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MCIM Strategies Produce Better Retirement Income
The Market Cycle Investment Management (MCIM) methodology for managed asset allocation was developed in the 1970s. The process combines risk minimization, base income generation, and disciplined trading strategies while focusing on the highest quality individual securities in the equity marketplace... plus a minimum 30% income purpose security bucket.
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The Tax Free Income Closed End Fund Marketplace
How could you not be interested in Tax Free Yields of roughly 7%? On programs that have been in operation for nearly 20 years? and which are generally paying more now than they did prior to the financial crisis?
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The Ten-Workshop Road to Better Investment Performance --- Yeah, They're FREE!
Most investors jump into their investment programs without a clear understanding of the process, the securities, or the risks involved in the effort. Few hold valid expectations, and most choose to ignore the cyclical nature of the investment marketplace. This poor preparation is an endemic problem of our society, made profitable by Wall Street, for Wall Street.
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How to Use Social Business Networking Relationships: Tips for New Age Businesses
Social Business networking is getting importance in modern businesses. This article explains how business people should take advantage of this new age online marketplace. To know more you have to join a social business network and explore further opportunities.
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Top Quality Dissertation Writing Services
Many firms which provide the lowest charges in marketplace could not afford to appoint highly experienced writers to tackle their employment so avoid too low-cost companies and hire the top quality dissertation writing services.
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Record Numbers Are Travelling To Egypt
Ever wondered what its like at the centre of an Egyptian pyramid? Those who have been on holiday to Egypt may have powerful memories of this, along with the hubbub of the Egyptian marketplace, inquisitive locals sucking on shisha pipes, chaotic mingling of people and traffic, hieroglyphics, the ethereal mask of Tutankhamun and tourist guides proffering camel rides and souvenirs at Giza. Steeped in ancient history, Egypt is an explosion of vibrant colour and mystical intrigue...
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The Big Business Of Forex Online Trading
The daily transactions on the Forex, or foreign exchange markets, are so vast that they dwarf the total amount of money invested in stock markets across the globe. With over two trillion dollars in daily volume, the Forex is the most significant of the global monetary marketplacesSince the introduction of the Euro to the world currency mix, the Forex has seen exponential growth. Add the rise of the Internet, and what had been the exclusive domain of the worlds great ban...
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Why Trade The U.S. Dollar?
The Forex is an informal marketplace where investors from around the world come to exchange one currency for another. In truth, the investor is buying one currency while simultaneously selling another. Dozens of currencies are exchanged and all at varying rates that fluctuate constantly. There is the potential for unlimited profits for investors that can accurately predict which way the rates will fluctuate for a given period of time. Before an investor can realize any gains,...
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The Crucial Need For Innovation In The Field Of Industrial Marketing
The need for innovation has never been more important when marketing an industrial product and gaining that competitive edge in the marketplace.
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Start A Home Based Company - Make Money Working From Home
The internet has created numerous opportunities for home-based businesses. It is now possible to start your own company in your home and earn a steady income. Entrepreneurs have become very successful in a short period of time due to the worldwide marketplace created by the internet. If you are thinking of starting a home based company, there are several directions you can take and many profitable business ventures that you may want to take advantage of.A home-based busin...
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Loose Tea in the American Marketplace - Opportunities for Affiliates
There is growing resurgence of demand for loose tea in the United States driven by a greater awareness of the health benefits and quality of the loose tea experience. As demand increases, new opportunities arise for the entrepreneur who wishes to market and sell loose tea.
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The Entrepreneurial Edge
Some would say that big business has it made; I on the other hand believe that there will always be a special place for the little business guy. Entrepreneurs have an edge over their bigger competitors. So while the Amazons of the world are struggling to break even from their multi billion-dollar overheads, the smaller Dot coms are already realizing profits. What advantages do the little guys have in the marketplace? Below is how to think like a startup and rea...
