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1. Bookmarks: 0 WALL STREET'S EVEN DARKER SECRET: 8.63% TAX DEFERRED INCOME SPECIAL REPORT: As of Close of Business May 8th, no less than 57 multi-year experienced, Taxable Income, Closed End Funds (CEFs) were paying 7% or more in 401k and IRA eligible income to their shareholders.
2. Bookmarks: 0 WALL STREET'S DARKEST SECRET: 6.3% TAX FREE INCOME Special Report: As of Close of Business May 8th, no less than 53 multi-year experienced, Tax Free Income, Closed End Funds (CEFs) were paying 6% or more in federally tax free income to their shareholders. Why hasn't your financial advisor told you about this?
3. Bookmarks: 0 Year End Portfolio Window Dressing... Always Better To Look Smart, etc. Perhaps ninety percent of the price movement in the equity markets is the result of institutional trading, and institutional money managers seem to be more concerned with politics and marketing than they are with investing. They are trying to impress their major clients with their brilliance by reporting ownership of all the hot tickets and none of the major losers.
4. Bookmarks: 0 Fiscal Cliff Impact White Paper Under current law, the Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001, commonly known as the Bush Tax Cuts, will expire on December 31, 2012, potentially creating serious consequences for American taxpayers. This report is designed to answer questions surrounding this impending Fiscal Cliff.
5. Bookmarks: 0 iPhone 4S is a top selling model at Verizon Apple iPhone 4s still remains to be one of the top selling models in the market. Verizon has given reports that the model is still performing great on the shelves.
6. Bookmarks: 0 30 percent Decrease in App Downloads by Apple iPhones and iPads in March Apple iPhones and iPads have reported 30% of decrease in apps downloadin the month of March. The reason provided by Fiksu is said to be the release of new model of Apple and also the change in policy by the marketers. Moreover, slight decrease in apps downloading rate has reported too.
7. Bookmarks: 323 What's Newer than New Aquaponics? - Study Results and Best Practices Welcome to New Aquaponics! We have just added a social bookmarking feature that allows you to find and save your favorite articles that you find here. You have access to a special one page report just for you so you can collect reference material for your projects.
8. Bookmarks: 0 HTC One X, One S and Sony Xperia U Three Fantastic Handsets Enlisted by Orange According to recent reports, Android lineup is being built by Orange with some fantastic MWC debuts and an Intel-power droid built by Orange itself. HTC One X and One S are enlisted by Orange UK.
9. Bookmarks: 0 Important things to know before writing and submitting your dissertation projects Dissertations normally report on a research project or an extended analysis of a topic. Your management dissertation or project report should be organized, formatted, structured and referenced is well-covered in the respective. Everyone's dissertation task is different and all the advice given in this article necessarily applies to everyone.
10. Bookmarks: 0 How to Write an Effective Dissertation Report? Dissertation writing services when you need it real urgent.UK Dissertation writing service offers customized solutions for research work assistance dissertation written by Expert UK PhD and Doctorate Writers with 100% as Per Your Requirements.
11. Bookmarks: 12 MCIM Process Arrows MCIM Process Arrows - Reports
12. Bookmarks: 2 The CRIME of CREDIT REPORTING - Don't Be Fooled By The Advertising - You Are Being Misdirected! When dealing with credit issues, consider what is really going on - most of the issues people have is based on businesses like Equifax, Transunion and Experian providing false written information to others that damages them, which is by definition LIBEL. LIBEL is a CRIMINAL act, and unlike civil offenses, if this happens to you, it is the JOB of the District Attorney (DA) in your area to prosecute the crime, not yours!
13. Bookmarks: 1 A GPS For Your Investment Portfolio Hey 'Deep Pockets', what were you doing on October 19th, 1987, the Wall Street Jungle reporter asked? I was gritting my teeth, shaking more than just a little, palms sweaty but placing dozens of individual orders for the best NYSE, dividend-paying, companies --- at prices that nearly everyone thought would drop even further.
14. Bookmarks: 13 Mini-Travel Report-The United Kingdom A city beyond compare, the UK represents itself as an icon of diversity with people from all walks of life blended into its culture.
15. Bookmarks: 0 Which 1099 Tax Forms concern you? It’s tax time again and you must be sure to receive all the necessary forms. What is a 1099 tax form and who gets one? A Tax Form 1099 is used to report income other than wages, salaries and tips. Here of late, this term is used more and more frequently as many employers are opting to use contract labor versus hiring employees, who can turn out to be quite expensive when you factor in the insurance, payroll taxes, and other possible liability.
