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Meditation technique of perception
Learn a unique technique of meditation. How contemplating on your own life can take you into a meditative state.
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Meditation yoga center
we are doing yoga bringing our health in good manner
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How To Meditate With A Mantra
These days whenever a politician repeats a promise over and over again commentators say that this promise has become a mantra for that politician. For the journalists, the word mantra means a meaningless phrase that is repeated endlessly. For yogis however, a mantra is a word or collection of words, which has the power of liberating a human being from all limitations.How can the repetition of a word or a few words have the capacity to bring about such miraculous resul...
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Spiritual and Mental Benefits of Martial Arts
The article talks about the spiritual and mental benefits of martial arts. These have often been overlooked because of the combat and fighting skills it brings.Meditating done during training may bring relaxation and may help in the treatment of stress.
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Shaolin Philosophy Takes Its Guiding Principle Of Enlightenment Through Meditation.
Shaolin kung fu is not just about defending yourself against an attacker or inflicting bodily harm. Shaolin martial arts also stress discipline, respect for yourself and others, patience, and being humble even in victory. The mental training of Shaolin martial arts helps prepare the student for any events that may come. Being physically prepared for an altercation is good, but if you are not mentally prepared you will not be focused enough to use the tools that your body has....
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The Bliss of Martial Arts
Summary: Martial arts has the benefit of exercising both your mind and body and you get a complete workout that aerobics or weight lifting just cant match. An individual's total well being, both psychological and physical, can be improved simultaneously through martial arts. Its psychological benefits include increased self-esteem and self-confidence as well as decreased tension, stress, anxiety and depression.
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Mudras For Good Health
We present some brilliant, very effective and simple mudras, which you can practice anytime and anywhere: GYAN MUDRA This is one of the most important mudras. It is widely used in all yogic meditation practices. Join the tip of forefinger to the tip of the thumb. Hold together gently for at least 15-30 minutes. Advantages Increases intelligence and wisdom Purifies the mind of the practitioner Cures many mental problems Makes one joyful Cures ...
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The Power of the Chi: Life, Nourishment, and Better Sex Life
In Eastern beliefs, the chi is responsible for self-healing, self-recovery, and self realization. The chi, can be developed by breathing, chi meditation, and visualization. Understanding the power of the chi and how to develop it can lead to better health and improved lives.
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Meditation in Motion: Tai Chi and Stress Management
The article is about Tai Chi, an ancient Chinese internal martial arts that is fast gaining acceptance as a technique for anxiety and stress management. The article also provides information about the symptoms and number of people afflicted with anxiety and stress disorders.
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Benefits of Yoga
Yoga through meditation works remarkably to accomplish harmony and helps the mind work in synchronization with the body. How often do we find that we are unable to perform our activities properly and in a satisfying manner because of the confusions and conflicts in our mind weigh down heavily upon us?
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9 Steps To Cleaner And Healthier Skin
According to Bestskinpeel, for cleaner, healthier and easier to manage skin just follow this list of nine items:1) Lower your stress level through prayer and meditation. Stress creates hormones that actually age us as they destroy cells and create toxic biproducts and free radicals. Studies have shown that prayer and meditation can reduce our stress levels. Prayer and meditation have been proven to even alleviate some of the symptoms of cancer and other life threatening d...
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5 Ways to Soothe Mind, Body and Spirit
Sometimes good comes from being blinded by the lightSelf improvement (or self help) tools come in many shapes and sizes; sometimes its physical in nature (a self help book, having a massage, painting with water colors), or spiritual in nature (flower essences, Reiki, meditation which is both physical and spiritual, etc).
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Recovery From Addictions: Part 1
This is the first of a 5-part series on recovery from addictions. This first part defines substance and process addictions and describes the four major false beliefs that underlie most addictions.
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Grow Through It
Reflecting on your interactions in relationships with other people allows you to observe and adjust your views, beliefs, perceptions. Often, past experiences limit our future experiences by tainting our judgements of others. Wouldn't it be better to discover who others are from a place of wonder and amusement? Shutting them out with that first judgement is like saying a banana split is lousy because it looks so messy!