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Tips For Successfully Outsourcing Services To Freelancers Or Outsourcing Service Providers
Small businesses and entrepreneurs always benefit by outsourcing their services to professional service providers or freelancers as this saves them time and money. The money saved due to outsourcing can be effectively and successfully utilized to focus more on strategic and core business functions.This article will help small businesses and entrepreneurs in making the right decision in choosing the correct service provider for them and managing their projects.Tips for...
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Ecommerce in 2007 and Beyond!
Ecommerce has been a rocket force in the marketplace for several years. How can the budding Entrepreneur leverage this trend and succeed?This article looks at the recent history of Ecommerce and how it compares to regular retail sales.
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Competing With Color Levels The Playing Field
According to the United States Small Business Administration, small businesses represent 99.7 percent of all employers. There are an estimated 22 million small and midsize businesses (SMBs) in the U.S. today. Such companies are constantly challenged with the need to create a huge impact in a noisy marketplace with a limited budget.
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Being Competitive in a GM
The challenges of today's global marketplace are forcing companies to look at doing things differently in order to get that extra edge over their competition.
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Being Competitive in a Global Market
The challenges of today's global marketplace are forcing companies to look at doing things differently in order to get that extra edge over their competition.According to Makino, a global provider of advanced machining technology, companies doing things the same way they have been doing them for the last 10 to 15 years are probably in a recurring uniform trap, or RUT, while the global market is passing them by.
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The Key to Successfully Investing in Investment Real Estate in Latvia
An examination of the economic factors an investor needs to be aware of before entering the real estate marketplace in Latvia if he is to profit from his investment.
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The Ever Changing Workplace : Preperation for Your Career in this Rapidly Changing World
You can now longer leave your career to chance. The world is changing and has changed in a major way. It is not possible as in the past - the 50's or 60's to just walk into a job at the local mill or factory in your area. You must pay attention to trends in the global marketplace and prepeare - both training , education , personal traits such as flexibility and most important ongoing preperation for furhter changes and onslaughts to your career.
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Be Yourself
Heres the thing... you still have to make every marketing and sales message all about the WIIFM* for your target audience. But its how you do this the words you choose and your behavior that makes the connection with the marketplace all about you.
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Brand Identity Design: Standing Out in the Crowded Marketplace
Creating a brand that is timeless, distinctive and powerful can help your business or product stand out among your competitors.
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The Orchid-More Than Just An Exotic Flower
Next to the rose, orchids are the flowers most in demand in both the private and commercial marketplace. No plant family has as many different flowers as the orchid family. Orchids are known to grow in most every part of the world with the exception of Antarctica and the deserts.Most African orchids are white, while Asian orchids are generally multicolored. Some orchids grow only one flower on each stem, while others can have more than a hundred blooms on a single spike....
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Blogging makes Real Estate Brokerage a Whole New Ball Game
Blogging Technology has collided with the real-estate industry and it likely to overturn a marketplace known for lack of process and limited information. There are hundreds, maybe hundreds to thousands, of blogs addressing real estate and they reflect unfiltered lightings on their topics, describing marketplace chitchat, innuendo, information, belief, almost anything.
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Private Label Drinking Water: A Powerful Brand Builder
Creating a powerful brand is critical to the success of any firm in the marketplace and the creation process is only as effective as the expression of the brand message. Use of private label water is an attractive tool for brand success.
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Review Of Golf Training Aids- Can They Really Help Lower Your Scores?
Todays marketplace is flooded with training aids. You can find one for nearly every part of the game. And more and more are being introduced every day. While a training aid wont lower your golf handicap overnight or replace golf tips, it will help improve your golf game if you work with it faithfully.Below are five training aids golfers often ask about in my golf lessons. Designed to improve your swing or a phase of your swing, these products help correct faults, groove...
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What Is Personal Development?
What Is Personal Development?Personal development used to be a course taught at business and vocational schools around the United States.It was long since held that self-improvement was an essential aspect of succeeding in a more and more competitive marketplace that left little room for those who would not be able to pull their own weight usually because of self image problems.Personal growth was considered to be the antidote to the possibility of failure very ...
