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IGVSI Numbers Confirm Equity Correction --- Income CEF Rally Continues
The valuestockindex.com web page has been updated through May 2012 ---here are the headlines and links to the web pages
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Investment Portfolio Update: What's In Your Wallet?
Market Cycle Investment Management (MCIM) portfolios are not equity only portfolios, so it makes little sense to compare their performance to stock market indices. MCIM portfolios are designed to grow income producing Working Capital in a higher quality, lower risk environment over the course of the investors life cycle. There are two distinctly different cycles at play here, all the time.
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eWorkshops - Online Education Management
Finally, A Proven System That Allows YOU To Add/Update/Schedule Online Courses From Start to Finish.
Easily Provide Anytime Anywhere Education.
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Android 4.0 Update for Samsung Galaxy Note to be Available in Q2 with Special Goodies
The Android 4.0 update for the Samsung Galaxy Note, which was promised to be launched in Q1, has been postponed for the second quarter of this year. You will also get a number of special apps along with this update.
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Android 4.0 Updated Begun to Seed in HTC Sensation XE
The HTC Sensation XE is being updated with Android 4.0 ICS operating system, which will make its functionality much better. The Sensation XE is a high-end handset which comes equipped with a lot of sophisticated features, and you find a plenty of offer under the deals available with it.
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HTC Sensation & Sensation XE to get Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich OS
HTC has already started to unlock the bootloaders on some of its devices allowing the installation of custom ROMs. It will also deliver the update to the HTC EVO 3D, HTC Incredible S, HTC Desire S and HTC Desire HD later in the year, HTC announced.
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Updated Hurricane Teaching Tips
Here you will find suggestions for dealing with the aftermath of a hurricane, as well as relevant academic ideas.
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Hello From Cuba - Part 1 - First Impressions
Tuesday, April 5, 2005, 6:00 pm, Hotel Havana LibreThanks to a severe case of the Revenge of Montezuma (or Ricky Ricardo?..,) I am sitting here in the Hotel Havana Libre and I finally get around to create updates from my first 4.5 days here in Cuba. The Internet connection is definitely the slowest I have ever seen in my entire life, (15 minutes to access my messages at Yahoo..), but I am giving it a shot anyways.Friday morning I arrived at the airport in Toronto at 5...
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Life Insurance. How The New Regulations Affect Policies Written In Trust.
In his spring Budget the Chancellor Gordon Brown announced swinging measures to tackle the use of Trusts being used to avoid Inheritance Tax. The immediate reaction amongst the financial and legal fraternity amounted to panic and confusion. Within ten days of the budget speech the estimates of the numbers of people that could be hit by the new anti-trust provisions hit 4.5 million. Then, following the publication of the draft Finance Bill, the estimates fell to 1 million ...
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Mistakes to Avoid When Starting Your Own Wholesaling Business
No matter if youve been in business for ten years or ten days, the reasons why most businesses fail are the same: failing to research your niche, determining demand, not having an updated business plan in place, and not asking for help when you need it. This short piece will discuss these important facets to ensure your wholesaling business is a smashing success.
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Adsenselover, Make money at home, with Adsenselover.com
AdSense is an easy program to understand and implement and has already provided a steady source of income for many net entrepreneurs! What are you waiting for? If you dont have time to build your own adsense ready websites, or adsense websites, you can opt for pre_built high quality adsense ready websites with fresh contents updated automatically. You can choose internets best adsense ready websites , package from adsenselover they are the only No 1 source for pre_built high qua...
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World Cup Betting Update
For many years there has been an argument in sports circles regarding the partaking in sexual activity prior to and leading up to a game, match or prize fight. I mean even in the movie Rocky 1 the Italian Stallion had to say Yo Adrian no fooling around the night before he met Apollo Creed in the square circle.
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Michigan Schools Tweak Curriculum
Michigan Schools have decided that changes need to be made in the statewide Special Education curriculum. Recent updates to federal laws require the Michigan Schools to comply with new rules and requirements. Students with disabilities are depending on the schools that they attend to attain the required standards. Without changes, the programs will be forced to shut down. At the news of change, many are concerned that current services will be compromised. However, Michigan Sc...
