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Net-Teams - Bookmark Tag sad

There are 100 articles associated with the tag sad!

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1. Bookmarks: 0 Self Help - Mind Body Spirit Information That Will Challenge The Way You View Life! Regardless of personal viewpoint about spirituality, many have wondered what would have happened if Saddam Hussein hadn't been stopped when he first invaded Kuwait back in the early nineties? Well, this story explores that scenario to its surprising conclusion and then reinvents the scene time and again in a sequence similar to 'Groundhog Day' but in a self help mind, body, spirit theme.
2. Bookmarks: 0 Apple iPad 3 : Expect And Avail The Better The Apple iPad 3 is the successor of two other iPads that released earlier and hence, the faults and disadvantages of the previous two models are tried to be eradicated in this one.
3. Bookmarks: 0 The Simple Magic Of Reading “Books make a complete man,” said a man centuries ago.This holds true today as yesterday. Sadly, the young generation might have lost interest in reading books because more and more forms of entertainment compete for their attention. Movies enchant them, music and MTV grab their attention, and computer games challenge their skills. This is very disheartening, especially if we will take into consideration the vast amount of knowledge that we miss if we fail to read voracio...
4. Bookmarks: 2 SAT Test: Not Your Big Brother’s Exam The SAT Test continues to evolve with every generation of students, and the current SAT Test is an exceptions. Gone are those old mental teasers known as “analogies” which required you to decide if Obfuscate is to Obscure like Dilly-Dally is to Linger. Of course, for those who loved these verbal games, this is a disadvantage, especially for those who are not so keen on writing.There is a new writing section added to the SAT Test which requires every student to compose an ...
5. Bookmarks: 0 Business Credit Card – Increasing Your Credit Line For Your New Business Business credit cards offer excellent advantages to the small business owner with very few disadvantages. This article looks in closer detail at the business credit card.
6. Bookmarks: 0 Brazil's Tourist Attractions Despite its popularity, Brazil is largely unknown to a lot of people. Other spots around the world have taken the front seat in the tourism area which is incredibly sad when you consider how much Brazil has to offer the tourist. No matter who you are there is something for you in Brazil. The culture is enough to please anyone and the many tourist attractions make for vacations that will be talked about for years to come.One of the most famous of all tourist attractions is...
7. Bookmarks: 0 The Problem With Timeshares And Vacation Rentals There are more disadvantages to purchasing and renting timeshares than there are advantages. Due to high front end costs, annual fees and inflexibility, timeshares are steadily decreasing in popularity. Consumers are trying to find better ways in which to travel
8. Bookmarks: 0 Campos Do Jordão, Brazil If you want to visit a city with a tipically tempered climate but that is located in the tropics then you should visit Campos do Jordão in the brazilian state of São Paulo. It is located more or less in between 3 well known capitals of Brazil: Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and Belo Horizonte. Campos do Jordão is easy to reach over the highways that connect these cities. As a result, many people visit Campos do Jordão which makes tourism the main economical activity of t...
9. Bookmarks: 0 The Advantages and Disadvantages of Structured Settlements A structured settlement is an arrangement where instead of a lump sum of cash being awarded to a claimant, a tax-free periodic payment is agreed. Structured settlements are often used in guardianship cases, workers compensation cases, wrongful death cases and severe injury cases.
10. Bookmarks: 0 The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Getting A Contract For Deed For Your Home Loan Using a contract for deed for a home loan may be very advantageous for both the buyer and the seller, provided that it is prepared properly and smoothly. Contracts that are not really drafted well might cause great difficulties that could affect either parties for many years ahead. Thus it is very important for both the seller and the buyer to carefully scrutinize all the limitations and possibilities afforded by the contract for deed prior to finally subjecting themselve...
11. Bookmarks: 0 Nation Branding and Place Marketing - IV. The Place Some countries are geographically disadvantaged. Recent studies have demonstrated how being landlocked or having a tropical climate carry a hefty price tag in terms of reduced economic growth. These unfavorable circumstances can be described as natural discounts to a country's price.
12. Bookmarks: 0 Interest Only Loan Interest Only Mortgages is a risky product and does have its disadvantages it a tricky form of mortgage because it can be misleading as the payment is very small for the first 1,2,5,7 or even 10 years. The Interest Only Mortgage will have a balloon payment for the entire principal balance at the end of the loan term. Interest only mortgages might be beneficial for people in markets where houses appreciate rapidly and the plan is to remain in the house for only a couple of yea...
13. Bookmarks: 0 Who Will Fill The Inner Compass NLP Receivership Gap? As an ex- student of Inner Compass NLP trainings, I was as surprised as everyone to discover that the company had gone into receivership. So surprised in fact, that I checked it was true on the Companies House website.It seemed such a sad surprise, only 12 months previously I had spent 17 days with Andy Harrington and Topher Morrison, completing my trainers training qualification which would allow me to teach NLP Practitioner and NLP Master Practitioner courses of my own,...