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How to Avoid Bad Credit and Repair
Staying in touch with your payments each month can help you avoid bad credit. By keeping yourself organized when your payments are due, you are on your way toward avoiding bad credit. If you do your research on the marketplace before coming to a purchasing decision, you are definitely well on your way to avoiding bad credit and repair credit hassles. You want to consider all applications, including credit cards, student loans, mortgages, and car loans carefully to avoid being overcharged.
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Avoiding Bad Credit and Repair
Staying in contact with your payments each month can help you avoid bad credit. If you research the marketplace before coming to a purchasing decision, you are well on your way to avoiding bad credit and repair credit hassles.
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Private Investment: Explore the Revolution
The creation of the Entrex private marketplace is an important milestone for two reasons. It gives accredited investors like yourself a place where they can invest thoughtfully in private companies. For the private companies themselves, it is nothing less than a new source of capital. But let's get back to you.
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eBay Auction
eBay the Worlds Online Marketplace is the place to go when you want to buy or sell anything on the Internet. eBay lets its members sell items on the Internet via Auctions, which entails bidding, and through the Fixed Price Format, which means that there is a set price for items on sale. eBay Auction is the more popular selling method between the two.Selling on eBayWhen selling on eBay, whether it is through eBay auction or the fixed price format, a person has to ...
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The Stress of Car Boot Sales!
So you're thinking of going to a local garage or car boot sale. Well, here are some interesting facts about the stress you may encounter along the way. Especially if you're going to sell.
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Specialized Needs for a Successful Ecommerce Solution
This article gives some insight to the growing virtual marketplace and the special needs required that make an ecommerce web site function smoothly.
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Sell Like an eBay Powerseller
There are now over 65 million registered users on eBay buying, selling and browsing all kinds of products around the clock. This large marketplace has created a large number of eBay Powersellers that make a fulltime income selling to this community. Learn how these eBay Powersellers find and sell products for excellent profit.
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Online Shopping Boom Getting Bigger
It is extremely easy to find and buy anything and everything online. The diversity of the online shopping marketplace is amazing because of its global aspect. You have endless possibilities. For the convenience of online shoppers, the number of discounts in internet stores have also been growing continuously.
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Online auction sites are the largest online marketplace
Selling success is about being in the right place, at the right time, with the right product.
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How To Post Your First Ebay Auction in Five Simple Steps.
Posting your first item on Ebay is easier than what most people think. This article shows you how you can easily post your first auction on Ebay in 5 simple steps. Follow those steps and you will be well on your way to selling your first item on the internet biggest marketplace. Read this article now and learn the basics of selling on Ebay. Learn what you need to know to sell your first item on Ebay.
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How To Cash In on Weird Auctions on eBay
Until recently, online auction sites such as eBay have been the usual marketplace for bargain hunters and thrift shoppers looking for cheap used or surplus products. But a new breed of sellers are now coming up with very unusual auctions on eBay.
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Ecommerce Stores
The Internet opens up so many opportunities for a company to exist and to expand their operations worldwide. It opens up a global marketplace in which people from all over the world can buy and sell goods and services from the comforts of their own homes. The Internet opens up so much opportunity that more and more conventional stores are becoming e-tailors. Everyday more and more ecommerce stores are appearing on the Internet in all countries. If everyone is doing it, then w...
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Ebay: The First 10 Years.
Yes, you read that correctly: ten years. eBay was created in September 1995, by a man called Pierre Omidyar, who was living in San Jose. He wanted his site then called AuctionWeb to be an online marketplace, and wrote the first code for it in one weekend. It was one of the first websites of its kind in the world. The name eBay comes from the domain Omidyar used for his site. His companys name was Echo Bay, and the eBay AuctionWeb was o...
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eBay Auctions: Some of the Oddest Items ever Auctioned
eBay has become the hotspot for people to sell strange items. Over the past few years, where eBay has grown from a virtually unknown web site to the leading online auction marketplace in the world, some very odd items and services have been offered up for auction on the site. Strangely enough, many of these strange items have sold for thousands even tens of thousands dollars. A few of these items have sold for six or seven figures as well. eBay does have a policy that it takes down any auctions
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10 Ways To Avoid Being Ripped Off On eBay.
