transactions, foolish speculations, and incurable dissatisfaction. It provides a valid use for portfolio Market Value, but far from the judgmental nature Wall Street would like. It's use in this model, as both an expectation clarifier and an action indicator for the portfolio manager on a personal level, should illuminate your light bulb.
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Investors Review Their Favorite Investment Book
In the midst of financial crisis, market upheaval, and world-class uncertainty, at least one financial book provides an easily implemented strategy for safer investing. The Brainwashing of the American Investor is more than just the book that Wall Street does not want you to read.
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What's Inside the Brainwashing Book
The Brainwashing of the American Investor is direct, hard-hitting and brutally honest...The title implies a strong message, and the book does not let the reader down. Once Steve Selengut debunks the notion that Wall Street is on your side, he tells you how to take control of your own investments. His strategy is easy to understand and takes the guesswork and emotion out of investing.
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A Millionaire's Secret Investment Strategy
A Millionaire's Secret Investment Strategy, by Steven R. Selengut, is an Investment Book written by a professional investment manager who became a stock market aficionado years before he began managing other people's investments.
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Investment Scam Alert 2009: Spread the Word (August 2009)
An envelope arrived yesterday from a worried investor (not a client of mine) in Appleton, Wisconsin. He had been contacted with an investment partner opportunity touting a guaranteed investment program that would absolutely double and triple his money every sixty days with no worries, work, or risk involved.
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Investment Performance Evaluation Re-Evaluated: Part One (April 2009)
The Working Capital Model (WCM) looks at investment performance differently, less emotionally, and without a whole lot of concern for short-term market value movements. Market value performance evaluation techniques are only used to analyze peak-to-peak market cycle movements over significant time periods. In the WCM, market value is used as an expectation clarifier and an action indicator for the portfolio manager.
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Asset Allocation for Foundation and Endowment Investment Portfolios - Part 2 (February 2008)
One can only speculate about how much Bubble Paper finds its way into the these portfolios, but nearly all of them are managed by the major brokerage firms, and all such firms bonus their brokers on the basis of product sales. It is not uncommon for Wall Street to re-write the syllabus for Investments 101, redefining Quality, Diversification, and Income to suit its own dark purposes.
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Let’s K.I.S.S. Social Security Goodbye: Part 2
We have all the tools and expertise in place now to fix this financial mess without ever making the drastic mistake of delegating investment responsibility to the general population.
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Commissions are no Big Deal... Period - Part 2
For most stock purchases, the costs are up front and visible. For most Bond, and new issue purchases, the commissions are hidden from the investor, as they are with all Mutual Fund and Insurance/Annuity products.
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The Brainwashing of the American Investor - More Book Reviews Volume 1
The Brainwashing of the American Investor book reviews
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Operational Questions & Answers - Part 1
What is a Selection Universe? Nope, not a buy list, it is the result of applying a time tested set of selection rules, concepts, and experiences, to a pre-selected group of securities that are of a known level of quality i. e., Investment Grade only. It's just one of the things you need to know...
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Operational Questions & Answers - Part 2
There are Investment Grade Securities that generate very little trading volume. Are they included in the Selection Universe?
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Sanco Services' Investment Management Fee Schedule
Sanco Services' Fee Schedule (below) includes Investment Management Fees Only. Clients may have some options with respect to how commissions are handled--- either by transaction or (if eligible) through a flat annual fee. Fees are deducted directly from the investment account.
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Using the Value Stock Buy List Program Productively - If All Else Fails... AND Expectations
Here's a fairly comprehensive Question and Answer [more accurately, a Question & Discussion] list that should help you to use the Value Stock Buy List Program productively covering If All Else Fails... and Expectations.
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Registered Investment Advisors & The Stock Market!
This page is intended for professionals only. Here's an opportunity to provide a unique and necessary service to your clients. In the world of investments, the Stock Market is king.
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Investment Grade Value Stock Buy List Program Advanced Version
The Investment Grade Value Stock Buy List Program Advanced Version is just what you need to manage the Equity Side of your investment portfolio!