14. Bookmarks: 0 Businesses, Money, And Usa Grants! Now you know why businesses revolve on money. There can be no other tool that is as important as money in the business world. Hence, if you do not have all these money to start and develop your business, you can never see your business grow. The saddest part is that you can never achieve financial stability. So if you are having some problems in funding your new business idea or product expansion concept, it is best to find good financial sources. Generally, most ...
15. Bookmarks: 0 Snowboarders: The Youngest Pros Of All The world of professional snowboarders is one where youth is often more of an asset than a disadvantage. In many sports, years of experience are necessary before it is possible to compete against the top tier of athletes; but the youthful spring of teen snowboarders often gives them enough of a leg up that they can reach the pinnacle of their field before they are even old enough to drive a car. Boarders sometimes turn pro as early as thirteen or fourteen years of age. Sn...
16. Bookmarks: 3 Secured Loan For The Self-Employed: Ready Money For The Entrepreneurial Mind Self-employed people face the distinct disadvantage of irregular incomes and erratic work availability. This entraps them into financial difficulties. They can regain a grip on their finances by taking the secured loan for self-employed. Using their home or home equity as the collateral they can borrow large amounts. A bad credit borrower can also get such a loan quite easily provided he has the right collateral.
17. Bookmarks: 2 Guide to Self Employed Loans UK Since the self employed people find themselves disadvantaged in the regular loans, self employed loans offer to give them the much-needed financial respite. At a slightly increased APR, self employed loans can give them an access to finance. The following article deals with the distinct features of self employed loans and how they can benefit the self employed people.
18. Bookmarks: 38 Self Cert Loans - Special Lending For The Self Employed Even as recently as a decade ago being self employed was a distinct disadvantage when you went to get a loan in the United Kingdom. UK Lenders just did not like it that they could not ask for that pay stub as proof of employment when you wanted to get a mortgage or other secured loan. Thanks to self cert loans that problem has been resolved for the self employed. As often happens with change, the market dictated it. More and more people are leaving their jobs behind and b...
19. Bookmarks: 4 Hope For Sub-Prime Consumers As the Editor in Chief at, I have seen first hand the suffering that is going on with the sub-prime credit card and housing market. Banks and loan brokers were issuing loans to those with marginal credit to make a fast buck.What’s sad is these loan sharks were out there cashing in on the hopes and dreams of those with low annual incomes and marginal credit, offering sub-prime consumers mortgages and credit cards. After all, the American dream is really owni...
20. Bookmarks: 1 Double Whammy: The Effects of Procrastination. Not only will procrastination prevent you from reaping the rewards but your inaction will prevent you from even being exposed to opportunities. Out of all the negative effects of procrastination and indecision the failure to spot and act on opportunity is probably the saddest.
21. Bookmarks: 5 Recover From Divorce With Hypnosis It is estimated that one in three couples who were married in the past decade will go through a divorce. Divorce is a word that affects millions of people. We have all known someone who has gone through a divorce or been through a divorce ourselves. When an individual is experiencing divorce this can be a very sad and lonely time and some people have trouble recovering.If one does not recover from a divorce then that person is cutting their life short. There are so many a...
22. Bookmarks: 0 Real Beauty Is Being Yourself This article talks about how women spend on their appearance to look good. There are available healthy diet programs that some women practice, but others are still into the idea that thin is pretty. Abusing their health, they begin to have eating disorders. Disadvantages and health risks are present, so the media is there to help in showing society the health risks involved in having eating disorders. Proper counseling and therapy with a professional therapist is suitable for those sufferin...
23. Bookmarks: 0 Pepper Spray As A Non-Lethal Self-Defense Tool We live at a time when crime rates are soaring despite better policing and governance. This seems to have some correlation with the increasing proportion of single women. More and more women today are single than in any other generation previous. It is sad and regrettable that as women are getting increasingly independent, they are also at a much higher risk of assault, theft, and battery. If you are a single woman and would feel comfortable with some added protection while i...
24. Bookmarks: 9 Find the Best Salsa Instructional DVD Online If you want to find the best resource site offering salsa dance lessons than you’ve come to the right place because we have the best resource site for you. Go right now to
25. Bookmarks: 0 Kissing a frog A very sad frog sat on his lily cushion and wept He has been isolated there ever since he had insulted an ugly witch and been converted into a frog. Not astonishingly her felt unhappy and having been something of a a handsome gentleman when he was a human being, missed the company of ladies very much.
26. Bookmarks: 0 How To Recognise Depression Mental health, not the sort of thing most people choose to talk about seriously. We've all heard the comments about 'Sad Sack', 'Mr Grumpy' or phrases like 'Smile, I'll pay for the stitches' or 'Stop moping around'. It saddens me every time I hear a remark like that, something insensitive or said out of plain ignorance, usually by people who have little or no contact with people who suffer from depression, and most certainly do not have a loved one or family member that suffe...
