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The Clean Air Solution For Your Home and Our Planet

Submitted by Teo Graca and Stephen Adler | RSS Feed | Add Comment | Bookmark Me!

With so much time spent in doors, the quality of the air is vital to our health. Besides electronic air filtration systems, house plants are the latest word in household air cleaning. Research now shows that standard house plants you may already have in your home play an important role in cleaning the air we breath, both indoors and out.

Plants use a process called photosynthesis to produce their own food. This means they take in carbon dioxide from the air and release clean oxygen. Photosynthesis "cleans" our air by absorbing carbon dioxide and also by removing certain other pollutants, as well.

Just one plant per 100 square feet of your home can have a powerful impact on your air quality!

A team of National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) researchers lead by Dr. Bill Wolverton tested the effect of fifteen house plants on three pollutants known to be present in spacecrafts. These same three pollutants - benzene, formaldehyde and trichloroethylene - are present in homes and office buildings. They occur because they are emitted from furnishings, office equipment and some building materials. We have also listed the pollutants Xylene and Toluene, which are additionally discussed in Dr. Bill Wolverton's book.

These are the primary pollutants found in homes.

Pollutant Source
Benzene Found in inks, oils, paints, plastics, rubber, dyes, detergents, gasoline, pharmaceutical, tobacco smoke, synthetic fibers
Formaldehyde Found in foam insulation, plywood, pressed-wood products, grocery bags, waxed paper, fire retardants, adhesive binders in floor coverings, cigarette smoke, natural gas
Trichloroethylene Found in the metal degreasing and dry cleaning industries; also in printing inks, paints, lacquers, varnishes, adhesives
Xylene and Toluene Found in disinfectants, emissions of naphtha, kerosene, heating oil, and hydrocarbon gases, solvents commonly found in ink, rubber, and leather, industrial feedstock, paints, paint thinners, silicone sealants

This chart shows the 15 common household plants, which of the 4 pollutants they remove, and the associated studies.

Although you can buy air filters to remove these pollutants, which use electrical power and usually require filter replacement or at least filter cleaning, you might consider household plants instead or in addition to the use of electronic air filters.


  1. Plants "Clean" Air Inside Our Homes (Colorado State University Web Page)
  2. B. C. Wolverton, Rebecca C. McDonald, and E. A. Watkins, Jr. "Foliage Plants for Removing Indoor Air Pollutants from Energy-efficient Homes" (PDF File - Study from NASA - 5 pages)
  3. Wolverton, B.C. (1996) How to Grow Fresh Air. (Penguin Books)
  5. American Society for Horticultural Science (ScienceDaily Web Page)

WikiPedia Resources on Commonly Found Household Pollutants:


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