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The fantastic BlackBerry Apps World 3.1 smartphone

Submitted by andy thompson | RSS Feed | Add Comment | Bookmark Me!

BlackBerry App World 3.1 on your blackberry wonderful device, It is features are great and the accessibility of the fantastic apps have made the life of people very relaxed. It has 12 fabulous apps such as Shazam it’s a superb app for those who are music lovers and are fond of night clubs. If a person is in the club and wants to enter the cabin of DJ to know about the sexy tune that he has played so the user may take the help of the app by holding the phone near to the speakers and would capture the actions of the song.

Later on the app would process the music and in a short while the song title, artist, chorography and reviews all are in front of you. Another app is the Make a Mess in which there is a finger painting app and consist of lots of colors and brushes. It is your wish to choose the size of the brush or color and develop a masterpiece and you may share your masterpiece in the social networking sites. So this is for those children who try to create mess on their walls.

Personal assistant is the wonderful app and would prove to be an honest assistant as it would keep a track on your credit card transactions, bank account and keep you reminding for your forthcoming payments. There is one app which would teach you various languages such as Italian, Spanish and French. Such lessons make your trip to abroad very easy as you can communicate with the citizens of those countries very well.

Blackberry Top Apps

1. BlackBerry Messenger - Share your pin or unique barcode to connect with any friends anywhere, anytime.
2. WhatsApp Messenger - WhatsApp Messenger utilizes your existing any data plan to help you stay with friends, colleagues and family.
3. Easy Smiley Pack for BlackBerry Messenger - The Easy Smiley Pack for BlackBerry Messenger provides access to smileys Customize your BlackBerry Messenger now and surprise your buddies!
4. Facebook - Facebook for BlackBerry phones makes it even easier to connect and share while you’re on the go.
5. Twitter - Twitter app for BlackBerry smartphones, you receive a high fast, feature rich Twitter experience that allows users to share.
6. Photo Studio - BlackBerry is utilized by both amateur and professional photographers who seek easy, but wonderful image processing on-the-go.
7. Windows Live Messenger - BlackBerry smartphones allows you to chat in virtual real time with your instant messaging.
8. iSpeech Translator - translate any words or phrases including email or text messages in multiple languages with iSpeech Translator.
9. 3D Icons Theme - Update supported devices - OS 5 and OS 6 are supported. - Does not support OS 7. Screenshots.
10. Battles UNLIMITED - Select from multiple themes to customize any game experience. Get Battles UNLIMITED.
11. Advance OS and LED - Read your text messages (BBM,Email,SMS) without opening any apps or even touching your phone.
12. Player For YouTube - you to browse, play, search and share YouTube videos on your BlackBerry device with a very easy and fast to use interface.

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