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Passion For Purpose

Submitted by Maggie Steck | RSS Feed | Add Comment | Bookmark Me!

While talking with some of friends recently, our conversation, without much effort shifted, and we found ourselves talking about what our own individual purpose was. Each individual, including myself was a little perplexed to say the least. Later that day I went online and looked up the meaning of purpose. The definition I found for the word was, “The object toward which one strives or for which something exists such as an aim or goal”. In my own personal case for example, I have a number of purposes that I now have and have had in the past. In my early years, like so many young people without a lot of direction, I thought I wanted to become a legal secretary. So, I went to school with the intent of getting my degree and becoming just that, a legal secretary.

After working in this arena for a few short months I suddenly realized that being a legal secretary was not my calling and I did not want to spend the rest of my life sitting desk bound taking dictation. That decision back then was the one that set me free as it was my own individual wakeup call to do what I wanted and more importantly needed to do with my life.

For some time there after I spent time in various positions and various settings still trying to figure out where I needed to be and what I needed to be putting my time and energy into as I tried to make my mark and also a difference. My life seemed full of comparisons. Why was it that all my sister's had full time jobs or careers, were doing well, appeared happy but I was and felt so totally disconnected from the world and everyone in it.

As I went trough my adult development in so many ways I eventually came to understand what my own personal purpose and passion in life was. My focus became much clearer, the path much straighter and the obstacles that once blocked the way seemed to disappear.

So, let’s for a moment, examine the meaning of passion as it relates to each one of us or our own personal interruption. My passion is what I feel, what I sense. I relate it to loving, understanding, compassion for others and unconditional love for those around me and all those people who are brought into my life.

Simply put, my passion, my purpose is to help others find in themselves what I found in me. After years of trying and helping myself become more aware of whom I was, I can now help others along their path toward a sense of healing and overall well being. 

How did I get their, what did I learn, who taught me what qualifies me to become a teacher in the healing process? I took my direction through the guidance and tutelage of a lot of people with a wide range and depth of knowledge in healing, its practice and art form. I learn more as each day passes. I continue to learn and this being said, I created, designed and eventually introduced my own personal website:www.letshealtogether.com.

This website is a community site for all of those who would care to discuss, in any open forum setting, all aspects of healing, whether it be physically, emotionally, spiritually or any other mode of well being. It is free to join and I welcome all those interested in this subject and most importantly in this manner of communicating.

Click for Details --> letshealtogether.com <--


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