When dealing with credit issues, consider what is really going on - most of the issues people have is based on businesses like Equifax, Transunion and Experian providing false written information to others that damages them, which is by definition LIBEL.
LIBEL is a CRIMINAL act, and unlike civil offenses, if this happens to you, it is the JOB of the District Attorney (DA) in your area to prosecute - simply collect evidence and present it to your DA. Unlike a civil case, the expense of prosecution for criminal acts is covered by taxpayer money - NOT YOURS.
Watch this short video for more information...
Most DA's will not want to help the small guy, but just remember that if you were rich, your DA would be breaking out gallons of chapstick to prolong the kissing of your ass! MAKE them do their jobs!!! If fixing your credit is not motivation enough for you, then think about getting equal justice under the law. Don't let your DA treat you like a second class citizen.
DA's generally don't like to spend time on non-political issues, so if it becomes political, they will want to focus on it and DA's are notorious for pushing an issue to an end that makes them look good in their jurisdiction, and this could easily become one of those issues.
This ramped criminal behavior by Equifax, Transunion and Experian goes on and on because we are being misdirected by advertising like that in the above video that asserts it is your problem. It is NOT your responsibility to prosecute criminal activity - this is the JOB of the DA.
It is only your responsibility to point out that you are a victim of a crime, and if it is happening to you, simply collect proof. Here is the simple 3-step process.
Get proof of the PUBLISHED WRITTEN DEFAMATION directly from the credit reporting agencies - this is free and credit reporting agencies are currently without fear of retribution from what they deem to be dumb Americans. They generally provide this proof quickly, with no apology and no fear of retribution.
Get proof of damage, which is usually a denial of a job opportunity or credit, which names the credit reporting agency that provided the WRITTEN DEFAMATION.
Then present this to your local DA directly - set and appointment or get the DA on the phone - don't be deterred. Demand that this criminal activity be prosecuted for what it is - a crime.
VERY IMPORTANT when contacting the DA's office: Be polite and courteous, but be persistent. If you are rich and powerful, this may not be necessary, but it is still more effective. Civility goes a long way in every aspect of life.
IDENTITY THEFT VICTIMS are are the most obvious witnesses for successful prosecution against the credit reporting agencies, AND this is very easy to prove. The problems with false published written defamation against you may have started with duped vendors, but this doesn't excuse the credit reporting agencies for passing this false, unproven and damaging information on to others - they are committing the crime of LIBEL - see if for what it is!
11.1 million adults were victims of identity theft in 2009
If just 1% of these people began demanding justice from their DA's, I think this problem would go away quickly. Imagine if the credit reporting agencies required LEGAL PROOF of an unpaid debt, like a judgement, before they reported it as such. Anything else is LIBEL, by definition!
History of LIBEL in the United States - CLICK HERE - Notable:
In 1964, LIBEL was redefined as "knowledge that the [published information] was false" or that it was published "with reckless disregard of whether it was false or not."
Most of the current law has been designed to protect public officials from the press.
There has never been a single notable case against large corporations recklessly damaging millions of US Citizens through false written (published) statements. This needs to change.