27. Bookmarks: 10 Home Schooling: Its Advantages As the years weigh on, more and more parents are losing confidence on the educational systems be it in a private or public school. There is the sad reality of unqualified teachers, classrooms that are overcrowded, the use of outdated resources such as textbooks and references plus the concern of safety with school violence and drugs being rampant. These negative factors have given rise to the emerging popularity of having children homeschooled.At the start, parents transf...
28. Bookmarks: 0 What A #2 America Will Look Like? Around the year of 2015 American’s world as they currently know it will changes dramatically. To think about the concept of becoming #2 in the world makes people’s hair stand up on their back of their necks. The confidence of the Country is going to be shattered and a new psychological outlook will emerge. What will the country look like?The Economics of #2:A country in the #2 position has a marked disadvantage in terms of its ability to obtain advantageous trade agre...
29. Bookmarks: 0 Strength of Postcard’s Style and Personality Postcard is many things… It can serve as an inspiration to move people towards a goal. It can be funny and make people laugh around at their friend’s misadventures and transgressions. It can bring you to different places you have never seen before. Most of all, they can drag a multitude to one’s business.
30. Bookmarks: 0 Free Psychics There are several different types of free psychics. If you are just beginning to explore the possibilities that are available to you for psychic guidance then you may find a free psychic is good place to start. If you are like many people, the first time that you visit a psychic you may be a bit skeptical. Sadly, with the number of charlatans who are just out to make a quick buck, your skepticism may not be totally unfounded. If you find a psychic who is willing to get you st...
31. Bookmarks: 0 Knowing Why Depression Happens Having a person you know and love have the depressions is a depressing situation as well. Watching the wallow in their loneliness and sadness can cause a great rift between the two of you. This comes from fear as well as the misunderstanding of the needs and symptoms of the depressed person
32. Bookmarks: 0 Personal Development & Happiness Tools: Anger Release Personal Development and Happiness: Releasing Anger In personal development, one of the main goals is to achieve happiness. What often stands in the way are “negative” emotions that linger on. Most people have some of these emotions, either repressed or lasting with no outlet. Some are low level, some are strong.Recognising that you have this sadness or anger bottled up inside you, or dealing with lower level emotions are articles that can be found on the Urban Monk w...
33. Bookmarks: 0 How To Listen To Your Angels? You can feel protection and safety. You can sense the answer to a question that is bothering you but you haven’t even verbalized. You feel like you are being given messages and chances to follow a certain path. When you feel comfort in trying times or a sense of happiness when you are sad, you may be feeling the power and presence of your guardian angel. When you feel alone and don’t have the comfort of feeling protected, then you may not be able to feel the presence of your ...
34. Bookmarks: 14 Custom Printed Packing Tape Builds Your Brand and Sells Your Products Packing tapes can be plain, printed with stock messages or can be custom printed packing tapes. The last option can convert your packages into brand ambassadors. The custom printing typically involves printing the company logo, name and contact details on the packing tape.
35. Bookmarks: 14 Custom Printed Packaging Tape Can Carry Your Branding or Sales Message Printed packaging tapes can be stock tapes that carry standard messages like FRAGILE, or can be custom printed with your own message. A custom printed packaging tape can act as your brand ambassador during the transit of the package.
36. Bookmarks: 1 Condominiums – Disadvantages of Ownership Purchasing a new residence involves many issues and condos may be on your radar. Before you buy, keep in mind there are disadvantages to condominium ownership.
37. Bookmarks: 2 Benefits Of Gardening For Kids Apparently, we can see how nature is treated these days. It is a sad thing to know that people do not pay attention so much anymore to the environmental problems. What can we do about this? It's as simple as starting with the children. It is good to see the children's involvement with environment-friendly activities. One such nature-loving activity that children could easily get their hands on is gardening. Why should you consider gardening for your children?Here are the ...
38. Bookmarks: 3 The Most Popular Roses When most think of flowers the image that comes to mind is that of a rose. A rose can be used to express any kind of emotion. It can indicate love or it can denote sadness. It can bring a peace of mind or it can excite the receiver.Little wonder that most of us want to buy a rose. And it is easily understandable as to why many of us would want to see roses blooming in our gardens.People like all the different varieties of roses. Yet as is the case with most things the...
39. Bookmarks: 2 Storage Sheds – The Un-Clutter Solution A storage shed is a light structure (generally made of wood) in a back garden used for storage of tools, vehicles, or useful items and is very often used to pursue hobbies like gardening and light engineering. Storage sheds are available in a variety of designs and materials in the market.Types of Storage Sheds Based on Material. The materials used for storage sheds are wood, plywood, vinyl, metal, steel and Rubbermaid. The materials have various advantages and disadvanta...
