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Year End Portfolio Window Dressing... Always Better To Look Smart, etc.
Perhaps ninety percent of the price movement in the equity markets is the result of institutional trading, and institutional money managers seem to be more concerned with politics and marketing than they are with investing. They are trying to impress their major clients with their brilliance by reporting ownership of all the hot tickets and none of the major losers.
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Investment Grade Value Stock Buy List Program - Endorsements ~ Endorsements ~ Endorsements
After spending $15k on systems, and blowing $60k trading them, I stumbled upon The Brainwashing of the American Investor. I started trading [the strategy] in November '05. In the first year I've had 50 winners and zero realized losers! This can change your life! It certainly changed my trading career.
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Rift Level Building Guide- For Your Journey Into Telara; Do You Need One?
With this article we'll be taking a closer look at Rift Level Building guides as well as the degree of whether they can be helpful in your successful journey to Telera.
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Business Credit Card Increasing Your Credit Line For Your New Business
Business credit cards offer excellent advantages to the small business owner with very few disadvantages. This article looks in closer detail at the business credit card.
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Having Equity In Your Home
If you are a homeowner then you should make building equity in your home one of your number one priorities. The reason for this is that equity in your home is like having cash in your bank account because you are able to borrow against it for a variety of different purposes. Also, when you build equity in your home it means you are that many dollars closer to owning your home outright. There are quite a few things you can do in order to build equity in your home that include ...
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Got Room? The Rugby World Cup Is Closer Than You Think!
Attention rubgy fans! Are you an aficionado of the ruffians game played by gentlemen? Are you thinking about heading to France for the 2007 Rugby World Cup? Surely you want to be on hand to see if England will keep their champion standing, or watch as some other country wrests the top spot away from them. France, Australia, and New Zealand were right in there for the 2003 Cup; they will surely be back in force. And who knows? There is always the possibility that a team cou...
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Afraid Of Losing? If You Are, Then You Already Did!
Gambling is not the issue here. A person who thinks that gambling is his way out of a wretched life loses just the same. A person who always relies on luck and uses gambling as a source of income also loses big time. This type of person views gambling as a risk worth taking regardless of the effect it has on him. Gambling makes a person lazy and reinforces belief on easy money. Deep within that person, he is losing part of his self-respect every time he engages in gamblin...
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Top 5 Mistakes That Stamp LOSER On Your Small Business Web Site
Now your small business web site can be used as an effective marketing tool. Used in the right way, it can spear-head many successful marketing campaigns for you in the near future...
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Learn More About Online College Degrees
In today's competitive world, a degree is the surest way to climb your career ladder. It helps you to get closer to your goals and is a representation of your knacks and skills. It is hard to imagine a successful career (entrepreneurs excluded) without a degree. Therefore it is a must in order to lunch into a great career where your skills are properly utilized. But at times, many of us do lag behind due to the absence of a college degree. The reasons can be many for not ...
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Closer To Success With A Distance Learning Business Degree
Do you believe that you're stuck working a dead-end job? You're unable to advance because you're lacking a formal education. The 40 hour plus weeks come and go, and the financial requirements of a family make it more or less impossible to attend college. How ever many find that a distance learning business degree allows them to achieve more success.Many distance learning programs provide financial aid for those students that qualify. This reduces the stressor of having to...
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Giving To Childrens Charities
Giving to childrens charities can be among the most rewarding things you can do with your money. Selecting the right charity, however, can seem complicated with the wide variety of charities out there. While most charities are reputable and trustworthy, there are some instances of fraud or other issues that can make giving to charities something worth taking a closer look at. Overall, thankfully, the act of giving to childrens charities can be tremendously rewarding and com...
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Cosmetic Dentistry - A Closer Look?
Cosmetic dentistry has come to mean different things to different people. A big reason for this is because there are so many procedures performed in and out of the dentist's office that have been put into this category.Of course, all cosmetic dentistry procedures must be carefully planned with expected outcomes clearly discussed but it can be a procedure as relatively simple as reshaping a few teeth.The past few years, one of the most requested cosmetic dentistry pr...
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Ten Tips To Increase Your Self-Confidence
Self-confidence is an important key to success in any walk of life. People with self-confidence are noticed more. They achieve their goals relatively easily. In contrast, people who lack self-confidence often end up being losers. You too need to build your self-confidence if you want to do well in life. Here are ten tips that can help you build that elusive self-confidence: 1. Self-confidence is found in people who have a healthy self-esteem. They know their personal wort...
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Denver Schools A Closer Look
Denver, Colorado
Home of the Mile-High stadium, a city with amazing scenery and a high altitude. It is one in which Denver Public Schools have set lofty goals for themselves. All school districts have mission statements, visions, and school improvement plans. Denver Schools break their goals down into three areas:1. Set high expectations for all students.2. Raise the overall achievement level.3. Close the achievement gap.How well are the Denver Schools going? Well...