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IGVSI Out Performs DJIA & S & P 500 in Best Stock Market October Ever
The IGVSI is a barometer of a small buy elite sector of the stock market called Investment Grade Value Stocks. None of the popular averages or indices track investment grade companies exclusively and few market tracking websites offer expert comentary that can help you develop reasonable performance expectations for properly diversified portfolios
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What Do The Top 100 Newspaper Business Editors Have In Common, Besides Arrogance
Should the country's biggest newspaper business editors be interested in a better way to manage investment portfolios than mutual funds or Modern Portfolio Theory speculations about the future? Should they care about an old approach to investing that actually takes advantage of the market cycle? Should they be tired of promulgating the same old and tired Wall Street advice that always seems to take investors in the wrong direction. Yeah, they should.
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Operational Questions & Answers - Part 4
In the book, you mention that there is no reason why this approach wouldn't work with NASDAQ stocks. Do you ever trade the Investment Grade Issues there?
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The Antidote For Investment Doom & Gloom --- Free Webinars
The slide shows are generic, Q & A driven, with absolutely no attempt to sell you anything. Please take this opportunity to expand your investment horizons, and to help us get our message out to others who could benefit from this conservative approach to growth and income investing.
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Market Cycle Investment Management Rocks Wall Street
The Market Cycle Investment Management Methodology (MCIM) is the sum of all the strategies, procedures, controls, and guidelines explained and illustrated within the pages of The Brainwashing of the American Investor --- considered by some Amazon.com readers the best investment book they have ever read.
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IGVSI Numbers Confirm Equity Correction --- Income CEF Rally Continues
The valuestockindex.com web page has been updated through May 2012 ---here are the headlines and links to the web pages
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How To Make Short Term Trading Your Long Term Investment Strategy
But most programs are designed to reward the genius and hard work of their creators, not the passive involvement of add to cart speculators looking for assistance making investment decisions. Face it people, much as I still love the over-regulated markets that we call Wall Street, the Master's of the Universe are clearly more interested in enhancing their own wealth then ours.
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Income Investing For Fun and Profit --- Income CEFs Beat S & P 500 Over Past Five Years!
Learn how to manage your income portfolio sanely, safely and with yields far in excess of what Wall Street wants you to believe are available. Free income investing webinar explains S & P thumping strategy.
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Investment Performance: Part 2
So what is an investor to do if he isn't going to just follow the crowd (i.e., by ignoring all of the blatant inconsistencies between the basics of goal orientated Investment Management and the ridiculousness of the performance- evaluation-by-the-averages, quarterly and annual statistical fiasco)?
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What's Going On In The Markets?!?!
If you were to buy almost any common stock or equity based security (mutual fund, ETF or Equity Closed End Fund), you would be paying a higher price than has ever been paid, by any person, at any time in the history of mankind.
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Investment Grade Value Stocks: August Market Statistics
The S & P 500 began to achieve new All Time Highs in March 2013 --- impressed? The IGVSI started a run of new ATHs in late 2010 and, thus far, has achieved 46 new ATHs just in 2013... impressive!
The IGVSI tracks an elite sector of the stock market, Investment Grade Value Stocks. Some IGVSI companies are included in all averages, but no other measure follows only the very highest quality companies traded on the New York Stock Exchange. Only 348 companies meet IGVSI quality standards.
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How's Your Investment Portfolio Doing? --- Seven Long-Term Analyzers
Before Wall Street conned investors into thinking of calendar quarters as short-term and single years as long-term, market cycles were used to test investment strategies. Performance analysis was a test of management style and overall methodology, not a calendar year horse race with one of the popular averages. Bor-ing, yes--- but meaningful.
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Stock Selection: Tools, Rules & Objectives
The objective of the exercise is to have cash available for buying during every downturn --- can't happen unless you have the courage to take profits when prices are rising. Yes, you are expected to feel stupid in both exercises. When you feel like you sold too soon, the bubble buster is just around the corner.
