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How to Use Social Business Networking Relationships: Tips for New Age Businesses

Submitted by Dan Rubin | RSS Feed | Add Comment | Bookmark Me!

Social networking is a broad term and social business networking is much broader than this. To start with Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Buz, Yahoo, Windows Live - every networking portal is doing great job in connecting friends, families together and having funs.

However, the concept of later one is bit different and is more serious. It is more of a combination of professional and personal network where all socially-connected people are business-minded and all business people are socially connected. This is a holistic environment where business users are allowed to do many other networking activities than just involving into business conversations.

What are these networking sites worth of?

Social business networking is a practice or online behavior that helps people to connect, share, communicate, manage their contacts and references and thus leverage personal and professional objectives.

It is a fact that you cannot start a new business or make repeat business unless there is a long-term relationship with your partners and potential clients. It is your identity, interpersonal skills, communication power and online behavior that count in a new business relationship. More you interact with your business contacts on a regular basis, better is the trust you can build on them. At the end of the day successful relationships lead to successful business deals.

How to use social business connections?

The chance of developing successful relationships depends on how wide and productive your business network is. People must recognize your business by your name and fame that you have earned through word of mouth.

Businesses that want to increase their online presence and enhance reputation must deploy word of mouth promotion. This is supposed to be one of the best advertising forms in this world of web 2.0 technology. Effective networking can spread out your business message to every potential people who you think is important.

With increasing number of developers and marketing specialists working on social media integration, the future is bright. The days are not far when social networking sites will completely replace existing business communication channels and create a sole trading platform. Online social networks have great power of connecting individuals who want to share their abilities, interests and expertise.

There are many other community based user benefits social business network will provide you.

Here are they listed below:

Business partner search: Entrepreneurs can find and connect to new people having similar business interest and then form partnerships with them. Such coalition can help take strategic moves, expand existing customer base, improve business relationship and make larger profit.

Investor search: Small-medium scale businesses and start ups can find fundraisers through networking sites. Venture capitalists, investors often look out for prospective projects and businesses that are profitable and secure to fund. If you have solid business plans to execute or business units to expand these fundmakers can be of great help.

Employee search: Hiring employees, consultants and service providers are easy and time-saving when you use networking references. Plenty of freelancers, jobseekers, part-time professionals join business networking websites only to get hired and make money. Employers can directly interact with those workers, discuss about job descriptions, analyze compatibility and finally absorb.

Customer search: Networking portals contain huge database of business people from all walks of life. Some of them are end customers and many are B2B clients. By using networking power large corporations and enterprises can market themselves to small businesses and then small businesses to individual customers. It is a chain reaction that facilitates business life cycle both B2B and B2C.
Even MNCs too are exploring community-driven online resources and enhancing the

Dan Rubin, the author of this article is the founder of Wubb.com – a complete social networking site for business people. The Florida based company aims to reach out to all businesses that need marketing and networking help. He feels Wubb could be a big name in the world of business social network very soon. To know more visit http://www.wubb.com

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