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Net-Teams - Bookmark Tag psychological

There are 42 articles associated with the tag psychological!

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1. Bookmarks: 5 The Pleasure Of Transforming Your Hobby Into Your Profession If a hobby is a spare-time recreational pursuit, could you count the number of hobbies you have practiced over the past or you are still pursuing now and then that have given you some kind of return apart from the psychological one? In case you can identify even one, then you probably already know all there is to know about the pleasure of having a hobby as a profession. But if your hobby list is empty, or you are unsure if one of the things you are doing or have done during ...
2. Bookmarks: 0 What Can Herpes Support Groups Do For You? The purpose of herpes support groups is to help you deal with the psychological aspect of herpes and provide information about treatments and research. People often write to me for support. They either feel ashamed, helpless, and dirty or just want the pain to go away. I do everything I can in my book Herpes Wise and on my website to tell people how to alleviate the physical pain, but I’m fully aware that I cannot provide psychological pain relief to all of my readers. That’s...
3. Bookmarks: 0 High anxiety in real life Fear and anxiety are common symptoms of emotional and psychological distress. It affects ordinary people but some individuals are more predisposed to severe anxiety and fear. The article discusses the ways to manage fear and anxiety, including the use of medications.
4. Bookmarks: 0 Fear Of Flying… Still Haunting? When a situation demands air travel in a more frequent way, fear of flying is certainly a worthy topic to be discussed. Should it be treated as an extremely intricate issue as it seems to be? No, its avoidable if dealt psychologically. The human mind is viewed as extremely complicated. The worries, anxieties and wanderings seem to fall into the category of unavoidable attributes of the mind. Undesirable behavioral pattern sin humans are related to unavoidable attributes. As...
5. Bookmarks: 0 Are You A “Minute Man” With Rapid Ejaculation? Premature Ejaculation is believed to be a psychological problem and does not represent any known organic disease involving the male reproductive tract or any known lesions in the brain or nervous system
6. Bookmarks: 0 Impotence - Trouble with the hydraulics It is estimated that 30% of sexual problems are purely psychological rather than physical. Use Sounds Positive's hypnotherapy products to reprogramme your brain.
7. Bookmarks: 0 Losing Your Memory to Stress This article talks about how people normally experience stress and anxiety in their everyday activities. Feelings of stress can cause a number of ill effects such as poor decision-making, irritability, and even memory loss. Prolonged exposure to these stressful situations can cause more permanent and psychological problems to occur.
8. Bookmarks: 0 The Effects of Steroid Use One of the more interesting findings of the highly publicized testosterone-builds-muscle study recently published in the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine is the lack of mental aggression seen among the participants of the study. This seemingly contradicts previous extensive medical documentation concerning the negative effects of anabolic steroids on psychological status, popularly known as ‘roid rage.........
9. Bookmarks: 0 What A #2 America Will Look Like? Around the year of 2015 American’s world as they currently know it will changes dramatically. To think about the concept of becoming #2 in the world makes people’s hair stand up on their back of their necks. The confidence of the Country is going to be shattered and a new psychological outlook will emerge. What will the country look like?The Economics of #2:A country in the #2 position has a marked disadvantage in terms of its ability to obtain advantageous trade agre...
10. Bookmarks: 0 The Bliss of Martial Arts Summary: Martial arts has the benefit of exercising both your mind and body and you get a complete workout that aerobics or weight lifting just can’t match. An individual's total well being, both psychological and physical, can be improved simultaneously through martial arts. Its psychological benefits include increased self-esteem and self-confidence as well as decreased tension, stress, anxiety and depression.
11. Bookmarks: 0 Psychological Training Why Train?Simple really: training improves skills, techniques, knowledge and attitude whatever an individual's role within an organisation. Ongoing staff training and development is crucial if you want to improve business performance and meet your targets.Without a well-trained, skilled team your business won't grow and prosper. But there are a number of initiatives to ensure your staff have the right knowledge and experience required.When a company develops a lea...
12. Bookmarks: 0 Learn How the Mind and Body Works with the Five Psychological Phases of Fitness Whether you are a military special operations soldier, an athlete, or just a regular person seeking to lose weight, all groups experience similar personal obstacles.
13. Bookmarks: 0 Quit Smoking With Hypnosis Famous American author Mark Twain once said, “To quit smoking is one of the easiest things in the world, I must have done it over a dozen times.” So many individuals who smoke struggle to quit time and time again. It is believed that the nicotine that is found in cigarettes is one of the most addictive drugs that exists today. Nicotine is addictive both physically and psychologically. A study once estimated that each time an individual lights up a cigarette that individual is...
14. Bookmarks: 0 The Psychological Fallout Of Acne Acne is more than just a skin condition, as it can cause a number of psychological problems in its wake. These problems, however, can be avoided if the acne is treated properly early on.