16. Bookmarks: 0 Penny Stocks Penny stocks are usually not listed at the major stock exchanges like the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) or the NASDAQ because they don't meet the listing requirements. Listed stocks must have a minimum number of shareholders, minimum assets and file financial reports regularly. They are also under the strong supervision of the SEC, the Securities and Exchange Commission.Penny stocks are usually traded on the OTCBB or on the Pink Sheets. The OTCBB (OTC Bulletin Board) is ...
17. Bookmarks: 0 Mismanagement At The New York Times The New York Times Company (NYT) isn’t just reporting the news – it’s making the news. At yesterday’s annual meeting, shareholders withheld 28% of their votes for the four directors elected by holders of the company’s common stock. Nine other directors are elected by holders of the Class B shares, effectively granting control of the company to a group holding less than a 1% economic interest in the business.Most of the large newspaper companies have not done a great...
18. Bookmarks: 0 Buffett's Big Bet Over the past few days, there have been several stories written about Warren Buffett’s $14 billion bet on global stock markets. I believe these stories are all in reference to this excerpt form Berkshire Hathaway’s annual report:“Berkshire is also subject to equity price risk with respect to certain long duration equity index put contracts. Berkshire’s maximum exposure with respect to such contracts is approximately $14 billion at December 31, 2005. These contracts genera...
19. Bookmarks: 0 Make You Dream Come True Secured Loans can frequently be arranged without penal fees like those which a standard reportage will draw. For this reason it is often a favored route for those on the lookout for release capital from their real estate investment.
20. Bookmarks: 0 Holy Grail Of The Capital Markets IntroductionEver since I retired at the age of 28. I have been doing a lot of thinking into these “Tough Cases” of the investment world. What I present today hopes to unveil the most mysterious of them all, the Holy Grail of The Capital Markets and I will be giving you my argument as to why it truly exists and to help you find your personal Holy Grail of Trading and Investments by the time you finish reading this report.So let’s go treasure hunting…The Fabled HOLY...
21. Bookmarks: 0 Houlihan Smith Serves as Exclusive Advisor to Grocery Shopping Network on First Round of Financing Grocery Shopping Network, Inc. (”GSN”) reported today that it has completed it’s series A round of venture capital funding with Houlihan Smith & Company, Inc. (”Houlihan”) acting as exclusive financial advisor. The $7.0 million equity...
22. Bookmarks: 1 Global Venture Capital: Ernst & Young Reports on Important Trend One of the most lucrative investment industries, venture capital, underwent a period of tremendous transition last year, and with that transition signaled passage into a new venture landscape.
23. Bookmarks: 0 Friendly's CEO Resigns; Largest Shareholder Requests Seats On September 28th, Friendly Ice Cream Corp. (FRN), announced CEO John L. Cutter had resigned. It was not immediately clear whether Mr. Cutter had been forced out.I mention the possibility that Mr. Cutter was forced out, because Friendly's largest shareholder, Sardar Biglari, included this disclosure in a recent 13-D:The Reporting Persons have consulted with the Chairman of the Board ofDirectors and management of the Issuer concerning the business, operations and fu...
24. Bookmarks: 0 Alternative Investors Eye Private Companies In broad strokes, Entrex is a brand-new market for the alternative investment community. It takes the compliance standards and reporting structures that have long been a part of the public investing market and applies them to private companies.
25. Bookmarks: 0 Effective Small Business Credit Card Management The use of credit cards in small businesses is gaining popularity. An industry study conducted by a research group reports that more than two-thirds of small businesses are making use of credit cards to cover expenses. However, only two-fifths of these credit card using businesses employ business credit cards.Since these small business owners are already using credit cards to provide financing for their businesses, they should consider converting to business credit cards ...
26. Bookmarks: 0 Business Credit Cards Versus Business Lines of Credit Nothing quite matches the convenience of business credit cards. When you are looking for a good alternative to cash, checks, and personal credit cards, it is probably a business credit card you want. With credit-when-you-need-it convenience, savings and discounts on purchases, and extremely helpful reporting facilities, business credit cards can be a good tool in your financial management tool kit.
27. Bookmarks: 12 Starbucks: How To Recruit For The Love And Meaning Of It. In the previous post, What's love got to do with it? I reported that most of today's aspiring entrepreneurs say they do NOT put money first when they think of launching something of their own.Instead, they want something they love, something that matters to them, where they can be their own boss, and then, yes, also earn some money with it.I suggested that if we are to take them at their word, we'd better think of ways and language to attract these kinds of people t...
