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NTI Release Schedule

Submitted by Teo Graca | RSS Feed | Add Comment | Bookmark Me!

Developments In 2009 - all of these systems are continually upgraded and require nothing to install to use.

The relationship management functionality has been significantly extended through the core Net-Teams.net site, but as we move forward, we have found that extending and branding the various pieces of the original Net-Teams vision separately has made them all easier to market and sell. All our systems work together over any number of multiple domains - this is beyond what most web designers understand how to do and is very beneficial to the small business owner that wants to dominate the web. This project was begun in early 2007 and incorporated best practices on the web as monitored since 1994.

We moved the article management components into ArticleAdvocates.com and have branded the functionality as content management, blogging and syndication. The system feature a Web 2.0 Menu system allowing website owners to dynamically manage their website menus through a form based application, an HTML page generator that uploads file via FTP to any number of sites, or direct database accessed displays of content. The blogging system uses keyword (tag) matching to create dynamic and changing content on each web page and the syndication system allows any website owner approved article to be displayed on multiple websites within the system. Work began in July 2008 and the site was released in Jan. 2009.

Our micro site management piece was set up to offer social media, drip marketing, search engine and other integrations. Work began in Jan. 2009 and the initial release was completed in March 2009.

Other features include social media integration module that uses our social media syndicate to promote content. The idea is that the "do it yourself" approach is guaranteed just one vote per social media site, whereas using a syndicate will quickly generate multiple votes to provide guaranteed viral momentum as content is released. The initial release was completed in April 2009.

The profile management features have been extended into the team profile management system for referral marketers. The project was begun in 2007, but the initial release wasn't completed until April 2009.

The billing, survey, and video sharing systems have been moved into the eWorkshopHosting.com platform. The features can be extended into any customer website, as needed. This project was begun in May 2009 and the initial release completed in August 2009.

The following is the past release schedule of the software associated with the NTI hosted service through the end of 2008.

Alpha 1 through 1.9 releases, May-September 2007

Beta 2.0, October 15, 2007
- Basic Functionality
- Security System
- Community Home Page Manager
- Newsletter Publisher
- Edit-In-Place Calendar
- Membership Directory
- Profile Manager
- Member-to-Member

Beta 2.1, November 1, 2007
- Minor Upgrades / Patches
- Community Package 1 available

Beta 2.2, November 15, 2007
- Security Manager
- Batch Contact Uploads

Beta 2.3, November 25, 2007
- Article Comments
- Profile Testimonials
- Article Read Counter
- Profile View Counter
- Community Package 2 available

Beta 2.4, December 15, 2007
- Minor Upgrades / Patches

Beta 2.5, January 1, 2008
- Validation Upgrades
- Administration Bar for Admins
- 10 Tutorials Added
- External Domain and Web Site Connector
- Articles lengthened to 4k characters

Version 2.6, January 22, 2008
- Minor Upgrades / Patches
- Notes Manager (member upgrade)
- - Sort by Members with Notes
- Affiliate Program Launched
- Prospective Member Upgrades (admin function)
- Server-Side Image Resizing
- Membership Search (show only members w/pics)

Version 2.7, February 15, 2008
- Sponsorship Program Launched
- Video Production Program Launched

Version 3.0, March 15, 2008
- GeneSys Partnership Launch
- WebCast Launch
- Added Membership Search on "All My Communities", "Zip Code" and "State"

Version 3.1, April 9, 2008
- FREE Universal Net-Teams Web Sites (upgrade)
- Minor Upgrades / Patches

Version 3.2, April 14, 2008
- Articles are now BLOGS (RSS Feed Added)
- My Video Added (BrightCove Integration)

Version 3.3, April 24, 2008
- Minor fixes and enhancements

Version 3.4, May 11, 2008
- My Home Page & Other Enhancements

Version 3.5 release, June 1, 2008
- Profile Display & Other Enhancements

Version 3.6, June 19, 2008
- My Schedule added to Notes Upgrade
- Enhanced Membership Search
- Branding Option for Membership Search Available

Version 3.7, July 7, 2008
- Article Enhancements (Private Type and Restrict to One Community added)
- Branding Options for Member Home Page, Profile, and Community Registration
- Recruiting Workflow for Prospective Members Released to Community Owners

Version 3.8, July 9, 2008
- My Schedule enhancement added to My Notes
- Minor enhancements to existing functionality

Version 4.0, October 4, 2008
- CL Ad Manager (member upgrade)
- Remote Calendar (community upgrade)
- Added Article Links
- My Referral and Introduction Ratings (community upgrade)
- My Referrals and Introductions (community upgrade)
- My Billing (member upgrade)
- My Ads (member upgrade)
- My Marketer (member upgrade)
- My Teams (member upgrade)
- My News Items (member upgrade)
- My Surveys (member upgrade)

Version 4.1, October 30, 2008
- Event Enhancements

Version 4.2, November 18, 2008
- More Event Enhancements
- Article Enhancements

Visitor Sessions per Month:
15313 - February 2009
14832 - January 2009
13268 - December 2008
13122 - November 2008
12567 - October 2008
12301 - September 2008
10679 - August 2008
9378 - July 2008
8849 - June 2008
8486 - May 2008
7344 - April 2008
9193 - March 2008
8688 - February 2008
6001 - January 2008
3717 - December 2007
2553 - November 2007
1761 - October 2007
991 - September 2007
170 - August 2007


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