40. Bookmarks: 0 Caribbean Vacation Travel Do you organize your Caribbean vacation travel yourself? Or do you go ‘flight inclusive’ and hand the legwork over to a more experienced tour operator?Well, the decision is yours to make, and there are advantages and disadvantages to each option. First, let’s find out what a flight inclusive Caribbean vacation travel means.A flight inclusive Caribbean vacation travel is a holiday booked direct with a tour operator. One obvious advantage of this option is that it is often simp...
41. Bookmarks: 0 Making Essential Oils Work For You Essential Oils are fragrant, liquid products derived from plants. They can be used in a variety of purposes including but not limited to:- Perfumery- Cosmetics- Incense- Culinary purposes- Food essence- Fabric and hair conditioners- Detergents and other cleaning products and aromatherapy- Remedies for mental fatigue and stress- Mitigating depression- Fading away sadness I. HistoryThey have been around since antiquity and credits were given to ear...
42. Bookmarks: 0 How To Get Natural Back Pain Relief? The highest rate of back pain sufferers is found in the age group of 45 to 64. Incidentally, this is also the age bracket in which you are expected to be most active as your home routine and your work routine takes on punishing proportions. So to be saddled with the irritating complaint of back pain is more than what you have catered for. Relief for such a problem is sought from all quarters.One of the most frequent ways in which people try to get rid of back pain is by m...
43. Bookmarks: 0 A Quick Comparison of Conventional Medicines and Alternative Medicines Wondering which type of medicine or treatment to choose? Compare conventional medicines to alternative medicines so you'll know the advantages and disadvantages of each.
44. Bookmarks: 0 Ayurveda regime for winter depression Long nights, short days, sweaters, warm clothes and chilly weather make many of us sick and depressed. This depression which surfaces especially in winter is a Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) and is often called as winter Time Blues or Winter depression. The exact cause for this depression is as of yet unclear. But yet few scientists believe lack of exposure to sunlight as the reason for this disorder.
45. Bookmarks: 5 The Magic of Dreaming Big - How to Find Your Vision in Life If you don’t dream big enough, you major in minor things. A sad fact of life is that people don’t live to achieve their fullest potential. Most of the time, the act of surviving consumes them. Earning enough to live a comfortable lifestyle takes up all their time. And in the end, they have yet to find meaning and fulfillment in their lives.
46. Bookmarks: 0 This New Year’s, Resolve To Be Happy As we all know, some of the most common New Year’s Resolutions are to lose weight, to stop smoking, to save money, and so on. Instead of resolving to do things that can cause you stress, this new year, why not resolve to be happy?Find out what makes you happyTake a few minutes to write down the things that make you happy. Is it your family? Your job? Taking time to golf, play piano, watch movies, or other leisure activities? Just focusing on what makes you happy ...
47. Bookmarks: 1 The Pros And Cons Of Cavity Back Irons Whenever I talk about irons in my golf lessons, students invariably ask which style is best—cavity back or blade. The cavity back has its advantages and its disadvantages. It also has its fans. Golfers, however, shouldn’t choose an iron style because it’s popular in the clubhouse, since the style many not fit their game. The key to iron styles, as I’ve said in my golf tips, is finding what’s right for you.Cavity backs are popular these days—and for good reason....
48. Bookmarks: 0 The Basics Of Buying Ladies Golf Clubs Part 1 Ladies are at a disadvantage when it comes to putting together a set of golf clubs that fits them well and from which they can get the most out of their games. The reason is that there are few choices in normal off-the-shelf ladies golf clubs. With typically less than 10% of sales for a golf club company coming from ladies golf clubs, there are simply few choices in club styles, shaft flex, swing weights, or lofts normally available in most golf shops. An exception to this ...
49. Bookmarks: 0 Men’s Saddle Shoes Shoes have always been the part and parcel of fashion since ages and always enhanced the personality of any individual. One such shoe is saddle shoe; this shoe got its name due to the vamp and instep of the shoe which take the shape of the saddle in the center. The shoes are formal leather footwear normally with two tones of black and white. Combinations of other colors are also available. The shoe with black and white coloration mostly has black leather on the middle part va...
50. Bookmarks: 0 Golf Ball Logos Logo golf balls are considered the true ambassador to the game of golf. They occupy approximately twenty percent of the golf ball business today and are mainly used for corporate branding. It is through logo golf balls that you build and maintain successful business relationships with your customers, employees, suppliers, and the millions of people who enjoy the game of golf.
51. Bookmarks: 0 How To Improve Your Life With Easy Meditation Techniques Nowadays, the easy meditation techniques can be considered almost essential, if wanting to relax and to detach from stress. We all tend to get caught up in tensioned environments, be it the case of professional or personal ones and forget how to spend quality time and how to basically rediscover ourselves and enjoy our lives. This happens simply because the world is evolving around dynamism and we all want to keep up with our times. But sadly, all this can cause a lot of ...
