Conducting a research work is not a piece of cake, it requires a great deal of hard work and ability to go through various papers and publications. While completing your research work, there will be times when you are uncertain about various facts or you are unable to understand certain things about your topic. Supervisors play a major role in making sure that the research work is going on smoothly without any hurdles. There are many difficulties which researchers are unable to overcome themselves. Most of the times researchers find difficulties in the collection of data, picking the proper research method, review of literature, locating the errors present in the data and interpretation of complex results etc. Thus, the journey of completing a research work is not easy and at every step you will need proper guidance and this role is best played by the supervisor. Some of the major roles of the supervisors are:
• The supervisor will guide and assist you at every step during your research process to make sure results are presented to the best advantage.
• Will help you in the management of time.
• Will assist you in developing research skills
• Will develop an appropriate plan that will help you to submit your work within the maximum time allotted by your institution.
• Will make sure that the research work is proceeding according to the agreed research plan.
• The supervisor will make sure that your thesis is as per the guidelines given by your institution.
• They will keep maintain the record of the completed topics and will help you initiate the further research.
How to Plan a Supervisory Session?
It is advised to make your regular supervision appointments in advance because they are busy people. If you are supposed to set the supervision session, give your supervisor some written material to make sure they know what will be the session about. When you are about to start your research process, make it clear when and how often you will meet them and inform them about your expectations. In order to avoid confusion or communication gap, you must schedule the next supervisory session before leaving the current one.
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