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Are you ready for LOVE?
Want More Love and Joy? Has your current relationship lost its sizzle? What prevents you from being in love? Sexual Desires respond to outside forces such as stress and emotional experiences. Your sexual desires often change. Discover five tips to re-sexualize your self and improve your sex life. Learn how resistance prevents you from having the love you desire. As you begin to feel better about yourself, people will begin to notice you differently.
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Techniques For Overcoming Panic Attacks By Communicating With The Unconscious Mind
Monsters from the Id, John.Dr. C.X. Ostrow clutched the arm of Commander John J. Adams in the 1955 science fiction movie “Forbidden Planet” and stared at him feverishly.Morbius was too close to the problem. He didn't see that when the Krell machine gave the Conscious Mind a boost, it also boosted the Id that lies in the Unconscious. It is where the mass of formless, bestial impulses develop...Anyone who saw “Forbidden Planet” would never forget it as the first...
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Zen Steps For Calming Down Easily
Its easy to calm down quickly. No matter what is happening around us, we never have to become trapped in stress or anxiety. Its important to learn how to calm down quickly this as negative emotions can easily become addictive. The longer we hold onto them, the harder it can be to let go. Zen offers many pathways to becoming free of negativity. This article is based upon Zen principles and value-centered counseling. It offers enjoyable and effective steps to calming down, fe...
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Your Subconscious Mind The Key To Your Successful Life.
The Subconscious mind is the most powerful tool a man or a woman could use. It functions like a huge secret memory and does not formulate any arguments. It is completely objective and it cant express any point of view. The neutrality of subconscious mind is the core of every action and reaction our thoughts activate.The saying is old but also trueif you think you cant do it or you think you can, you are right. Unfortunately all of us have been programmed in our early ...
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Your Business Plan: 9 Places To Look For A Great Opening Line
There it is. That blank screen with the little blinking line. And everything sounds so mundane.Jakes Bakery will serve the best cakes in the county. (Yawn.)I researched the industry and found that it is fail-proof. (Yawn.)We came together to form a really good business. (Yawn.)Its kind of like, Hey, whats your sign? Everybody knows why everybody is here, but cant I come up with a better opening line?Even the most prolific writers get blank screen-itis. T...
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Work/Life Balance: Making Every Day Sacred
So many of us rush blindly through our days, fall into bed exhausted, and wake up the next morning to do it all over again. For many of us, our lives are composed of millions of meaningless moments, all strung together - perhaps with a sprinkling of sacred moments mixed in. I'm sure you can think of a few sacred moments in your own life. Maybe your marriage, the birth of your child(ren), or perhaps a heartfelt moment of connection with a good friend. These are the moments whe...
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Who Did You Dream About Last Night?
Your dream characters are great sources for insights about you and your life and it can be lots of fun meeting and getting to know them. By the end of this article, you will have a better idea of why we dream about particular people, even those we never give any thought to, such as your Aunt Betty, or that seldom seen neighbor down the street.Dream characters in general, are like actors in a play, each one portraying a different part of yourself. They are performing roles...
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Who Am I?
Who am I? We don't ask the question often. There is a meditation that asks us to look at this, to recognize what we are not, and to suffer less.
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What do you need to do to be successful?
Would you buy from Your Site?
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What Can You Say Yes! To?
I recently made a commitment to a 21-day community phone-based meditation. I was a little concerned about making this commitment as the call was at 7am - a bit early for me. But I was excited about the meditation Id experienced and was looking forward to joining the meditation community that was being created.So I jumped right in and began my 6:30am wake up time and 7am meditation. What I quickly remembered was that this was one of the things that I *hated* about working...
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What Are All The Benefits Of Quitting Smoking?
