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Plan Your Success
Early in my career, I was told, Most people have a business plan, but the problem is they dont work their plan. The same may be said of New Year resolutions. How many promises did you make to yourself and on how many of them will you follow through? Follow these steps on how to prioritize your goals, break them down into achievable steps. Learn how these steps become your one-a-day business vitamin for greater success.
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10 Smashing Tricks To Burn Yourself To A Gorgeous Body
Most folks I know start off the New Year by making resolutions to lose weight and get in shape. often, this mission is often easier said than done. Some last a little longer than others, but for most, impetus starts to fizzle soon into the next buffet engagement.Have no fear: ten delightful tactics can empower you to motivate your self to a better body. Whether you are looking to lose a lot or just a few pounds or you want to exercise more to tone your body, you can creat...
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Top 7 New Years Resolutions
If you're not sure what you should be putting on your New Years Resolutions list, here are the top 7 resolutions other people have used:1. Spend More Time With Friends and FamilyIt's easy to get so busy with work that you neglect your friends and family. Before you know it, your friends have found new people to spend time with and your family have grown up. Plan to meet up with your friends on a regular basis, whether it's for a meal or a movie. And make time to spend...
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Stop Smoking Naturally
To a smoker, the act of lighting up in the morning feels as natural as greeting the day with a big yawn and a stretch. But there is nothing natural about inflicting an otherwise healthy body with poisonous chemicals and toxins. Nicotine is one of the most highly addictive controlled substances available on the market today, and quitting smoking is often one of the most cited New Year resolutions for people far and wide. The price of cigarettes has multiplied exponential...
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New Year Resolution To Lose Weight And Gain Muscle?
The New Year will soon arrive with much expectation. Many of us will be writing our New Year resolutions with some trepidation. Others write with great motivation. Are New Year resolutions meant to be broken? For some, yes, but most people will give it a shot.For those whose resolution is to keep fit and healthy and enjoy life looking and feeling fantastic, then this article is for you and to motivate you to keep to your resolution successfully.Different people exerci...
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Learn the Top 2 Tips to Make Your New Financial Year The Most Profitable Yet!
Well we are already 1/2 way through 2006 and boy has it gone fast, I swear I am already seeing hints of Christmas in the stores! Was one of your 2006 New Year resolutions to get busy with your business online and really make an impact? If you like many others have not quite gotten there yet, don't despair because I am about to give you the hottest and easiest to implement strategies that will really make a difference to your bottom line!!
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Tips to Succeed With Your Healthy New Year's Resolution
Exercising more. Eating nutritious foods. Stopping a smoking habit. With health-conscious actions topping our New Year's resolutions every year, why do we always seem to not meet our goals, going back to old habits?
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Notes From A Hypnotist, Part 2: Creating A New Year Thats Way Better Than Last Year
This is part 2 of a two-part series, and to save time and effort, well take a moment to review the highlights of part 1. If youre like me, and you feel compelled to read both parts, check the archives for Notes From A Hypnotist: How To Repair A Broken New Years Resolution by Wendy Lapidus-Saltz.Here are the highlights of part 1: There are essentially five reasons that most New Years resolutions come undone quickly. All have to do with how and why you made...
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This New Years, Resolve To Be Happy
As we all know, some of the most common New Years Resolutions are to lose weight, to stop smoking, to save money, and so on. Instead of resolving to do things that can cause you stress, this new year, why not resolve to be happy?Find out what makes you happyTake a few minutes to write down the things that make you happy. Is it your family? Your job? Taking time to golf, play piano, watch movies, or other leisure activities? Just focusing on what makes you happy ...
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New Years Resolutions - Some New Ideas
Want some new ideas for new years resolutions? Here are a few suggestions and a lesson on how to have new ideas.
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Conflict and Change: Managing Emotional Energy
The beginning of a new year, like the beginning of anything, brings with it thoughts of change, rejuvenation, new life, and resolutions about how to accomplish these changes. Life offers possibilities of a fresh start for our relationships. But we don't always carry through on our resolutions.