52. Bookmarks: 0 Affect Change With The Help Of Personal Development Programs While personal development programs are often discussed, they are sadly misunderstood by most. Frequently they are considered to be a kind of course or retreat that focuses on the development of a personal trait of character to the exclusion of anything else. Conversely, others believe them to be great business tools that help anyone – from the entry level blue collar worker to the top executive of the company – to prepare themselves for climbing that next rung on the corpora...
53. Bookmarks: 0 Tend To Your Own Happiness Many of us wish for more happiness. We want to lead happier, more fulfilling, lives, but the sad truth is that so many of us that wish for more happiness spend much more time tending the happiness of others than we do tending to our own happiness.Happiness does not simply happen. A person does not suddenly stumble across happiness. Happiness is the result of careful tending and a person who wishes to be happy must tend to their own happiness.Tending to your happiness ...
54. Bookmarks: 0 Self Help And Your Self Esteem People with low self esteem often feel completely alone when it comes to finding a solution to their problem. Without a proper direction finder, they may turn their strength over to one person after another and never really find anyone who can help them. Feeling alone is likely to be one of the most central issues facing people with low self esteem and this is what puts them at a disadvantage. In order to truly be able to find the right direction in life and to choose the ...
55. Bookmarks: 0 Self Esteem: You Are Not Who You Think You Are David sat in front of me at one of my five-day intensive workshops. A successful businessman with a wife and two grown children, David believed that he was not good enough.“I’m insufficient,” he said. “I’m inadequate.”I looked at this kind man and felt deep sadness for him. He did not know who he was. “Why do you believe that?” I asked.“I didn’t do well in school, and I’ve made lots of mistakes in my life.”“So you are basing y...
56. Bookmarks: 0 Quiz- Are You Tense? Tension, stress, anxiety, depression, and other disorders are a gift of the modern world to all of us. Our ancestors did not know the meaning of these words. But all of us suffer from them some time in our life? Quiz yourself about your tension. If you are tense, you should get out of it as soon as possible otherwise the tension will one day make your life very sad? How to find that out? Let us quiz ourselves.Think of yourself when you get up. Do you get up with a spring ...
57. Bookmarks: 0 Coaching – Accusations Unacceptable “Mistakes are part of the dues one pays for a full life.” – Sophia LorenHindsight is a great accuser. It seems that no matter what decision we make there is always a decision we could have made that was better. Sometimes it can even seem as if the secondary choice would have made the world of difference for us. Sadly we can get bogged down in personal or business failure.Consider a choice that was made by the Portland Trailblazers back in 1984. The Trailblazers were a...
58. Bookmarks: 0 Become Proactive And Master Success We all want to succeed in life. We want to succeed in our personal relationships. We want to succeed in our professional lives. Yet despite this desire to succeed we so often do not find success. Just what is the secret to success in our personal and professional lives? Being proactive.It is easy to place the blame for our failure to succeed on the many factors that influence our lives. Perhaps we were born with certain disadvantages or at least with no noticeable advanta...
59. Bookmarks: 1 Beauty And Perception When it comes to perceiving a woman’s beauty, the range of possibility is enormous. I have been lucky in this lifetime to have known several men who love all kinds of women—all types, body shapes, sizes, colors, races. Blonde, brunette, redhead. Short and round or tall and rectangular. It’s all good. Sadly, I have known far more who have such a narrow window for what is lovely that most women can’t even get an “acceptable” rating. They may be liked well enough ...
60. Bookmarks: 2 Rags To Riches – Not Just An American Dream When someone becomes immensely successful and wealthy, others have choices in how they respond. The common choices are:1. An outpouring of jealousy, dismissing the successful person as lucky, dishonest, manipulative, evil or with some other derogatory term.2. Admiration and acceptance; a “that's life” attitude: “Good for him”.3. Wow! How did he do that? I want to learn from that guy and do the same.It is sad that such a high percentage of people seem to fall i...
61. Bookmarks: 1 Kill Your Depression - Five 5 Super Effective Tips Being lonely is a normal part of our everyday lives. We get sad when we fail in our exams, when we're rejected by the person we love, or when someone very close to us passes away. Depression, however, could be more fatal than just plain loneliness. It could render life-long consequences that could ruin your self-esteem, health, and well-being.Here are some superb tips to conquer the melancholy mood and get the most bliss out of your daily activities.1) Get Enough Ligh...
62. Bookmarks: 1 How To Overcome Anger And Road Rage Recently it was reported that a 41 year old driver was shot because he pulled into the exact change lane and a driver was angry with him for his slowness? Yikes it is terrible to read about this and so sad the desperation and daily blow ups that occur. This can happen alot when someone drives slowly in left lane, sees a tailgater or watches someone else steal a parking space.Why else do we have road rage reactions? Seeing someone ignore a traffic sign, excessive honking, ...
