
Starter Home Gym And 28 Exercises To Work Every Muscle |
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Submitted by Teo Graca
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When you want to eliminate excuses for working out, having a home gym may be the key. For people like me, where working out is NOT a social event, having a home gym is essential.

- There is no travel time
- No membership fees
- No cleaning other people's sweat off machines
- No waiting for machines to become available
- Everything you need, ready and waiting!
- Some up front investment
Let's get rid of that one CON right now with an easy $110 investment to get you everything you need in a home gym. This set up is designed for those that don't have a lot of room for a gym in their homes and those that don't want to invest in a huge amount of money in large equipment.
- CAP 40 pound Dumbbell set to get you started (approx. $30 new)
- Perfect Pull Up Door Gym for rows and pull ups (approx. $30 new - better than standard door gyms)
- Gold's Gym Bench (approx. $50 new - sewn, not stapled, easily adjusted)
This gets you started, and you can add weight later as you gain strenght.
These routines exercise most muscles* to maximize effect with the fewest number of exercises to learn. Note that underlined muscles are only covered by one exercise.
*Still looking for good easy-to-do at-home exercises for muscles Gemellus; Obturator; Quadratus femoris; Piriformis; Biceps femoris (Short Head).
- Arnold Presses - focus: Deltoid, Anterior; plus Deltoid, Lateral; Supraspinatus; Triceps Brachii; Trapezius, Middle; Trapezius, Lower; Serratus Anterior, Inferior Digitations
- Incline Shoulder Raises - focus: Serratus Anterior; plus Pectoralis Major, Clavicular
- Shrugs - focus: Trapezius, Upper; plus Trapezius, Middle; Levator Scapulae
- Upright Rows - focus: Deltoid, Lateral; plus Deltoid, Anterior; Supraspinatus; Brachialis; Brachioradialis; Biceps Brachii; Trapezius, Middle; Trapezius, Lower; Serratus Anterior, Inferior Digitations; Infraspinatus; Teres Minor
- Incline Bench Presses - focus: Pectoralis Major, Clavicular; plus Deltoid, Anterior; Triceps Brachii muscles
- Dumbbell Pullovers - focuses on the Pectoralis Major, Sterna, plus Latissimus Dors, Teres Major, Triceps, Long Head, Deltoid, Posterior, Pectoralis Minor, Rhomboids, and Levator Scapulae muscles
- Neck Extension - focus: Splenius; plus Trapezius, Upper; Levator Scapulae; Erector Spinae, Cervicis & Capitis Fibers; Sternocleidomastoid, Posterior Fibers
- Lateral Neck Flexion - focus: Sternocleidomastoid; plus Splenius; Erector Spinae; Levator Scapulae; Trapezius, Upper
- Triceps Extensions - focus: Triceps Brachii (optional)
- Dips - focus: Triceps Brachii; plus Deltoid, Anterior; Pectoralis Major, Sternal; Pectoralis Major, Clavicular; Pectoralis Minor; Rhomboids; Levator Scapulae; Latissimus Dorsi
- Overhanded Inverted Rows (Perfect Pullup) - focus: Back, General; plus Deltoid, Posterior; Infraspinatus; Teres Minor; Trapezius (Middle and Lower); Rhomboids; Latissimus Dorsi; Teres Major; Brachialis; Brachioradialis; Pectoralis Major; Sternal;
- Underhanded Inverted Rows (Perfect Pullup) - focus: Latissimus Dorsi, plus Levator Scapulae; Pectoralis Minor; Trapezius (Middle and Lower); Rhomboids; Teres Major; Brachialis; Brachioradialis; Pectoralis Major; Sternal;
- Back Extensions - focus: erector spinae; plus Hamstrings; Gluteus Maximus; Adductor Magnus
- Seated Bicep Incline Curls - focus: Biceps Brachii; plus Brachialis; Brachioradialis
- Seated Hammer Curls - focus: Brachioradialis; plus Brachialis; Biceps Brachii
- Transverse Pull Ins - focus: Transverse Abdominal (difficult - optional)
- Standard+ Oblique Crunches - focus: Rectus Abdomini. Obliques
- Single Leg Calf Raises - focus: Gastrocnemius; plus Soleus
- Single Leg Reverse Calf Raises - focus: Tibialis Anterior
- Single Leg Squats - focus: Gluteus Maximus; plus Quadriceps; Adductor Magnus; Soleus
- Lying Hip Abductions - focus: Hip Abductors; plus Tensor Fasciae Latae; Gluteus Medius; Gluteus Minimus
- Hanging Leg Raise (Perfect PullUp) - focus: Iliopsoas; plus Tensor Fasciae Latae; Sartorius; Adductor Longus; Adductor Brevis (moving the pelvis also exercises the Pectineus; Rectus Femoris - or straight legs to help adjust and get effect)
- Lying Leg Curls (or Vertical with Perfect PullUp) - Hamstrings; Gracilis; Sartorius; Popliteus; Gastrocnemius
- Hip Extensions - Gluteus maximus; Semitendiunosus; Semimembranosus; Biceps femoris (long head); Adductor magnus (ischial fibers)
- Wrist Curls - Wrist Flexors
- Wrist Curl Ulnar Deviations - Flexor Carpi Ulnaris and Extensor Carpi Radialis
- Reverse Wrist Curls - Wrist Extensors
- Pronators - Pronators
With 1-3 sets per exercise, 8-12 reps per set, and a circuit training approach (90 seconds per set - approx. 60-70 seconds of rest with 20-30 seconds to do the exercise), the following example routines can be arranged to take enough time to affect aerobics with strength training.
- Wednesday: CHEST, NECK and ABS
- Friday: BACK, BICEPS and ABS
- Saturday: LEGS and WRISTS
Generally, 20-30 minutes of continuous exercise can provide the benefits of an aerobic routine.
A quick note on door gyms: I have the Perfect PullUp version. It offers a fold out feature that allows more exercises and allows less than full body weight for beginners or stretching.


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