28. Bookmarks: 3 Understanding Financial Statements Being an entrepreneur, you need to understand financial statements. Here is an introduction to the most crucial reporting statements you will need to know about.
29. Bookmarks: 4 The Accounting Equation As an entrepreneur, who are thinking of going into business, or who is already conducting business, you have to start learning about the basic concepts of Accounting because they are the concepts that are used in reporting your business activities to the government come tax time. It is time you must know about one of the most fundamental concepts in accounting.
30. Bookmarks: 5 Real Estate Investing with Demographic Reports Demographic reports can play a very large part in commercial investments, from advertising to product development. This article looks at the implications demographic data plays in real estate investment.
31. Bookmarks: 4 Qualities Of Useful Financial Reports As an entrepreneur, planning and implementing the accounting system of the business that you hope is going to make you money, it is important that your accounting system must produce information that are going to be useful to you and to those who are reading it.
32. Bookmarks: 8 India the next big thing in Real Estate India is being considered as “the next big thing” in real estate with many Israeli companies lining up for major investments there, a media report here said. The latest addition to the growing list of possible investors in the Indian real estate sector is US tycoon Shaya Boymelgreen who recently bought Azorim Investment in Israel for USD 500 million from IDB Holding Corp Ltd.
33. Bookmarks: 3 Attracting (And Keeping) Top Performers Good people are hard to find, the saying goes. For example, by the year 2000 over 190,000 computer programmer and other information technology jobs will be vacant, according to a Bureau of Labor Statistics report. (This is now a bit out of date, and although the dot-com bustups and the 2000-2001 recession has eased things a bit, it is still difficult to lure top talent.) It may be easy to fill these empty positions if you are a software giant like Microsoft, but there is a tr...
34. Bookmarks: 3 Working Capital & Cash Flow Solutions: Should I Borrow From A Bank? Recently, my newspaper reported that a local bank “...earned a four star excellence rating for the sixty-fourth consecutive quarter.” That’s sixteen years of four star excellence! The article went on to say that the “rating is based on a complex formula that includes …capital safety levels, quality of loan portfolio, and the ability to meet obligations…” The press release was designed to showcase the value of this bank and demonstrate its prominent positio...
35. Bookmarks: 3 What Goes Behind Your Credit Score? Since lenders or banks lend only against your creditworthiness, it does makes sense for you to know what factors determine your credit score. Read on to find out what affects your credit score (which is based on your credit report information) and how you can get working capital on loan even with a bad credit record.
36. Bookmarks: 4 Small Business Credit Card It has only been recently that the larger credit card companies began aggressively marketing small business credit cards. If you are a new entrepreneur and have decided it’s time to get a small business credit card, you are in luck!Most new businesses are sole proprietorships and credit is an important part of growing your business. The credit card issuers look at your personal credit history to see how you’ve managed your personal debt. A good personal credit report can ...
37. Bookmarks: 1 Entrepreneurs Don't Have Average Credit Scores Fair Isaac, the company that develops the formula to determine credit scores looks at the average statistics of consumers and factors that into your score, called a (FICO). According to Fair Isaac the average consumer will have: · One inquiry on their personal credit report in a given year· 54% of credit holders carry a balance of less then $5,000 on all debts other then a mortgage· Have access to $12,190 on all credit cards combined
38. Bookmarks: 0 Five Interview Questions You Should Always Ask These five questions go beyond the obvious ones, such as the title of the job, the job description, to whom it would be reporting, and other such basic questions. In fact, it's unlikely you'll even need to ask those questions, as they're usually outlined for you.With some preparation and thought, you should be able to easily come up with 15 - 20 first-interview questions to ask. But these five - in some form - should always be asked.Not only will they help you to asce...
39. Bookmarks: 0 A Guide To Accounting Software Computer software that helps in processing various financial transactions, recording them, and presenting them in the form of a report is know as accounting software. There are several functional modules in accounting software.
40. Bookmarks: 0 The Work From Home Internet Business Is booming On The Net With today’s technology it is quite possible to run your entire business online from anywhere in the world using your laptop computer. The work from home revolution on the Internet is in full swing. There has never been a better time or opportunity to make money online working at home in front of your computer. No commute required. No travel time with reduced fuel consumption and maintenance on your vehicles. Best of all you are your own boss.
41. Bookmarks: 0 A Home Business That’s Both Realistic And Very Lucrative If you’ve been looking for a home based business but grown tired of all the hype and unrealistic promises, this may be the most important report you’ll ever read.