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Ten Commandments of Winners
There are winners and losers in every stage and every field of life. Reading though, you may find some interesting facts about both types and determine who you really are in this life.
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4 Reasons Why You Should Homeschool Your Child
A recent survey indicated that nearly 30% of American parents are seriously considering homeschooling their children rather than sending them to school. Home schooling is a different way of education for many parents. It allows children to be educated at home free from the daily school assignments and pressure. It also allows more bonding time between the child and the parent fostering closer relationships.There are 4 main reasons why you should homeschool your child....
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Get Out Of Debt Plan - A Six Tip Debt Elimination Option
No one gets pleasure from being in debt, but unfortunately most individuals stumble upon debt at one time or another. There are several steps you can follow to make sure that your debt doesnt get out of control. By following these six suggestions, you'll be following a get out of debt plan, and youll be closer to your goal of debt free living.1. Calculate Your Debts. Verify that your bills are accurate. By examining your statements carefully each month, you will notice ...
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En101 Makes Learning English Online Easy, Affordable and Rewarding
En101 is an Internet based company on a mission to bring the people of the world closer together through One World, One Language concept. It is also a fast growing home based business opportunity that helps you learn English as well as earn from it by referring others.
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Are You Ready To Start Your Own Business? The 4 Key Questions You Must Ask
How can you make sure that you are among the winners rather than the losers in this high stakes game? The answer is inside of you. You must ask yourself four key questions to determine whether your own small business will survive and thrive.
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Ten useful Tips to Improve Your Self-Confidence
Self-confidence is an important key to success in any walk of life. People with self-confidence are noticed more. They achieve their goals relatively easily. In contrast, people who lack self-confidence often end up being losers. You too need to build your self-confidence if you want to do well ...
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Seduction Techniques - Are They For Losers?
Imagine that you are already in your college days and still you cant find a date. Or even asking someone for a date is a misery for you. In short, you find it hard to approach women and lacks confidence in yourself.Seduction techniques in this new millennium are on the rise. Seduction techniques can greatly help guys who find it hard to get the women they always wanted. So it is never a problem now. Seduction as thought by many is not wrong. You are just simply studying ...
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The Anatomy Of A Dollar Bill
Greenbacks. Moolah. Dough. Benjamins. All nicknames for the one thing were all in an endless quest to get more ofcash money. Its as much a part of our everyday lives as is sleep, food, even breathing. But have you ever really stopped to take a look at these little green monsters that seem to run our lives?If you really take a closer look at our notes of legal tender, theres really quite a bit going on. So the next time youre not busy spending oneor if you...
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Why Rose Gardening Is So Addictive
For many of us, the act of gardening brings us closer to nature by getting us outdoors and allowing us the opportunity to tend and grow objects that in the absence of our assistance would not be able to survive, let alone thrive. There is a special connection between the growers of roses and their plants, however, which seems to go even beyond the basic instincts of the traditional gardener.The first reason that roses can be such an addictive plant is the roots it has in ...
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The Biomechanics Of A Golf Swing Can Teach You Plenty About The Game
The biomechanics of the golf swing can be very revealing about the game of golf and specifically the scientific difference between amateurs and professionals, winners and losers. But what is biomechanics?
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Learning More About Golf Equipment
There are two types of wedges to use when golfing: the pitching wedge, the sand wedge, and the pitching wedge. While your golf club set may come with other wedges, these are the most important and widely used when golfing. To identify a wedge, all you have to do is look at the size of the club in general. Wedges are smaller than other clubs so the golfer can get closer to the ball to make a short shot. Wedges are not meant for long distances, but rather for height and short s...
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Bargain Golf Equipment How To Find The Best Deals On All Your Favorite Golf Equipment
Everyone in this world loves a good bargain, and for golf equipment the song remains the same. The one thing to remember is that bargain doesnt always have to mean cheap, used, or damaged. You can find some really good buys if you just spend a little time and research to find what youre after. Lets look closer at the different avenues to finding some great bargain golf equipment.Previously Owned GearThis is a perfect place to start for any golfer just beginning the...
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A Closer Look At Tiger Woods Golf Swing
Golfers didn't used to focus so much on fitness as part of their golf training. It seemed unnecessary to spend your time doing stretches and exercises that worked out parts of the body that weren't golf-specific.Then, along came a 20-year-old kid who blew all these old golfers out of the water, hitting 180 mph balls off the tee. The era of Tiger Woods had come.Suddenly everyone wanted to unlock the secrets of the Tiger Woods golf swing. It was obvious he had a diffe...