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Did you know that it's ok to have and make money?
As some of you will know, I write a weekly e-mail which I call my Weekly update and business tips.However, I recently realised that some of you may not have read my best weekly bulletins (being modest as always), so over the next few weeks Ill be publishing the very best online home-based business messages and tips to the web.
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Sports betting online before you start betting
Sports betting advice, latest updates,reviews, news
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Greens Equipment: Update Golf Course Mowers and Tractors with a Toro or Kohler Small Engine Rebuild Kit
Those that deal with golf course management know that it is important to have quality greens equipment at all times. This article outlines the benefits of repowering a Toro mower with a Kohler rebuild kit.
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Managed Forex Accounts EUR/USD Outlook 2008 3/3
Forex Managed Accounts update: Where the EUR/USD is heading in 2008! Why the USD weakend in 2007, where US Economy is going and how the US presidential elections may affect the financial markets!
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Managed Forex Accounts EUR/USD Outlook 2008 2/3
Forex Managed Accounts update: Where the EUR/USD is heading in 2008! Why the USD weakend in 2007, where US Economy is going and how the US presidential elections may affect the financial markets!
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Managed Forex Accounts EUR/USD Outlook 2008 1/3
Forex Managed Accounts update: Where the EUR/USD is heading in 2008! Why the USD weakened in 2007, where US Economy is going and how the US presidential elections may affect the financial markets!
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The Importance Of An Email List For Your Online Business And How To Create One
For any business whether offline or online you need customers. It's much easier to get potential customers into your online store, or business website, by a number of different means, search engine traffic, adverts of many kinds, or from links on other sites. It doesn't matter how they got there in the first place, as long as they buy, you can capture some details then and send them updates on your later offers or deals. But what about if these visitors don't buy, how do you ...
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What Is Podcasting And RSS Files?
One of the best ways to share files that youve found online is to download a podcast. A podcast is a way that the creators and/or distributors of content can send their online materials directly to the computer of a subscriber. The subscriber can then view or listen to the content whenever they want to.Podcasting works because of small files called RSS files, which are located somewhere on a web page. This RSS file is regularly updated, usually through an automatic updat...
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Using Newsletters to Jack Up Revenues
A main use of a newsletter is to distribute information to your readers about your site including product announcements, site updates, news and more. For business or affiliate web sites the newsletter becomes a tool to remind your visitors about your site in order to bring them back or make a sale. Returning visitors are more focused on what your site has to offer. Also, the more your visitors come back, the more chance they will have to make a purchase. With this in mind consider designing...
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PHPBB2: Selecting the Correct Update
Keeping your PHPBB forum up to date is essential toward assuring that your site is safe from hackers and includes the latest changes. As a forum manager you control how your site is managed, keep informed and stay on top of all changes as they are released.
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Online Shopping Revolution Advertised On Internet
As the industry of online stores continues to boom, the level of competition among the retailers also keeps getting higher. This competition makes the online shops to be very alert and updated on what the other stores are selling to make sure that it would be their prices that would be most appealing for online consumers.
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Navigate More Website Activity Through Email Newsletters To Visitors
When you own a business website, you may find if helpful to have a weekly or monthly newsletter full of useful information about your products. Newsletters can be a great way to navigate more website activity your way. Emailing weekly or monthly newsletters can be the best way to update or remind past visitors of your services or products. Extending special offers in those newsletters can generate more website traffic, purchases of services or products and possible referrals ...
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How to blog your way to success?
Blog is a short of "weB LOG" or a method of storing any kind of information online. Such organized informational posting and archiving was named "Blog".By the form Blog represents an updated web-site of current and archived posts. A dead-simple concept turned out to be extremely powerful in terms of satisfaction of Internet community needs.
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Beating Adwords - Mastering the Art of Pay Per Click Advertising
This Recently Updated and Innovative ebook can Immediately help de-mystify Adwords and Pay Per Click (PPC) Advertising, Revealing the Secrets of the Wealthy Affiliates to Achieve Excellent and Improved Profitability!