63. Bookmarks: 5 How Hypnosis Can Help You Quit Smoking The negative impact of smoking on health has been well documented for decades, and there is becoming an ever increasing shift towards kicking the habit for good. Sadly, nicotine is more addictive than crack cocaine, and this is evident in the hundreds of thousands, if not millions worldwide who try and fail to give up every single year. One proven successful treatment in the fight against the tobacco habit has been hypnosis. With a proven track record, hypnosis is becoming...
64. Bookmarks: 2 Cannabis And The Void Often when people give up smoking cannabis, a massive hole (or void) is made within themselves. They are left with a feeling of depression and emptiness. It's like something is missing. Something you love has now disappeared and you feel sadness because you want that feeling back.Truth is you don't actually want marijuana back, but you do want the FEELING that marijuana gave you back.I hear it often that many users are saying they find it difficult to cope with this c...
65. Bookmarks: 0 TruAwareness Quiz Discover the divine meaning behind the painful feelings and events in your life with a healing practice called TruAwareness, and uncover the powerful wisdom embedded in your life experiences and find deeper healing and more peace than you’ve ever known.Answer the following questions with a True or False response and write your answers down:1. When I'm reminded of moments from my past relationships, I can feel regret, sadness, anger or resentment.2. I experience st...
66. Bookmarks: 0 The Secret - When You Can Walk On Water , Take The Boat ( Part 25 ) “Years passed and under the gentle guidance of the Guru, most of the disciples accomplished what they had set out to do. Finally, the shy disciple approached the Guru. ‘Master,’ said he, ‘I have toiled and practiced without ceasing, lo, these many years. See that city across the river? I can now walk on the water and go over to the city. Master, I have overcome. I can walk on water.’“Looking at the young disciple the old master sadly asked,‘Why did you not...
67. Bookmarks: 0 Spirituality Information - Journey In The Fields Of Forever ( Part 3 ) I recalled my first flight as a teenager leaving one country for another to continue my education. The excitement of foreign adventures was mixed with the sadness of leaving my family. As the plane took off and the northern coast of South America dropped below the horizon, I remember brushing a small tear off my cheek, yet smiling at the glorious possibilities of exploring a new, fascinating and sometimes frightening world. It would be years before I would see my family again...
68. Bookmarks: 0 New Age Spirituality – Morning Has Been All Night Coming ( Part 54 ) “No, John. I quite understand.” A shadow of sadness crossed her face. Perhaps it was my imagination. However, the pull of that little village was so strong and I felt the need to be alone.“I can’t explain it, Marla. I just must be alone with my thoughts.”“There are times we all need ‘aloneness.’ Here, clip this remote control to your belt. The buttons on the main panel are duplicated on the remote. Remember, green for go,red to stop or to change progr...
69. Bookmarks: 0 A Time To Remember - Spirituality Information It was early in the evening when the phone call came. Reaching over, I grabbed the phone and was greeted by my cousin who lives in New York City. There was a deep sadness in her voice as she told me that she personally wanted to call me and invite me to the 5-year memorial service she'd be having for her two children.Although I have spoken with this cousin a number of times since that tragic day, September 11th, five years ago, it had been about 30 years since I last saw ...
70. Bookmarks: 0 So You Have Problems Get all the facts.Describe the problem in detail.List all the possible solutions.List the advantages and disadvantages of each.Detail what you will do.Follow through.
71. Bookmarks: 0 Motivation's Effect On Mental And Physical Health Many studies have been done to research the effects of motivation and mental health. As the implications of helping those with negative self-esteem, depression and anxiety are immense this is certainly an area of research that deserves a great deal of attention. Psychology Online reports on a study investigating the differences between INTERNAL and EXTERNAL MOTIVATION. The report states that Although our society is largely extrinsically-motivated by external rewards such...
72. Bookmarks: 0 Using Meditation To Help You To Reduce Stress Do you feel that you are constantly under stress? Are you looking into ways of how you can reduce your stress levels? If you have answered yes to both of these questions, you are not alone. The world is seemingly becoming faster, more demanding and more pressurised. In this article I write about how meditation can help you to relax and become a happier person.
73. Bookmarks: 0 Patriachy And How It Can Affect You! Many girls have never really known what it is like to be treated like a princess by their guy. I find this terribly sad! They are not in love with a man who wants to be her HERO! For thousands of years womankind has been dominated by PATRIACHY - where men have resorted to cruelty and violence to take control of civilization and rule over women with the upper hand. It is certain that many men see woman as this kind of 'underling'. It is very sad when you are noticing (time and...
74. Bookmarks: 0 How Rules Rule Your Life You have rules that govern your life. You have rules for happiness, for success, for sadness, for love and for everything and anything. Discover why you have these rules and how you can change them and change your life.
