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How To Make Short Term Trading Your Long Term Investment Strategy

Submitted by Steve Selengut | RSS Feed | Add Comment | Bookmark Me!

Trading is the Operational Mainframe of Successful Commercial Enterprise

Sure, there are countless trading tools and information collection/analysis mechanisms that can help you prepare for the wanton unpredictability of markets; and there are tons of opportunity signaling methods, screening techniques, hedging strategies and the like that you can experiment with.

But if you have grown to the point where you know you need a long term strategy that fuels itself with short-term trading; if you recognize that most investment professionals (stock broker, financial planner-advisor, etc.) have been regulated out of the individual security business; if you are wary of wealth managers who have never managed any wealth of their own --- welcome.

Welcome to the realization that investing does not involve rocket-sciencesque formulae that replace common sense decision making; welcome to the appreciation of short-term trading as the portfolio management equivalent of running a "for-profit-you-betcha" business; and welcome to the concept that trading is the operational mainframe of all successful enterprise.

A Chart For All Seasons --- Lines & Dates You Can Relate To

Although this chart focuses on the time frame surrounding the recent "financial crisis", it could easily be illustrative of many other past cyclical movements. Click the link below for a complete discussion and analysis.

Short Term Trading Within Longer Term Market Cycles

For the rest of the story (as it appears in a 2012 issue of Traders World Magazine) and complete chart analysis, click here: http://www.sancoservices.com/Sanco/ShortTermTradingStrategy.htm



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