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Advertising of online auctions continues to boom.
As the industry of online auctions continues to boom, the level of competition among the retailers also keeps getting higher. This competition makes the online shops to be very alert and updated on what the other stores are selling to make sure that it would be their prices that would be most appealing for online consumers.
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What A Blog Is And Is Not
A good working definition of a blog is simply a journal or newsletter that is frequently updated and intended for the timely reading. It often provides opportunities for unfiltered and immediate feedback, sports an informal or even partisan attitude, and is written in a more personal style than traditional press outlets. Blogs come in all shapes and subjects, from the maunderings of troubled teen souls to displays of classical photography to breaking news and commenta...
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Use Pictures For Best Effect With Your Blogs...
So you have become a blogger. You have joined the legions of those keeping web logs and journals online. How do you make it fresh, though? How do you stand out and show the world that your blog is worth a read? Well there are a number of things you can do from optimizing your content to making sure you are consistent in your updates. However, consider the idea of adding pictures to your blog. A great deal of blog success can be had by making pictures a big part of what you ar...
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The Importance Of Content Adding A Weblog To Your Site
Continuing my theme of how as a small business you can improve your search engine results. In a previous article I extolled the virtues of article writing and in this one I shall consider the practicalities and usefulness of adding a weblog to your site in order to drive more traffic to your web pages. I am presuming that you have optimised your site, added numerous pages of content and update or add to that content at least on a weekly basis. All of this I did with our o...
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Succeed By Swapping Links With Other Blog Owners...
Most everyone who has Internet access has heard about blogging. Blogging is the new way to keep a journal, record thoughts, or just ramble about life or events on the Internet. A blog is updated frequently and on an ongoing basis. Weblog and blog is the same thing. Link swapping, or linking similar web sites or blogs together can be a great way for your blog to succeed.When you blog or record your thoughts online, you have the option of making your blog site private or sh...
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How Blogging Markets Your Business...
Now that blogging has become so popular among everyone from the novice writer to the most experienced journalist, businesses are starting to take notice. A well-written and frequently updated blog can help market almost any type of business. Blogging can help target readers who are interested in a companys product or service and businesses can keep track of what their readers are looking for through blogging. In addition, blogging can help link together companies that compli...
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Blogging A Critical Part of Your Web Business Strategy
The methods by which we use to contact each other, especially in internet marketing activities continue to undergo dramatic change. In the past we used the telephone, fax machines, direct mail marketing and even in-person meetings. Today, people expect more frequent updates, new information, and the
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Blogging The Newest Marketing Tool
Do you know what a blog is? It is a journal, which is made available in the web. Blogs are updated regularly and the process of updating the blog is known as blogging.
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Blogging - Developing A Readership
You've finally created a blog and you've made your first post. Now how do you get people to actually read what you're blogging about? Here are some tips on promoting your blog. 1) Quality Content - Interesting content will keep your readership returning. Update your blog regularly. Googlebot, which is Google's web-crawling robot loves content. The more you update your blog, the more frequent the search engine spiders will return to it.2) Take part in forums th...
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4 Key Ways To Keep Visitors Coming To Your Blog Site!
Blogging is a perfect way for people to share their thoughts with others. When people blog, it means they keep an updated online journal or diary. Weblog and blog are the same things. Companies might also blog to help increase the amount of business on their web sites. For many bloggers, increasing traffic to their blogs is not the only goal. Most people that blog want to keep their visitors coming back for more. The following are four ways to keep visitors coming to your blo...
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Website Marketing Strategies - Increasing Your Link Popularity
In this days search engine rankings have become one of the most important issues for a website. Because of that the major search engines like Google, Yahoo and MSN frequently update their algorithms in order to deliver best results to their users.
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News and the Internet
Most internet users are shunning traditional forms of media and trawling internet news sites for information. Most cite the instantaneous updates as a major contributing factor for their visits. Getting the news first is important to them. Another factor is the fact that most of the news available on the internet is free. However consumers are not aware of the hidden costs involved and whether most news is regurgitated or plagarised.
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Does Pagerank Really Matter?
