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MCIM Q & A and Contact Information

Submitted by Steve Selengut | RSS Feed | Add Comment | Bookmark Me!

Market Cycle Investment Management (MCIM) reflects the unique strategies, procedures and disciplines documented in the books and articles of professional investor CEO/Consultant at Sanco Services Inc. and Senior Instructor at Kiawah Golf Investment Seminars.

: Where can I get an MCIM "Life Cycle" Portfolio? 

You can develop one for yourself, after studying "The Brainwashing of the American Investor" or you can get in touch with a Steve Selengut directly at 800-245-0494 or sanserve`at`aoldotcom.

: How many types of MCIM "Life Cycle" portfolios are there?

There are two groups of MCIM portfolios, with three general asset allocation formulas in each: Group one is for tax deferred portfolios and Group two is for taxable portfolios. Investors can adjust the percentages according to their own preferences, but all equities must be Investment Grade Value Stocks, and all accounts must contain at least 30% in income securities.

  • 60% IGVSI Equities and 40% Taxable or Tax Free CEFs
  • 40% IGVSI Equities and 60% Taxable or Tax Free CEFs 
  • 10% IGVSI Equities and 90% Taxable or Tax Free CEFs 

: Are there any account size or transaction restrictions?

MCIM accounts perform best with $300,000 or more in assets, but smaller accounts with additional deposit potential are acceptable. These portfolios are excellent staging areas for retirement, particularly in self directed 401(k) plans and IRA portfolios. Once regular income is needed, the portfolio can be "transitioned" into an income generating personal portfolio identical to the one already in place.

 : Who is private investment manager Steve Selengut?

 Please click the "About Steve Selengut" tab at Retirement Ready Income Programs.

: Where can I obtain information about the historical performance of MCIM  methodology portfolios?

You need only to grasp the concepts and understand the methodology to make your light bulb come on --- it's a logical and disciplined approach that is easy to implement. Financial professionals can obtain detailed quartely performance reports through LMK Wealth Managemeent.

:How would I arrange for Mr. Selengut to speak to my group about the Market Cycle Investment Management methodology, income investing strategies, etc.?

You can contact him directly at 800-245-0494 or by e-mail (sanserveat///aoldot//com).

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