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Set Yourself Up For Success This New Year
Its 2008 and just as you did last year, and the year before that, youve probably set some New Years resolutions. By the time you get to February, these will be long forgotten as you get caught up with the daily grind of life.Why not make a fresh start this year and do things differently by following this simple 5 step process. Its easy, effective and very practical. It will help you make the changes that you know you need to make to bring new happiness into your life ...
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Setting Personal Goals: What Are Your Resolutions For The New Year?
Are you thinking about setting your personal goals? What are your resolutions for the new year?This is a busy time of year. Personally and socially there are cards to send, gifts to buy, and parties to attend. Professionally there are reviews, audits, and projects to wrap up before the years end. It is no wonder that we tend to push everything that can be postponed off until after the holidays.However this is an important time of year for you to take stock both person...
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On Resolutions
The New Year is almost here and, for some of us, our thoughts turn to making changes in our lives and the inevitable New Years resolution. While it is understandable that we establish resolutions, I dont recommend them for 2 main reasons:1. Waiting for an event like the New Year means that we lose time and opportunity, and is a form of procrastination. If change is required, we must incorporate the necessary changes immediately.2. The vast majority of those who esta...
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Ditch Your New Years Resolutions
A New Year is upon us. The stresses of Christmas will soon be over and well be bursting with good intentions to lose weight, pay off debts, get fit, drink less alcohol and be nicer to the mother-in-law. Sound familiar? Then read on!The truth is that most of us set ourselves up for failure when it comes to New Years Resolutions because a) our lists are too long, and b) theyre simply not exciting enough!Thats why I recommend you ditch your New Years Resolutions alt...
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Beat Procrastination This New Year
Its a New Year with probably yet another long list of resolutions. But will you actually do them? Or are you the type of person that has the best of intentions and sets goals but can never seem to get started on them, or you half-start them and never find the time or motivation to finish them?Well don't worry, you're not alone! We all suffer from procrastination at some point in our life. The good news is that there is a cure. Just think SNOW and follow these 4 steps:...
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2006 Is Already Setting Up To Fail
Its only a couple of weeks into the New Year and all those goals and resolutions you wanted for yourself are already slipping away. One of two things is happening: Either you simply never got started, or youre running out of steam.Not getting started is common. Even with all the great enthusiasm and excitement we had about the year, the diversion of the holidays and then just trying to get back into our normal routines didnt allow us to incorporate our new goals into o...
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10 Ways To Say No To Fear This New Year
Its a New Year and a new set of resolutions. But how many will you actually see through to the end? And how many will fall by the wayside because of one simple four lettered word . . . FEAR.Fear gets to the best of us, whether it is fear of failure, fear of success or even fear of fear. All of us have experienced fear at some point in our lives and it can be a real stumbling block that holds us back from being truly successful.But dont panic, there is a way to conqu...
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5 Tips to Increase Your Chances of Actually Achieving Your New Year's Resolutions
Even in January, more and more people forget about the well-meaning resolutions they made on New Year's to improve their lives.
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Gulp! & Get Off Your Butt This New Year
Every year we face challenges, ones that require us to step outside our comfort zone and brave the unknown. We feel the fear in the pit of our stomachs, yet deep down we know its time to meet the challenges head on. Perhaps youre stuck in a rut and you want to change something in your career: learn a new skill, change roles, go part-time or put yourself up for promotion. Or youve had a life-changing event thrust upon youan illness, divorce or a real knock to your con...
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Ditch Your New Years Resolutions!
The New Year is here and millions of us will be sitting down and writing out our New Years Resolutions. And, you know the drill, within two weeks they will be forgotten as we get caught up in the daily grind of life. Our fresh enthusiasm for the New Year will be gone and long forgotten.Dont let this happen to you!Instead, why not ditch your New Years Resolutions altogether and focus on just one big goal (or Gulp!)? Maybe its time to switch careers, or travel the w...
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Setting Successful New Year's Resolutions
Its almost that time of year again New Year Resolutions! Millions of people around the world are vowing to lose weight, quit smoking, stick to a budget, and more. How many will actually follow through with these changes? Probably not many. Have you done this before? Have you made promises to yourself and not kept them? You are not alone. Why does it seem so easy to make changes in our lives, until we actually begin to do the work?Change is hard. Most of us dont stop t...