Difficult as it may seem to quit smoking, once you have succeeded, it is all the more rewarding. The first quit smoking benefits are related to your health. Your body is the first to profit from freedom of nicotine. Second, yet equally important, come the quit smoking benefits for your mind, and last, but not least, the quit smoking benefits on your life as a whole.Do not fear the withdrawal cravings and symptoms. They are normal, given the fact that you are a nicotine ad...
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Tuning Out The Radio Voice
It would be impossible to list all of the things people have considered crucial to success in life. Honesty, energy, bonding, modeling, control of fear
all are important. For my whole life, Ive searched for the answers in this arena, and treasured the gems that have been revealed.In July of 2005, I went back to Longview, Washington, where Id lived for nine years, raising my daughter. When we left, we packed much of our house into two storage units, planning to return on...
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Tuning Out For Success
It would be impossible to list all of the things people have considered crucial to success in life. Honesty, energy, bonding, modeling, control of fear
all are important. For my whole life, Ive searched for the answers in this arena, and treasured the gems that have been revealed. In July of 2005, I went back to Longview, Washington, where Id lived for nine years, raising my daughter. When we left, we packed much of our house into two storage units, planning to return o...
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Transform Your Life
What's the best way to make a difference in the quality of your life. The answer lies not with one-time actions, which offer temporary results, but with embracing the concept of long-term pattern. Any discipline (playing a sport, learning a new language, utilizing a meditation) becomes a tool for growth when it's performed daily. Starting out, hitting plateaus, sticking with it and pushing send on--these steps all lead toward personal transformation.Nobody understands the...
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Three Ways To Boost Your Self Esteem
Feeling good about yourself is one of the key ways to be successful at what you do. Remember that only you are in charge of your emotions and empowering yourself is a great way to get ahead in life.This article lists three ways to boost your self esteem which can help you feel better about yourself and become a more confident person.Get your mind relaxedA relaxed mind is the source of great power. Like the tai-chi masters of old, a calm mind can bring about great ...
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The Spiritual Power Of Quiting
When youre faced with an insoluble problem do you ever think of quitting? Im not talking about Thats it! I quit, as a general approach to life. Im talking about something more profound.If youre like me, you were raised never to quit. You were trained to push on, regardless of the odds, and finish everything you started. If you couldnt fix a situation, youd live with it, no matter how it hurt.I was raised in a family with favorites and no...
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The River Grasses
Have you ever sat by a river and watched the mesmerizingly graceful movement of the river grasses, which surrender themselves completely to the flow of the river?At their base they are firmly attached to a rock on the riverbed. If they were not securely attached in this way, they would be carried away by the current and would perish.The upper part of these grasses has absolutely no resistance and is thus free to flow in an infinite variety of movements caused by ...
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The Power Of Your Thoughts
We live in a material world where increasingly people are finding that joy, peace and happiness are not automatically guaranteed when one attains a high standard of living. In fact in many instances the complete opposite occurs. Where do we turn then for this inner peace. I suggest it lies within our mind, what we believe in, our core values, the purpose of our lives.The mind is a powerful thing and is worthy of much investigation.
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The Power Of Meditation
Purpose for meditation:What is the goal of meditation? The goal of meditation is not to end or remove the stimulation. It is more a training of the mind to direct focus and concentration to one element. This single element may be a single sound, a single word or thought, a single image or even the person's own breathing. Calmness and peace are brought into the mind's focus, and thereby replace feelings of worry, stress and depression. Negative thoughts can be replaced wit...
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The Mystery of Enlightenment
What can you do to attain enlightenment?
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The Impossible Dream
How one man fulfilled his dream
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The Healing Presence Of God's Love
God's love as a healing presence in the world is growing stronger daily. Many people are not yet able to perceive this growing presence of light, because there also exists at this time a thick cloud of negative energy that is surrounding the Earth. This acts to obscure both the perception and the consciousness of people, and to create feelings of isolation and despair.These feelings are not the spiritual reality of this time; they are produced by the presence of much nega...
