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Your Income Portfolio

Submitted by The Investment Shadow | RSS Feed | Add Comment | Bookmark Me!

The Income "Bucket" of Your Investment Portfolio

Income CEF prices have been falling since last November, partly because of anticipated higher interest rates and partly because speculators are moving from the safety of bonds into an overpriced stock market. You will recall that a similar scenario was playing out in 1987, 1995, 2000, and most recently in 2007.

Please think about adding to your income portfolios at these "lowest in over a year prices". Any new investment will allow me to:

• increase total portfolio income
• increase the yield on holdings that I add to
• reduce the cost basis per share of positions I add to
• establish new positions at the lowest prices in over a year while locking in yields around 7% tax free and/or 8% taxable

Yes prices may go even lower...but we really can't know what will happen in the future. All of the CEFs we own maintained their payment schedule throughout the worst financial crisis in the modern era ... we do know that.

Please call me with any questions (800-245-0494), or Amie Snyder at LMK Wealth Management (866-983-3403) for the paperwork needed to open an income only investment portfolio.

Have friends or associates who are crying about income shortages? Here are some Tweets or Text messages you can use to get them in touch with me:

The #Book That #Wall #Street Does Not Want YOU To Read http://kiawahgolfinvestmentseminars.net/Inv/index.cfm/19334

Investing 101: #Tax #Free #CEFs Pushing 7.0%

#Investment Fruitcake: #Growth - #Income #Portfolios

#Income #CEF #Correction: Recent #Market #Numbers Examined

7%+ #Tax #Free #Income --- Interested? #invest



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