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The Financial Crisis, and Other Life Changing Investment Lessons
On November 30th 2012, the S & P 500 Average (recognized benchmark for assessing the performance of investment managers of all shapes and sizes) was at its highest level in five years --- BUT that translates into a 4% loss over the five years. Others did better. Are you ready for the next correction?
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Your Investment Portfolio 2013: Market Cycle Investment Management Users
2013 was a great year for the stock market and a terrible year for the fixed income market... you have benefited from both, and are prepared for directional changes in either. When you invest conservatively, recognizing that you are in a long term program with specific goals, performance is measured in terms of profits taken, income produced, and preparations for changing scenarios.
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Investment Performance Expectations and Broker Account Statements
Whether you go the discount route through Schwab, Ameritrade, Fidelity, etc., or enjoy a higher level of service through an independent like LMK Wealth Management, you should never be surprised by the market values reflected on your monthly account statement.
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Market Lines and Numbers - - - Very Interesting
The S & P average has no quality safeguards, no profit-taking discipline, no income requirements or reinvestment protocol, and no asset allocation plan. It is a totally unmanaged entity except for equity content manipulation by S & P Corporation. It is widely accepted as the benchmark against which most equity portfolio managers are measured, and it typically outperforms most of them. But it really only outperforms those professional portfolio managers who are responsible for public participatio
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Trading The 401k Portfolio - Part II
Retirement plan investment portfolios are managed to produce the promised income; 401k plans make no promises and do not seem to make much of an effort to offer income focused investment products. The income produced by the highest yielding (highest risk) mutual funds is generally lower than that which can be obtained from lower income tier Closed End Funds (CEFs).
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Market Cycle Investment Management Thinking
Whatever happened to the Stock Market Cycle; the Interest Rate Cycle; Baby Jane? How did Wall Street get away with pushing these facts of financial life down the basement stairs? Most investors, and some financial advisers, media representatives, and market gurus have abandoned these fascinating curves for the comfort of a straight-edged twelve-month playing field... simple, yes; realistic, not.
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Value Stock Buy List Program - What's all the Excitement About?
Investor's are discovering an Investment Grade Value Stock Selection and Trading Strategy that makes sense. Merritt Information Strategies has developed a multiple level spreadsheet program that allows you to implement the Market Cycle Investment Management methodology documented in The Brainwashing of the American Investor, inexpensively and productively, on your own PC, whenever...
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Crisis Investing - The Three-Pronged MCIM Strategy
Unfortunately, investors in general are a lot like teenagers. They know everything immediately; expect instant gratification; take unnecessary risks; fall in love too easily; ignore all voices of experience; prefer the easy approach; and feel that the lessons of the past just can't possibly apply to what's going on now. Duh, dude!
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Strategic Investment Mixology - The Elusive Holy Grail Cocktail
Investment portfolio mixology doesn't take place in the smiley faced environment that brought us the Cosmo and the Kamikaze, but putting an investment cocktail together without the risk of addictive speculations, or bad aftertastes, is a valuable talent worth finding or developing for yourself.
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Asset Allocation: Investing by the Numbers
If you focus exclusively on market value, dwell upon comparisons of your unique portfolio with the market averages, expect performance of some kind during specific time intervals, and listen intently when someone speaks about what the future is all about, any asset allocation work you do will be ineffective.
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Managed Asset Allocation: The Art of Staying Focused
The key to successful Investment Management is Asset Allocation, the process of dividing the available investment dollars into two, and only two, purpose buckets: Growth and Income. All investment grade securities fit within one of these two classifications, based solely upon the primary purpose for their ownership. There are several key issues involved in successful Asset Allocation.
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MCIM Strategies Produce Better Retirement Income
The Market Cycle Investment Management (MCIM) methodology for managed asset allocation was developed in the 1970s. The process combines risk minimization, base income generation, and disciplined trading strategies while focusing on the highest quality individual securities in the equity marketplace... plus a minimum 30% income purpose security bucket.
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Investment Management - Part 2
Regardless of how well you design your portfolio and create a decision making model that is easy to implement, you must also be able to unemotionally stick to your guns in the face of massive media attacks that just could make you change direction for any number of reasons.