15. Bookmarks: 17 Are the lasting effects of acne more than just skin deep? A look at the psychological effects of acne
16. Bookmarks: 0 Psychological Benefits of Exercise In this article, I will explore the many benefits of aerobic exercise, but specifically, I will talk about the psychological benefits of aerobic exercise, which to my (healthy and happy) mind is almost more important. After all, an unhealthy mind is an unhealthy body!
17. Bookmarks: 0 Hollywood Anorexia Nervosa Anorexia Nervosa is probably more common in today's 'media' focused era more than it ever has been before. Anorexia Nervosa is a very complex eating disorder/disease that involves both psychological and sociological components which result in the voluntary starvation and exercise stress by an individual.
18. Bookmarks: 2 How Hypnosis Can Help You Hypnosis has long been recognised as an effective means of treatment for a number of psychological conditions. Hypnotherapy can help you to create more confidence for yourself and improve feelings of self worth. You can also learn to overcome problems like the fear of public speaking; phobias like being terrified of traveling on the tube; and become more at ease with yourself by building your confidence and self-esteem. Typical examples of area where hypnotherapy can help...
19. Bookmarks: 3 Boost Your Self-Esteem and Believe You Can! Feeling good about yourself is important as it gives you a sense of control over your life. In recent times low self-esteem has been one of the most popular and frequently invoked psychological explanations for behavioral and social problems. This article provides ways in learning to increase self-esteem.
20. Bookmarks: 0 The Dangers of Overeating and Poor Self-Image This article talks about how young women react to the concept of beauty and the various ways they act to attain that value or status of being beautiful. Some have already developed serious psychological disorders such as bulimia due to the social pressure to be“beautiful.” This article also explains bulimia, how women suffer from it, and how counseling can help women overcome this disorder.
21. Bookmarks: 13 Creating Brands That Provide Psychological And Social Benefits Beyond The Product The main reason for the general fascination with brands is their ability to provide the consumers an extra value in addition to what the product\service\company themselves can provide. A value which becomes the major motivation for consumers to desire the product.
22. Bookmarks: 0 Death On The Catwalk The article is about anorexia and bulimia, psychological disorders that have plagued the movie and fashion industry. Definition, common signs and symptoms, and treatment options for anorexia and bulimia are discussed in the article. The cases of Karen Carpenter and Princess Diana are also cited in the article to highlight the difficulties and dangers associated with these disorders.
23. Bookmarks: 0 Eyewitness Testimony: An Enduring Topic Of Psychological Enquiry The study of eyewitness testimony can be traced back over 100 years. This article outlines how it all began and examines the most commonly researched areas of investigation. In 1896 Albert Von Schrenk-Notzing testified at the trial of a man accused of murdering three women. Drawing on research into memory and suggestibility he argued that pre-trial publicity meant that witnesses could not distinguish between what they actually saw and what had been reported in the press. ...
24. Bookmarks: 0 4 Psychological Needs Help Deal With Conflict Have you ever been plagued by doubts and internal conflict? Do you wonder why people in your life react differently causing arguments and difficulties? Find out what causes these conflicts and what you can do about them.
25. Bookmarks: 0 Weight Loss At Work: Non-Food Rewards Food seems to be the perennial favorite for any kind of work reward because it is universally accepted. Some of us (we hard core dieters) may pass on the sweet stuff but usually find something allowable. In a world where two thirds of us are overweight or obese, is there nothing else available as a gift that cuts across all individual interests? Five specific non-food rewards are suggested.
26. Bookmarks: 0 Therapeutic Massage Therapeutic massage is the use of massage to heal mental and bodily aches and strains. Also known as manipulative therapy, therapeutic massage provides physical and psychological benefits. Physically, the effects of massage include injury healing, pain management and circulation improvement. The psychological aspects, through muscle manipulation leading to tension relief achieved by manipulating the muscles, are known to relieve stress. Multiple types of therapeutic massage e...
27. Bookmarks: 0 SWEATING OUT STRESS & RUBBING AWAY ANXIETY Stress and anxiety are not only symptoms of emotional, physical and psychological problems.Stress and anxiety are now considered hindrances to good work performance and corporate success. Given this situation, many executives and workers opt to take prescription ant-anxiety pills or regularly go to spas and massage centers to find relief from stress. The potential losses associated with absenteeism, sick leaves, and poor performance have prompted many corporations to fund and run stress man...
28. Bookmarks: 1 Hypnotherapy - The Best Complimentary Therapy It is my belief that hypnotherapy is the best complimentary therapy because hypnosis affects people at every level including psychological, physiological, emotional, and even spiritual. And really, only hypnotherapy has the power to do that.It allows you to work on specific problems one by one, but at the same time, it can improve your overall health and well-being in several areas concurrently. Some people seek hypnotherapy to address a specific area while others seek th...
29. Bookmarks: 0 Balance Your Life With Stress Relief Techniques Stress is a psychological and physiological response to any event that upsets our personal sense of balance and comfort. So, if your hectic lifestyle seems to take its toll in your physical, emotional and psychological well-being, stress relief techniques can bring you life back into balance.