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The Blessing Of The Present Moment
At each moment in our daily lives, we have an unprecedented opportunity. Generations before us did not have this blessing of spiritual awareness that is available today. Humanity as a whole is awakening, and we are actively participating in this process even if we are not consciously aware of it.One of the simplest and most profound of spiritual teachings asks us to be in the present moment. This is an ancient teaching, and today has even greater meaning. With the advent ...
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The Best Way To Handle Post Traumatic Stress: How To Handle Sudden Shock And Loss
What Causes Post Traumatic Syndrome OnWe all feel that the world is stable and secure, that sudden change and loss will not happen, at least not to those or us we know. When the world as we know it suddenly changes and the impossible happens, not only can we experience shock and trauma, but our normal anchors can disappear. Confusion arises, numbness and sometimes a sense of helplessness.We may fear for our continuing safety and the safety of those we love, and not kn...
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Ten Ways To Find Your Purpose And Meaning In Retirement
As you may know, people react differently to retirement. For some folks, it is the best time of their lives, a time for adventure, fun and excitement. A time when they can kick up their heels, relax, and enjoy the free time on their hands. For others, retirement is a period of boredom and insecurity. This is because they arent used to the flexible schedule and miss meeting and socializing with others in work related activities. They also miss the predictability of their days...
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Stress In The Work Place: Active Tips To Avoid Burnout
Stress in the workplace is a growing problem. Time and time again, hard-working employees hit the wall and lose all ability to perform. These employees show few outward signals prior to collapsing, as they want to impress and succeed. Any sign of weakness can be misinterpreted, and thus, they keep it to themselves.According to the Health and Safety Executive one in six employees finds their work situation to be very or highly stressful. This means, in larger companies, th...
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Stress And Anxiety
Stress and anxiety aren't just unpleasant. They are killers. Fortunately there are things you can do to reduce them.
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Speak Your Dreams Into Existence
The power of your words is one of the most powerful forces you can use to create what your heart desires.I discovered the power of Speaking my Dreams into Existence in a playful manner.At the tender age of forty I took my first art lesson and loved it.I immediately began to say, I am an artist...with a sense of playfulness.I knew I wasn'tt really an accomplished artist yet but it gave me so much pleasure to say it and it sounded so good.Amazingly, w...
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Self Improvement Can Start With A Daily Calendar
Making the decision to improve yourself is like opening a savings account that will appreciate for the rest of your life. Have you ever imagined what you might do when you grow old? The talents and hobbies you develop now will be there for you forever and will shape the life you have in your retirement. Growing old can be the best part of your entire life if you have a lot of talents and experiences that you can fall back on that will make you a more interesting and active...
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Self Identity: Who Are You?
We have a sense of who we are, and we tie that to the things around us. This causes us pain. Learn to recognize what you are not, and to suffer less.
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Sandwiched Boomers: How To Nourish The Sandwich That Is You
The Sandwich Generation is a term that has now made it into the dictionary. It fits an increasing number of Boomer women whose reality includes being squeezed between the demands of growing children and the needs of aging parents.A study by AARP and the National Alliance for Care-giving identified over 44 million Americans who are caring for ill adult family members, 60% of them women. According to the National Center on Health Statistics, about 80% of women in their 40...
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Religion Induced Anxiety
Is Religion Induced Anxiety Good For You?The fact is that no anxiety, whether religion induced or not, is good for you.Anxiety has some serious long term side effects that should be taken into consideration, and a healthy, stress free lifestyle should be priority #1.The state of the world after 9/11 has left us fearful, depressed, and stressed. An event that shocked the world, and brought many people closer together, and unfortunately, tore others apart.T...
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Relaxation Techniques
When looking for relaxation techniques you will find there are many forms. Here are a selection of four techniques you can choose from and use when practicing relaxation.For a deeper state of relaxation you might want to use a combination of these relaxation techniques.
