
Submitted by The Investment Shadow
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The LinkedIn discussion considered ROTH vehicles invested in equities and “cash value” Life Insurance as two ways to obtain Tax Free Income… something was missing.
Why not buy tax free muni bonds in the form of Closed End Funds (CEFs)…. more than 6% tax free, in monthly increments, plus the opportunity to take profits (taxable, yes) and compound the income until it is needed. Or spend it right away, for that matter.
The vast majority of Tax Free CEFs continued (raised, even) their monthly payouts during the financial crisis, and no payments were missed.
ROTHs have a “lock up” period, and cash value life insurance…. someone please tell me how this provides tax free income and when.
If left in the ROTH vehicle, should one still be buying equities? or investing in income producers?
Experienced, taxable CEFs pay in the 7% to 8% range right now… and seemed to be financial crisis proof in 2008 through 2010.
Growing income portfolios is my business… can’t be done nearly as well with funds and insurance policies. For over 6% tax free income right now, create a diversified portfolio of tax free CEFs.
Yes, market value fluctuates, but with little or no impact on income production. I want tax free income too… and this is how I get it, both personally and for my managed portfolios.
The principles explained in this video webinar are equally applicable to the Tax Free Income building portfolio:

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