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Religion Induced Anxiety
Is Religion Induced Anxiety Good For You?The fact is that no anxiety, whether religion induced or not, is good for you.Anxiety has some serious long term side effects that should be taken into consideration, and a healthy, stress free lifestyle should be priority #1.The state of the world after 9/11 has left us fearful, depressed, and stressed. An event that shocked the world, and brought many people closer together, and unfortunately, tore others apart.T...
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Moments of Clarity: The Power of Claiming Your Life
Everyone has their moments of clarity. Some listen and act. Others ignore them and regret it. This article will inspire you to do what's in your heart to move you closer towards your goals. Claim your life now and become you're own inspiration!
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You Are Not A Victim; You Are Not Alone
If you dont feel good about yourself, you have to fix it. Theres no other way around it. You cant raise confident kids, have a healthy relationship, or get satisfaction from your job if you dont. This comes from someone who didnt, for most of her life, feel worthwhile. Many books come from the perspective of an expert, someone who already has a healthy sense of self-worth, which I believe immediately sets up an alienating perspective between them and us, those ...
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Keeping A Journal Can Change Your Life!
Keeping a journal will absolutely change your life in ways you've never imagined. - Oprah WinfreyWhy is it so important to keep a journal?Here are just a few of the benefits a personal journal will provide you:* A journal will remind you of your goals and the actions you are taking towards them every day. You are writing down your goals?* It allows you to factually track your progress as you head closer towards your goals. Here is an example. Suppose you had...
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To Know is To Not Know
Setting aside judgement sets aside what you believe you already know. Doing this creates room for new possibilities, wisdom, experience, and benefits to occur. Take a closer look.
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The Secret - Collection Of Inspirational Quotes ( Part 28 )
There is only one success--to be able to spend your life in your own way.-- Christopher MorleyOdeWe are the music-makers,And we are the dreamers of dreams, Wandering by lone sea-breakers,And sitting by desolate streams; World-losers and world-foresakers, On whom the pale moon gleams:Yet we are the movers and shakers Of the world for ever, it seems.With wonderful deathless ditties We build up the world's cities, And out of a fabulous storyWe fashion an ...
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New Age Spirituality Morning Has Been All Night Coming ( Part 95 )
The following week was spent catching up with all the little tasks I had left undone. The memory of my visit with God was fresh in my mind, and I made even greater efforts to practice being in His Presence. I regretted not being able to obtain any specific information about Mardai, but I was content with the thought that I would soon find out more.Saturday arrived and I found myself experiencing a strong undercurrent of excitement. Upon closer examination, I couldnt find...
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Make Your Life Happen In 2006!
Here it is again. The end of another year. Did this year go by in a flash? I know it did for me, just as it does every year. With 2006 just around the corner now is the time to sit down and write out our goals for next year. If we dont, we will suddenly be at the end of the year again wondering what happened in the last twelve months and wondering why we are no closer to our dreams than we were when the year started. When we dont set goals we see and experience the effects ...
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Major Obstacles To Selling
One of the largest obstacles to selling is that the sales person is not living congruently with their cognitions. I have noticed many attributes that contribute to a successful sales person. I will outline good attributes to have and common areas that will cause you to lose the deal.Powerful closers do all of the following:-Accepts 100% responsibility for their results. They realize the importance of ownership.-High levels of empathy and they really care about their...
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The Small Important Steps Of Time Management
We have to go through many stations to reach the final destination.Reaching each station is also important, as with the reaching of each station we are closer to our target.When we talk about time management we should keep both short term goals and long term goals in mind.If you are focusing only on the big goal while making a time management scheme, then you better sit down and review your time management scheme, plans and actions.GO STEP BY...
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What to do when nothing is working out for you...
Why do we land ourselves with a mindset that nothing works for us and how to bring ourselves closer to success
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Do You Have This Prosperity Blocking Disease?
There is a sneaky disease a lot of good folks are walking around with and they do not even realize it. The disease is Resistance to ReceivingHere are some signs you may have this disease.!. You are surrounded by those who do not appreciate you.2. You are stuck in a dead end job and not appreciated.3. You keep attracting Loser Lovers.4. You think it is noble to be poor and suffering.5. You think it is your job to save the whole world.6. You at...
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Discover Your Life's Purpose Today
Do you ever feel stuck? Perhaps you don't have the job you want, or the relationship, or the financial situation. You probably know what it is that you don't want, but have you ever taken the time to figure out what it is that you do want?Rather than answer with generalities like a job that pays more or is closer to home or to find your soulmate or to be rich, think about being as specific as possible. What does your ideal life look like? What would you need in yo...
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What Is Student Loan Consolidation?
Nearly half of all college graduates have reported taking out some sort of student loan in order to help finance their education. Since most graduates do take out loans to pay for their college, many are choosing to use student loan consolidation to help relieve their financial burden after graduation. The following paragraphs will take a closer look at what student loan consolidation is, as well as discuss the interest rates associated with student loan consolidation.Stu...
