The Candida Epidemic
With his research beginning in the 1970s, Dr. William Crook later identified in his book, “The Yeast Connection,” that an estimated 80% of the population has an overgrowth of Candida Albicans (Candidiasis). Often, it can be a very deep-seated, pervasive soft tissue condition that can affect virtually every organ of the body as well as muscle tissue. Men, women, children, and even babies can have Candida. Authorities who speak on the subject state that the greatest contributors to the overgrowth of Candida albicans are the extended use of antibiotics, stress, poor diet, toxicity, alcohol, steroids, and birth control medications. Poor diet issues are very diverse; the issue of long term, high refined sugar consumption contributes to Candida overgrowth all the time.
Long-term sufferers know the cycle: they have tried and ultimately found that antifungals and supplements are ineffective. This is because antifungals keep Candida from reproducing by introducing a foreign protein into the protein receptor in the yeast’s cell wall. However, before the yeast “family” has completely died out from its inability to reproduce, an enzyme naturally develops to break down that specific protein – and then the Candida is back. Over time, the integrity of the intestines can be affected, potentially leading to conditions such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Diverticulitis, Leaky Gut Syndrome and various other immune deficiencies that can lead to many other diseases.
I Had Problems with Candida Frequently and It Caused.... When I was suffering from the effects of Candida, I had severe muscle and joint pain, felt spacey and "foggy" most of the time - and actually got in several car accidents because of it. The pain in my back would wake me up at night and the chronic pain in my hips prevented me from working out or power walking regularly. The potentially fatal car accident with an 18 wheeler in an intersection caused me to become very diligent and commited to getting rid of it - and giving up addictive sugars and frequent wine consumption.
What Causes Candida?
In addition to the extended use of antibiotics, stress, poor diet, toxicity, alcohol, steroids, and birth control pills, a suppressed or compromised immune system also plays a role. How do each of these issues actually cause Candida?
Each of these factors can produce an imbalance of microorganisms in the intestinal tract by killing the “good” bacteria and leaving an overabundance of “bad” Candida cells. The good bacteria, along with the cells that normally keep Candida in check (the NK and kpuffer cells, which can kill a yeast wall in 1/100th of a second), are weakened by these factors. After the control cells are weakened, the Candida simply takes over by proliferating in the gut, then penetrates the intestinal wall, and finally is carried by the circulatory system throughout the body. At this point, Candida becomes systemic and infects organ and muscle tissues, compromising the entire immune system.
Once the immune system is compromised, it may no longer be able to sufficiently repel invaders. This can result in allergies to chemicals, pollens, and foods. Also, it is believed that toxins from the Candida cells and protein molecules develop an antigen/antibody reaction, which can cause even more allergic reactions.
It is important to understand that immune deficiencies can both be caused by Candida (as stated above), as well as be a cause of Candida. Those with immuno-deficient conditions such as Rheumatoid Arthritis, Diabetes, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and Psoriasis all lend themselves to making the individual susceptible to Candidiasis — this is because the weak immune function prevents the body from keeping the “bad bacteria” in balance with the “good bacteria,” again creating an atmosphere that allows Candidiasis to proliferate. On the other hand, once Candida takes over, it destroys the integrity of the intestinal lining, leading to conditions like Leaky Gut Syndrome. This allows toxins into the body that can both activate and aggravate chronic diseases.
Systemic Candidiasis
The problems and diseases of systemic yeast infections can manifest in varied ways. With systemic Candida, the yeast fungi release mycotoxins (poisons) into the body, affecting different parts of the body in seemingly unrelated ways. For example, one person may get adult acne, the next, arthritis, and another, heart disease or cancer. Candida and their mycotoxins can cause all of these illnesses and many more.
Once the infection becomes systemic, it is almost impossible to get rid of it until the immune system is restored to a normal function. Many of you have already experienced this frustration by taking products to kill the yeast, only to have it come back for another round. This is where Aquaflora® from KingBio comes in. Their "Candida 9" homeopathic is the best solution for Candida on the market today. With this product and dietary alterations, you can overcome the issue and restore your health.