42. Bookmarks: 0 Finding A Job With A High School vs. College Graduation Whether you choose to enter the job market with a high school vs. college graduation under you belt can have a very significant impact on the jobs you will be able to do and the amount of money you will be able to make.According to a report entitled “The Big Payoff: Educational Attainment and Synthetic Estimates of Work-Life Earnings,” a person with a high school degree can expect to earn an average of $1.2 million over the course of their working life, and a person with ...
43. Bookmarks: 0 How to Build a Good Credit Rating Building good credit is very important in today's society. LEarn the basics of building good credit with this article.
44. Bookmarks: 0 Teaching Children To Speed Read How many of us wish we had known how to speed read back in grade school when the teacher assigned a book report over the winter holiday break? Although reading is fundamental in the learning process, for many children it is a tedious task. They become overwhelmed because they are looking at a book of well over two or three-hundred pages and they see that as hours that could be spent outside playing in the snow or doing an activity with their family.For children who have t...
45. Bookmarks: 0 Relaxation Exercises And Ridiculous Mental Conditioning When Oprah Winfrey was interviewed by the legendary US television reporter Barbara Walters she was asked what's the reason you put yourself on the line week after week, year after year, on the cutting edge of human emotion? Oprah replied Teaching people to take responsibly. I believe the secret to life is to take responsibility
46. Bookmarks: 0 Learn Spanish With Audio Programs Look Up ‘Learn Spanish Audio’ MaterialSpanish is one of the most spoken languages throughout the world. Some reports say that there are more than four hundred thousand people the world over speaking Spanish. It is a very easy language to learn and since it is spoken in many countries across the globe, it can be very useful for you. Spanish language is very close to English. It is based in Latin like the other romance languages and it is written in the same alphabet as En...
47. Bookmarks: 3 How Do I Stay Looking Younger Than I Am, And How Do I Get More Vitality? In this FREE Report we discuss Men’s Top 5 Fears of growing older, and how you can have more youth & vitality. Even Men want to look younger and have more vitality. Where we fall short is, knowing what to do to get it and then to keep it.
48. Bookmarks: 0 Fixed Rate Mortgages More Popular Than Ever The Council of Mortgage lenders recently reported that an amazing 71% of all mortages and remortgages in April 2006 were arranged on fixed rate terms, that’s 17% higher than the same period last year. The increasing attraction of fixed rate deals is a product of the attractive offers being made by lenders together with a desire by consumers to lock-in to the current low rates for as long as possible.The balance shifted slightly towards new mortgages and away from remortga...
49. Bookmarks: 0 Confidence In Variable Rate Mortgages On The Increase According to a recent report consumers confidence in variable rate mortgage products is on the increase in the UK.
50. Bookmarks: 0 How is your pool game? How is your pool game? read this report about how your billiards game will get better over time and shooting through your slumps.
51. Bookmarks: 0 The Vicious Cycle Of Depression And Insomnia Depression is a problem in the modern world that appears to be spreading, as more and more people are reported to experiencing it. It gets worse when insomnia is considered, as most people see it as a sign of depression. The social stigma of having either one might be to blame for the increase in cases of depression.
52. Bookmarks: 0 Martial Arts: Helping Your Children Protect Themselves Did you know that a child is reported abducted or missing every 40 seconds in the United States and that most potential abductors make their first contact with the children they abduct within one quarter of a mile from their homes? With summer approaching and children having more time to play with friends during the day, it is now more important than ever to start (or continue) giving your children the tools they need to protect themselves:
53. Bookmarks: 0 Martial Arts Training: More Than Just Self-Defense According to the FBI, four women die everyday as a result of domestic violence and about 130,000 women report that they’ve been victims of rape or attempted rape annually. Because of statistics like this, many women enroll in self-defense classes to learn the skills they need to defend themselves.
54. Bookmarks: 7 What Attracts Women 101 It has been a well accepted fact that men are basically clueless to whatever it is that attracts women. In fact, some reports contend that women are so hard to comprehend that even if men master how to decode their body language, still, they just could not understand women, in one way or another.According to some studies, 3 out of 10 men are can attest that they really understand women. The remaining 7, you ask? They are out in the haystack finding needles. This means...
55. Bookmarks: 0 The need to look at your credit report Everyone needs to know exactly what is on his or her credit report. Even if you have never been late with a payment in your life you need to know what your credit report reflects that reality. Mistakes happen every day, and mistakes on your credit report can dramatically affect your life.