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How to Win the Forex Battle
Every trading activity is in fact participating in a battle. Winning the battle is a matter of knowledge, skill and experience. If you miss any of those you are going to join the long line of losers. Some says that 95 to 99 percent of the traders are lining up on the losers side.
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How To Win At Forex
Foreign currency exchange, the greatest game in the world with a daily trading volume of over a trillion and a half dollars (thirty times larger than the volume of all the U.S. equity markets combined), has it's share of winners and mostly losers. Do you want to learn how to be in the winners circle?
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Become a Better Trader
It is a well documented fact that within the business of trading the financial markets, as much as 90 % of the participants lose and continue to lose money. So if 90 % are losing, that therefore means that 10% are gaining each and every time. In order to improve my own trading record, I deliberately set out to try and discover what it was I had to do to become one of the 10% (The Winners) who are consistently making money from the unfortunate remaining 90% (The Losers) who don...
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Trading Software - Profit Machines or Losers?
Thousands of people every day trade on the worlds stock markets, with the majority now using software to aid them, but does it help them make more money?
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5 Step Formula To Adwords And Pay-Per-Click Success
If you're interested in profiting from Adwords, this may be the most important article you read today.Here's why: I started a few years ago promoting one of my own business sites through Adwords and made a few thousand dollars every month, but at this time, Adwords was still in its infancy. However, the Adwords playing field has changed since those days and now there are two types of Adwords user, the savvy, and the losers. The losers will quickly figure out that dumping ...
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The Internet Marketing Blog
If you subscribe to the micro persuasion model of public relations, then you would agree that the Internet is the new frontier in marketing. Blogs are increasingly becoming the medium of choice for companies and entrepreneurs in bringing their brands and products closer to consumers.
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How To Find The Best Keywords
How do you make your website highly visible and reachable for your target market? What is the best way to optimise your website? A closer look at the power of targeted keywords in search engine optimisation and traffic generation includes Keyword Analysis Tool.
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Poker Affiliates: How To Build An Online Poker Affiliate Empire
Becoming a poker affiliate could not be simpler. All you need is a website, some content and the will to make it work. The next thing that a budding poker entrepreneur should do is joining one of the many affiliate programs available. Signing up to an affiliate site is free, so there is no need for expensive outlays, just click sign up and you're a step closer to becoming a self-sufficient affiliate. Online poker affiliate vendors offer new customers the opportunity to pr...
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Keyword Finess, Broad, Phase Or Exact
Yes is the short answer. But lets take a closer look at keyword match options and examine why using all three types is one of the best ways to ensure a higher CTR, as well as a strong Google Quality Score.Google has defined the three-keyword match options in a fairly understandable way. You need to know what each match type is, how Google uses them and how you can use them in your keyword selection process.BROAD MATCH is the default option Google will use in determini...
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Finding Organic And Natural Foods For Your Baby: Resources In The Brick And Mortar World And Online
In the 21st century, more and more men and women are becoming serious about the adage that you are what you eat. These people are paying closer attention to the food that they put into their bodies. In addition, these people are becoming more and more selective about the food choices that they make for their babies.Perhaps you are a person who is concerned about what you eat and about the food that you give to your children, including any baby that might be a part of yo...
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A Closer Look At Micropayments
During the early days of the Internet, most of the contents found online are provided for free, either by different institutions or universities. As the years go by, the Internet has experienced various innovations. One major factor in the evolution of the Internet is the consumers ability to purchase, sell and advertise products and services, a concept that is more commonly referred to as e-Commerce.As the popularity of the Internet continuously grows, it is only natu...
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About Writing: Just Get Started!
Do you have writer's block? Are you not sure where to start? Simply start writing and you are one step closer to finishing.
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How Relationship Disagreements Can Make You Closer
If you are like me, you’ve found yourself standing in the aftermath of a firestorm called a fight. You feel burned, damaged. Bitterness has taken root. Your heart, once open, is now closed—protected behind armor so you can’t be hurt again. Although you bury the pain, it smolders like a burning ember and pollutes your love or marriage relationship forever. Or you split up.
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Relationship Commitment
Relationship commitment. A lifelong goal for some, and others, a thought that puts shivers down their spine. While many would love to settle down and grow closer to someone over a period of years, the thrill of the chase is much more satisfying for everyone else.
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Honeymoons For Nature Lovers
In the twenty-first century, more and more people are beginning to try vacations that bring them closer to nature, and honeymooners are no exception. The type of honeymoon you choose, of course, is entirely dependent on the type of outdoors person you are. Just because you do not like to camp in a tent does not mean that you cant enjoy some incredible natural sights on your honeymoon. In fact, I would not recommend tenting on your honeymoon at all; it lend itself to a certai...