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Marti Gras celebration in Las Tablas Panama

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Carnival Celebrations: Dance, Party and Get Wet

You don't have to go all the way to Brazil to experience a Latin American Carnival. Carnival in Panama is celebrated the same revelry and abandon as New Orleans or Rio de Janeiro. Celebrated in Panama since the early 1900's, this big party begins in the four days before Ash Wednesday. All work and seriousness stops and the streets fill with people dancing and drinking and with parades of colorful floats, glamorous queens. masks, costumes and confetti. Be prepared to get sprayed with water, a carnival tradition. The largest celebrations take place in Panama City and Las Tablas.

Las Tablas, a provincial town about l30 miles west of Panama City, is considered by many the best place to celebrate Carnival. The atmosphere is more folkloric and enlivened by an intense, traditional rivalry between "high street" and "low street" for the fanciest costumes and most creative floats.





Panama folkloric music and lots of people. It's a friendly atmosphere, where people dance, carouse and socialize. Except for the last event on Shrove Tuesday evening, celebrations go our side all over the town, as well as discos, bars and hotels of all classes and goes on until dawn.

One Panamanian Carnival tradition are the "mojaderas" or "getting drenched" in water. By fire hose, water balloon or bucket you come being prepared to get good and wet. It's part of the fun and in the hot tropical sun, a welcome respite.

Sunday: Sunday at midday there is a large, beautiful "pollera" parade. Polleras are Panama's national costume and thousands of women and girls deck themselves out in this lovely national dress to march by groups in the parade or simply promenade.

Monday: More of the same with a small parade and the streets filled with revelers.

Shrove Tuesday:
This is the biggest Carnival celebration day, there's a New Orleans style parade with decorated floats and costumed brigades from all sectors of society. The party finishes in the early hours of the morning.

Carnival Lodging: Las Tablas has few hotels and unless you book months in advance they will be full. The best way to enjoy Carnaval in Las Tablas is to stay with Panamanian friends.

If partying in an exotic and friendly place is something you enjoy, you won't want to miss Carnival in Panama!


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