56. Bookmarks: 0 3 Ways A Professional Bookkeeper Will Save You $$$ Some small and medium business (SME) owners try to do their own accounts or they may employee a bookkeeper directly. This can be fine if you are lucky enough to recruit a good bookkeeper directly, however unless you have an accounting background and a thorough understanding of the accounting software involved, it can be difficult to know what questions to ask at the interview process.Even if you find someone who looks good on paper, unless you know what reports to ask for...
57. Bookmarks: 0 The Past Need Not Reflect The Future People who are facing loan repayment problems generally find that they are earning bad credit points. What this means is that his credit ranking drops considerably. As a result, he will not be given top priority if he chooses to go in for some other loan. But this does not mean that he is not eligible for any loan at all. These days, we are seeing a rise in the numbers of people who fall into the category of people having poor credit.This is probably the reason why banks ...
58. Bookmarks: 0 Having Trouble Getting A Loan? Ten Common Credit Mistakes If you are having credit troubles, you are not alone. Many people are denied funding, financing and loans everyday because their credit is poor, bad or nonexistant! Most of these people make the same credit mistakes over and over.These common mistakes and tips can help you improve your credit score and your chances of getting a loan at better interest rates.1. Check your credit report. It is one of the most common mistakes, but you need to know if what is stated on yo...
59. Bookmarks: 0 Credit Card Use and Your Credit Report Credit cards have ballooned in popularity in the UK. A recent study has shown that very soon, over a third of all adults in the UK will have credit cards, and the numbers are still increasing rapidly.
60. Bookmarks: 0 Car Insurance. It's Getting Increasingly Expensive When You're Elderly. There were 550 serious accidents last year where the driver was over aged 70 and where driver was either killed or badly hurt, reports the Institute of Advanced Motoring . That statistic represents 8% of the national total of 7,035 similar accidents. That means that the over 70's's have more, very serious accidents per mile than any other sector of the population. This view is supported by the Association of British Insurers whose research shows that drivers aged over 70 are ...
61. Bookmarks: 0 Buy Car Insurance Online-- A Few Tips To Get You Started There is a large shopping mall online for car insurance. You can buy car insurance online if you understand the process. You have to accurately report your rating information to an online car insurance quoting website. Your accuracy is critical because the data that you give will determine the rate. Truthful and detailed rating information is a must if you are seriously considering buying car insurance online. The process will educate you about your own insurance and will giv...
62. Bookmarks: 0 Builders Suffer due to Mortgage Crisis During last month the existing home sales fell down again and it is reported that a large number of homebuilders are facing the worst ever quarterly earning. These homebuilders believe that the main reason behind this mess in the stressed housing sector is the continuous sub prime mortgage crisis.
63. Bookmarks: 0 Quarterly Report on Divisional Races --- NL CENTRAL After a few weeks and with some surprises, the NL Central has begun to look a lot more as expected, particularly at the very top.
64. Bookmarks: 3 Growing Your Own Fruits And Vegetables: The Keys To Healthy Living Recent reports from the World Health Organization have demonstrated that obesity is becoming a serious problem in many parts of the globe. Indeed, the WHO noted that as far as worldwide health issues are concerned, obesity is on the verge of becoming a more widespread problem around the globe than is under-nourishment. The WHO further suggests that the trend towards obesity in an ever growing number of nations the world over is expected to continue upward during the next deca...
65. Bookmarks: 1 America Turning Into A Nation Of Hamburger Flippers While Wall Street and Washington debate the technical definitions of a recession, the fine print of the US Census Bureau reports reveals a startling statistic: US employment figures incorporate a huge proportion of what can best be called casual, temporary and seasonal jobs. We all know that the old-fashioned manufacturing jobs have gone to China. But many of those trying to pick the market bottom today are unaware of the fact that the ranks of store-front clerks, restaurant workers, yoga t...
66. Bookmarks: 2 Activity Internet Marketing Report When I first came on the Internet, the first thing I did was subscribed to many newsletters.Great writers, perfect English, plus very good information. But the information was geared more to experienced marketer. That and a lot were nothing more then advertising flyers.I felt there was a need for a marketing report that new people working part time would find useful. I publish information where they can go to get Internet marketing information, free pro safe listing, free drop ship listings...
67. Bookmarks: 0 Mumps On A Plane Iowa, Illinois and other midwestern states appear to be in the grip of a mumps outbreak. The CDC reports that more than 600 people have been infected by just two carriers of the virus. Two infected people on two separate airplanes.That fact alone demonstrates how easy it is these days for a virus to travel from one country to another, from one state to another, in hours.In fact, most travelers who are infected with a virus don't even know it until it's too late. One o...