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Refining The Golden Hour
In one of the classic personal finance books, The Richest Man In Babylon, we are told that the way to wealth is to pay yourself first. That a portion of all you earn is yours to keep. Great words, and just as applicable to your life itself. In other words, out of every sixteen-hours of wakefulness in a day, one hour should be yours, and yours alone. Not your job, not your husband or wife, not your kids or your parents. One hour. Sixty minutes. Thirty-six hundred seco...
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Ready to Break Free of Your Entrepreneurial Rut?
Falling into a rut is a natural part of life and business, but do you know what do when times like these occur? The solution might be easier to find than you think.
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Quitting Smoking Hijacked by the Nucleus Accumbens
The what? If you think quitting smoking is difficult, think of it as a chemical reaction to certain stimuli, that's all. There's some odd sounding brain parts that party up big when you smoke. Here's what happens and here's how to have your own party on your own terms.
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Transformational Counseling is about assisting others to transform their life. Transformational Counseling is a process of assisting others to learn how to let go of the past and live fully in the present. To live fully in the present is to become awaken to what is truly real and to our own natural power. Much of our life is spent living in the past, and in the process, attempting to fix it, to make it something that it is or was not. It is from living in the past that we also attempt to cr...
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Non Aggressive Marketing Techniques
Do you cringe at the thought of trying to promote your business ? Does it feel like selling yourself or egotism? Many individuals are not comfortable with marketing dimension of running a business.This leads to an inner frustation for many and inner conflicts. Whether this is due to ones passion for ones true interests, a dislike of networking or another root, there may be a way around blatant self-promotion.When someone receives something of value for free, trust...
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New Years Resolutions - Some New Ideas
Want some new ideas for new years resolutions? Here are a few suggestions and a lesson on how to have new ideas.
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My Left Brain Wrote This Article
You may have heard that your left brain, or rather the left hemisphere of your brain, is different from your right brain. What are the differences, and how do you use both more effectively?
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My Fear of Heights and a Hot Air Balloon
Ive been terrified of heights for as long as I can remember and still I insist on white knuckle experiences. On occasion Ive thought itd be a great idea for my family and me to ride in glass elevators, take rides on Ferris wheels (large or small), check out revolving restaurants atop towers not only is this alone terrifying, vertigo also gets thrown in for good measure. Then there was my absolute fear of flying which thankfully has been dealt with successfully.
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Music To Meditate By
Some people prefer to meditate silently without any music but there are others who prefer to meditate with music. Different people like different music to meditate by. Some like to have music playing in the background while they meditate while others like the form of meditation that involves making music to meditate by. Meditation is a simple and easy art and even children can easily practice it. With music to meditate by meditation can be made even more interesting for c...
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Music For Self Improvement
Music is enjoyable, but can it significantly improve your life? Yes, according to the research that has been done so far.
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Music And The Brain
Recent research on music and the brain shows that you can increase your brainpower with music. That is, if you listen to the right type.
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Meditation Techniques That Anybody Can Use
Sometimes those of us regular people get intimidated about the idea of learning meditation techniques even if they will do us a lot of good. For a lot of us, when we think of meditation techniques, we get an image of a white haired guru sitting on top of a mountain, not of an ordinary run of the mill person like you and I.But we know that meditation techniques can do even everyday people like us some good. That is because people that you know who use meditation techni...
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Meditation Tapes, CDs And MP3s
One of the easiest ways of starting to meditate is to buy a pre-recorded meditation tape. Normally, these will have a couple of meditation tracks that are either designed to help you to meditate in general or, maybe, to provide a guided meditation for a specific purpose.The specific guided meditation topic could be almost anything. Often it is to do with healing your body. The relaxed state that you will achieve when you meditate will help your body to heal itself. Add in...
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Meditation For Memory
Meditation helps the body relax. Through concentration and breathing, stress can be released and this allows a person to be more receptive and open. Meditation can be beneficial to memory too. If a person is relaxed their memory will improve.If there have been times when you forgot something like a birthday, you will recall the guilt that followed. Most likely you were already in stress. This guilt in turn feed the cycle of forgetfulness by turning into anxiety which made...
