Cloud hosting gives benefits over traditional hosting, the most prominent are in terms of performance, security and scalability. Cloudways is a fully managed cloud hosting service platform. They take care of everything related to web hosting.
Cloudways is a Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) provider that takes care of all problems associated with installing and managing various websites and applications on a cloud server. It allows you to install most of the popular applications like WordPress, WooCommerce, PHP, Laraval and many more with just a few clicks.
Cloudways allows you to choose the cloud hosting services from any of the 3 industry leaders, DigitalOcean, Amazon Web Services and Google Cloud Platform. The service is quite affordable, you can configure the server as per your requirement and scale up later as and when needed.
• Fully managed and optimized servers.
• Unlimited websites and staging URLs
• Easily scale up and scale down servers.
• Pay as you go - You are charged only when you use a server
• Invite Team members to coordinate on projects
• SSH and SFTP access
• 24/7 support
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