68. Bookmarks: 0 7 Profit Multiplying Trading Strategies Of Successful Traders Would you like to see your trading profits multiply? Are you struggling to squeeze out small profits and reduce losing trades? Here are some tips to help you make better decisions each and every time you trade.One of the first and foremost strategies of the successful trader is actually having a strategy in the first place! Many new investors mistakenly make decisions based on one day of trading or the release of just one economic indicator report. The more successful tra...
69. Bookmarks: 0 Brand Management - Beyond Marketing In the past, the management of an organization's brand has usually been the sole domain of the organization's marketing team. However, with the evolution of the Internet and people's need for instant information, there is a greater call for public relations professionals to become more directly involved with an organization's brand management.
70. Bookmarks: 0 What Investigative Reporting Entails The field of investigative reporting involves bringing to the fore facts and figure that affect human interests and fair governance. This means conducting in depth research, looking at public records, doing extensive interviews, as well as checking and rechecking of facts before publication.
71. Bookmarks: 0 Viral Marketing Tips Viral marketing is a technique that is used by many people, yet it is still relatively unknown. Many people hear the words “viral marketing” or “viral traffic”, and think that it has something to do with a virus. Fortunately, viral marketing and viral traffic have nothing to do with people spreading viruses via email, etc.Viral marketing is simply defined. It is any strategy that is implemented to encourage people to pass on a marketing message to others; which in turn cr...
72. Bookmarks: 0 Improve My FICO Score - 5 Key Components Your FICO, or credit, score is calculated independently by the Big Three credit reporting agencies (viz., Equifax, TransUnion, and Experian) based upon a shared formula. Your score has a huge influence on your financial health. An improvement of just 40 or 50 points can mean paying hundreds less per month for a 30-year mortgage, for example. Anything you can do to increase your FICO score can literally mean money in your pocket.The creators of the FICO score, the Fair, Is...
73. Bookmarks: 0 How to Create a Better News Release You can get a better response from reporters and editors, if you follow a few simple guidelines in writing your news release. Appropriate content, an interesting headline, a packed first paragraph, polished wording, using a standard format, and by being prepared for questions.
74. Bookmarks: 0 What Exactly is an Insurance Credit Score? Insurance credit scores are used by insurance companies to determine how risky a person is and how much that person will have to pay for insurance. The use of these insurance scores has made headlines in recent years because many people consider it to be controversial. As a result of this publicity most people now know that insurance companies are using credit information but there are a lot of misconceptions about this practice.
75. Bookmarks: 2 Quit Smoking With Hypnotherapy In Watford Judging the success rate of a Hypnotherapist’s quit smoking session is not as easy as you might expect. As a Hypnotherapist working in the Watford area, it is one of the most commonly asked questions. However, a recent report into the subject, suggested that the only real way of getting 100% evidence of success from a client, would be to take a blood sample from them, and then test it for nicotine. Since this sounds a little farfetched to me, let me explain to you a little ab...
76. Bookmarks: 0 Eyewitness Testimony: An Enduring Topic Of Psychological Enquiry The study of eyewitness testimony can be traced back over 100 years. This article outlines how it all began and examines the most commonly researched areas of investigation. In 1896 Albert Von Schrenk-Notzing testified at the trial of a man accused of murdering three women. Drawing on research into memory and suggestibility he argued that pre-trial publicity meant that witnesses could not distinguish between what they actually saw and what had been reported in the press. ...
77. Bookmarks: 0 Expectations for the Next Olympic Team I think everyone would remember a while ago when Rasheed Wallace either wasn't talking to reporters or cursing them. Once in one of the great playoff moments, the NBA forced Wallace to talk to reporters after several fines and Wallace answered every question, Both teams played hard.
78. Bookmarks: 0 Detroit Seeing Ovals-Jonathan Munk Anyone who works in a Detroit skyscraper or flies into Detroit Metropolitan airport may have noticed a new landmark–or rather, roof-mark–as they look down on the city. In preparation for the 2006 Super Bowl, Ford has ordered two gigantic logos for the roof of Ford Field, where the Detroit Lions play. A South-facing logo is already in place, reports the Detroit News, and measures 153 by 316 feet. A North-facing logo will be put in place shortly. The stadium’s vaulted roof is v...
79. Bookmarks: 8 Feel anxious again? Go excercising or relax to music... Independent investigators' group has hold a research based on medicine articles review and treatment reports to find out which of the various anxiety treatment methods are really effective. And though it's unclear if the results are objective all way through and not a subjective personal conclusion, the validity has been assessed according to standart criteria and the survey results are interesting to study and compare with a personal opinion of a reader.