75. Bookmarks: 9 Courage “Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway.” – John WayneCourage is the cliché hallmark attributed to the hero. I say cliché because people talk about courage as if it is some mysterious force only a hero is born with. Courage is a vague and fleeting concept for many people because they lack it themselves. People lack courage because they lack knowledge. They have no idea where the true source of courage comes from. Even worse, they don’t know ...
76. Bookmarks: 0 Law Of Attraction: The Power Of Positive Words In the universe, there are two great forces at work. We know them as good and evil or positive and negative. They are two powerful forces in their own right. In similar fashion, there are positive words and negative words, each causing opposite reactions when used by humans. We all know how positive words can make us feel good and inspire us, and how negative words can bring us down and led us to pain, anger or sadness. We have seen how positive words bring people together, b...
77. Bookmarks: 3 How Can The Law Of Attraction Help With Stress? Countless people are leading a life where perpetual stress is a daily experience. There is much information available to help combat this problem. And rightly so, with all of the hours of having to work a full-time job, raising children, supporting a family, and keeping up with health, there is a lot to be stressed out about. On top of that, statistics show that more and more people are falling in to debt. Sadly, it seems that many people are living off credit cards to make t...
78. Bookmarks: 0 Where To Find Student Loans For College A college education may seem trivial to some but to not to most people who want to achieve a better status in life economically and socially. Globalization has made education very important because of the increasing competitiveness among young professionals worldwide.A college degree has become a prerequisite in getting better work opportunities in any field of discipline. The lack of a college degree can thus put a person at a disadvantage especially when he is applying ...
79. Bookmarks: 0 The problem of the single lender rule What is the single lender rule? Well, according to the single lender rule, if you are a student and you ask for a student loan, your request is sent through to the Department of Education which will decide who your lender will be. This action leaves you with very few options. Students are often stuck with one lender, due to the single lender rule, a rule that has many disadvantages.
80. Bookmarks: 0 The Costs Of Going To Unversity Going to university is one of the biggest decisions a young person has to make, and a lot can rest on the outcome. Do they leave college and head straight into a new career, learning and earning along the way? Or do they further their education and bulk up their qualifications in hope of a better paid job down the line? There are advantages and disadvantages to both; getting on the career ladder as early as possible is a good idea, and sometimes by the time a similar aged, de...
81. Bookmarks: 0 Student Loans And Finances - Life As A Cash Strapped Student It can be the best time of your life, or the worst depending on how you aproach what life deals you as a university student. For most of us heading off to college or university is the first time we've ever been away from home for any long period of time. It is also one of the first times we are pretty much completely responsible for our finances. It is a sad but true fact that for most university students, money is just as important (or more important) than good grades.Be...
82. Bookmarks: 0 Get Out Of Debt Plan-How To Shatter Your Debt And Start Living The Life Of Financial Freedom So what is the best get out of debt plan to help you become free and achieve your financial goals? Being in debt can be one of the hardest and most exhausting experiences you’ve ever faced. Waking up every single day being worried about where the money comes from takes a severe toll on your health.This is the way that all too many people live their lives. They spend their whole working careers saddled in debt, and trying endlessly to catch up and eventually turn a profit....
83. Bookmarks: 0 Find Out Everything There Is To Know About Student Loans For those students who are at a financial disadvantage and find that they are having a hard time making ends meet; the good news is that they might be eligible for a student loan.There are many types of student loans that cater to the different needs of individuals.Some student loans do not have to be paid until the student has graduated from college. But this type of loan tends to be limited in amount. Almost all students may qualify for this type of loan. There is a...
84. Bookmarks: 0 Some Tips To Ensure Success In Your Debt Consolidation Loan A debt consolidation loan may just be the answer to all your financial problems. Read on for some tips to make sure you succeed with consolidating your debts.You may well know that getting debt consolidation loan has its own advantages and disadvantages. Here are some tips to help you succeed in consolidating:- Do your research. While searching for debt consolidation companies and their terms can be most convenient online, make sure that you also check for those based...
85. Bookmarks: 0 Debt Consolidation Home Equity Loans – Advantages And Disadvantages Getting a home equity loan, or second mortgage, for the sole intent of consolidating and ultimately eliminating unnecessary debts is a great plan. Many consumers are burdened with high credit card balances, consumer loans, etc. Reducing or paying off debts takes time. Furthermore, many do not have the disposable income to lessen credit card balances.Owning a home places you at a huge advantage. Those who have built equity in their homes may acquire a home equity loan as a...
86. Bookmarks: 0 Consolidation Loans for Tenants- Empowering Tenants with a Method to Counter Debts Tenants are more likely to incur debts because of their low income and a major part of the income being employed to pay rent. Consolidation loan for tenants provide a very important technique to counter debts. Most of the characteristics of consolidation loan for tenants are similar to that of unsecured loans. Read more about the advantages and disadvantages of debt consolidation loans in this article.