30. Bookmarks: 0 A Lesson In Gaslighting There's a psychological technique called gaslighting which is incredibly potent especially in persuasive situations.A few nights ago I was watching TV, just flipping around aimlessly, and came upon an old episode of M*A*S*H. In this episode, BJ is bored and to entertain himself he cooks up a plan for amusement at Winchester's expense.BJ takes a pair of Winchester's pants and in their place replaces them with a pair two sizes too large. When Winchester eventually puts ...
31. Bookmarks: 1 Aromatherapy - More Than Just Hot Air Many people have found aromatherapy very helpful in terms of their general feelings of psychological and physical wellness. Aromatherapy uses volatile plant oils in a natural form in massage, candles and other delivery methods.Aromatherapy uses Essential Oils. The vapors from these oils benefit many people when they are absorbed through the lungs into the bloodstream, giving physical benefit. The aroma of the inhaled oils stimulates certain receptors in the brain, givin...
32. Bookmarks: 0 Unemployment Blues: Talk To Yourself A most effective way to improve your mood and self-esteem is to create your own positive scripts for regular re-reading and study. On those days when you're really down on yourself and think that you're a failure, immersing yourself in a book crammed with notes about your qualities and accomplishments can restore your balance, brighten your spirits, and re-energize you for the rigors of the job hunt.
33. Bookmarks: 0 A Budding Golfers Guide To A Good Pair Of Golf Shoes Golf is a low impact sport that is normally for leisure. But playing the greens can be psychologically intensive as it can be physically demanding. Golf is normally played by professionals and executives to unwind and take time off from the hassle and bustle of the corporate world. But for some who indulge in the sport, it can be an activity where they can make or break business deals.Golf has been a man's game, with all that metal involved. These are the equipments that ...
34. Bookmarks: 0 The Origin And History Of Hypnosis Hypnosis or hypnotism is a psychological phenomenon of exceeding interest to both layman and scientist. Its history is as old as that of the human race, and it has been utilized by the most primitive of peoples, ancient and modern, in the practice of religious and medical rites to intensify belief in mysticism and magic. The striking character of this psychological manifestation, its inexplicable and bewildering phenomenology, and the seemingly miraculous results it produces....
35. Bookmarks: 5 “If all you have is a hammer everything starts to look like a nail” What stops us from releasing our passion. What stops us from behaving naturally. What makes us waste energy.
36. Bookmarks: 0 Age New Spirituality - Inspirational Stories ( Part 61 ) In addition to meaning work,we have stated that psychologically the word Karma also implies causation. Any work, any action, any thought that produces an effect is called a Karma. Thus the law of Karma means the law of causation,of inevitable cause and sequence. Wheresoever there is a cause, there an effect must be produced; this necessity cannot be resisted,and this law of Karma, according to our philosophy,is true throughout the whole universe. Whatever we see,or feel, or d...
37. Bookmarks: 0 Cleaning Out Your Attic: The Fundamental Advantage Of Forgiveness Forgiveness means that you do not hold others responsible for your experiences. ~Gary ZukavIf you're like me, you have a garage or attic or basement full of junk--old clothes that don't fit or that are outdated, boxes of children's toys, paperwork you'll never need or even look at again. We have sentimental attachments to things that are just taking up space.These items, while maybe not physically holding you back, may be psychologically holding you back. They are d...
38. Bookmarks: 0 How To Reduce Your Stress Like The Pros Do. Stress is a huge problem especially for people in western societies. There are three types of stressors:- Physical - Psychological - Environmental or Social. The first group of stressors affect physically, for example : hunger ,hot and cold, illness, pain and injury, viruses, lack of sleep.The Psychological affects your mind. Examples are : loneliness, fear, death of a relative or friend, threats to security, rejection, depression.The Social occurs on your e...
39. Bookmarks: 0 Forex: No psychological limitations There are many reasons to trade forex, but the best may be one you haven't heard.
40. Bookmarks: 0 Trading Psychology -vs- Trading Method It is said that trading is 90% psychological and 10% methodological. Does this then imply that regardless of trading method, a trader that has control over their emotional issues will thus be a profitable trader, or will it be impossible to ever control emotions without the proficient implementation of method?
41. Bookmarks: 8 Internet Marketing and the Psychology of Color How Website Color Choice affects effective Internet Marketing. A guide to choosing colors that enhance the image and impression you wish to portray.
42. Bookmarks: 0 The Five Phases Of Feedback You may have heard about the five phases of grief. Psychological professionals have outlined the pattern of emotions that humans cycle through during the grieving process. As a writing professional, I’ve discovered the five phases of receiving feedback. Any writer who is advancing in their career has been through the sometimes shocking experience of having her work critiqued. Cycling through these five feedback phases is normal. Getting stuck in any of them, however, could br...

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