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Lucid Dreaming 101
Learn to awaken in your dreams and take full control. Live out your fantasies, meet the rich & famous or be analyzed by Freud! Lucid dreaming appears as real as the world you are in right now. What will you do tonight?
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Love your coworkers
Love your coworkers and bring a positive change in your life.
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Letting Go Makes It Easier
Letting go of your preconceived notions, self-limiting beliefs, and over-analyzing nature can lead to great freedom in your life both spiritually and otherwise. The act of letting go is far easier than most people believe it to be. This is in part due to the fact that most people tend to think rather than act upon this concept. Being intellectually aware and knowledgeable about letting go is not the same as actually doing said task. This was something I myself even after 16+ ...
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Learn How To Meditate From Animals
One way to learn how to meditate is to watch animals. You can start with your own dog or cat.
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Learning To Meditate
Learning to meditate can help you reduce stress and rejuvenate your soul. Science has proven that reducing the ill effects of stress can increase the quality of your life. It can also help prevent heart attacks and even cancer.In reality, meditation is simply learning techniques that help you to relax. Unfortunately, many people associate meditation with religious beliefs. Although some religions do use meditation, the use of these techniques may be implemented without an...
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Karma versus Meditation
Is there any relationship between karma and meditation? Can the meditation pay the karma's debts?
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Intelligence Quotient - Increase Yours Today
You not only can increase your intelligence quotient today, but you can do it in the next ten minutes. Try these simple techniques.
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Increasing Inner Peace By Reducing Your Stress
Peace-making is a healing process and it begins with me, but it does not end there. - Gene Knudsen HoffmanThere is a great need for peace in the world today. Most people would recognize that on a global level as all over the world, wars are raging and every day more people are becoming caught up in the violent turn of events, but how about on a local or individual level? Do you need more peace in your life? I think many people would answer yes to that question. As the quo...
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Improve Your Memory With These Simple Tips
Are you finding it hard to remember everything you need to do or know? Do you forget easily? Wish you could improve your memory? Here are lots of simple tips that will help you remember better.
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Hypnosis - Levels of Consciousness
What are the different levels of Consciousness in Hypnosis? To learn Hypnosis one need to understand the nuances associated with it. The most important aspect of Hypnosis is the Levels of Consciousness. Explore it in this article.
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How To Use A Meditation Mp3
Using a Meditation mp3 is a popular way to relax. Removing stress from our lives is vital, if we want to be healthy and happy. Unfortunately, no matter how hard we try, stress is inevitable. Learning to relax and relieve stress is the key. The reality is that most of us do not have access to the tools needed to learn relaxation techniques. Fortunately, these files can teach you the skills that will help you unwind and release stress. How It WorksMeditation mp3 files w...
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How To Teach Your Children To Beat Stress
We are sending our children into a future filled with stress and conflict. Parents and teachers have the responsibility to model behaviors and teach skills that will enable our children to be productive, accepting, healthy, and above all, resilient. 1. Self-understanding and acceptance Self-esteem is a realistic estimate of your own capabilities and worth. People with high self-esteem are productive, responsive, imaginative, and attentive to the needs of others. Encou...
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How To Relax Fast
Learn how to relax fast, and give yourself a break. Ten easy techniques you can use today.
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How To Reduce Stress And Ease Worries In Just 3 Minutes
Stress is everywhere, we know its unhealthy, and we know the conditions it can lead to. Many of us feel we really should do something about it, but the trouble with stress is when were in its grip its difficult to do much about anything.Meditation, relaxation and visualisation are the standard recommendations for reducing stress, and they are all beneficial and useful to us in many ways, however, they are not so easy to put into use when stress strikes with its...
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How To Improve Your Life With Easy Meditation Techniques
Nowadays, the easy meditation techniques can be considered almost essential, if wanting to relax and to detach from stress. We all tend to get caught up in tensioned environments, be it the case of professional or personal ones and forget how to spend quality time and how to basically rediscover ourselves and enjoy our lives. This happens simply because the world is evolving around dynamism and we all want to keep up with our times. But sadly, all this can cause a lot of ...
