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How do you start a franchise?

Submitted by Tom Rather | RSS Feed | Add Comment | Bookmark Me!

As a leading Franchise Agency we make the complicated simple.

The first question our new clients want to know is, are we franchisable? That question can be answered quite quickly. A brief conversation about your present operation and a few financial numbers allows us to answer that question for you in a way that will give you confidence to proceed.

Step by step assistance

Once you've decided to franchise, the process goes fairly quickly. Answer a few key questions for us. This allows us to put together the Franchise Disclosure Document (FDD) and Franchise Agreement. These are the documents that you give to a prospective franchisee who is considering buying your franchise. Often it only takes 6-8 weeks to be ready to sell your first franchise.

Beyond Forms - we help you develop a solid business

Then we'll work with you to develop your Operations Manual. Here you give us the details on how your business operates. We then take your operating details and turn them into your Franchise Operations Manual. Often this again takes only 6-8 weeks to complete. Once completed you are ready to train your first franchisee.

While we are preparing your Operations Manual, we give you a Franchise Sales Manual that details how to sell your franchise. The Sales Training Manual is tailored to your business. Your Franchise Sales Training Manual covers the specific steps to follow so you don't waste time trying to sell a franchise to a non-buyer.

There are other items we will cover with your that we can discuss as we go along. Things such as trademarks, type of company, financial statements, and registration states. The development of your Franchise goes very quickly. Before you know it, you will be a full fledged franchiser and reaping the benefits.

So let's start a franchise.

Not sure if you are ready to franchise? Drop us a line right now at: tom@howtofranchise.org

Do you need Franchise advice or consulting?

Get Professional franchise help that saves you time, headaches and over $50,000! Turnkey franchising solutions for busy business people who want to expand their markets and grow their business fast!

Get started franchising your business today!

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