It is important to remember that eBay is a lot like a marketplace. There will always be a dodgy guy in the corner, selling things that most people wouldnt touch. The trouble is that, on the Internet, these people can be a little harder to spot. Here are ten tips to help you keep an eye out for the rip-off merchants
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Viral Buzz Blogs Launches Toothbrush Entrepreneur
Austin entrepreneur, Richard Trocino had a great product idea. And, like thousands of other innovative inventors with a new product concept, bringing that idea into a marketplace dominated by long established brands with deep links and dominance in the retail outlets is challenging. In these days of mega corporations and Walmarts, VCs and small business defined by the government in the land of opportunity, one entrepreneur with a grand idea or product may be considered by any...
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Three Easy Lessons to Take Your Online Marketing to the Next Level
I just spent the last week in two very different, but parallel universes. After helping researchers in a federal government agency work on getting their science understood and used in the marketplace, I tapped the wisdom of a conference full of online marketing gurus.
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The Internet offers a tremendous marketplace
Many people think that the Internet offers a tremendous marketplace, while others will question the extra effort and money to purchase and design a website. Some of the money-making values of having a website are summarized in the following paragraphs for your consideration.
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Sports Betting Affiliate Programs: How They Work
The world of sports betting has exploded since the introduction of the Internet. Due to the huge popularity and its widespread availability the Internet has lured the giants of the gambling world to lock horns on the World Wide Web as well as on the high streets. As well as the established names of the gambling world new online off shore businesses have been spreading everywhere. As a result the Internet has become a hugely lucrative and competitive marketplace for literally ...
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Internet Home Business Making The Internet Work For You
Have you ever considered an internet home business? Would you like to make money and work at home at the same time? Lets face it who wouldnt. The internet can reach across the globe. It is one of the single most important inventions of our time. You can purchase goods, talk or read emails with the click of a button. The internet has also opened up a new marketplace, one which is available and easily accessible by the general public. Its called the make money online industr...
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Ebay Auction Buyers Tips And Tricks.
eBay isnt just an auction and a marketplace: often it can feel quite a lot like a game. Like any game, you can get ahead if you think strategically, using your head to outwit the other buyers and get the best price. Here are a few things you can try.Shop in the Summer.This is simple, but effective. Summer is the quiet season on eBay almost everything sells for less. While everyone else is out enjoying the sun, invest a little time to find some real bargains.Bea...
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Choosing One Internet Opportunity - The 4 Essential Criteria
Everyone dreams of the perfect business, one where you just sit back and collect cheques for doing nothing. Some unscrupulous Internet businesses would have you believe that this is possible. It is not possible, and it never was.The Internet marketplace is becoming more crowded every day. There are soon going to be more Internet marketing companies than there are punters. Most Internet marketing consists of selling Internet marketing opportunities. The punter has seen it ...
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What's Wrong With The Big New York Publishers?
The traditional marketplace for book sales is shrinking. The six largest publishers are shipping more books and selling less than ever before, even though the distribution chain is saturated with copies that will eventually be returned. The basic laws of supply and demand are being ignored and no one is trying to do anything about it. What's wrong with this picture?Reports show that book sales are falling and have been for almost 15 years. In response, the six largest pub...
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It's A Great Time To Be An Independent Writer
The world of publishing is about to change. It's an exciting time to be an Independent author. This long ignored group is beginning to organize and establish an entirely new marketplace for selling books. A community introducing voices never heard and stories never told to the world.What they need is an on-line destination created for Independently published writers to promote and sell their books.It is difficult to be an Independent author. The term "self published" ...
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Create Your Own Market For Independent Books
There's an estimated 3 million Independent authors worldwide. If these writers join forces the potential impact is staggering.As of right now, the print-on-demand companies estimate that over 90% of their authors sell less than 30 books per year. The question is: how do you expand the position and exposure in the bookselling market and offer Independent authors an opportunity to sell more books?The traditional brick and mortar marketplace has an established base of ap...