80. Bookmarks: 7 Company Brings Hope to African Entrepreneurs News reports often tell of the struggle to lift Africans out of poverty. One entrepreneur is doing her part to bring hope to that continent through a business endeavor that is now bringing its products to the world market.
81. Bookmarks: 0 Breast Cancer: What Women Should Know From relative obscurity, breast cancer has become one of the leading causes of deaths among women in the world. In 2001, about 200,000 cases of breast cancer have been reported in the United States, making it the second leading cause of cancer death in the US. It is, in fact, the most common malignancy problem that is affecting women in North America and Europe today. But what is breast cancer and how do people get it? Breast cancer occurs when malignant tumors in the...
82. Bookmarks: 0 The Secret To Club Head Speed: The Holy Grail In Golf - Part 3 In this 3 Part Special Golf Report you will learn:- What creates club head speed?- How to dramatically increase your club head?Let us now look at the way a golf club is designed. You remember in high school when we all learned about levers? Levers have a way of multiplying force thus giving you a mechanical advantage when you want to move a large object for example. Most golfers think there are only 2 levers in the golf swing - the arms and the club. The reason for ...
83. Bookmarks: 0 The Secret To Club Head Speed: The Holy Grail In Golf - Part 2 In this Special 3 Part Golf Report you will learn:- What creates club head speed?- The Physics and design of a golf club.- How to dramatically increase your club head speed?I came across an excellent video of Tiger Woods' golf swing in slow motion – you can view it here for FREE: will need QuickTime to view this awesome video of Tiger's swing. To get QuickTime, copy and paste this link into your browser and downl...
84. Bookmarks: 4 Part 1 - The Secret To Club Head Speed: The Holy Grail In Golf In this Special 3 Part Golf Report you will learn:- What creates club head speed?- The Physics and design of a golf club.- How to dramatically increase your club head speed?I became fascinated with the game of golf as soon as I took it up about 8 years ago. My background in engineering and my extensive studies in biomechanics allowed me to take a very scientific approach to the study of the golf swing. I soon realized the complexities in not only understanding the...
85. Bookmarks: 3 Golf In South Africa South Africa golfing has seen huge growth since the 1980s when our courses compared dismally with those of international standards in the rest of the world. Following negative feedback from local golfers who traveled abroad and reported back on the high quality of courses in other countries, local courses started major overhauling of the greens and facilities, and the effect snowballed as other courses followed suit.The results have been spectacular. Today South Africa st...
86. Bookmarks: 0 Rehearsing: A Way To Eliminate Public Speaking Anxiety It is almost impossible for one to go through his or her adult life without having been asked to speak in public at least once.You might have proposed a toast to a wedding, or reported in front of a class. At work, you could have done an oral presentation for a promotion. Or you could have faced a group of interviewers before you actually got hired for the job that you now have.All of these and more would require a person to get up and speak out in front of a number o...
87. Bookmarks: 1 How To Overcome Anger And Road Rage Recently it was reported that a 41 year old driver was shot because he pulled into the exact change lane and a driver was angry with him for his slowness? Yikes it is terrible to read about this and so sad the desperation and daily blow ups that occur. This can happen alot when someone drives slowly in left lane, sees a tailgater or watches someone else steal a parking space.Why else do we have road rage reactions? Seeing someone ignore a traffic sign, excessive honking, ...
88. Bookmarks: 1 Coaching – Recognizing The Tipping Point Malcolm Gladwell has a long history as a news reporter, but in his book, “The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference” Gladwell helps readers understand something most of us have only felt was true – life has a tipping point.In virtually every aspect of our lives there is a point when something either very good or very bad happens. The choices we make will ultimately lead us to that tipping point. A long series of bad choices will lead to a tipping poin...
89. Bookmarks: 0 We Are Not Meant To Live Alone John Robbins, the heir to the Baskin-Robbins ice cream fortune, stated on the Coast to Coast radio show that one of the surprises of his research into cultures known for their longevity, was the importance of love and healthy relationships. Loneliness and negative interactions can depress the functioning of the body's systems and lead to poor health, Robbins reported. I believe that ultimately it is the love in our lives that underlies and makes possible our greatest healing...
90. Bookmarks: 0 Just Five Minutes Longer - Spirituality Information The story has been told and retold countless times about the battle of Waterloo. Poems have been written and songs have been composed detailing every conceivable aspect about it. The English tell it one way and the French share it from a slightly different point of view.History and legend has it that after Napoleon Bonaparte's army was defeated and the Duke of Wellington prevailed over the French, Napoleon was taken away and imprisoned. One day a group of newspaper report...