87. Bookmarks: 0 Living Wills Make Final Wishes Known People remember how sad they felt while Terri Schiavo withered away; as they watched the woman's family fight over what they thought she wanted.
88. Bookmarks: 0 Is FOREX trading Right For You? This article discusses the advantages and disadvantages of trading the FOREX market so you can evaluate if the risks are worth the rewards.
89. Bookmarks: 0 How To Undertake Free Stock Research Stocks are not constant. They increase, decrease and disappear. In fact, investing in the stock market is a risky endeavor not to be taken lightly. You name it-- you may start out happy with the high standing of your stocks and after an hour or two turn sad because your stocks have somehow lowered down below their original value. They may actually plunge, slamming down to the lowest values fathomable. You may emerge feeling depressed that you’ve lost an investment that you’ve...
90. Bookmarks: 0 HYIP’s versus Autosurfs: Which Is Better For You? Article Preview:A high yield investment program is essentially an investment in which you have the choice of how much you can invest in the program, hoping for a high yield. Any amount can be invested in a HYIP, and in fact small amounts works rather well for HYIP’s, but there is an advantage (and disadvantage) to using large investments. An autosurf is better known as a “traffic exchange”; a person buys advertising that is placed in rotation with other advertisements. Each a...
91. Bookmarks: 0 When To “Buy Now” And When To Bid. You will often find yourself facing the choice of whether to pay a fixed price or keep on bidding. This choice might be presented to you in a single auction, or you might be choosing between different auctions of the different types. So should you use that ‘Buy it Now’ button or keep on trying to outbid everyone else? It’s all a question of weighing up the advantages and disadvantages.Buy it Now.- The Advantages.When you use Buy it Now, you know the asking price a...
92. Bookmarks: 0 Types of online stores There are different types of online stores that provide you with great discounts and rebates but do have their associated disadvantages.
93. Bookmarks: 0 Tips And Tricks For Using Ebay Search If you know what you’re doing, you can quickly find what you’re looking for on eBay. Here are a few golden rules.Be specific: If you’re searching for the first edition of the original Harry Potter book, you’ll get further searching for ‘harry potter rowling philosopher’s stone first edition’ than you will searching for ‘harry potter’. You’ll get fewer results, but the ones you do get will be far more relevant.Spell wrongly: It’s a sad f...
94. Bookmarks: 0 The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Buying On Ebay. Whatever you want to buy, whether it’s large or small, cheap or expensive, everyday or just plain weird, the chances are you can find it on eBay. It’s the largest auction site in the world, and when it comes to the variety of what’s on sale, size is vital. When was the last time you heard of someone getting a great deal on a weird and wonderful item at uBid or Yahoo Auctions?
95. Bookmarks: 0 Pros And Cons Of Buying On Ebay In today's fast changing world of e-commerce like E-bay, people find shopping online the most convenient way of purchasing items. The fact that a person doesn't even have to drive to and from the store is exhilarating enough. To date, E-bay is the most celebrated and the most world-renowned online mall today. However, there are advantages as well as disadvantages when buying on E-bay. So, it's important for shoppers out there to take not of these facts before buying i...
96. Bookmarks: 0 Internet Millionaire Club - Make Money Fast With Adwords Have you been searching the net for some real answers, on how to make money fast? I am sure you have seen 'all' the sales letters, promising you riches beyond your wildest dreams. Can you really make money online? The answer is yes! There are only a few products, that actually deliver on the promise.Over the last 6 years, I have been so angry, I could spit nails! I have studied Seo techniques, Google Adwords, investing and much more. Sadly, most of the information on the ...
97. Bookmarks: 1 Article Submission Versus Hosted Marketing Pages: An Internet Marketing Comparison The quest for high search engine rankings (and the traffic that comes along with them) has spawned some new search engine optimization techniques of late, two of them being article submission and hosted marketing pages. Although these techniques are similar in appearance, each has advantages and disadvantages.
98. Bookmarks: 10 Ten Independent Affiliate Programs You Should Consider Not all of the good affiliate programs go through the big boys. As you can imagine, there are advantages and disadvantages to using someone like Linkshare or Commission Junction to run your program. The major disadvantages seem to be cost (expect to drop ten grand for setup and network access fees, and a 30% commission on what you make from the program) and the fact that your program will be lost among thousands of others.So many companies have decided to manage their own...
99. Bookmarks: 0 Advantages And Disadvantages Of Affiliate Programs Affiliate programs have some awesome advantages, and if you implement them correctly, you can make incredible money with affiliate programs.
100. Bookmarks: 0 Gmail Advantages: huge storage capacity, very fast, in-mail chat, searchableDisadvantages: noneWhen Gmail first came out, people were scrambling left and right to get invites to open their own accounts. The word was out – Google had come out with the best free web-based mail. There were all sorts of hype as to what Gmail had to offer. Very large storage space, filters, labels, searching, no need to delete old emails – all these and more. Now that Gmail has been around for som...

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