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Why Haven't You Got An Article Directory?

Submitted by Eliza Hickman | RSS Feed | Add Comment | Bookmark Me!

With the advent of Jagger, Googles latest update, more than ever people are talking about good content and how important it is to have on any site. Good, relevant content is loved by search engines and visitors alike. Quality content is a powerful tool for Internet marketing and promotion purposes.

Sadly, it seems not everyone, in fact very few have got the message about article marketing, and the fact that you don't have to be the articles author to profit form them. And this inspite of the free advice given by many experienced web masters, that shows that good content and first-rate submission work can grant you a massive publicity online and a growing income.

Even if the search engines change their algorithms, There should be little if any adverse effect on sites with good content, especially if fresh content in the form of well written articles is being added regularly. What many have failed to realise is that the Internet is about nothing but content. Without good, relevant content the Internet would be nothing. In the words of many practiced marketers "content is king".

So how do you make money and satisfy the search engines and your visitors alike? This is where runniing your own article directory comes into play, It isn't difficult or particularly complicated, and there are some wonderful benefits to having your own article directory:

Your site grows on a daily basis with that all important relevant content.

Every new page is indexed by the search engines, because the content is relevant to the keywords in each article category, your keword and keyphrase score goes up. Especially important in Google.

Your PR will grow over time as the quantity of quality articles on your site increases.

Article directory sites give you targetted traffic, this usually means higher click throughs on your Adsense and other affiliate links.

No need to worry about constantly changing your content, a few clicks from the mouse in the admin panel is all it takes to add to your content.

Monetizing your site is easy with use of Adsense and any other affiliate scheme you like the look of. Best of all most of theses schemes are FREE to join!

It is plain that the benefits of your own on site article directory far outweigh any disadvantages, So Whats to Stop You? Dont know where to start! This is really easy! Visit the nice people at www.articledashboard .com they have a very useful FREE script just for this. It's really easy to install, or if you don't fancy doing it yourself, or are unsure how, they'll install it for a one off of $50. They also provide a nice little PDF file on how best to profit from your new article directory.

Some say too many articles too quickly could give the search engines the idea that you're a spammer. I have to say I disagree. If your site is a new domain that has never before been registered, then you may find yourself playing in Googles sand box for about three months. However, if your site is older or has been registered before then my personal opinion is that no harm would come, especially when you provide the search engines with what they expect to see - steady growth be that five a week or fifty a day. NO ONE (except the bods at Google) knows the criteria Google uses for sand boxing sites.

On Quality
Use your judgement! After all, you know a piece of garbage when you see one, and it'll do you and your site no good at all publishing garbage.


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