This is an eternal question. Search engine optimizers would remain glued to their computer screen to take in the first hint of any PageRank update as and when that occurs. And when it occurs, it will be an anxious wait till the dust settles, before scurrying off to rework ways to claw back in ranking in case the new PR reduces.Why so much bother? Does PageRank really matter? The short answer is yes, PageRank does matter, but not as much as it is made out to be. Let us tal...
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How To Monetize A 1,000+ Page Site In 5 min. Or Less Without Violating Google's Adsense Policy!
As webmasters, writers and authors we all want to find ways to maximize the profitability of our content. We employ a variety of methods such as Adsense, Yahoo Ads, links to affiliate products of all types but there are a couple of problems. There is the sheer time involved in creating these links and then keeping them updated to the most relevant and profitable products. To avoid a Google penalty you must use text-based affiliate links, as noted previously, this can be a monumental task.
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Live chat support, most excellent approach to get in touch with customers
Live chat support is the easiest way to communicate with customers and to keep updated on their overall satisfaction or complaints if any. The live chat feature helps the organization to get instant feedback and have direct link to the customer clarifying their doubts on the products then and there and hence higher rate of customer satisfaction and better services are enabled.
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Employing A Writer To Produce Your Articles
If you are a webmaster who is interested in using articles to promote your website, then you will either have the option of writing the articles yourself or employing a writer to produce your articles in exchange for a fee. The latter works very well if you are not a natural-born writer yourself or simply dont have the time to devote to writing and research. The majority of webmasters are very busy just trying to keep their website updated, operating correctly, answering e-m...
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Leveraging The Efforts of Others: Affiliate Programs
Affiliate Programs offer potential growth for increased wealth. Requirements: A great product/service plus an excellent Affiliate Program. Attraction factor for recruitment: high commissions, workable tools of the trade, updated information. Program Types: One-Tier and Two-Tier. Setting-up: Do-It-Yourself via Affiliate Tracking Software or hiring an Affiliate Tracking Company.
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Obtaining Good Content
Every piece of advice at the moment about improving search engine position especially Google suggests that web sites should be updated regularly with good quality content. The phrase Content is King is seen in most articles on the subject now. So what is good content and how do you go about getting it?You can purchase it, by hiring a copywriter. However to do this on a regular basis will turn out to be quite expensive. So are there cheaper options? At no cost you can vi...
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Learn How To Get High PR Links
In order to rank high in the search engine results (especially on Google) you need a series of elements, such as unique content, freshly updated web pages and, of course, plenty of links from high PR sites. PR actually refers to Googles algorithm PageRank used to determine the importance of a web page in relation with the others.
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How To Use Private Label Rights Content
If you are looking for a way to take your website to the next level you may want to consider using private label rights content. This craze has picked up over the last year or so, and there is no sign of it slowing down in the near future.The main reason that this trend has become so popular is quite simple. When you use private label rights content you will have the ability to update your site with new content every month. This means that you will never again have to wor...
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Google, Updates, Upgrades, Penalties And Filters
My site dropped from no.1 spot to nowhere. Google tech people replied to my email telling me I must have hidden text or used some kind of 'illegal technique'! Why don't they just admit it's their mistake?Standard replyIt's a standard reply, nothing else. I would imagine that 9 times out of ten when Google get an email about a site that has dropped into oblivion it has something to do with using techniques that go against their webmaster guidelines. It may not be the cas...
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Google Proof Your Business From Updates
With the relative chaos that surrounded Googles last major search engine algorithm update (Big Daddy) now on the ebb, there is now time to reflect but not a lot of time. Google will continue to update its search engine algorithms, and sometimes in essential, infrastructural ways, as they seek to improve the quality of searches. Indeed, in all the fuss over Big Daddy the fact that the Jagger update (which temporarily gave msn.com a page rank of 2) preceded it by only two mon...
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Google Page Rank Update
Many people are suggesting that google is currently updating the page rank of each site, this is what can be seen on the google toolbar and is basically a rating out of ten for each website. From reading some of the messages on the search engine forums, different people are reporting changes where as other people as of yet have seen no changes. It is reported that by the middle of July in 2006 this update should be visible on all data-centers, however with google you never can tell as they ...
