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Interlink Connector

Submitted by Bella Mahaffey | RSS Feed | Add Comment | Bookmark Me!

Although focusing on your core web presense is the primary way to build you brand, it doesn't provide the powerful interlinking strategy you could be using through a long tail keyword capture strategy that we provide. Many people register potentially valuable domain names for around $10 per year with sites like GoDaddy.com, but they don't follow through.

The Interlink Connector provides and easy-to-use interlinking application within the Multiple Website Marketing tool. It allows you to link your domains to your other domains and social media sites. This provides the interlinked connections that the search engines use to increase the rankings for all of your sites. This builds also traffic and value for your domains.

One of the key issues is that you must do this in such a way to create relevance, as opposed to just creating interlinked connections. Google preaches relevance and they give ranking preference to small sites (like our micro sites) that focus on just one idea, rather than a massive website that provides similar information hidden within it. We teach you how to capture specific keywords through use of micro sites and provide depth on just one idea per domain. You can then cover all aspects of your services through many micro sites. These sites are easy to set up and easy to maintain. They also become a powerful part of your sales funnel process.

We offer complete education on how to use our system to build landing pages and micro sites to implement this strategy. We are open to discussing this with anyone that is looking for a new career in web development, marketing, advertising and SEO (search engine optimization). Before we give you our time, we ask that you take 10 minutes to complete our Entrepreneur Assessment (click here) and we will have one of our experts contact you directly to provide a free one-on-one consultation on our strategy and program.

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