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Personal Goals that Inspire and Motivate
Do you make a list of yearly resolutions or goals but don't follow through? Read on to learn tips and strategies to get going and stay on track!
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Nlp Coaching Goal Setting For Success At New Year Resolutions
This article is about the many different ways we can trip ourselves up in setting goals, particularly with New Year Resolutions and what you can do to change.Many people evaluate their lives and set new patterns around the New Year. There are several ways that this can deliberately set you up to fail.Often this is done because there is an expectation from others that you should set resolutions at this time of year. Also there is often a sense of giving things up or a ...
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Makinging Resolutions Stick
Every year I watch at the gym as it floods in January, then slows to a trickle by March. Why is it that we seem unable to make behavior change goals that last? Well, there are several reasons.Failing to consider why you currently do (or do not) engage in certain behaviors.As humans, we naturally do things that are rewarding and avoid doing things that are not. One of the biggest problems people have when they try to change their behavior is that they fail to look at a...
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Make Your Goals Stick
The amazing thing about the future is that if you wait, it will always come to you. No doubt you sat down and created your share of New Year's resolutions to conquer this year. The unfortunate truth, however, is that most people's resolutions fizzle and die before the first quarter is even over. It doesn't have to be this way!
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Follow Your Dreams
It is that time of year once more when many people are working on the goals they have set for themselves for the new year. Its the same thing every year. The goals that people set for themselves are usually along the lines of, I want to lose weight, I want to quit smoking, I want to exercise more etc. Newsletters and Magazines are full of articles on how to accomplish these things.Although the normal resolutions are good and healthy for you, they m...
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Changing And Keeping Resolutions
Its time for that annual ritual of making (and breaking) our New Years resolutions. There is something about the idea of being able to start over that motivates us to pause (at least briefly) and reflect on our lives as they are, as well as how we would like them to be. Yet how many times have you thought back to last years goals and found that many or most of them were abandoned or just forgotten after a few weeks or months into the year?
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Blast Through Barriers to your Goals
This simple preplanning step will allow you to identify your potential barriers and plan your way around them.
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Achieve More by Deleting Should from your Vocabulary
Take back your power and motivation by replacing should's with will's.
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5 Simple Steps to make 2006 the Best Year Ever!!!
5 Simple Steps to turn your life from confusion to success in under 5 minutes. Get your top 3 goals for the year and a simple system to insure that you achieve them.
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4 Tips Toward Making Resolutions That Matter!
Making resolutions is one thing, keeping them another. Matt shares four tips to help you reach your goals and to reward yourself for a job well done!
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10 Ways To Kick The Procrastination Habit
A survey (by the University of Chicago) suggested that those who relish challenge are more likely to live up to 10 years longer than those who spend their lives inhibited by timidity.Trying to realize our ambitions, even if we don't always meet them, is preferable to not having the courage or motivation to take the risk. So not making any resolutions because we fear that we'll break them is having a defeatist attitude, as we allow procrastination to become an insidious ha...
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Good Self, Bad Self
Do you walk your talk? Most of us like to think that we mean what we say and say what we mean.Then why do we keep saying we will quit doing this, or start doing that, and we find we keep on doing the same old things? Most New Year's resolutions end up abandoned shortly after they were made.We are not liars. We are sincere at the time. But soon or later, we find ourselves faced with conflicting emotions, convictions and our real actions.Most of the time we kid ours...
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Gratitude Journal: Keeping The Thanksgiving Spirit Alive Year-Round
Some people make New Years resolutions. I make Thanksgiving resolutions. Every year, I resolve to resume my practice of keeping a gratitude journal.And every year, about three weeks later, I lose the journal. Not that this stops me. I just write my entries in some other journal, or a notebook. You may consider this weird, but for me, the act of writing things down seems to be the important part. Its almost as if the writing action alone does something to the synapses in...
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5 Romantic Travel Resolutions
A new year always means a chance for a new start. You and yours can begin this new year by making some travel resolutions together, regardless of your time and budget restraints.
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Ebay Ebook Success Tips: New Years Resolutions!!!
I hope you all had a good break during the holidays. If you made New Years Resolutions you should also make some that apply to your ebook business. If you did not this article gives you some.