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Google Pagerank Update - First In 2006
With much enthusiasm and equally much concern, there are clear signs that a new Google PageRank update is happening right now as we speak.Most of you, web site owners, publishers and SEO consultants, are probably dreading these updates just as much as I do: after a period of working hard into acquiring new valuable links, the inevitable question is "Will I be rewarded? And if so, just how much?"Let's take a glimpse into what the new PageRank update is bringing:Fir...
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Free Online People Search: A Priceless Convenience
Have you experienced looking for someone but do not know where to find it? The only thing you know where you can find people is using white pages. In white pages, you are able to find out the present address, exact location and the phone numbers of the people you are looking for. However, you may need to scan the pages of these white pages manually and your white page must be updated to find the person you are looking for. What if the one you are looking for is no...
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Directories Post Big Daddy
Unless you are a webmaster or attentive to the developments in SEO there is a very real chance you do not know of Big Daddy, but Big Daddy definitely knows about you or at least your website. Googles latest update is impacting directories all over the world. Described by Google as not a mere algorithm, but a major infrastructure update, Big Daddy (satirically referred to on some bulletin boards as Big Brother) seems to be an oddly appropriate name f...
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Big Daddy Update
If you own or run a website and are trying to increase your search engine ranking, you are probably very interested in learning more about the Google Big Daddy update. Google is one of the major search engines that determine site ranking and also one of the most popular among those searching for information. Many webmasters and online businesses design their content around Googles site ranking policies. While Google will not go into great detail in terms of describing the wa...
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Shouting Blog
The Shouting Blog is a blog of latest generation which not only won the heart of teenagers in just a very small span of time but also provided them with the latest technology related stuff and news articles for which they were always looking.
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How To Make Your PLR Ebook Stand Out From The Crowd
So you've just bought one of those ebooks that come with private label rights, an ebook cover, graphic files, and a pre-made sales page. All you have to do is update a few fields with your own information and upload everything to your server.Then you can just sit back and watch the cash come pouring in.Right?Not so fast.You see there are dozens (if not hundreds) of other people who bought the same PLR ebook and are already doing the exact same thing as you rea...
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How To Launch A Part-time Freelance Writing Career
In the industry of freelancing, among the most in demand are writers. This is especially true with the birth of the Internet, which tripled the need for writers because of the various websites and online content that are constantly being updated. There are actually lots of work a freelance writer can go into especially if they have established the right contacts. Freelance writers are needed for writing online content to boost website viewership. In fact, online content i...
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How to Create Effective Web Publishing Content
I frequently tell my coaching clients about the importance of regularly updating web site content. Fresh content keeps customers coming back and gets indexed more frequently by search engines. Novelty spurs attention, whether human or technological. A few months ago, I received a question from a student who really wanted to update his web site on a regular basis, but was struggling with finding new material. Here are a few ideas for generating fresh content:
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Getting The Most From Your Article Submitter Software
An article submitter is an article writers most important tool. The latest generation are faster, have more automatic features, and continually update their databases. Some even help write the articles!
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Article Writing The Midas Touch of Link Strategies
Everyone in the SEO community is aware of the power of having an effective link building strategy, but since recent updates at Google took place the playing field has changed.More emphasis is now being given to one way incoming links, and far less value for reciprocal links. The big question is: How can I get a good crop of one way links?
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7 Rules for a Virus Free Computer
For non-techies, it's tough to know what not to do when trying to keep your computer Virus Free. I remember in 1998 when I installed an update from Symantec to prevent just one specific virus from infiltrating my computer and it actually installed the virus on my computer. I had some low level analysis software running and I watched as the virus protection actually put the virus on my computer.
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How To Display RSS Feeds on Your Website
This article is intended as a guide for webmasters who want to display automatically updated content on their website in the form of RSS feeds. In this article I will cover the easiest method to implement using javascript for displaying RSS on websites to create additional dynamic content. This will allow you to display headlines from syndicated content around the web on your website.