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How To Handle Stress?
A friend popped this question to me- I'm tired of being sensitive and freaking out now and again with stress. I'd like to be able to work and sleep and do the other things i need to do with steady progress. It gets all messed up when Im not steady. i get upset easily... then i lose my focus and balance... can't concentrate though i try to get back to my focus... i lose my sleeping routine and schedule. i hate it. The question is not clear but I am sure you get the meaning. ...
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How To Get The Most Out Of Brainwave Meditation
Training yourself to make brainwave meditation work for you takes a bit of patience. But the rewards can be tremendous and well worth the effort. That is because of all the various meditation techniques, brainwave meditation combines traditional meditation disciplines with the science of monitoring and controlling the flow of your brainwaves for the good of your health and well-being. That is one of the reasons that brainwave meditation adds another layer of value to t...
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How To Find Inner Peace
Amazingly, you have just come across the information that you need to find your own inner peace. Just look at the page in front of you. Its you who is staring out at this page and its you that is the Source of your own inner peace. You just havent learned how to see yourself yet and you need a little guidance. Once you are able to focus in on who you really are, you will reach inner peace. You will know it because nothing will disturb you anymore and any feelings of dis-ea...
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How to Concentrate in 4 Magic Steps
Learn how to stay focused through the turmoil of life by following a few tips that teach you how to concentrate on your goal.
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How Intuition And Inner Wisdom Can Strengthen You During Difficult Times
All of us were created with an innate inner wisdom which guides our lives, serves as an inner truth meter and helps us to make important decisions at critical turning points in our lives. Some call this natural gift intuition, spiritual guidance or gut feelings.Each of us connects to intuition in our own unique ways. Those with artistic or musical gifts may call upon their muse to inspire them with creative ideas. Those whose work involves great physical or mental end...
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How do you move from a rut to a groove?
Where are you at the moment? Are you in a Rut?Do you want to get out of it?
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How Can I Learn To Meditate?
It's a bit like riding a bike, once you've learned how to meditate then it's a process you'll have access to the whole of your life.But where can you learn to meditate?There are meditation tutorials on the internet, so they are often a good place to start. So long as they're not complicated with lots of jargon. Most are good and take the time out to explain any terms they are using so that beginners can understand them.When you are starting out, it's important to ...
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Healing the Hidden Self by Examining the Mind
Deep in the cavities of the mind is your subliminal channel that circles the subconscious, conscious and unconscious mind. In this region of the brain is the area where the psyche resides and holds hidden messages that when explored one can discover answers.Using learning techniques you can extract from this area of the mind and have it assist you with discovering messages from your past that you can use to put the pieces of the puzzle together that will make you a whole person....
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Guided Meditation Online - Can We Trust The Internet?
The Internet is, without any doubt, the greatest invention of the millennium. No one can deny the power of this technological medium to bring people together, to create bonds, to stimulate minds, to increase our informational backgrounds, or to teach us different things, such as the guided meditation online. Yes, indeed
This is possible, even though it seems hard to believe. Internet thus proves to be not only a direct source of entertainment but, most importantly a means of...
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Get Rid Of Anger
You tend to have sudden outbursts, be violent, over- react over petty things and generally be angry most of the time. You may not be aware but you might actually have anger management issues.We act and communicate our anger differently. This emotion is usually triggered by something that does not confine with what we think is right and pleasing. It is something unpredictable. When something in our environment irritates us, the mind tells the body to react in a certain way...
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Gain Confidence and Boost Self Esteem in 5 Simple Steps
We all want to become more confident and feel good about ourselves so we can live our very best life. Here are some ways to gain confidence and raise self-esteem:
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Four Facets Of Work/Life Balance
I recently came through a week of very hard work, chaotic energy and long hours. As I reviewed my goals and progress for the week, I realized that I couldn't remember much of anything that happened during that week. It was all a muddled blur in my mind, one day blending into the next. I do believe that hard work is good for us. However, if we don't also include periods of rest, quiet contemplation and recreation, what are we working so hard for? We must also make time to enjo...
