
Are you struggling to raise capital and launch your business? Would you like to know where the investors are? |
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Submitted by George Ishee
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Is your dream to start a business and make millions but need capital to start it and capital?

The challenge is when the business owner gets in front of a person that has the captial, they spend 90% of the time telling the investor all about how great their product is. Here's the first tip: They don't give a flip about your product. What they want to here is "the journey of their money, how much can they make, how are you lowering the risk, what is their exit strategy and what does your team look like". Then after you have answered all of those questions, then the want to know about the product.
Think about if I came to you and was begging for money, and I had no idea how I was going to make you a profit, how excited are you about giving me your hard earned money? Guess what, I bet you hide your checkbook quickly with that approach. So look at how you are approaching an investor. Are you looking for seed money, do you have all your legal compliance documents ready like your 504-D or 506 documents with the PPM, subscription docs, or convetible promissory notes. If you don't know what these are or don't have them ready, the investor will never invest in you because you are not prepared which creates a high risk for them.
Finally, if you are ready, know the language of capital, where are all the investors for you? There is a 20 year old organization called CEO Space that meets in LA 5 times a year to do all this business. Is it expensive, YES. It is priced to keep most people out. If you haven't heard of it, you are (or were up to reading this article) not in the this circle or resources or in the CEO Space.
If you want to learn more how to tap into this rich pool of resources to help you find clients, capital, team members, education on what you need to be doing to take your business to the next level, visit www.ceospace.net and watch a few of the video's, or call George Ishee at 770-352-0662 for a free 30 minute consultation.
Also, when you want more customers for your business, I have found another tool that works for me. Check out the Customer Generating Machine below.
Click for Details --> Customer Generating Machine <--

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