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4 1/2 Strategic Tips For Making Money Online More Quickly

Submitted by Rickey Mcgovern | RSS Feed | Add Comment | Bookmark Me!

If it seems that everybody is making boatloads of money online and you're missing out, fear not.

There's plenty of time left for you, and the greatest part about it that it's not very difficult.

Strategic Tip #1: Plan to work hard.

I know, this goes against everything you hear but deep down you know that nothing worthwhile is easy right?

You also know that getting anything done quickly just takes more work.

Even cleaning out the garage, yeah you could take your time and get it done over a weeks time, or else you could work your butt off and have it finished and be sitting right back down on the couch watching your favorite reruns.

To get things done quicker you just have to put in the extra hard work, but when the checks start rolling in, all your work will be worthwhile.

By the way, if you do things right, one of the beautiful things about the internet is that the work you do today will pay off for months and hopefully years after.

Just like that clean garage you’ll have.

Strategic tip #2: Find one good teacher.

Let me just emphasize “one”. Bouncing around from teacher to teacher, product to product is THE biggest mistake that new hopeful internet marketers make.

However, find a mentor/teacher that’s reputable. You can go to the different marketing forums and ask around, and you’ll get some honest answers. Just beware of anyone trying to sell themselves. The great teachers don’t have to do this in forums.

Once you find them, stick to their strategies and you’ll be way better off than most people who are still playing the bouncy game.

Some marketers I recommend you follow are:

Jimmy D. Brown

Jim Edwards

John Vallaries

Yanik Silver

John Reese

But just pick one, and stick with them.

Strategic Tip #3: Research and target a hungry niche that’s got as little competition as possible.

I’m not going to say a whole lot about this. It’s very basic but not quite easy. Everything will have some competition, which is good. This means there’s money to be made.

But best thing I can tell you is to find a hungry crowd, and feed it. A great place to start your research is Ebay. Also, magazine stands, http://Amazon.com, Froogle. You get the picture.

Also Google the phrase: “Finding a Niche Market”. You’ll be reading for days.

Some examples would be:

· Pets (dogs, cats, birds, fish, etc.)

· Finance (credit card debt, mortgage guide)

· Computers (buyers guides, games, software)

· And a lot of success is found in the Health Niche (weight loss, cellulite, diabetes, quit smoking, etc.)

Strategic Tip #4: Pick the low hanging fruit.

What does that mean. That means go for the easiest stuff first.

Here’s what happens. You find a teacher who claims to be a guru. Not knowing since you’re just starting out that they don’t have much more of a clue than you do, they tell you to pick your favorite hobby, write an ebook on it, create a website with a “killer sales page”, and you’ll make a million bucks before you can say B.S.

Now tell me this, how long is it going to take you to write an ebook. Most people don’t know how to write to save themselves, or some do, but are so intimidated by the thought that they never even start, and that ends their online career before it’s ever gotten started.

Or lets say that you did manage to choke out an ebook. Now you have to design the website, and then and here’s the hard part…. you have to write that “killer sales page”. Neither of which is anything close to easy if you’ve never done it.

Yes, you can slap together a website fairly quickly these days, that’s true, but the sales page is where the trouble begins. It takes years to develop that skill just to get to be mediocre.

So where is the low hanging fruit then?

Well, there are a couple choices. The first and probably best choice is affiliate programs.

Listen; nearly every good niche you can think of has an ebook written on the subject somewhere, the best place in which to look is Clickbank. There are thousands of products there, which usually offer a nice commission, sometimes up to 75%, that are just looking for someone to sell for them.

Now here’s the kicker. These products all already have a nice sales page written and all that you have to do is drive traffic to the sales page, they close the sale, and BAM! You get paid. Very simple. Not as easy as it seems, but very simple.

That’s your low hanging fruit.

Strategic Tip # 4 1/2. Resale Rights =Low Hanging Fruit with 100% Commission.

I would be doing you a disservice if I didn’t mention Resale Rights.

What are Resale Rights Products. This is where you simply buy the rights to sale a product that’s already created, and usually includes a sales page (I wouldn’t recommend buying one that doesn’t if you’re just beginning) You then keep all the profits.

These days Resale Rights membership sites are popping up all over the place. This is where you pay a small monthly fee, and get new products created for you every single month.

The great thing about this is that most of the time they do the research and create the products about topics that are in high demand.

Sometimes you can even do as you please with the finished product, chopping it up or adding to it to make it more your own style, and to ensure there is nothing duplicated out there.

These are called Private Label Resale Rights.

You can use this material for blogging, creating a newsletter, content website, or any number of things.

The downfall is finding quality products but they are definitely out there, it just takes time and effort to search them out.

So, there you have it in a nutshell. Following these tips should put you closer to making money online a little more quickly.


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