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Find An Offline Passion To Help Your Online Business Prosper
Have you ever had the feeling that you are just in the middle of nowhere with your online business?That you are on your own out in the cyber desert?Totally separated from the outside world?Should I use the term alienated from the outside world?Did these weird feelings put their negative marks on the your daily performance of your online marketing efforts?If the answer to these questions are YES, than I have good news for you:YOU'RE NOT ALONE!I don...
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Finding Stress Relievers To Improve Your Life
Long term and consistent stress can bring even the strongest person to their knees. While a small amount of stress can help motivate us in our daily schedule, large doses of stress can greatly impact our physical and emotional health. In order to reduce the effects of stress brought on by the pressures of daily life, its essential to find appropriate stress relievers to bring balance to your mind and body.Stress takes many forms in our life work, home, family, relation...
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Finding Inner Peace
Its becoming one of the biggest trends of the 21st century to seek out Enlightenment and inner peace. People are buying up books everywhere and running from teacher to teacher to try and find the inner peace they so desperately crave. Who really has inner peace and how did they find it? We all can get to feeling a bit lost when it comes to uncovering the Truth.One surefire method for determining if you are on the right path is to simply ask yourself Am I more at peace t...
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Finding Daily Inspiration In Difficult Times
Daily inspiration helps us to stay focused on God's love, no matter what else is going on in our daily lives. In today's world there is such a high level of challenge and rapid change happening for most of us, that it has become even more important to find a way to stay connected with our hearts, and with our inner connection with spirit.There are many ways we can tap into our inner connection with God and spirit; however it is not always simple to do so. The demands of d...
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Feel Fear In The Sky
As human beings, it is normal for us to feel fear. Some are afraid of spiders, snakes or the dark, while others fear heights, being confined in small space or even flying. Just like any other fear, the fear of flying can be caused by an irrational belief that the person will die from a plane crash. Even when statistics showed that a person is at greater risk of dying from a car accident than a plane crash. You simply can not rationalize a persons fear of flying.People wh...
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Exercise Your Way to Stress Reduction
It is easy to let stress take over your life. From career to family to health to money to any and everything in between, most people feel like there simply isnt enough time in a day to get everything done
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Dreams I Can't Remember
When people find out I run a dream website, I often hear: That sounds really interesting! Id love to learn more about my dreams
but I never remember them.In American culture, this is an all too common statement. As children, were generally not programmed to pay attention to our own inner voice and this includes our nightly dreams. Most folks have only passing interest in their dreams, and may remember a mere handful of them in a whole lifetime.For those of us who ...
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Do you really like yourself?
What happens when you fall in love with yourself?
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Do You Need Anger Management?
Do you need anger management? Simple steps to a calmer less stressful life This article will help you control your anger and improve your self esteem; your family and friends will thanks you for it. Whether you have problems controlling anger or know someone close to you that does then this article is sure to be of interest to you.
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Don't Let Stress Cause Depression
Traumatic events that make our lives stressful such as the death of a loved one, a failed relationship or maybe the loss of a job can lead to depression. In rare cases, even positive stress can lead to the development of clinical depression such as a move, getting married or even a new job.There are times when we all must struggle with very painful situations in our lives. The level of stress that might cause depression really does vary for each individual. Some people ca...
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Does Sedona Method Really Work?
The Sedona method claims it is a really simple way to help you to improve your life. But does the Sedona method really work?Well, as with everything else in life, the answer is yes and no. If you let the Sedona method work for you, the answer is a resounding Yes. If you fight against it and refuse to do the very simple exercises involved, then the answer won't be as positive.But then, what would be the point in going as far as purchasing the Sedona method and then f...
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Discover your passion
The bottom line is; passion is motivating. Passion energises and transforms you.