91. Bookmarks: 0 Motivation's Effect On Mental And Physical Health Many studies have been done to research the effects of motivation and mental health. As the implications of helping those with negative self-esteem, depression and anxiety are immense this is certainly an area of research that deserves a great deal of attention. Psychology Online reports on a study investigating the differences between INTERNAL and EXTERNAL MOTIVATION. The report states that Although our society is largely extrinsically-motivated by external rewards such...
92. Bookmarks: 0 Negative Thinking - Beware The Results Can Be Powerful Before the movie The Secret a long line of writers and thinkers has promoted the self-help powers of positive thought as long back as man pondered his own existence.Reams of research have shown positive thinking to be good for your health. A positive attitude and optimistic thinking are healthy. The power of positive thinking is shows that those who remain positive are healthier, live longer, and report greater satisfaction with life than those who might be labeled pess...
93. Bookmarks: 10 Leadership Learning: The Real Costs Of Not Doing Leadership Training A report from the Said Business School at Oxford University in the UK found that British businesses and public sector organizations are wasting almost $140 million on executive education programs that are poorly conceived and delivered.The study went on to say that 35 per cent of HR directors and 21 per cent of other executives believed that their current training and development programs were meeting corporate strategic objectives. The bulk of the money was being spent o...
94. Bookmarks: 0 Work/Life Balance Is Just Good Business! It would be nice to think that the companies on the leading edge of work/life balance programs are simply being good citizens and doing the right thing! But, the fact is that these programs make good business sense.In addition to increased productivity and employee satisfaction, companies can retain valuable employees in a competitive environment, and attract new employees with these programs. Every generation in the workforce today reports that work and life balance ...
95. Bookmarks: 0 Did You Know You’re Bleeding Money Because Of The Darn Phone?? You're in the midst of work then ...Aw... man.Or you're finishing a 97% complete report then ....Okay. Familiar? I can imagine your blood pressure rising when that happens. What is an interruption? An interruption is anything that seizes your attention from an activity you have chosen to do to for an activity that someone else has purposely or inadvertently chosen for you. Interruptions are normally random and without any consideration for the importance of, or im...
96. Bookmarks: 5 Garden Of Eden: A Jungle Captive's Lesson In Dreams Come True BBC News recently reported the story of horticulturist and orchid collector, Tom Hart Dyke, who was kidnapped in 2000 in the Darien Gap in Panama by Colombian Guerrillas and held hostage for nine months in the South American jungle. He was on a plant collecting expedition with his friend Paul Winder when captured.They experienced a horrific kidnapping ordeal and were both threatened with being beheaded. During this dark passage, in order to stay sane, Tom spent his time j...
97. Bookmarks: 0 Bad Credit Loan -- Let’s Cut Through the Hype! Do you need a loan but have bad credit? Then you MUST learn a few facts your potential lender doesn't want you to know. If you want to avoid being taken to the cleaners be sure to follow the advice in this report.
98. Bookmarks: 0 Your Credit History: What Gets Reported And What Does Not A credit report is a document that outlines your financial status, specifically your credit history. The three national reporting agencies, Experian, Trans Union and Equifax, work independently so it is advisable to get reports from all three for an accurate picture.
99. Bookmarks: 0 Wipe Away That Holiday Debt It’s that time of year again, and homeowners from coast to coast are feeling the pinch in their pockets from the financial stress of the holiday season. Retailers across the country are reporting record breaking consumer spending, and in the era of big ticket items like the Ipod and HDTV, it’s easy to see why consumer credit card debt has reached an all time high. All of this spending is occurring at a time when the average Christmas bonus doesn’t cover quite as much as it di...
100. Bookmarks: 0 What Is Student Loan Consolidation? Nearly half of all college graduates have reported taking out some sort of student loan in order to help finance their education. Since most graduates do take out loans to pay for their college, many are choosing to use student loan consolidation to help relieve their financial burden after graduation. The following paragraphs will take a closer look at what student loan consolidation is, as well as discuss the interest rates associated with student loan consolidation.Stu...

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LinkedIn Recommendation: Doug Smart - Author, speaker, exec coach. 20+ yrs expertise worldwide teaching how to identify personal strengths for success. - Teo Graca is a modern Renaissance Man with a deep intellect and a gift for bringing people together to make things happen. - May 9, 2013, Doug was with another company when working with Teo at Net-Teams, Inc.


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